Help Center/ Host Security Service (New)/ Service Overview/ Specifications of Different Editions
Updated on 2024-04-12 GMT+08:00

Specifications of Different Editions

HSS provides Basic, Professional, Enterprise, Premium, Web Tamper Protection, and Container editions. It provides the following functions: Overview, Asset Overview, Host Management, Container Management, Asset Fingerprint, Vulnerability Management, Baseline Check, Container Image Security, Application Protection, Web Tamper Protection, Ransomware Protection, File Integrity Management, Virus Scanning, Container Firewall, Application Process Control, Container Cluster Protection, Host Intrusion Detection, Container Intrusion Detection, Whitelist Management, Policy Management, Historical Handling Records, Security Reports, and Security Configurations. The functions supported by each edition are different. You can select a proper edition based on your service requirements.

  • To protect test servers or individual users' servers, use the basic edition. It can protect any number of servers, but only part of the security scan capabilities are available. This edition does not provide protection capabilities, nor does it provide support for DJCP Multi-level Protection Scheme (MLPS) certification. For a server that uses the basic edition for the first time, this edition is free of charge for 30 days.
  • If you need to obtain the DJCP MLPS L2 certification, purchase the enterprise edition.
  • If you need to obtain the DJCP MLPS L3 certification, purchase the premium edition.
  • If you need to obtain the DJCP MLPS certification for a website, you are advised to purchase the Web Tamper Protection edition.
  • For servers that need to protect websites and key systems from tampering, the WTP edition is recommended.
  • For containers that need to enhance image security, container runtime security, and to comply with security regulations, container edition is recommended.
  • If your servers store important data assets, have high security risks, use publicly available EIPs, or there are databases running on your servers, you are advised to use the premium or Web Tamper Protection edition.
  • You are advised to deploy HSS on all your servers so that if a virus infects one of them, it will not be able to spread to others and damage your entire network.
  • After you purchase a protection quota edition, you can upgrade or switch the edition. For details, see Upgrading Protection Quotas and Switching the HSS Quota Edition.
  • The meanings of the symbols in the table are as follows:
    • √: supported
    • ×: not supported


Dashboard displays the overall security score and protection configuration of assets on the cloud, helping you learn about asset security status.

Table 1 Functions



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency


You can check the security score, risks, and protection overview of all your assets in real time, including servers and containers.

Linux and Windows

Real-time check


Asset Management displays the asset status and their statistics.

Table 2 Assets



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency


Collect statistics on asset status and usage of all servers, including the agent status, protection status, quota status, and asset fingerprint.

Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Servers & Quota

Server management allows users to view and manage target servers by server.

Table 3 Server management functions



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Servers & Quota

Manage all server assets, including their protection statuses, quotas, and policies. You can install agents on all the Linux servers in batches.

Linux and Windows

Note: Only Linux agents can be installed in batches.

Containers & Quota

Container management allows you to view and manage target servers by container.

Table 4 Containers & Quota



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Containers & Quota

Manage container nodes and images (private image repositories and local images).







Asset Fingerprints

The function collects and displays statistics of Server fingerprints and Container fingerprints.

Table 5 Asset fingerprints



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency


Check and manage server accounts all in one place.



Linux and Windows

Automatic check every hour

Open ports

Check open ports all in one place and identify high-risk and unknown ports.



Linux and Windows

Automated check every 30 seconds


Check running applications all in one place and identify malicious applications.



Linux and Windows

Automatic check every hour

Installed software

Check and manage server software all in one place and identify insecure versions.



Linux and Windows

Automatic check every day

Auto-started items

Check auto-startup entries and collect statistics on entry changes in a timely manner.



Linux and Windows

Automatic check every hour

Web application

You can check details about software used for web content push and release, including versions, paths, configuration files, and associated processes of all software.



Linux and Windows (only Tomcat is supported)

Once a week (04:10 a.m. every Monday)

Web service

You can check details about the software used for web content access, including versions, paths, configuration files, and associated processes of all software.




Once a week (04:10 a.m. every Monday)

Web frameworks

You can check statistics about frameworks used for web content presentation, including their versions, paths, and associated processes.




