- What's New
- Function Overview
Service Overview
- ECS Infographics
- What Is ECS?
- ECS Advantages
- ECS Application Scenarios
- ECS Types and Specifications
- Images
- EVS Disks
- Network
- Security
- Billing
- Notes and Constraints
- ECS and Other Services
- Permissions
- Region and AZ
- Billing Overview
- Billing Modes
- Billing Items
- Billing Examples
- Billing Mode Changes
- Subscription Renewal
- Bills
- Arrears
- Billing Termination
- Cost Management
Billing FAQ
Billing Modes
- What Are the Differences Between Yearly/Monthly and Pay-per-Use Billing Modes?
- Will I Be Billed After ECSs Are Stopped?
- Can I Switch Between Yearly/Monthly and Pay-per-Use Billing Modes?
- FAQs About ECS Frozen, Deletion, and Unsubscription
- How Can I Stop an ECS from Being Billed?
- FAQs About Spot ECSs
- Renewal and Unsubscription
Billing Modes
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Using IAM to Grant Access to ECS
- Overview
- Selecting an ECS Billing Mode
- Purchasing an ECS
- Logging In to a Windows ECS
- Logging In to a Linux ECS
- Managing GPU Drivers of GPU-accelerated ECSs
- Managing ECS Configurations
- Modifying ECS Specifications (vCPUs and Memory)
- Reinstalling or Changing the OS
- Viewing ECS Information
- Images
- Disks
- Elastic Network Interfaces
- EIPs
- Security
- Backup Using CBR
Passwords and Key Pairs
- Password Reset
One-Click ECS Password Reset Plug-in
- Obtaining the ECS One-Click Password Reset Plug-in
- Installing the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in on an ECS
- Updating the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in for an ECS
- Using Scripts to Batch Update the One-Click Password Reset Plug-ins for Linux ECSs
- Using Scripts to Batch Update the One-Click Password Reset Plug-ins for Windows ECSs
- Key Pairs
- Launch Templates
- Auto Launch Groups
- Events
- OS Dump
- Self-Service O&M
- Resources and Tags
- Monitoring Using Cloud Eye
- Audit Using CTS
- QingTian Enclave Management
Best Practices
- Best Practices Summary
- Setting Up Websites on ECSs
- Configuring an ECS
- Setting Up an Environment
- Setting Up a Website
Setting Up an Application
- Setting Up an FTP Site
- Building Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016
- Deploying Docker
- Deploying an ECS for Handling Text Messages from an Official WeChat Account
- Manually Deploying GitLab (CentOS 7.2)
- Manually Deploying RabbitMQ (CentOS 7.4)
- Setting Up Master-Slave Replication on PostgreSQL
- Manually Installing a BT Panel (CentOS 7.2)
- Installing and Deploying Jenkins on an ECS
- Using auditd to Record File Changes (Linux)
- Restoring Accidentally Deleted Data Using Extundelete (Linux)
- Setting Up a ThinkPHP Framework
- Securing an ECS
- Migrating an ECS
- Accessing OBS from an ECS over the Intranet
- Using VNC Viewer to Access a Linux ECS
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Selecting an API Type or Version
- Calling APIs
- Lifecycle Management
Status Management
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Cold Migrating an ECS
- Obtaining the VNC Login Address
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS (Pay-per-Use)
- Changing the ECS Billing Mode
- Batch Operations
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Task Status Management
- Tag Management
- Password Management
- ECS Group Management
- Historical Versions
- Application Examples
- Data Structure
Permissions and Supported Actions
- Introduction
- Lifecycle Management
- ECS Status Management
- Batch Operations
- Network Management
- Image Management
- Security Group Management
- Specifications Query
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- SSH Key Management
- Password Management
- Floating IP Address Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Management Through Console
- AZ Management
- Tag Management
- Resource-Level Authorization
- Common Parameters
Out-of-Date APIs
- Status Management
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Tag Management
- Password Management
- API Version Query (OpenStack Nova API)
- Lifecycle Management (OpenStack Nova API)
Status Management (OpenStack Nova API)
- Starting an ECS (Discarded)
- Restarting an ECS (Discarded)
- Disabling an ECS(Discarded)
- Locking an ECS (Discarded)
- Unlocking an ECS (Discarded)
- Creating an Image Using an ECS (Discarded)
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS (Discarded)
- Confirming the Specifications Modification of an ECS (Discarded)
