Help Center/ CodeArts Pipeline/ User Guide/ Release Environments/ Creating a Release Environment
Updated on 2024-06-27 GMT+08:00

Creating a Release Environment

Environment Entry

  1. Log in to CodeArts.
  2. Click a project name to access the project.
  3. Choose CICD > Release to access the environment list page.



    Environment Name

    Unique environment identifier in the project.

    Resource Type

    Type of resources needed by services

    Environment Level

    Available environment types: development, test, pre-release, and production.


    Creator of the environment.


    Time when the environment was created.


    Click in the Operation column. In the displayed dialog box, enter the environment name and click Delete.

Creating a Release Environment

  1. On the environment list page, click Create Environment.
  2. On the displayed page, enter basic information. For details, see Table 1.
    Table 1 Parameter description




    Project to which the environment belongs. The project cannot be changed.

    Environment Name

    Unique environment identifier within the microservice. The name cannot be changed once the environment was created.

    Resource Type

    CCE, UCS, and K8s are available. They support different deployment extensions.

    • CCE: a type of Kubernetes cluster encapsulated by Huawei Cloud. Select this type if you want to use Huawei Cloud resources. Learn more.
    • UCS: a type of Kubernetes cluster encapsulated by Huawei Cloud for multi-cloud deployment. Select this type if you want to deploy clusters on multiple clouds. Learn more.
    • K8s: the native Kubernetes cluster. Select this type if you want to use self-built clusters or third-party clusters.

    Publish User

    Options: Current User or Other Users. You need to use the service endpoint to obtain permissions of Other Users.


    This parameter is required when you select CCE for Resource Type.

    Select a region for deployment.


    This parameter is required when you select CCE for Resource Type.

    Select the purchased Kubernetes clusters in Cloud Container Engine (CCE).

    Association Type

    This parameter is required when you select UCS for Resource Type.

    Select the associated UCS resource.


    This parameter is required when you select UCS for Resource Type.

    Select a fleet.

    Kubernetes Endpoint

    This parameter is required when you select K8s for Resource Type.

    Select a created Kubernetes endpoint to access cluster resources with credential.

    Environment Level

    Available environment types: development, test, pre-release, and production.


    Enter the description of the environment.

  3. After setting all parameters, click OK. The environment information page is displayed.

Viewing a Release Environment

  1. On the environment list page, click an environment name.
  2. On the displayed page, you can check the basic information of the environment, as shown in the following table (using CCE as an example).



    Resource Type

    Resource types associated with the environment.

    Service Endpoint

    Service endpoint of CCE resources.

    Cluster Region

    Kubernetes cluster region applied in CCE.

    Cluster ID

    Kubernetes cluster ID applied in CCE.

    Variable Version

    Version number of the environment variable in the current environment.

  3. Switch tabs to view environment variables, release policies, and deployment history.