Once a week (04:10 a.m. every Monday)


Check statistics about web directories and sites that can be accessed from the Internet. You can view the directories and permissions, access paths, external ports, and key processes of websites.




Once a week (04:10 a.m. every Monday)


You can also check information about servers, versions, paths, and processes associated with middleware.



Linux and Windows

Once a week (04:10 a.m. every Monday)


You can check details about software that provides data storage, including versions, paths, configuration files, and associated processes of all software.



Linux and Windows (only MySQL is supported)

Once a week (04:10 a.m. every Monday)

Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability management detects Linux software vulnerabilities, Windows system vulnerabilities, Web-CMS vulnerabilities, application vulnerabilities and emergency vulnerabilities, helping users identify potential risks.

Table 6 Vulnerabilities



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Linux vulnerability detection

Based on the vulnerability database, check and handle vulnerabilities in the software (such as kernel, OpenSSL, vim, glibc) you obtained from official Linux sources and have not compiled.


  • Automatic scan (reporting based on the software asset collection period)
  • Scheduled scan (once a week by default)
  • Manual scan

Windows vulnerability detection

Detect vulnerabilities in Windows OS based on the official patch releases of Microsoft.



  • Automatic scan (reporting based on the software asset collection period)
  • Scheduled scan (once a week by default)
  • Manual scan

Web-CMS vulnerability detection

Scan for Web-CMS vulnerabilities in web directories and files.


Linux and Windows

  • Automatic scan (reporting based on the software asset collection period)
  • Scheduled scan (once a week by default)
  • Manual scan

Application vulnerability detection

Detect vulnerabilities in JAR packages, ELF files, and other files of open source software, such as Log4j and spring-core.



Linux and Windows

  • Automatic scan (reporting based on the middleware asset collection period)
  • Scheduled scan (once a week by default)
  • Manual scan

Emergency vulnerability detection

Checks whether the software and any dependencies running on the server have vulnerabilities through version comparison and POC verification. Reports risky vulnerabilities to the console and provides vulnerability alarms for you.



  • Scheduled scan (manual configuration is required)
  • Manual scan

Baseline Inspection

Baseline inspection can scan risky configurations, weak passwords, and password complexity policies of server systems and key software. The supported detection baselines include security practices and DJCP MLPS compliance baseline. You can customize sub-baseline items and fix vulnerability risks.

Table 7 Baseline checks



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Password complexity policies

Check password complexity policies and modify them based on suggestions provided by HSS to improve password security.


  • Automatic check in the early morning every day
  • Manual scan

Common weak passwords

Change weak passwords to stronger ones based on HSS scan results and suggestions.

Linux and Windows

  • Automatic check in the early morning every day
  • Manual scan

Unsafe configuration

Check the unsafe Tomcat, Nginx, and SSH login configurations found by HSS.



Linux and Windows

  • Automatic check in the early morning every day
  • Manual scan

Container Image Security

Container image security allows you to scan the image repository and running container images, detect vulnerabilities and malicious files in the images, and provide repair suggestions, helping you obtain secure images.

Table 8 Container images



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

SWR image repository vulnerabilities

Detect system and application vulnerabilities in SWR image repository based on a vulnerability database and handle critical vulnerabilities in a timely manner.







  • Automatic check in the early morning every day
  • Manual scan

Viewing Malicious File Detection Results

Scan images for malicious files (such as Trojans, worms, viruses, and adware) and identify risks.







Real-time check

Application protection

Application protection provides security defense for running applications. you simply need to add probes to them, without having to modify application files. Currently, only Linux servers are supported, and only Java applications can be connected.

Table 9 Application protection



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

SQL injection

Detect and defend against SQL injection attacks, and check web applications for related vulnerabilities.





Real-time check

OS command injection

Detect and defend against remote OS command injection attacks and check web applications for related vulnerabilities.





Real-time check


Detect and defend against stored cross-site scripting (XSS) injection attacks.





Real-time check

Log4jRCE vulnerability

Detect and defend against remote code execution.





Real-time check

Web shell upload

Detect and defend against attacks that upload dangerous files, change file names, or change file name extension types; and check web applications for related vulnerabilities.





