Change History
Released On |
Version |
Change Description |
2024-08-23 |
100.7.8 |
Fixed issues and provided more stable experience. For details, see 100.7.8 Updates. |
2024-08-16 |
100.7.6 |
Fixed issues and provided more stable experience. For details, see 100.7.6 Updates. |
2024-08-02 |
100.7.5 |
1. Added the SetServerAddress API for setting login server information. 2. Added the SetProxyInfo API for setting proxy information. 3. Added the SetCAVerifyInfo API for setting certificate verification information. 4. Added the SetTransparentWnd API for making windows transparent during screen sharing. 5. Added the StartProjection API for starting projection. 6. Added the handle parameter of the HWND type to the HwmMainWindowInfo struct. 7. Added OnMeetingInfoChanged to notify you of meeting information changes. 8. Added the defaultSummaryState field (whether cloud recording contains minutes) to HwmCreateConfInfo (creating a meeting), HwmBookConfParam (scheduling a meeting), HwmEditConfParam (editing a meeting), and HwmConfDetail (meeting information). 9. Added the corpEnableSummary Bool (whether minutes are supported) to the HwmCorpConfigInfo struct (enterprise configuration). 10. Added the autoMuteMode field (whether to automatically mute soft client guests when they join the meeting) and the hardTerminalAutoMuteMode field (whether to automatically mute hard terminal guests when they join the meeting) to HwmCreateConfInfo (creating a meeting), HwmBookConfParam (scheduling a meeting), HwmEditConfParam (editing a meeting), and HwmConfDetail (meeting information). 11. Added the isP2PConf parameter (whether the meeting is an instant meeting) to the HwmConfIncomingInfo struct (incoming meeting call information). 12. Deprecated the vmrFlag field (whether the meeting is held in a cloud meeting room) in HwmBookConfParam (scheduling a meeting) and HwmEditConfPara (editing a meeting). For details, see 100.7.5 Updates. |
2024-06-13 |
100.5.5 |
1. Changed the isForcedVpn Bool in the HwmNetWorkModeInfo struct to the HwmNetConnectType enum. 2. Changed the type of the operatableUiMonitor parameter in the HwmStartShareInfo struct from enum to struct, and changed the value assignment method to operatableUiMonitor.monitor. For details, see 100.5.5 Updates. |
2024-05-21 |
100.3.7 |
Fixed issues and provided more stable experience. For details, see 100.3.7 Updates. |
2024-04-23 |
100.3.6 |
Added the enumerated value HWM_ENABLE_FEATURE_SUPPORT_GUEST_INVITE for the EnableFeature API used to configure meeting functions. For details, see 100.3.6 Updates. |
2024-02-17 |
90.12.7 |
Fixed issues and provided more stable experience. For details, see 90.12.7 Updates. |
2024-01-15 |
90.12.5 |
1. Added the ShowToast API for displaying a toast message. 2. Added the GetMainWindowInfo API for obtaining the main window information. 3. Deprecated the OnGetVmrListResult notification and added the OnGetVmrInfoListResult notification to notify you of the cloud meeting room list. 4. Added the confResType parameter to HwmCreateConfInfo and HwmBookConfParam. 5. Added the OnShareVmrInfoNotify notification to notify you when information about shared cloud meeting rooms was changed. 6. Added the participant UUID parameter to HwmCalleeInfo. 7. Added the GetErrorMessage API for obtaining an error message, which can be used for prompt. 8. Added the SetGuaranteedIpAddresses API for setting guaranteed IP addresses for meeting control to keep on-premises data within your enterprise or support network interruption survival. 9. Added the following meeting end error codes to HwmConfEndReason: HWM_CONF_END_REASON_OVER_MAX_PARTICIPANT_NUMBER, HWM_CONF_END_MANAGER_SHARE_VMR_NOT_ENOUGH, and HWM_CONF_END_MANAGER_NO_UPSCALE_VMR. 10. Added the OnP2PConfRecordNotify notification to notify you of instant meeting records. 11. Added the copy_audience_conf_info parameter to the config API to support the injection of the button used to copy the link to a webinar for attendees. For details, see 90.12.7 Updates. |
