Updated on 2023-03-23 GMT+08:00

80.7.5 Updates

1. Added the ShowSettingWindow API for displaying the settings window. For details, see Displaying the Settings Window.

2. Added the moveall_to_waitingroom parameter of moving all participants to the waiting room to the Config API. This button can be hidden. For details, see Configuring the UI.

3. Added the participant_detail parameter of injecting the participant profile to the Config API and added the participant details button HWM_CLICK_INJECT_BTN_PARTICIPANT_DETAIL with data of HwmConfAttendee to the OnClickInjectBtn notification. For details, see Configuring the UI and Click Injection Notification.

4. Added the screen settings item HwmScreenSettingTab to HwmSettingWindowConfig and moved the dual-screen setting item from HwmNormalSettingTab to HwmScreenSettingTab. For details, see Customizing the Settings Screen.

5. Added isOtherCorpConf indicating whether the meeting is initiated by an external enterprise to the HwmConfInfo parameter in the OnConfInfo notification. For details, see Notifications for Meeting Information Changes.

6. Added the enumerated values HWM_USER_CORP_INFO_NOTIFY_TYPE_USER_NAME_CHANGE (username change) and HWM_USER_CORP_INFO_NOTIFY_TYPE_USER_STATUS_CHANGE (user status change) to the HwmUserCorpInfoNotifyType parameter in the enterprise information change notification (OnUserCorpInfo). For details, see Changing Enterprise Information.

7. Added the accountId (Huawei Cloud Meeting account) to the HwmConfAttendee parameter of the AddAttendee API. For details, see Inviting a Participant.

8. Added error codes. For details, see Common Error Codes.

9. Added the error code indicating that the maximum number of participants in a cloud meeting room package has been reached (HWM_CONF_END_REASON_NUM_OF_PAR_EXCEEDS_UPPER_LIMIT). For details, see Notifications for Meeting Status Changes.

10. Added the call end notification OnCallRecordInfo. For details, see Call End Notification.