- Rolling Back ECS Specifications Modification (Discarded)
- Adding an ECS to the Monitoring List (Discarded)
- Network Management (OpenStack Nova API)
- Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Querying Security Groups (Discarded)
- Creating a Security Group (Discarded)
- Querying Details About a Security Group (Discarded)
- Updating a Security Group (Discarded)
- Deleting a Security Group (Discarded)
- Creating a Security Group Rule (Discarded)
- Deleting a Security Group Rule (Discarded)
- Adding a Security Group (Discarded)
- Removing a Security Group (Discarded)
- Querying Security Groups of a Specified ECS (Discarded)
- Flavor Management (OpenStack Nova API)
- NIC Management (OpenStack Nova API)
Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Querying Brief Information About Disks (Discarded)
- Querying Detailed Information About Disks (Discarded)
- Querying Information About a Disk (Discarded)
- Creating a Disk (Discarded)
- Deleting a Disk (Discarded)
- Querying Disks Attached to an ECS (Discarded)
- Querying a Disk Attached to an ECS (Discarded)
- Attaching an ECS Data Disk (Discarded)
- Detaching a Disk from an ECS (Discarded)
- Metadata Management (OpenStack Nova API)
- Tenant Quota Management (OpenStack Nova API)
- Key and Password Management (OpenStack Nova API)
- ECS Group Management (OpenStack Nova API)
- ECS Operation Management (OpenStack Nova API)
- ECS Management Through Console (OpenStack Nova API)
- AZs (OpenStack Nova API)
- Tag Management (OpenStack Nova API)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
- Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
- Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Appendix
- SDK Reference
- Common FAQ
- Product Consulting
ECS Creation
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find My ECSs?
- What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
- How Can I Set Sequential ECS Names When Creating Multiple ECSs?
- What Is the Creation Time and Launch Time of an ECS?
- Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
- When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
- Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
- What Should I Do If the ECS Fails to Be Provisioned After I Have Paid the Order?
- Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
- What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
- Should I Choose Windows OS or Linux OS for My ECS?
- How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
- How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
- Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
- ECS Deletion and Unsubscription
Remote Login
Login Preparations
- What Are the Login Requirements for ECSs?
- What Are the Username and Password for Remote Logins?
- Can I Retrieve My Remote Login Password?
- Why Cannot I Use the Username and Password Configured During the Creation of a GPU-accelerated ECS to Log In to the ECS Through SSH?
- What Should I Do If Starting an ECS Remains in "Waiting for cloudResetPwdAgent" State?
Remote Logins
- Can I Troubleshoot ECSs By Myself?
- How Do I Log In to My ECS?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Use MSTSC to Log In to an ECS Running the Windows Server 2012 OS?
- How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
- Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
- What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Access a Windows Server 2012 OS After Uninstalling Some Software?
- How Can I Log In to an ECS After It Exchanged the System Disk with Another ECS Running the Same OS?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating that the Password for Logging In to an ECS Cannot Be Obtained?
- How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
VNC Login
- Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
- Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
- Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
Remote Login Errors on Windows
- Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does BSOD Occur When I Log In to an ECS Using Remote Desktop Connection?
- Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
Login Preparations
- What Are the Differences Between Yearly/Monthly and Pay-per-Use Billing Modes?
- Will I Be Billed After ECSs Are Stopped?
- Can I Switch Between Yearly/Monthly and Pay-per-Use Billing Modes?
- FAQs About ECS Frozen, Deletion, and Unsubscription
- How Can I Stop an ECS from Being Billed?
