Updated on 2024-07-17 GMT+08:00

Change History

Released On



This issue is the twentieth official release.

Supported RDS for MariaDB in Intelligent O&M.

Added the event monitoring function.


This issue is the nineteenth official release.

The Huawei ID account can manage the shared DB instance login information. For details, see Managing Login Information of DB Instances Shared by Others.

RDS for MySQL supports new Intelligent O&M. For details, see Intelligent O&M (New Version).

New Intelligent O&M provides inspection scoring. For details, see Inspection Score.


This issue is the eighteenth official release.

Adjusted the document structure.


This issue is the seventeenth official release.

Changed SQL Statement Concurrency Control to free of charge.


This issue is the sixteenth official release.

Added information about sorting and search functions in the rollback task list in Tracking and Rolling Back Data.


This issue is the fifteenth official release.

Added constraints on GaussDB(for MySQL) versions in SQL Statement Concurrency Control.


This issue is the fourteenth official release.

  • Added information about SQL audit in subsection "SQL Explorer" of section "MySQL Instances."
  • Added information about SQL audit in subsection "SQL Explorer" of section "GaussDB(for MySQL) Instances."
  • Added information about SQL audit in subsection "SQL Explorer" of section "GaussDB Instances."
  • Added information about SQL audit in subsection "SQL Explorer" of section "DDM Instances."


This issue is the thirteenth official release.

Supported the management of GaussDB(DWS) instances.


This issue is the twelfth official release.


This issue is the eleventh official release.

Updated account management of RDS for SQL Server instances.


This issue is the tenth official release.

Added key operations supported by CTS.

Added the description of viewing traces.

Updated account management of MySQL database instances.


This issue is the ninth official release.

Updated the content in "Intelligent O&M" > "GaussDB Instances."


This issue is the eighth official release.

Updated prerequisites and added precautions in section "SQL Statement Concurrency Control."


This issue is the seventh official release.

Supported scheduled backup for MySQL and GaussDB(for MySQL).

Supported SQL statement concurrent control in Intelligent O&M.

Updated the SQL modification section in Enterprise Change Approval.


This issue is the sixth official release.

Updated the content about permissions management and Intelligent O&M for GaussDB(for MySQL).


This issue is the fifth official release.

Supported the management of Microsoft SQL Server databases on ECSs in Step 1: Add DB Instance Login Information.

Added the following content in MySQL databases:

Supported table maintenance in Maintaining a Table.

Supported batch export.

Supported SQL templates.

Optimized the document.


This issue is the fourth official release.

Supported the management of self-built databases on ECSs.

Added the page for monitoring database information.

Added the following functions for MySQL databases:

Added the following functions for Microsoft SQL Server databases:

Added stored procedure management in Stored Procedure Management.

Added function management in Function Management.

Added trigger management in Trigger Management.


This issue is the third official release.

Added the following functions for MySQL databases:

Supported event management in Event Management.

Supported stored procedure management in Stored Procedure Management.

Supported function management in Function Management.

Supported batch import.

Added the viewing of saved SQL statements in SQL Favorites.

Added the following functions for Microsoft SQL Server databases:

User management in Database User Management

Added the viewing of saved SQL statements in SQL Window.

Optimized the document.


This issue is the second official release.

Supported the management of triggers in MySQL databases in Creating a Trigger.

Added the database structure export.

Added the table structure export.

Added the view structure export.

Added the export of trigger structures of MySQL databases.

Added the viewing of table details in Viewing Details of a Table.

Supported setting an empty password during the creation of a connection and supported the automatic creation of SQL connections when users execute SQL statements in the SQL window.


This issue is the first official release.