Updated on 2024-07-05 GMT+08:00

Creating an Account

You can use the management account to create new accounts in your organization.

This section includes the following content:


  • An organization administrator can create a maximum of five accounts at a time.
  • The email address associated with the account you are creating cannot be used by another account.
  • Newly created accounts can only be used for login only by switching roles via an agency or by accessing the IAM Identity Center console.
  • Accounts that have been successfully created cannot be removed.
  • By default, the accounting of accounts you created via Organizations is hosted by the organization management account. If you want to change the accounting relationship, refer to the documentation of Enterprise Center.

The email address to be associated with the new account must be valid.

Creating an Account

  1. Log in to Huawei Cloud as the organization administrator or using the management account, navigate to the Organizations console, and access the Organization page.
  2. On the Organization page, choose Add > Add Account.

    Figure 1 Adding an account

  3. Click Create new in the displayed dialog box.
  4. Enter the account name and email address. Ensure that the account name is different from any existing one.

    You can retain the default agency name or change it as required.
    Figure 2 Creating an account

  5. (Optional) Add one or more tags to the account.

    A tag consists of a key-value pair. Tags are used to identify, classify, and search for accounts. You can add up to 20 tags to an account.

    Table 1 describes the key and value descriptions of a tag.
    Table 1 Tag description




    Tag key

    A tag key of an account must be unique. You can create a custom key or select a key of an existing tag created in Tag Management Service (TMS).

    A tag key:

    • Cannot be an empty string.
    • Contains 1 to 128 characters.
    • Consists of letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and Unicode characters (\u4E00-\u9FFF).


    Tag value

    A tag value can be repetitive or an empty string.

    A tag value:

    • Can be an empty string.
    • Contains 1 to 225 characters.
    • Consists of letters, digits, underscores (_), periods (.), hyphens (-), and Unicode characters (\u4E00-\u9FFF).


  6. Click OK. The new account is added to the list.

Accessing Account Resources Via Agency

  1. Hover the mouse pointer over the username in the upper right corner and choose Switch Role.

    Figure 3 Switching the role

  2. On the Switch Role page, enter the account name.

    Figure 4 Entering the account name

    After you enter the account name, the agencies created under this account will be automatically displayed when you click the agency name text box. An agency name starting with cbc_ will also be displayed. This agency is mainly used by an enterprise master account to centrally manage expenditures and grant permissions to member accounts. You need to select the agency name entered when creating the account.

  3. Click OK to switch to the account.

Accessing Account Resources Via IAM Identity Center

You can associate an account with users and permission sets in IAM Identity Center, and log in to the IAM Identity Center console via the user portal URL to access the resources in the account in the given organization. The specific access permission for resources is controlled by the permission set in IAM Identify Center.

  1. Associate the account with users and permission sets. For details, see Associating Accounts with Users/Groups and Permission Sets.
  2. Log in to the IAM Identity Center console and access the account resources. For details, see Logging In as an IAM Identity Center User and Accessing Resources.