2023-9-26 |
90.9.5 |
1. Added the concurrentParticipants parameter (maximum number of participants allowed in a meeting) to HwmCreateConfInfo (creating a meeting), HwmBookConfParam (scheduling a meeting), HwmEditConfParam (editing a meeting), and HwmConfDetail (meeting details). 2. Added the vmrId parameter (ID of meetings held in a cloud meeting room) to HwmConfIncomingInfo (incoming meeting information). 3. Added the SetLogPath API for setting the log storage path. For details, see 90.9.5 Updates. |
2023-08-24 |
90.7.6 |
1. Fixed issues and provided more stable experience. For details, see 90.7.6 Updates. |
2023-08-04 |
90.7.5 |
1. Added the StartP2pConf API for starting an instant meeting. 2. Added isP2PConf (whether the meeting is an instant meeting) to the HwmConfStateInfo parameter in the meeting status notification OnConfState and the HwmConfEndInfo parameter in the meeting end notification OnConfEndedNotify. 3. Added the DeleteSelfAvatar API for deleting a user-defined profile picture. 4. Added the GetUserSavePath API for obtaining the save path of a user. 5. Added the enumerated values HWM_ENABLE_FEATURE_SUPPORT_DISCONNECT_AUDIO (disconnecting audio), HWM_ENABLE_FEATURE_DISCONNECT_AUDIO_TO_JOIN_CONF (whether to join a meeting without audio), and HWM_ENABLE_FEATURE_CPU_REDUCTION_DETECT (whether to detect CPU frequency reduction) to the EnableFeature parameter of the API for configuring meeting functions. 6. Added the error codes HWM_CONF_END_REASON_CONF_NUM_OVER_MAX_ALLOWED, HWM_CONF_END_REASON_CALLEE_REFUSED_END_CONF, HWM_CONF_END_REASON_CALLEE_TIMEOUT_END_CONF, and HWM_CONF_END_FORCE_OPEN_CAMERA_HANGUP to HwmConfEndReason (meeting end reason). 7. Added the domain field to the HwmJoinConfByRandomInfo parameter of the API for joining a meeting using a random code. For details, see 90.7.5 Updates. |
2023-06-02 |
90.6.5 |
1. Deprecated the StartCall API. 2. Added the customInfo field (user-defined information) to HwmBookConfParam (scheduling a meeting), HwmEditConfParam (editing a meeting), HwmCreateConfInfo (creating a meeting), HwmConfInfo (meeting information), and HwmConfListInfo (meeting list). 3. Added the isSupportMultiAppLogin field (whether to support login to multiple applications on the same device) to HwmInitInfo in the Init API. 4. Added the enumerated value HWM_ENABLE_FEATURE_DEFAULT_SHARE_AUDIO (whether to share audio) to the EnableFeature parameter in the API for setting meeting functions. 5. Added OnPoorNetworkQualityInfoNotify for notifications about poor network connection. 6. Added the error codes HWM_CONF_END_REASON_PARTICIPANT_CONF_NOT_EXIST, HWM_CONF_END_REASON_END_EXPIRATION, HWM_CONF_END_REASON_SDK_CHAIR_END_CONF, HWM_CONF_END_REASON_SDK_TIMEOVER_END_CONF, and HWM_CONF_END_REASON_RTC_SDK_NETWORK_FAILED. 7. Added the audio and video decoupling plug-in to the Meeting-Workspace-Plugin folder. 8. Added error code 412100044 indicating that the server is degraded. After receiving this error code, you can continue to call the API to join a meeting offline. For details, see 90.6.5 Updates. |
2023-05-11 |
80.15.21 |
1. Fixed issues and provided more stable experience. For details, see 80.15.21 Updates. |
2023-03-29 |
80.15.5 |
1. Added OnConfEndedNotify for meeting end notifications. 2. Added the isForcedVpn field (whether to forcibly use a VPN) to the HwmNetWorkModeInfo parameter in the API for setting the network mode. For details, see 80.15.5 Updates. |
2023-02-22 |
80.13.6 |
1. Fixed issues and provided more stable experience. For details, see 80.13.6 Updates. |
2023-02-07 |
80.13.5 |
1. Added the SetLanguageWithCode API for setting the SDK language. For details, see 80.13.5 Updates. |
