Updated on 2024-01-17 GMT+08:00

Message Trace

Message trace can be used to quickly locate and analyze faults that occur during device authentication, command delivery, data reporting, and data forwarding. The platform supports message trace for NB-IoT and MQTT devices. You can trace messages for up to 10 devices simultaneously.


  1. Access the IoTDA service page and click Access Console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Devices > All Devices.
  3. Search for the device to trace and click View to access its details.
  4. On the Message Trace tab page, click Start Trace, and set the message trace duration, which indicates the duration from the time when message trace starts to the time when message trace ends. You can also click Edit Configuration to modify the message trace configuration. The message trace duration is subject to the new one.

    Figure 1 Starting message trace

  5. View the services that are being traced. You can also click Stop Trace to stop the task.

    If a large number of message trace records are displayed, you can filter the records by message status, message type, and recording time. If you need to further analyze the result data, you can export the data.

    Figure 2 Viewing message trace results

    If the message status is Failed, you can click View to view the result details and locate the fault based on the failure handling suggestions.

During data reporting, you can specify request_id by adding ?request_id={request_id} after a topic. For example, use $oc/devices/{device_id}/sys/properties/report?request_id={request_id} for property reporting. If you do not specify request_id, the platform automatically generates one.