Configuring the UI
API Description
The Windows SDK provides the UI for meetings. Some elements on the UI can be customized. UI elements that can be customized are as follows:
- Meeting window name
After a meeting starts, a meeting icon is generated on the task bar of the Windows. When you point to the icon, a thumbnail window is displayed. You can customize the name of the window.
You can change the icon of the meeting window by replacing the video.ico file in the HwmSdk\sdkResources\nativeimg directory.
- Meeting details and meeting link prefix
By default, the domain name prefix of the meeting link (for example, is If you have developed your own meeting portal, you need to customize the prefix.
You can customize whether to display or hide meeting details.
- Incoming meeting window
By default, the incoming meeting window is displayed when an incoming meeting is received. You can hide the window. When an incoming meeting notification is received, the API for answering the meeting is called.
- Meeting control buttons
- Delete or modify meeting control buttons provided by the SDK. For details about buttons that can be deleted and modified, see Table 9.
- Add custom buttons. For details, see Customizing Meeting Control Buttons.
- Custom meeting details window
For details about how to customize the meeting details window, see Displaying Meeting Information Box Notification and Destroying a Meeting Information Box.
- Call this API only if you need to change the default style of the meeting screen.
- This API is an asynchronous API. The return value only indicates whether the API is successfully called. The actual service processing result is returned in the corresponding callback function.
Method Definition
1 |
HWM_SDK_AGENT_API hwmsdk::HwmErrCode Config(char uiConfig[HWM_MAX_CONFIG_LEN]); |
The Config API cannot be called consecutively. It can be called for the second time only after the OnConfigResult function of the result of the first Config API calling is processed.
Callback Function
1 |
virtual void OnConfigResult(hwmsdk::HwmErrCode ret, const char* reason) {}; |
Parameter Description
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
uiConfig |
Yes |
char[] |
JSON object character string "{"frame":object}". The object has format requirements. If the format does not meet the requirements, the configuration does not take effect. For details, see the following tables. |
Key |
Type |
Description |
name |
string |
Meeting window name, for example, MyApp shown in Figure 1. |
linkPrefix |
string |
Prefix of the meeting link copied from the meeting window, for example, from the meeting window shown in Figure 2. |
confMenu |
object |
Button objects in the meeting window, such as the four types of buttons shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. |
isUseExternalConfInfoWnd |
bool |
Whether to customize the meeting details window displayed in the meeting window, such as the window shown in Figure 7. true: enabled; false: disabled. The default value is false. |
isUseExternalAddressBook |
bool |
Whether to use profile pictures in an external address book in the meeting window. true: yes; false: no. The default value is false. |
isHideConfIncomingWindow |
bool |
Whether to hide the incoming meeting pop-up window. true: yes. false: no. The default value is false. |
defaultWindowMode |
int |
Meeting window mode. 0: normal; 1: maximized; 2: full screen. The default value is 0. |
isCloseSideWindow |
bool |
Whether to close the side window. false: no; true: yes. The default value is false. |
flowControlInitShowPos |
int |
Initial position of the sharing toolbar. 0: top; 1: bottom. By default, the tool bar is displayed on the top. |
defaultWindowMonitor |
int |
Display on which a meeting window is created by default when a participant joins a meeting. 0: primary display; 1: secondary display. By default, it is displayed on the primary display. |
isHideTransferHostBeforeLeave |
bool |
Whether to hide the button for specifying a new host when the original host leaves a meeting. false: no; true: yes. The default value is false. |
isUploadKeyLog |
bool |
Whether to automatically collect logs. true: yes; false: no. The default value is true. |
Key |
Type |
Description |
toolBar |
object |
Button objects in the meeting window, such as the four types of buttons shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. |
titleBar |
object |
Configuration object of the title bar in the meeting window, for example, the meeting details shown in Figure 2. |
statusBar |
object |
Configuration object of the status bar in the upper left corner of the meeting window, as shown in Figure 8. |
Key |
Type |
Description |
button |
object[] |
Button objects in the meeting window, such as the four types of buttons and menus shown in Figure 4 and Figure 5. |
customButton |
object[] |
Configuration object of the third-party custom buttons in the meeting window, such as 3 and 4 shown in Figure 4 and 1 and 2 shown in Figure 5. |
key |
Type |
Description |
button |
object[] |
Button configuration object of the status bar in the upper left corner of the meeting window, as shown in Figure 8. |
Key |
Type |
Description |
id |
string |
Unique ID of a button. For details about the mapping between IDs and buttons, see Table 9. |
showAsAction |
string |
Whether to display the button. The value can be never (not displayed) or ifRoom (displayed). |
isCustomizedClick |
bool |
Whether to inject content if the button is clicked. true: yes. When a user clicks the button, a notification is sent, and the SDK does not process the click response. |
Key |
Type |
Description |
id |
string |
Custom button ID, for example, customMenu. |
title |
string |
Custom button name, for example, Custom button. |