- FAQs About Spot ECSs
- How Can I Renew ECSs?
- How Can I Automatically Renew a Yearly/Monthly ECS?
- Will I Receive a Notification If My Account Balance Is Insufficient?
- Will I Receive a Notification of Account Balance Changes?
Region and AZ
- What Is AZ and How Can I Select and View an AZ?
- What Is a Region?
- Are Products Different in Different Regions?
- Is Data Transmission Between AZs Billed?
- Can I Change the Region or AZ After an ECS Is Purchased?
- Can I Migrate an ECS to Another Region, AZ, or Account?
- Can a Load Balancer Distribute Traffic to ECSs in Different Regions?
- Is Application Disaster Recovery Available in Different Regions?
- Are There Any Services Provided for Application Disaster Recovery?
- Can Components Contained in an Application Be Distributed to Different Regions?
- How Do I Use BYOL?
- Do ECSs Support GUI?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 6?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 7?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Ubuntu?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Debian?
- Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
- Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
- How Can I Fix the Meltdown and Spectre Security Vulnerabilities on Intel Processor Chips?
- How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
- What Should I Do If the Cursor Is Unavailable After a GNOME GUI Is Installed on a Kunpeng ECS Running CentOS 7 or NeoKylin NKASV 7?
- How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
- Why Does the NVIDIA Kernel Crashes on a GPU-accelerated ECS?
Disk Partition, Attachment, and Expansion
- Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
- How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
- Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
- What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
- Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
- What Should I Do If Attaching a Disk to a Windows ECS Failed But There Are Still Available Device Names?
- Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
- How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
- Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
- How Can I Add ECSs Using Local Disks to an ECS Group?
- How Can I Delete or Unsubscribe from a Yearly/Monthly Disk?
- Will My EVS Disk Be Unsubscribed or Deleted When I Unsubscribe from or Delete Its Server?
- Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
- Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
- How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
- Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
- Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
- Data Backup and Restoration
Network Configuration
- How Can I Configure the NTP and DNS Servers for an ECS?
- Does Huawei Cloud Provide the NTP Server and How Can I Configure It?
- How Do I Configure DNS for an ECS?
- Can the ECSs of Different Accounts in Different VPCs Communicate over an Intranet?
- Will My ECSs Be Deployed in the Same Subnet?
- How Do I Change the CIDR Block of an ECS Subnet?
- How Do I Configure Port Mapping?
- How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
- How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
- Why Is the NIC Not Working?
- Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
- How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
- What Should I Do If NIC Flapping Occurs After My ECS Specifications Are Modified?
- Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
- How Can I Check Whether the Network Communication Is Normal Between Two ECSs Equipped with an InfiniBand NIC Driver?
- How Can I Manually Configure an IP Address for an InfiniBand NIC?
- How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- How Can I Add a Static Route to a CentOS 6.5 OS?
- Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
- Can an ECS Without an EIP Bound Access the Internet?
- What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
- Why Can I Remotely Access an ECS But Cannot Ping It?
- Why Is Outbound Access on TCP Port 25 Blocked?
- How Do I Query the Egress Public IP Address of My ECS?
- Why My EIPs Are Frozen? How Do I Unfreeze My EIPs?
Password and Key Pair
- How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- What Is the Default Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS in the OS
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS Without the Password Reset Plug-in Installed
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS Without the Password Reset Plug-in Installed
- What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
- Why Does Login to My ECS Using the Reset Password Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing the Message Indicating That the Port Is Used by a One-Click Password Reset Plug-in?
- Why Does the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in Use Too Much VIRT and SHR?
- Disabling SELinux
- What Should I Do If the One-Click Password Reset Plug-ins Installed on a Linux ECS Fail to Be Started?
- How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
- How Can I Use a Key Pair?
- Can I Download a Key Pair from My Phone?
- What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
- Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
- Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
- What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
- What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
- Application Deployment and Software Installation
File Upload/Data Transfer
- How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use OBS to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
- Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Failure
- How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
- How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
- What Should I Do If Emails Configured on an ECS Cannot Be Sent?
- Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
- How Do I Change an ECS SID?
- Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
- Why Is the Memory of an ECS Obtained by Running the free Command Inconsistent with the Actual Memory?
- Why Is the Hostname of My ECS Restored to the Original Name After the ECS Is Restarted?
- Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
- Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
- How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
- Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
- Slow ECS Response
Specification Modification
- How Do I Upgrade or Downgrade the Specifications of an ECS and Do I Need to Stop the ECS?
- What Should I Do If My Specifications Modification Request Failed to Submit?
- What Should I Do If Executing a Driver Installation Script Failed on an ECS Running CentOS 5?
- What Should I Do If Executing a Driver Installation Script Failed When I Attempted to Modify the Specifications of a Linux ECS?
- Why Do the Disks of a Windows ECS Go Offline After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
- Why Does the Disk Attachment of a Linux ECS Fail After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
OS Change
- Does OS Change Incur Fees?
- Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
- Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
- Will I Lose My Disk Data If I Reinstall ECS OS, Change the OS, or Change the ECS Specifications?
- Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
- Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
- How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
- ECS Security Check
- Resource Management and Tag
Image Source Management
- How Can I Use an Automated Tool to Configure a Huawei Cloud Image Source (x86_64 and Kunpeng)?
- How Can I Use an EPEL Image Source (x86_64 or Kunpeng) Provided by Huawei Cloud?
- How Can I Use a Pypi Image Source (x86_64 or Kunpeng) Provided by Huawei Cloud?
- What Can I Do If the Download Speed Is Slow After the yum makecache Command Is Executed?
- Internet Inaccessible
- Website or Application Inaccessible
- Slow Website or Application Response
General Issues
- Why Accessing a Website Outside the Chinese Mainland Is Slow on an ECS?
- How Do I Troubleshoot a Ping Failure or Packet Loss Using a Link Test?
- How Do I Troubleshoot Slow Connections to a Website Hosted on My ECS?
- How Do I Troubleshoot an Unresponsive Website Hosted on My ECS?
- Why Am I Unable to Connect to a Port on an ECS?
- How Can I Resolve High Bandwidth Usage on My ECSs?
- Why Is My Windows ECS Running Slowly?
- Why Is My Linux ECS Running Slowly?
- How Can I Handle Slow ECS Startup?
- How Do I Configure Multiple IP Addresses for an ECS with Multiple NICs Attached?
Windows ECS Issues
- How Can I Retain a Session on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Fix the Difference Between the System Time and the Local Standard Time?
- How Do I Attach an Extension NIC to a Windows ECS for Accessing the Internet?
- How Can I Fix Grayed Out Copy and Paste Options?
- How Do I Configure File Sharing and Network Disk Mapping for a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Troubleshoot an In-Service Port During Tomcat Startup?
- How Do I Troubleshoot Unavailable Input Methods?
- How Can I Set the Input Method for a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Share Files Between Windows ECSs?
- How Do I Restore Data in the Event of a Startup Failure on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I View Login Logs of a Windows ECS?
- What Can I Do If My Windows ECS Can Ping a Website but Cannot Access it?
- Why Can't I Open the Start Menu and Search Box on a Windows ECS?
Linux ECS Issues
- Why Is My Linux ECS Not Booting and Going Into Emergency Mode?
- How Do I Fix a "Read-Only" Error When I Edit the /etc/fstab File?
- How Do I Change the Time Zone on ECSs Running CentOS or EulerOS?
- How Do I Troubleshoot "nf_conntrack:table full, dropping packet"?
- How Do I Change the Default Boot Kernel in Ubuntu?
- How Do I Configure atop and kdump on Linux ECSs for Performance Analysis?
- Why Is the OS Version of My ECS Not the One in the Image I Selected During ECS Creation?
- How Do I Enable My ECS to Boot From the Second Kernel If It Fails to Boot from the First Kernel?