2023-01-17 |
80.12.7 |
1. Fixed issues and provided more stable experience. For details, see 80.12.7 Updates. |
2023-01-09 |
80.12.6 |
1. Added the enumerated value HWM_ENABLE_FEATURE_CONFIRM_RECORD (whether to display the recording confirmation prompt) to the EnableFeature parameter. For details, see 80.12.6 Updates. |
2022-12-23 |
80.12.5 |
1. Added the UploadSelfAvatar API for uploading a profile picture. 2. Added the OnConfIsShareLockedChanged notification to notify whether sharing is locked. 3. Added the enableShowAddressBookStructure parameter (whether the corporate directory is displayed) to HwmCorpConfigInfo in the enterprise configuration change notification OnCorpConfig. 4. Added the error code 111072504 HWM_CONF_END_REASON_PARTICIPANT_REACH_MAX_NUM (The meeting is ended because max. participants in a single meeting reached). For details, see 80.12.5 Updates. |
2022-11-16 |
80.10.5 |
1. Added the joinConfRestrictionType and isOpenWaitingRoom parameters to ChangeVmrInfoParam and HwmVmrInfo. 2. Added the SetShareScreenPermission API for setting the sharing permission. For details, see 80.10.5 Updates. |
2022-10-08 |
80.9.5 |
1. Changed the subConfUUID parameter to subConfID in the CancelSubCycleConf API for canceling a recurring meeting. 2. Discarded the cycleCount parameter in the recurring meeting details of the BookCycleConf API for scheduling a recurring meeting series and the ModifyCycleConf API for editing a recurring meeting series. 3. Added the enumerated value HWM_ENABLE_FEATURE_BREAKOUT_CONF to the EnableFeature API for enabling a function. 4. Added the isInBreakoutSubConf parameter to HwmConfInfo of meeting details. For details, see 80.9.5 Updates. |
2022-09-02 |
80.8.5 |
1. Detailed error codes and added error code 10011 indicating that the authentication information has expired. 2. Added the isCreator parameter indicating whether the user is the meeting scheduler to the HwmConfInfo parameter of the OnConfInfo API. 3. Added the isLiveOn parameter to HwmConfDetail and HwmEditConfParam. For details, see 80.8.5 Updates. |
2022-07-30 |
80.7.5 |
1. Added the ShowSettingWindow API for displaying the settings window. 2. Added the moveall_to_waitingroom parameter of moving all participants to the waiting room to the Config API. This button can be hidden. 3. Added the participant_detail parameter of injecting the participant profile to the Config API and added the participant details button HWM_CLICK_INJECT_BTN_PARTICIPANT_DETAIL with data of HwmConfAttendee to the OnClickInjectBtn notification. 4. Added the screen settings item HwmScreenSettingTab to HwmSettingWindowConfig and moved the dual-screen setting item from HwmNormalSettingTab to HwmScreenSettingTab. 5. Added isOtherCorpConf indicating whether the meeting is initiated by an external enterprise to the HwmConfInfo parameter in the OnConfInfo notification. 6. Added the enumerated values HWM_USER_CORP_INFO_NOTIFY_TYPE_USER_NAME_CHANGE (username change) and HWM_USER_CORP_INFO_NOTIFY_TYPE_USER_STATUS_CHANGE (user status change) to the HwmUserCorpInfoNotifyType parameter in the enterprise information change notification (OnUserCorpInfo). 7. Added the accountId (Huawei Cloud Meeting account) to the HwmConfAttendee parameter of the AddAttendee API. 8. Added error codes. 9. Added the error code indicating that the maximum number of participants in a cloud meeting room package has been reached (HWM_CONF_END_REASON_NUM_OF_PAR_EXCEEDS_UPPER_LIMIT). 10. Added the call end notification OnCallRecordInfo. For details, see 80.7.5 Updates. |
2022-05-30 |
80.5.11 |
1. Added the statusBar parameter for hiding the button on the recording status bar to the Config API. 2. Added the DisableVoicePrompts API for disabling prompt tones. For details, see 80.5.11 Updates. |
2022-05-18 |
80.5.5 |