buttonImg |
string |
Icon path of the custom button. Use an absolute path. For example, to/path/image.svg. SVG and PNG formats are supported. UTF-8 encoding is required. |
buttonPos |
int |
Position of the custom button. 0: More menu on the toolbar; 1: bottom toolbar; 2: sharing toolbar. |
subMenu |
object[] |
Submenu items of the custom button. Up to three levels of submenu items can be configured. |
Key |
Type |
Description |
id |
string |
Custom button ID, for example, customMenu. |
title |
string |
Custom button name, for example, Custom button. |
buttonImg |
string |
Icon path of the custom button. Use an absolute path. For example, to/path/image.svg. SVG and PNG formats are supported. UTF-8 encoding is required. |
subMenu |
object[] |
Submenu items of the custom button. |
Button Name |
Button ID |
Description |
Microphone |
"microphone" |
Can be hidden. |
Speaker |
"speaker" |
Can be hidden. |
Camera |
"camera" |
Can be hidden. |
Invite |
"invite" |
Can be hidden and injected. |
Leave |
"leave" |
Can be hidden and injected. |
Share |
"share" |
Can be hidden and injected. |
Participants |
"attendee" |
Can be hidden and injected. |
Call other number |
"call_other_number" |
Can be hidden and injected. |
Feedback |
"feedback" |
Can be hidden and injected. |
Raise up/Lower hand |
"hands_up" |
Can be hidden. |
Apply to be host/Release host role |
"change_chairman_auth" |
Can be hidden. |
Rename |
"rename" |
Can be hidden. |
Lock meeting |
"lock_conf" |
Can be hidden. |
Annotate |
"annotation" |
Can be hidden. |
Give control |
"remote_control" |
Can be hidden. |
Stop sharing |
"stop_share" |
Can be hidden. |
Chat |
"chat" |
Can be hidden and injected. |
Export participants |
"export_participants" |
Can be hidden. |
Open to |
"attendee_access_control" |
Can be hidden. |
Allow sharing |
"lock_Share" |
Can be hidden. |
Live captions (enabling live captions and caption translation) |
"subtitle" |
Can be hidden. |
Security |
"security" |
Can be hidden. |
Invite to share/Cancel sharing |
"invite_or_cancel_share" |
Can be hidden. |
Hide non-video participants |
"hide_no_video_view" |
Can be hidden. |
Intelligent video sorting |
"video_smart_sorting" |
Can be hidden. |
Virtual background |
"virtual_background" |
Can be hidden. |
Network detection |
"network_detection" |
Can be hidden. |
Mute all/Unmute all |
"mute_all" |
Can be hidden. |
Allow unmute |
"allow_unmute" |
Can be hidden. |
Dual screen |
"dual_screen" |
Can be hidden. |
Recording |
"record" |
Can be hidden. |
Sharing image quality policy: Definition preferred/Fluency preferred |
"share_strategy" |
Can be hidden. |
Hide video window during sharing |
"share_hide_video" |
Can be hidden. |
Include computer sound during sharing |
"share_audio" |
Can be hidden. |
Copy meeting info |
"copy_conf_info" |
Can be injected. |
Move all to waiting room |
"moveall_to_waitingroom" |
Can be hidden. |
Participant details |
"participant_detail" |
Can be injected. For details, see Figure 9. |
Copy attendee link |
"copy_audience_conf_info" |
Can be injected. |
Call all |
"call_all" |
Can be hidden and injected. |
Key |
Type |
Description |
confDetail |
object[] |
Meeting details, as shown in Figure 2. If showAsAction is set to never, meeting details are not displayed. |
Key |
Type |
Description |
showAsAction |
string |
Whether to display meeting details. The value can be never (not displayed) or ifRoom (displayed). |
button |
object[] |
Button objects in the meeting details window. |
{ "frame":{ "name":"MyApp", "linkPrefix":"", "isUseExternalConfInfoWnd":false, "isUseExternalAddressBook":false, "confMenu":{ "titleBar":{ "confDetail":{ "showAsAction":"never", "button":[ { "id":"copy_conf_info", "isCustomizedClick":false } ] }, "statusBar": { "button": [ { "id": "record", "showAsAction": "never" } ] }, "toolBar":{ "customButton": [ { "id": "customMenu", "title": "Custom button", "buttonImg": "D:/demoResource/icon-whiteboard.svg", "buttonPos": 1 }], "button":[ { "id":"microphone", "showAsAction":"ifRoom" }, { "id":"speaker", "showAsAction":"ifRoom" }, { "id":"camera", "showAsAction":"ifRoom" }, { "id":"invite", "showAsAction":"ifRoom", "isCustomizedClick":true }, { "id":"leave", "showAsAction":"ifRoom", "isCustomizedClick":true }, { "id":"share", "showAsAction":"never", "isCustomizedClick":true }, { "id":"attendee", "showAsAction":"ifRoom", "isCustomizedClick":true }, { "id":"call_other_number", "showAsAction":"ifRoom", "isCustomizedClick":true }, { "id":"feedback", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"hands_up", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"change_chairman_auth", "showAsAction":"never", "isCustomizedClick":false }, { "id":"rename", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"lock_conf", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"annotation", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"remote_control", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"stop_share", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"chat", "showAsAction":"ifRoom", "isCustomizedClick":true }, { "id":"export_participants", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"attendee_access_control", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"network_detection", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"mute_all", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"allow_unmute", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"dual_screen", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"record", "showAsAction":"never" }, { "id":"vote", "showAsAction":"never" } ] } } } }
The uiConfig of the Config function is an array. Therefore, you need to convert the preceding JSON string into a string. For details, see the following sample code.