- How Can I Make /etc/rc.local Run at Startup in CentOS 7?
- What OSs Are Supported If I Want to Install Docker on a Linux ECS?
- Why Do the Modifications to /etc/security/limits.conf Not Take Effect After the ECS Restarts?
- How Do I Set vCPU Affinity for Processes Using taskset?
- What Should I Do If Error "command ´gcc´ failed with exit status 1" Occurs During PIP-based Software Installation
- What Can I Do If Switching from a Non-root User to User root Times Out?
- What Can I Do If the Permissions on the Root Directory of My CentOS ECS Changed to 777?
- What Should I Do If the IP Settings of My Linux ECS Are Lost?
- Why Does My Linux ECS Restart Unexpectedly?
- What Do I Do If Error "Cannot allocate memory" Is Displayed?
- What Can I Do If the Fork Process Failed and New Threads Cannot Be Created?
- What Can I Do If the ECS Startup or Remote Login Fails Due to Incorrect System Configurations?
- Why Do df and du Commands Show Different Disk Usage?
- What Can I Do If NetworkManager Cannot Be Started? (Error Message: Failed to restart NetworkManager.service: Unit NetworkManager.service is masked)
- Why Is the IP Address Lost After the System Time of an ECS Is Modified?
Configuring the Network
- Why Does My ECS Running CentOS 7 Fail to Obtain an IP Address Using dhclient?
- Why Does the NIC Names Change After I Start a Linux ECS?
- Why an Entry Is Automatically Added to /etc/hosts After a Linux ECS Is Restarted?
- How Do I Fix a Network Startup Failure Due to Multiple NIC Configuration Files?
- Why Do I Get the Error "Name or service not known" When I Ping a Public Domain Name Configured for a Linux ECS?
- Why Cannot the EIP Bound to the Extension NIC of My ECS Access the Internet?
- How Do I Fix Too High Memory Usage by NetworkManager When Multiple Docker Containers Are Running?
- Why Is the ECS IP Address Lost After the System Time Changes?
- What Can I Do If resolv.conf Gets Reset?
- What Can I Do If /etc/resolv.conf Is Restored After an ECS Running Ubuntu Is Restarted?
Disk Space Management Issues
- Why Can't I Mount a Disk on an Old Mount Point by Modifying fstab in CentOS 7?
- How Do I Create a Swap Partition or File in Linux?
- Why Is the Space Not Released After I Delete a Large File on a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If the "Read-only file system" Error Message Is Displayed When I Attempt to Delete a File on a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Fix File Creation Failures Due to Inode Exhaustion?
- Why Do I Get the Error "No space left on device" When I Create a File on a Linux ECS?
- What Can I Do If the Buffer and Cache Occupy Too Much Memory of a Linux ECS?
- What Can I Do If the Partition Capacity Fails to Be Expanded Using growpart After the EVS Disk Capacity Is Expanded?
- What Can I Do If Disk Scale-Out Fails When There Is Heavy I/O Workload for SCSI Disks?
- GPU Driver Issues
SSH Connection Issues
- How Do I Keep an SSH Session Alive?
- How Can I Allow or Deny Login from Specific Users or IP Addresses to an ECS Using SSH?
- Why Can't I Access an ECS Running CentOS 7 Using SSH After I Changed the Default SSH Port?
- How Can I Resolve ECS Login Failures Due to Corrupt /etc/passwd?
- Why Does It Takes a Long Time to Connect to an ECS Using SSH After UseDNS Is Enabled?
- Why Does sshd Fail to Be Started on a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Disable Login to an ECS Using SSH Password?
- Why Are Connections to a Linux ECS Using SSH or to Applications on the ECS Interrupted Occasionally?
- What Do I Do If "Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /root" Is Displayed and I Can't Log In to an ECS Using SSH Key?
- What Do I Do If I Can Log In to an Ubuntu 16.04 ECS Using SSH But the VNC Login Page Cannot Be Displayed?
