Help Center/ Data Security Center/ User Guide/ Asset Management/ Asset Center/ Authorizing Access to a Big Data Asset
Updated on 2024-12-27 GMT+08:00

Authorizing Access to a Big Data Asset

If your assets are self-built big data, add big data instances to DSC by referring to this section.

If your asset is a DLI database, add it by referring to Adding a DLI Database.


  • DSC has been allowed to access the database assets. For details, see Allowing or Disallowing Access to Cloud Assets.
  • You have obtained the version, server, and index information of the self-built ES, HBase, and Hive data sources, and there are available IP addresses in the subnets of these data sources.

Adding a Big Data Instance

Instances of self-built big data types need to be manually added. This section uses Elasticsearch as an example to describe how to add instances of self-built big data types.

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region or project.
  3. In the navigation tree on the left, click . Choose Security & Compliance > Data Security Center .
  4. In the navigation tree on the left, choose Asset Management > Asset Center. The Asset Center page is displayed.
  5. Click Elasticsearch and choose the ElasticSearch Instance tab.
  6. Click Elasticsearch instance. The Elasticsearch instance tab page is displayed.
  7. Click Add in the upper left corner of the instance list. The Add Instance dialog box is displayed.
  8. Set the related parameters according to the Table 1, and then click OK.

    Table 1 Parameters for adding an ES instance




    Select an ECS from the drop-down list box.

    Big Data Type

    Big data instance type to be added. In this case, select Elasticsearch.

    Security Group

    Select a security group from the drop-down list.


    Select a version from the drop-down list box. For details about the supported asset types and versions, see section Constraints.

    Database Server Address

    Select a server address from the drop-down list box.

    Database Port

    Enter an integer from 0 to 65535.


    Enter an index name, which can contain only letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).


    Enter the username and password of the index.


    Enter a user-defined asset name containing 4 to 255 characters.

Adding a DLI Database

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region or project.
  3. In the navigation tree on the left, click . Choose Security & Compliance > Data Security Center .
  4. In the navigation tree on the left, choose Asset Management > Asset Center. The Asset Center page is displayed.
  5. Click DLI. The Database tab page is displayed.

    Figure 1 DLI database list

  6. Click Adding a database in the upper left corner of the database list. The Add Database dialog box is displayed.
  7. Set parameters according to Table 2 and click OK.

    Table 2 Parameters for adding a database




    Enter a user-defined asset name containing 4 to 255 characters.

    Big Data Type

    Select DLI from the drop-down list box.


    Select a queue from the drop-down list box.

    DLI Database

    Select the DLI database to be added from the drop-down list box.

  8. After the asset authorization is complete, the Connectivity of the asset is Checking, which means DSC is checking the asset connectivity.

Related Operations

  • Deleting an instance

    A big data instance can be deleted only when the big data instance is a self-built instance and the number of authorized databases in it is 0.

    Select multiple self-built instances and click Batch Delete in the upper left corner of the instance list to delete the instances. You can also click Delete in the Operation column of the instance list to delete a single instance.

  • Drawing metadata of an instance
    • If the number of authorized databases in the MRS_Hive instance is greater than 0, click More > Refresh in the Operation column of the Hive instance list to automatically create a metadata task to obtain the database, table, and column information of the instance.
    • If you enable the function of automatically creating a metadata task when adding a Hive instance, the system automatically creates a metadata task to obtain all metadata of the instance after the instance is created.
    • For details about the big data types that support metadata collection, see section Creating a Metadata Collection Task.
    • You can refer to section Creating a Metadata Collection Task to manually create a metadata collection task.
  • Creating an identification task

    On the Databases tab page, click Create Identification Task in the Operation column of the asset list to create an identification task for an asset. For details, see section Creating an Identification Task.