Sample Code
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 |
/** * UI configurations */ int hwmSDKConfigUI::hwmSDKStartUIConfigTotal() { CString start = "{\"frame\":{"; // Meeting window name CString name = "\"name\":\"MyApp\""; // Meeting link prefix CString linkPrefix = "\"linkPrefix\":\"\""; // Whether to custom the external meeting details window CString isUseExternalConfInfoWnd = "\"isUseExternalConfInfoWnd\":\"false\""; // Whether to use an external address book. CString isUseExternalAddressBook = "\"isUseExternalAddressBook\":\"false\""; CString menuStart = "\"confMenu\":{"; // Meeting details CString titleBar = "\"titleBar\":{\"confDetail\":{\"showAsAction\":\"ifRoom\"}}"; CString toolBarStart = "\"toolBar\":{"; // Customize buttons. CString customMenuStart = "\"customButton\":["; CString customMenu1 = "{\"id\":\"customMenu1\",\"title\":\"Custom button 1\"}"; CString customMenu2 = "{\"id\":\"customMenu2\",\"title\":\"Custom button 2\"}"; CString customMenuEnd = "]"; // Meeting control buttons CString buttonStart = "\"button\":["; CString inviateButton = "{\"id\":\"invite\",\"showAsAction\":\"ifRoom\",\"isCustomizedClick\":true}"; CString leaveButton = "{\"id\":\"leave\",\"showAsAction\":\"ifRoom\",\"isCustomizedClick\":true}"; CString callButton = "{\"id\":\"call_other_number\",\"showAsAction\":\"ifRoom\",\"isCustomizedClick\":true}"; CString attendeeButton = "{\"id\":\"attendee\",\"showAsAction\":\"ifRoom\",\"isCustomizedClick\":true}"; CString shareButton = "{\"id\":\"share\",\"showAsAction\":\"ifRoom\",\"isCustomizedClick\":true}"; CString annotationButton = "{\"id\":\"annotation\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}"; CString stopshareButton = "{\"id\":\"stop_share\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}"; CString feedbackButton = "{\"id\":\"feedback\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}"; CString remotecontrolButton = "{\"id\":\"remote_control\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}"; CString handsupButton = "{\"id\":\"hands_up\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}"; CString changechairmanButton = "{\"id\":\"change_chairman_auth\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}"; CString renameButton = "{\"id\":\"rename\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}"; CString lockconfButton = "{ \"id\":\"lock_conf\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}" CString chatButton = "{\"id\":\"chat\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}"; CString exportButton = "{\"id\":\"export_participants\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}"; CString accessButton = "{\"id\":\"attendee_access_control\",\"showAsAction\":\"never\"}"; CString buttonEnd = "]"; CString toolBarEnd = "}"; CString menuEnd = "}"; CString end = "}}"; CString customMenu = customMenuStart + customMenu1 + "," + customMenu2 + customMenuEnd; CString button = buttonStart + inviateButton + "," + leaveButton + "," \ + callButton + "," + attendeeButton + "," + shareButton + "," + annotationButton + "," + stopshareButton + ","\ + feedbackButton + "," + remotecontrolButton + "," + handsupButton + "," + changechairmanButton + "," + renameButton + ","\ + lockconfButton + "," + chatButton + "," + exportButton + "," + accessButton + buttonEnd; CString menu = menuStart + "," + titleBar + toolBarStart + customMenu + "," + button + toolBarEnd + menuEnd; CString config = start + name + "," + linkPrefix + "," + isUseExternalConfInfoWnd + "," + isUseExternalAddressBook + "," + menu + end; // Convert to the UTF-8 format. string uiConfig = CTools::UNICODE2UTF(config); int ret = hwmsdkagent::Config(uiConfig); return ret; } |
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