Help Center> Cost Center> User Guide> Overview (New Edition)
Updated on 2024-07-08 GMT+08:00

Overview (New Edition)

You can learn about frequently used Cost Center functions on the Overview page.

Table 1 Operations on the Overview page





Cost Management Overview

Month-to-Date Costs

Month-to-date original costs (amount due)


Forecasted Month-End Costs

Original costs (amount due) forecasted from the beginning to the end of the current month. The costs are forecasted based on your historical costs, without taking into account the current month's actual costs.


Actual Overruns/Forecasted Overruns

  • Actual Overruns: the number of actual cost and usage budgets in the current reset period
  • Forecast Overruns: the number of cost and usage budgets that are forecasted to overrun in the current reset period

Viewing Your Budgets

Cost Anomalies (Last 30 Days)

The number of cost anomalies detected over the last 30 days

Analyzing Cost Anomalies

Estimated Monthly Savings

The total estimated monthly savings for all applicable resources.

Overview of Cost Optimization

Current Month Breakdown

(Group By)

Service Type

Type of a cloud service.

Example: Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)


Enterprise Project

The enterprise project selected when you purchased cloud resources.

If you have not organized your resources by enterprise project, the following may occur:

  • A default enterprise project named default is assigned to cloud services, and the costs of these services are categorized as part of the default enterprise project by default.
  • Cloud services do not support cost allocation by enterprise project, and the costs of those services will be displayed as Not categorized.

An enterprise master account can select enterprise projects by linked account, except the default enterprise project and those not categorized.


Cost Tags

Used to track costs of resources associated with each other in an enterprise.

If you are using a member account associated for unified accounting, you can only use the cost tags activated by the master account.

Activating Cost Tags

Linked Account

The Huawei Cloud account that the cloud resources belong to.

If you are using a master account, you can select your associated member accounts to view their cost data.


Cost Categories

Used to automatically group your costs based on the rules you configured.

If you are using a member account associated for unified accounting, you can only use the cost categories created by the master account.

Overview of a Cost Category


A cloud service region that provides public cloud service resources independently and serves a large geographical area.


Current Month Trends

The trend of your current month's costs

The line chart displays current month costs in the following dimensions:

  • Last month costs: original costs generated for the last month
  • Current month costs: original costs already generated for the current month
  • Forecasted costs: total original costs that may be generated in the current month. Such costs are forecasted based on the costs for historical months, regardless of the impact of current month costs.

Cost Analysis

Top 5 Costs By MoM Growth

The top 5 costs by MoM growth. The data can be displayed by service type, enterprise project, cost tag, cost category, or linked account.

  • MoM Growth ($): MoM growth = Month-to-date costs – Last month costs for the same period
  • MoM Growth (%): The MoM growth (%) is calculated as follows:

  • Month-to-Date Cost (USD): original costs generated from the beginning to the current date of the month
  • Last Month Same-Period Cost (USD): original costs generated in the same period of the previous month

You can toggle the provided switches on or off to show or hide specified dimensions, and drag and drop them to change the order they are displayed in. In addition, you can give default values for cost tags and cost categories.


Latest News

The latest announcements about Cost Center

This area displays the latest information about function releases and optimizations in Cost Center. You can click Learn More to view the list of all function updates in Cost Center.

What's New

Cost Assistant

Cost management maturity score

The maturity score of cost management is based on how thoroughly your costs are allocated.

  • A higher percentage unallocated indicates a lower maturity score.
  • The maturity score is calculated based on the cost allocation method that delivers the best governance.


Recommended Actions

This area provides recommendations for better cost management based on background data. The recommendations cover cost analysis, budget management, cost monitoring, and cost optimization.


Cost Tags Not Activated: This is displayed if you already have tags attached to your resources but you have not activated them. In this case, you are advised to activate the tags useful for cost allocation to help you analyze and track your costs.

No Alert Notifications: This is displayed if you have cost anomalies detected recently, but you have not configured any alerts for cost anomalies. In this case, you are advised to configure alerts to help you identify anomalies in a timely manner.


Cost Allocation

Cost Center analyzes your cost allocation by enterprise project, cost tag, and cost category, and rates the cost management maturity based on the optimal allocation method.

If you select Enterprise Project, the percentage allocated will be displayed. If you select Cost Tags or Cost Categories, the percentage unallocated will be displayed.

MoM Change: MoM change = Month-to-date costs – Last month same-period costs

You can click Preferences to select cost tags and cost categories, and you can select up to five options for each method. If you leave them blank, the breakdown of unallocated costs for the first five options with the lowest percentages will be displayed.
