Updated on 2023-10-18 GMT+08:00


A device can connect to and communicate with the platform. The device reports data to the platform using custom topics or product models. After the subscription/push configuration on the console is complete, the platform pushes messages about device lifecycle changes, reported device properties, reported device messages, device message status changes, device status changes, and batch task status changes to the application.

The platform supports three subscription modes: HTTP/HTTPS, AMQP, and MQTT.


Application Scenario



HTTP/HTTPS subscription/push

An application functions as the server and passively receives messages from the platform.


The traffic control limit is 800 TPS per second. HTTP/HTTPS is not recommended for large-traffic push.

AMQP subscription/push

An application functions as the client and proactively pulls messages from the platform or passively receives messages from the platform by means of listening.

Data can be obtained proactively.

For details, see Connection Specifications.

MQTT subscription/push

An application functions as a client and can receive messages from IoT cloud services through subscription.


For details, see Restrictions.