Help Center/ Data Security Center/ User Guide/ Asset Management/ Asset Center/ Adding Self-Built Database Instances
Updated on 2025-01-17 GMT+08:00

Adding Self-Built Database Instances

If your asset is a self-built database, add the database instance to DSC by referring to this section.



Only data sources and versions supported by DSC can be added. For details, see Table 1.

Table 1 Data sources and versions supported by DSC

Data Source



5.6, 5.7, 5.8, and 8.0

SQL Server

  • 2017_SE, 2017_EE, and 2017_WEB
  • 2016_SE, 2016_EE, and 2016_WEB
  • 2014_SE and 2014_EE
  • 2012_SE, 2012_EE, and 2012_WEB
  • 2008_R2_EE and 2008_R2_WEB




7 and 8


15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9.6, 9.5, 9.4, and 9.1




11, 12

Adding a Self-Built Database Instance

You can add and delete self-built database instances. For details about the database types and versions supported by DSC, see Table 1. This section describes how to add a self-built database on the cloud.

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region or project.
  3. In the navigation tree on the left, click . Choose Security & Compliance > Data Security Center .
  4. In the navigation tree on the left, choose Asset Management > Asset Center. The Asset Center page is displayed.
  5. Choose Databases > Self-built Databases. The Database Instances tab page is displayed.
  6. Click the Database Instances tab. The Database Instance tab page is displayed.
  7. Click Add Instance in the upper left corner of the database instance list. The Add Database Instance dialog box is displayed.

    Figure 1 Adding a database instance

  8. Set related parameters based on Table 2 and click OK to add the self-built database instance.

    Table 2 Configuring database instance information




    Select the ECS of the self-built database instance from the drop-down list.

    Security group

    Select a security group from the drop-down list.

    Database Engine

    Select a DB engine from the drop-down list. Currently, the following DB engines are supported:

    • MySQL
    • TDSQL
    • KingBase
    • DMDBMS
    • PostgreSQL
    • SQLServer
    • Oracle


    Select a DB engine version from the drop-down list box.

    Connection Method

    This parameter is displayed when Database Engine is set to Oracle. Select a connection mode from the drop-down list.

    • Service Name: Enter the service name.
    • SID: Enter the service name.

    Database Server Address

    Select a server address from the drop-down list box.

    If the database is deployed in the cluster mode and data masking is required, set this parameter to the IP address of the primary node.

    Database Port

    Enter an integer ranging from 0 to 65535.

    Database Name

    Enter a database name.


    Enter the username and password of the database.


    Enter 4 to 255 characters. Only letters, digits, hyphens (-), and "_" are allowed. The value must start with a letter.

    Creating a metadata drawing task

    After this function is enabled, metadata tasks are automatically delivered based on the default database of the instance to obtain the database, table, and column information of the instance.

  9. After an instance is added, if you need to identify and mask sensitive data in the databases of the instance, authorize access to the databases first. For details, see Authorizing Access to a Database Asset.

Adding Instances and Databases in Batches

You can use Direct Connect to connect your on-premises assets to the proxy VPCs in the cloud, and subsequently add your on-premises databases to DSC in batches.

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region or project.
  3. In the navigation tree on the left, click . Choose Security & Compliance > Data Security Center .
  4. In the navigation tree on the left, choose Asset Management > Asset Center. The Asset Center page is displayed.
  5. Choose Database > Self-built databases. The Databases tab page is displayed.
  6. Click the Database Instances tab. The Database Instance tab page is displayed.
  7. Click Adding DB Instances and Databases in Batches in the upper left corner. The Adding DB Instances and Databases in Batches dialog box is displayed.
  8. Click Download Template to download the Excel template and set parameters based on Table 3.

    Table 3 Database Instance Information




    User-defined asset name displayed in the database instance list.

    ECS Instance ID

    You do not need to enter the ID for an external self-built database. However, if you purchase an ECS self-built database, you must enter the ID of the corresponding ESC instance.

    Oracle Connection Mode (Default Service Name)

    This parameter is required only for Oracle databases.

    Oracle Service Name/SID

    Enter a service name.

    Proxy VPC

    This parameter is optional for cloud databases and is mandatory for external self-built databases. It corresponds to the proxy VPC of the ECS.


    This parameter is optional for cloud databases and is mandatory for external ESCs. It corresponds to the ECS subnet ID.

    Security group

    This parameter is optional for cloud databases and mandatory for external ESCs. It corresponds to the security group of the ECS.

    Database Engine

    If an ECS instance has been added, the engine of the added ECS will be used.


    If an ECS instance has been added, the version of the added ECS will be used.

    Host IP Address

    If an ECS has been added, the IP address of the added ECS will be used.

    Database Port

    If an ECS has been added, the port of the added ECS will be used.

    Database Name

    Database name

    User Name

    Database account


    Database password

    Draw Metadata

    TRUE or FALSE.

  9. Click Select File, select the prepared template, and click OK.
  10. After this function is enabled, metadata tasks are automatically delivered based on the default database of the instance to obtain the database, table, and column information of the instance.
  11. After an instance is added, if you need to identify and mask sensitive data in the databases of the instance, authorize access to the databases first. For details, see Authorizing Access to a Database Asset.

Related Operations

  • Deleting a DB instance

    Only self-built DB instances can be deleted. You can delete an instance only when there are no authorized databases and metadata under it.

    Select multiple self-built database instances and click Batch Delete in the upper left corner of the instance list to delete the instances. You can also click Delete in the Operation column of the instance list to delete a single DB instance.

  • Drawing metadata of an instance
    • If the number of authorized databases of a cloud database instance is greater than 0, click Refresh in the Operation column of the instance list to obtain the database, table, and column information of the instance.

      Cloud databases that do not support metadata collection, such as DDS, are excluded. For details, see section Creating a Metadata Collection Task.

    • If you enable the function of automatically creating a metadata task when adding a self-built database instance, the system automatically creates a metadata task to obtain all metadata of the instance after the instance is created.

      Self-built databases that do not support metadata collection, such as SQL Server, are excluded. For details, see section Creating a Metadata Collection Task.

    • Manually create a metadata task by referring to section Creating a Metadata Collection Task.
  • Creating an identification task

    On the Databases tab page, click Create Identification Task in the Operation column of the asset list to create an identification task for an asset. For details, see section Creating an Identification Task.

  • Testing connectivity in batches

    You can select multiple database instances and data instances to perform connectivity tests in batches.