1. Added HWM_CONF_END_REASON_SERVER_ERROR (server exception) to HwmConfEndReason (reasons for ending a meeting). For details, see 80.5.5 Updates. |
2022-03-25 |
70.16.5 |
1. Added APIs related to recurring meetings. 2. Added isStopConflictConf to the HwmJoinConfByIdInfo API for joining a meeting, so you can forcibly end a meeting that conflicts with the current cloud meeting room. 3. The Config API can be used to customize buttons and add level-2 menus. 4. Added error codes. 5. Added the following buttons to the Config API: share_strategy (shared image quality policy, that is, definition first or fluency first), share_hide_video (hiding the video window during screen sharing), share_audio (sharing computer sound during screen sharing), and copy_conf_info (copying meeting details). The first three buttons can be hidden, and the last button supports configuration injection. For details. 6. Added enumerated values HWM_CONF_ROLE_AUDIENCE (attendee), HWM_CONF_ROLE_COHOST (co-host), and HWM_CONF_ROLE_WAITING (waiting room member) to HwmConfRole. For details, see 70.16.5 Updates. |
2022-02-19 |
70.14.5 |
1. Added the SetNetworkMode API for configuring the network mode. 2. Added deptCode (department ID) to the HwmAppIdAuthInfo parameter of the login API. 3. When scheduling or editing a meeting, you can allow guests to join the meeting at the time you specify before the start time. For details, see 70.14.5 Updates. |
2022-01-19 |
70.13.5 |
1. Added the HwmLoginResult parameter to the OnLoginResult and OnLoginBySSOResult callbacks and added the HwmLogoutResult parameter to the OnLogoutResult callback. 2. Changed the file name extension of WinUI logs to .txt, including hwm_winconfui.txt, hwmSdk.txt, hwmSdkAgent.txt, and hwmSdkAgent32.txt. 3. Added the isUploadKeyLog parameter (whether to automatically collect logs) to the Config API. 4. Added preferredCamera (list of preferred cameras) to the HwmInitInfo parameter of the Init API. 5. Added the AVDeviceCtrl API and the OnAVDeviceCtrlResult result callback for controlling audio and video devices, and the OnAVDeviceCtrlStateChanged notification of device status changes. 6. Added the button customization in the Config API. The bottom and sharing toolbars can be dynamically refreshed. For details, see 70.13.5 Updates. |
2021-12-23 |
70.12.6 |
For details, see 70.12.6 Updates. |
2021-12-13 |
70.12.4 |
1. Added duration (optional, meeting duration) to the HwmCreateConfInfo parameter of the CreateConf API. 2. Added the ConfigSettingWindow API for customizing the settings screen. 3. Added the OnUserCorpInfo notification of enterprise information updates. For details, see 70.12.4 Updates. |
2021-12-03 |
70.11.5 |
1. Added logKeepDays (log storage duration) to the HwmInitInfo parameter of the Init API. For details, see 70.11.5 Updates. |
2021-10-22 |
70.10.5 |
1. Added the isHideTransferHostBeforeLeave parameter (whether to hide the button of appointing a new host when a host leaves a meeting) to the Config API. For details, see 70.10.5 Updates. |
2021-09-16 |
70.9.5 |
1. Added the SSO login API. For details, see 70.9.5 Updates. |
2021-08-28 |
70.8.6 |
1. Added the API for refreshing custom button settings. 2. Fixed issues and provided more stable experience. For details, see 70.8.6 Updates. |
2021-08-18 |
70.8.5 |
1. You can obtain the participant list in meetings and webinars. 2. You can obtain audio data streams. For details, see 70.8.5 Updates. |
2021-07-16 |
70.7.5 |
1. You can configure video mirroring for the local site in meetings. 2. 32-bit and 64-bit SDKs are available. 3. You can customize the meeting control toolbar. 4. Background replacement and blurring are supported. 5. During continuous presence broadcast, the shared screen can now be displayed as a small feed, and the participant video screen and the shared screen can be switched. 6. Added APIs of setting the sharing policy and setting the shared audio. For details, see 70.7.5 Updates. |