Real-time check

XML External Entity Injection

Detect and defend against XML External Entity Injection (XXE) attacks, and check web applications for related vulnerabilities.





Real-time check

Deserialization input

Detect deserialization attacks that exploit unsafe classes.





Real-time check

File directory traversal

Check whether sensitive directories or files are accessed.





Real-time check

Struts2 OGNL

Detect OGNL code execution.





Real-time check

Command execution using JSP

Detect command execution using JSP.





Real-time check

File deletion using JSP

Detects file deletion using JSP.





Real-time check

Database connection exception

Detect authentication and communication exceptions thrown by database connections.





Real-time check

0-day vulnerability

Check whether the stack hash of a command is in the whitelist of the web application.





Real-time check

SecurityManager permission exception

Detect exceptions thrown by SecurityManager.





Real-time check

Web Tamper Protection (WTP)

WTP can detect and prevent tampering of files in specified directories, including web pages, documents, and images, and quickly restore them using valid backup files.

Table 10 Web Tamper Protection



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Static WTP

Protect the static web page files on website servers from being tampered with.






Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Dynamic WTP

Provide dynamic web tamper protection for Tomcat. Protect the dynamic web pages in website databases from being tampered with.







Real-time check

Ransomware prevention

Ransomware protection supports user-defined ransomware backup and restoration policies. Help you identify some unknown ransomware attacks by using static and dynamic honeypot files.

Table 11 Ransomware prevention



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Ransomware prevention

Help you identify some unknown ransomware attacks by using static and dynamic honeypot files.




Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Application Process Control

Application process control can detect malicious processes and generate alarms.

Table 12 Application process control



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Application Process Control

Learn the characteristics of application processes on servers and manage their running. Suspicious and trusted processes are allowed to run, and alarms are generated for malicious processes.




Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Checking File Integrity

File integrity management checks and records changes to key files.

Table 13 File integrity monitoring



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Monitor file integrity

Check the files in the Linux OS, applications, and other components to detect tampering.





Real-time check

Virus Scan

Virus scan can detect virus files on the server, helping users eliminate potential malicious threats.

Table 14 Virus scan



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Virus scan

The function uses the virus detection engine to scan virus files on the server. The scanned file types include executable files, compressed files, script files, documents, images, and audio and video files. Users can perform quick scan and full-disk scan on the server as required. Customize scan tasks and handle detected virus files in a timely manner to enhance the virus defense capability of the service system.


√ (Only quick scan is supported.)

Linux and Windows

Container Firewalls

Container firewalls provides services for container runtime.

Table 15 Container firewall



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Container Firewalls

Control and intercept network traffic inside and outside a container cluster to prevent malicious access and attacks.







Real-time check

Container Cluster Protection

Container cluster protection can detect non-compliant baselines issues, vulnerabilities, and malicious files in images to prevent insecure container images from being deployed in clusters.

Table 16 Container cluster protection



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Container cluster protection

Check for non-compliance baseline issues, vulnerabilities, and malicious files when a container image is started and report alarms on or block container startup that has not been unauthorized or may incur high risks.







Real-time check

Intrusion detection

Server intrusion detection identifies and prevents intrusion to servers, discover risks in real time, detect and kill malicious programs, and identify web shells and other threats.

Table 17 Server intrusion detection



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Unclassified malware

Check and handle detected malicious programs all in one place, including web shells, Trojan, mining software, worms, and viruses.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check


Check servers in real time and report alarms for viruses detected on servers.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check


Detect and kill worms on servers and report alarms.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check


Detect programs that are hidden in normal programs and have special functions such as damaging and deleting files, sending passwords, and recording keyboards. If a program is detected, an alarm is reported immediately.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check


Detect whether zombie programs that have been spread exist in servers and report alarms immediately after detecting them.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check


Detect web shell attacks in the server system in real time and report alarms immediately after detecting them.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check


Detect server assets and report alarms for suspicious kernel modules, files, and folders.



Real-time check


Check for ransomware in web pages, software, emails, and storage media.

Ransomware can encrypt and control your data assets, such as documents, emails, databases, source code, images, and compressed files, to leverage victim extortion.




Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Hacker tools

Check whether non-standard tool used to control the server exist and report alarms immediately after detecting them.



