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Updated on 2024-11-06 GMT+08:00

IoTDA has various dashboards to intuitively present data.

In the navigation pane of the IoTDA console, choose Overview. The multiple reports displayed are from collected data of each instance and are valid for one month. The following table describes each report's name and function.

Table 1 Overview page

Report Name


Data Update

Time Frame

Registered Devices

Number of registered devices.

Every hour

Hour, day, and month

Online Devices

Number of online devices. This number is the highest collected in the time period (by hour or by day).

Every hour

Hour, day, and month

Device Messages

Number of device messages in either direction. Upstream messages are involved in message, property, and event reporting. Downstream messages are involved in message and command delivery, and property setting and query.


Supported by the basic and enterprise editions.

Every hour

Hour, day, and month

Upstream Message TPS

Highest throughput of upstream messages per second, that is, the total number of messages sent from all devices to the platform in an instance per second. Only MQTT messages can be reported. The chart data comes from the average value every ten seconds.


Supported by the standard edition.

Every minute

10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day

User Messages

Number of user messages. This is mainly messages sent from devices to the cloud and vice versa. Any forward messages in excess of the messages sent from devices to the cloud are also counted.

Every hour

Hour, day, and month

In the navigation pane of the IoTDA console, choose O&M > Reports to see multiple O&M reports. Click the + icon in the upper right corner of a report to view data by instance or resource space. Each report is valid for one month. The following table describes each report's name and function.

Table 2 O&M reports

Report Name


Data Update

Time Frame

Device Connection Status

Number of devices (and percentage of total number of devices) in each status.

Statuses: Online, Inactive, Offline, Abnormal

Every hour


Device Messages

Messages reported: number of messages reported by devices to the platform.

Downstream messages: number of messages delivered by the platform to devices.

Every hour

Hour and day

MQTT Reported Messages TPS

Maximum number of upstream requests sent by MQTT devices to the platform per second in the current instance. The chart data comes from the average value every ten seconds.


Supported by the standard edition.

Every minute

10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day

MQTT Concurrent Connection Setup TPS

The most new connection requests from MQTT devices per second. The chart data comes from the average value every ten seconds.


Supported by the standard edition.

Every minute

10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, or 1 day

General Device Trends

Trends in the number of devices. Total and online devices counted separately.

Every hour

Hour and day

Device Online Trends

Trends in the number (and percentage of total number devices) of devices. Online and offline devices counted separately.

Every hour

Hour and day

Devices by Status

Trends in the number of devices in each status.

Statuses: Inactive, Abnormal, Offline

Every hour

Hour and day

Number of Online Devices (Accumulated)

Total number of online devices.


Supported by the standard edition.

Every hour

Hour and day

Software Upgrade Statuses

Number of upgrades of device software from the start. Successful and failed upgrades counted separately.

Every hour


Firmware Upgrade Statuses

Number of upgrades of device firmware from the start. Successful and failed upgrades counted separately.

Every hour


Device Configuration Statuses

Number of updates of device configuration from the start. Successful and failed updates counted separately.

Every hour


For more reports, log in to the AOM console, and choose Monitoring > Cloud Service Monitoring > IoT > IoT Device Access (IoTDA). Currently, AOM shows you the IoTDA monitoring information by instance or resource space.

Table 3 Dashboards

Report Name


Data Update

Time Frame

Device Status

Number of devices in each status.

Statuses: Online, Inactive, Offline, Abnormal.

Every 10 minutes

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

General Device Trends

Trends in the number of devices. Total, online, and offline devices counted separately.

Every 10 minutes

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

Data Transfer Trend

Trends in the number of data transfers. AMQP transfers and HTTP message pushes counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

Data Report Trend

Trends in the number of reporting records. Reporting of NB-IoT data, MQTT events, MQTT properties, and MQTT messages counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

Table 4 Metrics

Report Name


Data Update

Time Frame

Total Devices

Trends in the total number of devices and the number of devices in each status.

Statuses: Online, Offline, Abnormal, Inactive

Every 10 minutes

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

Reported NB Data Records

Trends in the number of NB-IoT data reporting records. Total, successful, and failed reporting counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

Reported MQTT Events

Trends in the number of MQTT event reporting records. Total, successful, and failed reporting counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

Reported MQTT Properties

Trends in the number of MQTT property reporting records. Total, successful, and failed reporting counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

Reported MQTT Messages

Trends in the number of MQTT message reporting records. Total, successful, and failed reporting counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

AMQP Transfers

Trends in the number of AMQP transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

FunctionGraph Transfers

Trends in the number of FunctionGraph transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

MRS Kafka Transfers

Trends in the number of MRS Kafka transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

MQTT Transfers

Trends in the number of MQTT transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

MySQL Transfers

Trends in the number of MySQL transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

InfluxDB Transfers

Trends in the number of InfluxDB transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

HTTP Message Pushes

Trends in the number of HTTP message pushes. Total, successful, and failed pushes counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

OBS Transfers

Trends in the number of OBS transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

DMS Kafka Transfers

Trends in the number of DMS for Kafka transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

DIS Transfers

Trends in the number of DIS transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

ROMA Transfers

Trends in the number of ROMA Connect transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

LTS Transfers

Trends in the number of LTS transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

BCS Huawei Cloud Blockchain Transfers

Trends in the number of BCS Huawei Cloud Blockchain transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

BCS-Hyperledger Fabric Enhanced Edition Transfers

Trends in the number of BCS-Hyperledger Fabric Enhanced Edition transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

MongoDB Transfers

Trends in the number of MongoDB transfers. Total, successful, and failed transfers counted separately.