Multi-User Login Issues
- How Do I Configure Multi-User Logins for an ECS Running Windows Server 2012?
- Why Does a Browser Launch Error Occur in Multi-User Login?
- How Do I Apply for a License for Authenticating Multi-User Sessions and Activate an ECS?
- How Do I Troubleshoot Login Screen Flickering After Configuring Multi-User Login?
Passwords and Key Pairs Issues
- How Do I Reset the Password for User root in Single-User Mode on a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Reset the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Fix the "Authentication token manipulation error" When I Reset the Password Using passwd on a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Change the Key Pair for a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Change the Login Mode of a Linux ECS from Key Pair to Password?
- Firewall Configuration Issues
- BSOD Issues
- IIS Installation Issues
General Issues
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
Getting Started
- Creating an ECS
- Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
- Scenarios and Disk Partitions
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
- Instances
- Images
- EVS Disks
- Elastic Network Interface
- Security
- Passwords and Key Pairs
- Permissions Management
- Resources and Tags
- Monitoring
- Common Topics
- ECS Overview
- Regions and AZs
- Billing
Creation and Deletion
- What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
- What Is the Creation Time and Startup Time of an ECS?
- Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
- When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
- Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
- Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
- What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
- Should I Choose Windows OS or Linux OS for My ECS?
- How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
- How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
- Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
- What Happens After I Click the Delete Button?
- Can a Deleted ECS Be Provisioned Again?
- Can a Deleted ECS Be Restored?
- How Do I Delete or Restart an ECS?
- Can I Forcibly Restart or Stop an ECS?
Login and Connection
- What Are the Username and Password for Remote Logins?
- Why Cannot I Use the Username and Password Configured During the Creation of a GPU-accelerated ECS to Log In to the ECS Through SSH?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Use MSTSC to Log In to an ECS Running the Windows Server 2012 OS?
- How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
- Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
- What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
- Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
- Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
- Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
- How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
- How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
- Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
- How Do I Change an ECS SID?
- Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
ECS Management
- How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
- Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
- Why Is the Hostname of My ECS Restored to the Original Name After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Set Sequential ECS Names When Creating Multiple ECSs?
- How Can I Modify ECS Specifications?
- Why Do the Disks of a Windows ECS Go Offline After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
- Why Does the Disk Attachment of a Linux ECS Fail After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
OS Management
- Does OS Change Incur Fees?
- Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
- Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
- Will I Lose My Disk Data If I Reinstall ECS OS, Change the OS, or Change the ECS Specifications?
- Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
- Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
- How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
- Do ECSs Support GUI?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 6?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 7?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Ubuntu?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Debian?
- Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
- Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
- How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
- Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
- How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
File Upload/Data Transfer
- How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
- Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
- ECS Migration
Disk Management
- Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
- Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
- What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
- Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
- How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
- What Should I Do If Attaching a Disk to a Windows ECS Failed But There Are Still Available Device Names?
- Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
- How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
- Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
- How Can I Add an ECS with Local Disks Attached to an ECS Group?
- Will My EVS Disk Be Deleted When I Delete Its Server?
- Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
- Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
- How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
- Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
- Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
Passwords and Key Pairs
- How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- What Is the Default Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
- Changing the Login Password on an ECS
- What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
- Disabling SELinux
- How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
- How Can I Use a Key Pair?
- What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
- Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
- Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
- What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
- What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
Network Configurations
- Can Multiple EIPs Be Bound to an ECS?
- Can an ECS Without an EIP Bound Access the Internet?
- What Should I Do If an EIP Cannot Be Pinged?
- Why Can I Remotely Access an ECS But Cannot Ping It?
- How Do I Query the Egress Public IP Address of My ECS?
- How Can I Configure the NTP and DNS Servers for an ECS?
- What Should I Do If NIC Flapping Occurs After My ECS Specifications Are Modified?
- Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
- How Do I Change the CIDR Block of an ECS Subnet?
- How Can I Check Whether the Network Communication Is Normal Between Two ECSs Equipped with an InfiniBand NIC Driver?