Linux and Windows

Real-time check


Check whether the files (often PHP and JSP files) detected by HSS in your web directories are web shells.

  • Web shell information includes the Trojan file path, status, first discovery time, and last discovery time. You can choose to ignore warning on trusted files.
  • You can use the manual detection function to detect web shells on servers.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check


Detect whether mining software exists on servers in real time and report alarms for the detected software.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Remote code execution

Check whether the server is remotely called in real time and report an alarm immediately once remote code execution is detected.



Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Redis vulnerability exploits

Detect the modifications made by the Redis process on key directories in real time and report alarms.



Real-time check

Hadoop vulnerability exploits

Detect the modifications made by the Hadoop process on key directories in real time and report alarms.



Real-time check

MySQL vulnerability exploits

Detect the modifications made by the MySQL process on key directories in real time and report alarms.



Real-time check

Reverse shells

Monitor user process behaviors in real time to detect and block reverse shells caused by invalid connections.

Reverse shells can be detected for protocols including TCP, UDP, and ICMP.


To enable automatic reverse shell blocking, perform the following operations:

  1. You can enable automatic reverse shell blocking in the Malicious File Detection rule or configure automatic blocking in the HIPS Detection rule. For details, see Configuring Policies.
  2. Enable isolation and killing of malicious programs. For details, see Isolating and Killing Malicious Programs.



Real-time check

File privilege escalation

Check the file privilege escalations in your system.



Real-time check

Process privilege escalations

The following process privilege escalation operations can be detected:
  • Root privilege escalation by exploiting SUID program vulnerabilities
  • Root privilege escalation by exploiting kernel vulnerabilities



Real-time check

Important file changes

Receive alarms when critical system files are modified.



Real-time check

File/Directory change

Monitor system files and directories in real time and generate alarms if such files are created, deleted, moved, or if their attributes or content are modified.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Abnormal process behaviors

Check the processes on servers, including their IDs, command lines, process paths, and behavior.

Send alarms on unauthorized process operations and intrusions.

The following abnormal process behavior can be detected:

  • Abnormal CPU usage
  • Processes accessing malicious IP addresses
  • Abnormal increase in concurrent process connections



Linux and Windows

Real-time check

High-risk command executions

Check executed commands in real time and generate alarms if high-risk commands are detected.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Abnormal shells

Detect actions on abnormal shells, including moving, copying, and deleting shell files, and modifying the access permissions and hard links of the files.



Real-time check

Suspicious crontab tasks

Check and list auto-started services, scheduled tasks, pre-loaded dynamic libraries, run registry keys, and startup folders.

You can get notified immediately when abnormal automatic auto-start items are detected and quickly locate Trojans.




Linux and Windows

Real-time check

System protection disabling

Detect the preparations for ransomware encryption: Disable the Windows defender real-time protection function through the registry. Once the function is disabled, an alarm is reported immediately.





Real-time check

Backup deletion

Detect the preparations for ransomware encryption: Delete backup files or files in the Backup folder. Once backup deletion is detected, an alarm is reported immediately.




Real-time check

Suspicious registry operation

Detect operations such as disabling the system firewall through the registry and using the ransomware Stop to modify the registry and write specific strings in the registry. An alarm is reported immediately when such operations are detected.




Real-time check

System log deletion

An alarm is generated when a command or tool is used to clear system logs.





Real-time check

Suspicious command executions

  • Check whether a scheduled task or an automated startup task is created or deleted by running commands or tools.
  • Detect suspicious remote command execution.



Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Suspicious process execution

Detect and report alarms on unauthenticated or unauthorized application processes.




Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Suspicious process file access

Detect and report alarms on the unauthenticated or unauthorized application processes accessing specific directories.




Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Brute-force attacks

Check for brute-force attack attempts and successful brute-force attacks.

  • Detect password cracking attacks on accounts and block attacking IP addresses to prevent server intrusion.
  • Trigger an alarm if a user logs in to the server by a brute-force attack.

Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Abnormal logins

Check and handle remote logins.

If a user's login location is not any common login location, an alarm will be triggered.

Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Invalid accounts

Scan accounts on servers and list suspicious accounts in a timely manner.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check

User account added

Detect the commands used to create hidden accounts. Hidden accounts cannot be found in the user interaction interface or be queried by commands.




Real-time check

Password thefts

Detect the abnormal obtaining of hash value of system accounts and passwords on servers and report alarms.



Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Abnormal outbound connections

Report alarms on suspicious IP addresses that initiate outbound connections.



Real-time check

Port forwarding

Report alarms on port forwarding using suspicious tools.



Real-time check

Suspicious download request

An alarm is generated when a suspicious HTTP request that uses system tools to download programs is detected.





Real-time check

Suspicious HTTP request

An alarm is generated when a suspicious HTTP request that uses a system tool or process to execute a remote hosting script is detected.





Real-time check

Port scan

Detect scanning or sniffing on specified ports and report alarms.





Real-time check

Host scan

Detect the network scan activities based on server rules (including ICMP, ARP, and nbtscan) and report alarms.





Real-time check

Container Intrusion Detection

Container intrusion detection can detect intrusion behaviors of Docker and Containerd engines. Scan running containers for malicious programs including miners and ransomware; detect non-compliant security policies, file tampering, and container escape; and provide suggestions.

Table 18 Container intrusion detection



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Unclassified malware

Check and handle malicious programs in a container, including web shells, Trojan, mining software, worms, and viruses.







Real-time check


Check and handle alarms on ransomware in containers.







Real-time check


Check whether the files (often PHP and JSP files) in the web directories on containers are web shells.







Real-time check

Vulnerability escape detection

An escape alarm is reported if a container process behavior that matches the behavior of known vulnerabilities is detected.







Real-time check

File escape detection

An alarm is reported if a container process is found accessing a key file directory (for example, /etc/shadow or /etc/crontab). Directories that meet the container directory mapping rules can also trigger such alarms.







Real-time check

Reverse shells

Monitor user process behaviors in real time to detect reverse shells caused by invalid connections. Reverse shells can be detected for protocols including TCP, UDP, and ICMP.







Real-time check

File privilege escalation

Check the file privilege escalations in your system.



Real-time check

Process privilege escalations

The following process privilege escalation operations can be detected:
  • Root privilege escalation by exploiting SUID program vulnerabilities
  • Root privilege escalation by exploiting kernel vulnerabilities







Real-time check

Important file changes

Receive alarms when critical system files are modified.



Real-time check

Abnormal process behaviors

Check the processes on servers, including their IDs, command lines, process paths, and behavior.

Send alarms on unauthorized process operations and intrusions.

The following abnormal process behavior can be detected:

  • Abnormal CPU usage
  • Processes accessing malicious IP addresses
  • Abnormal increase in concurrent process connections



Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Abnormal container processes

  • Malicious container program detection

    Monitor container process behavior and process file fingerprints. An alarm is reported if it detects a process whose behavior characteristics match those of a predefined malicious program.

  • Abnormal processes

    The service reports an alarm if it detects that a process not in the whitelist is running in the container.







Real-time check

Abnormal container startup detection

The service monitors container startups and reports an alarm if it detects that a container with too many permissions is started.

Container check items include:

  • Privileged container startup (privileged:true)
  • Too many container capabilities (capability:[xxx])
  • Seccomp not enabled (seccomp=unconfined)
  • Container privilege escalation (no-new-privileges:false)
  • High-risk directory mapping (mounts:[...])







Real-time check

High-risk command executions

Check executed commands in containers and generate alarms if high-risk commands are detected.







Real-time check

High-risk system calls

You can run tasks in kernels by Linux system calls. The container edition reports an alarm if it detects a high-risk call.







Real-time check

Sensitive file access detection

The service monitors the container image files associated with file protection policies, and reports an alarm if the files are modified.







Real-time check

Container image blocking

If a container contains insecure images specified in Suspicious Image Behaviors, an alarm will be generated and the insecure images will be blocked before a container is started in Docker.








Real-time check

Suspicious command executions

  • Check whether a scheduled task or an automated startup task is created or deleted by running commands or tools.
  • Detect suspicious remote command execution.



Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Brute-force attacks

Detect and report alarms for brute-force attack behaviors, such as brute-force attack attempts and successful brute-force attacks, on containers.