2021-06-10 |
70.6.5 |
1. Added the API for displaying the main meeting window. 2. You can now hide participants without video in meetings. 3. When an authorized user joins a meeting that only allows specific users to join the meeting or that is locked, the error code is reported in OnConfState (reason for leaving the meeting), instead of the callback of joining the meeting. For details, see 70.6.5 Updates. |
2021-05-17 |
70.5.8 |
1. Optimized the visual experience during meetings. For details, see 70.5.8 Updates. |
2021-04-15 |
70.4.5 |
1. Added the description of response parameters to the API for scheduling a meeting. 2. Added the API for obtaining the current user status. 3. Added the configuration of hiding the security menu, caption function, and button of locking sharing. 4. The host can invite others to share content and quickly cancel the sharing. 5. Installation and use in Arabic file paths are supported. 6. Optimized the size of meeting logs. 7. Changed the implementation mode of callback functions from pure virtual functions to virtual functions with default implementation. You do not need to define all callback function APIs. For details, see 70.4.5 Updates. |
2021-03-12 |
70.3.5 |
1. Optimized participant information export during meetings. For details, see 70.3.5 Updates. |
2021-02-10 |
60.15.5 |
1. Added the error code HWM_AGENT_ERR_NOT_INITED_END indicating that the initialization is not performed or is not complete. If the initialization callback result is not returned, any other APIs will fail to be called. 2. Added the function of hiding the External label in the participant list. 3. Added the function of hiding the pop-up window for incoming calls and meetings. 4. Added the API for configuring incoming call answering. 5. Added the local recording function. The host can control participants' local recording permissions and participants can configure the path for storing recordings. 6. Added the Security module. For details, see 60.15.5 Updates. |
2021-01-08 |
60.13.2 |
1. Generally, the application process needs to be ended before application upgrade. To facilitate upgrade management, you can customize the name of the HwmSdk.exe file in the HwmSdk folder before initialization. 2. Changed the value of exePath in the initialization API from the absolute path of the HwmSdk folder to the absolute path of the .exe file in UTF-8 format. 3. Added the logPath and userDataPath parameters to the initialization API to specify the paths for storing log files and user data files. For details, see 60.13.2 Updates. |
2020-12-07 |
60.12.5 |
1. During meeting creation, the meeting room (vmrId) and scope of users who are allowed to join the meeting (callInRestriction) can be specified. 2. Added the function of customizing the meeting details windows. 3. Added the function of querying the profile picture of a user from the external corporate directory. When the camera is disabled during a meeting, the profile picture is displayed. For details, see 60.12.5 Updates. |
2020-11-07 |
60.11.1 |
1. Added the function of automatic meeting recording. 2. Added the P2P call function. 3. Added the function of setting a display name in a P2P call. For details, see 60.11.6 Updates. |
2020-10-15 |
60.10.5 |
1. Added login site types during initialization. 2. Allowed users to join a meeting in random mode. 3. Supported SP authentication and login. 4. Optimized the watermark display. For details, see 60.10.5 Updates. |
2020-09-04 |
60.8.1 |
1. Added meeting management APIs related to scheduled meetings. 2. Added the scenario of login using a third-party app ID. For details, see 60.8.1 Updates. |
2020-06-24 |
60.6.4 |
This issue is the first official release. |
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