Every minute

1 hour, 6 hours, 12 hours, 1 day, or 7 days

To obtain report data using an AOM API, see Querying Monitoring Data. The following tables show the details about custom parameters of IoTDA metrics. In Table 5, Name corresponds to metrics[].metric.dimensions[].name and Value to metrics[].metric.dimensions[].value. In Table 6, Namespace corresponds to metrics[].metric.namespace and MetricName to metrics[].metric.metricName.

Table 5 Dimensions




Resource space ID


Instance ID


Task type: software upgrade status (softwareUpgrade), firmware upgrade status (firmwareUpgrade), and device configuration status (deviceConfig)

Table 6 Metrics and namespaces

Report Name



Total Devices


Total number of devices: iotda_device_status_totalCount

Number of online devices: iotda_device_status_onlineCount

Number of offline devices: iotda_device_status_offlineCount

Number of abnormal devices: iotda_device_status_abnormalCount

Number of inactive devices: iotda_device_status_inactiveCount

Reported NB Data Records


Total number of reported NB-IoT data records: iotda_south_dataReport_totalCount

Number of NB-IoT data reporting successes: iotda_south_dataReport_successCount

Number of NB-IoT data reporting failures: iotda_south_dataReport_failedCount

Reported MQTT Events


Total number of reported MQTT event records: iotda_south_eventUp_totalCount

Number of MQTT event reporting successes: iotda_south_eventUp_successCount

Number of MQTT event reporting failures: iotda_south_eventUp_failedCount

Reported MQTT Properties


Total number of reported MQTT property records: iotda_south_propertiesReport_totalCount

Number of MQTT property reporting successes: iotda_south_propertiesReport_successCount

Number of MQTT property reporting failures: iotda_south_propertiesReport_failedCount

Reported MQTT Messages


Total number of reported MQTT message records: iotda_south_messageUp_totalCount

Number of MQTT message reporting successes: iotda_south_messageUp_successCount

Number of MQTT message reporting failures: iotda_south_messageUp_failedCount

AMQP Transfers


Total number of AMQP transfers: iotda_amqp_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful AMQP transfers: iotda_amqp_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed AMQP transfers: iotda_amqp_forwarding_failedCount

FunctionGraph Transfers


Total number of FunctionGraph transfers: iotda_functionGraph_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful FunctionGraph transfers: iotda_functionGraph_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed FunctionGraph transfers: iotda_functionGraph_forwarding_failedCount

MRS Kafka Transfers


Total number of MRS Kafka transfers: iotda_mrsKafka_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful MRS Kafka transfers: iotda_mrsKafka_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed MRS Kafka transfers: iotda_mrsKafka_forwarding_failedCount

MQTT Transfers


Total number of MQTT transfers: iotda_mqtt_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful MQTT transfers: iotda_mqtt_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed MQTT transfers: iotda_mqtt_forwarding_failedCount

MySQL Transfers


Total number of MySQL transfers: iotda_mysql_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful MySQL transfers: iotda_mysql_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed MySQL transfers: iotda_mysql_forwarding_failedCount

InfluxDB Transfers


Total number of InfluxDB transfers: iotda_influxDB_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful InfluxDB transfers: iotda_influxDB_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed InfluxDB transfers: iotda_influxDB_forwarding_failedCount

HTTP Message Pushes


Total number of HTTP message push transfers: iotda_http_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful HTTP message push transfers: iotda_http_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed HTTP message push transfers: iotda_http_forwarding_failedCount

OBS Transfers


Total number of OBS transfers: iotda_obs_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful OBS transfers: iotda_obs_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed OBS transfers: iotda_obs_forwarding_failedCount

DMS Kafka Transfers


Total number of DMS for Kafka transfers: iotda_dmsKafka_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful DMS for Kafka transfers: iotda_dmsKafka_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed DMS for Kafka transfers: iotda_dmsKafka_forwarding_failedCount

DIS Transfers


Total number of DIS transfers: iotda_dis_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful DIS transfers: iotda_dis_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed DIS transfers: iotda_dis_forwarding_failedCount

ROMA Transfers


Total number of ROMA Connect transfers: iotda_roma_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful ROMA Connect transfers: iotda_roma_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed ROMA Connect transfers: iotda_roma_forwarding_failedCount

LTS Transfers


Total number of LTS transfers: iotda_lts_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful LTS transfers: iotda_lts_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed LTS transfers: iotda_lts_forwarding_failedCount

BCS Huawei Cloud Blockchain Transfers


Total number of BCS Huawei Cloud blockchain transfers: iotda_bcshw_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful BCS Huawei Cloud blockchain transfers: iotda_bcshw_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed BCS Huawei Cloud blockchain transfers: iotda_bcshw_forwarding_failedCount

BCS-Hyperledger Fabric Enhanced Edition Transfers


Total number of BCS-Hyperledger Fabric Enhanced Edition transfers: iotda_bcsfabric_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful BCS-Hyperledger Fabric Enhanced Edition transfers: iotda_bcsfabric_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed BCS-Hyperledger Fabric Enhanced Edition transfers: iotda_bcsfabric_forwarding_failedCount

MongoDB Transfers


Total number of MongoDB transfers: iotda_mongodb_forwarding_totalCount

Number of successful MongoDB transfers: iotda_mongodb_forwarding_successCount

Number of failed MongoDB transfers: iotda_mongodb_forwarding_failedCount

Software and Firmware Upgrades/Remote Configuration


Number of successes: count: iotda_batchtask_success_count

Number of failures: iotda_batchtask_failure_count

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