Detect SSH, web, and Enumdb brute-force attacks on containers.


Currently, brute-force attacks can be detected only in the Docker runtime.







Real-time check

Invalid accounts

Detect suspicious accounts and report alarms.







Real-time check

Password thefts

Detect the abnormal obtaining of hash value of system accounts and passwords on servers and report alarms.



Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Abnormal outbound connections

Report alarms on suspicious IP addresses that initiate outbound connections.



Real-time check

Port forwarding

Report alarms on port forwarding using suspicious tools.



Real-time check

Kubernetes event deletions

Detect the deletion of Kubernetes events and report alarms.







Real-time check

Abnormal pod behaviors

Detect abnormal operations such as creating privileged pods, static pods, and sensitive pods in a cluster and abnormal operations performed on existing pods and report alarms.







Real-time check

User information enumerations

Detect the operations of enumerating the permissions and executable operation list of cluster users and report alarms.







Real-time check

Binding cluster roles

Detect operations such as binding or creating a high-privilege cluster role or service account and report alarms.







Real-time check

Whitelist Management

The whitelist function includes Alarm whitelist, Login whitelist and System user whitelist. To reduce false alarms, import events to and export events from the whitelist.

Table 19 Whitelists



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Alarm whitelist

You can add an alarm to the whitelist when handling it.

Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Login Whitelist

Add IP addresses and usernames to the Login Whitelist as needed. HSS will not report alarms on the access behaviors of these IP addresses and users.

Linux and Windows

Real-time check

System user whitelist

Users (non-root users) that are newly added to the root user group on a server can be added to the system user whitelist. HSS will not report risky account alarms for them.

Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Policy Management

You can configure Policy management and group policies and servers to batch apply policies to servers, easily adapting to your business scenarios.

Table 20 Policies



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Policy Management

You can define and issue different detection policies for different servers or server groups, implementing refined security operations.

  • Check the policy group list.
  • Create a policy group based on default and existing policy groups.
  • Define a policy.
  • Edit or delete a policy.
  • Modify or disable policies in a group.
  • Apply policies to servers in batches on the Servers & Quota page.


√ (Only the default professional policy group is supported.)

√ (Only the default enterprise policy group is supported.)

Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Viewing the Handling History

Handling history displays the handling history of vulnerabilities and security alarms.

Table 21 Handling history



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Handling history

Check historical vulnerability and alarm handling records, including the handling time and handlers.


Linux and Windows

Security Report

The HSS can generate Security reports on user assets on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.

Table 22 Security report



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Security Report

Check weekly or monthly server security trend, key security events, and risks.


Linux and Windows

Security Configurations

Security configuration allows you to configure common login locations, common login IP addresses, the SSH login IP address whitelist, and automatic isolation and killing of malicious programs.

Table 23 Security configuration



Basic Edition

Professional Edition

Enterprise Edition

Premium Edition

WTP Edition

Container Edition

Supported OSs

Check Frequency

Agent management

You can view the agent status of all servers and upgrade, uninstall, and install agents.

Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Common login location

For each server, you can configure the locations where users usually log in from. The service will generate alarms on logins originated from locations other than the configured common login locations. A server can be added to multiple login locations.

Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Common login IP address

For each server, you can configure the IP addresses where users usually log in from. The service will generate alarms on logins originated from IP addresses other than the configured common IP addresses.

Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Configuring an SSH Login IP Address Whitelist

The SSH login whitelist controls SSH access to servers to prevent account cracking.

After you configure the whitelist, SSH logins will be allowed only from whitelisted IP addresses.


Real-time check

Malicious program isolation and removal

HSS automatically isolates and kills identified malicious programs, such as web shells, Trojans, and worms, removing security risks.


Linux and Windows

Real-time check

Two-factor Authentication (2FA)

Prevent brute-force attacks by using password and SMS/email authentication.

Pay per use: ×

Yearly/Monthly: √

Linux and Windows


Alarm configurations

After alarm notification is enabled, you can receive alarm notifications sent by HSS to learn about security risks facing your servers, containers, and web pages.

Linux and Windows


Plug-in management

Install, uninstall, upgrade, and manage plug-ins in a unified manner.