- How Can I Manually Configure an IP Address for an InfiniBand NIC?
- Why Is the NIC Not Working?
- How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- How Can I Add a Static Route to a CentOS 6.5 OS?
- Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
- Why Can't My Windows ECS Access the Internet?
- Why Does My Linux ECS Fail to Access the Internet?
- How Do I Troubleshoot an Unresponsive Website Hosted on My ECS?
- Why Did I See "Invalid argument" or "neighbour table overflow" During an Access to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
- How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
- Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
- How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Configure Port Redirection?
- Can the ECSs of Different Accounts Communicate over an Intranet?
- Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
- Security Configurations
- Resource Management and Tags
- Resource Monitoring
- Database Applications
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
APIs (Recommended)
- Lifecycle Management
Status Management
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Cold Migrating an ECS
- Obtaining the VNC Login Address
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS (V1.1)
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
- Batch Operations
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Task Status Management
- Password Management
- ECS Group Management
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
- API Version Query
- Lifecycle Management
- Status Management
- Network Management
- Security Group Management
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Key and Password Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Operation Management
- ECS Console Management
- AZ
- Tag Management
- Historical Versions
- Application Examples
- Data Structure
Permissions and Supported Actions
- Introduction
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
- Lifecycle Management
- ECS Status Management
- Batch Operations
- Network Management
- Image Management
- Security Group Management
- Specifications Query
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- SSH Key Management
- Password Management
- Floating IP Address Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Management Through Console
- AZ Management
- Tag Management
- Resource-Level Authorization
- Common Parameters
Out-of-Date APIs
- Status Management
- Flavor Management
- Disk Management
- Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
- Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
- Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Appendix
User Guide (Paris Regions)
- Service Overview
Getting Started
- Creating an ECS
- Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
- Scenarios and Disk Partitions
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
- Using IAM to Grant Access to ECS
- Instances
- Images
- Disks
- NICsElastic Network Interfaces
- EIPs
- Security
- Backup Using CBR
- Passwords and Key Pairs
- Resources and Tags
- Monitoring Using Cloud Eye
- Audit Using CTS
- Troubleshooting
- Common FAQ
- Product Consulting
ECS Creation
- What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
- How Can I Set Sequential ECS Names When Creating Multiple ECSs?
- What Is the Creation Time and Launch Time of an ECS?
- Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
- When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
- Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
- Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
- What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
- How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
- How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
- Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
- ECS Deletion and Unsubscription
Remote Login
- Login Preparations
Remote Logins
- Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
- How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
- Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
- What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
- How Can I Log In to an ECS After It Exchanged the System Disk with Another ECS Running the Same OS?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating that the Password for Logging In to an ECS Cannot Be Obtained?
- How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
VNC Login
- Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
- Why Are Characters Entered Through VNC Still Incorrect After the Keyboard Language Is Switched?
- Why Cannot I Use the French Keyboard to Enter Characters When I Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
- Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
- Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
Remote Login Errors on Windows
- Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Billing
Region and AZ
- What Is AZ and How Can I Select and View an AZ?
- What Is a Region?
- Are Products Different in Different Regions?
- Is Data Transmission Between AZs Billed?
- Can I Migrate an ECS to Another Region, AZ, or Account?
- Can a Load Balancer Distribute Traffic to ECSs in Different Regions?
- Is Application Disaster Recovery Available in Different Regions?
- Are There Any Services Provided for Application Disaster Recovery?
- Can Components Contained in an Application Be Distributed to Different Regions?
- Do ECSs Support GUI?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 6?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 7?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Ubuntu?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Debian?
- Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
- Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
- How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
- How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
Disk Partition, Attachment, and Expansion
- Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
- How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
- Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
- What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
- Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
- Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
- How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
- Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
- How Can I Add ECSs Using Local Disks to an ECS Group?
- Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
- Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
- How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
- Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
- Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
Network Configuration
- How Can I Configure the NTP and DNS Servers for an ECS?
- How Do I Configure DNS for an ECS?
- Can the ECSs of Different Accounts in Different VPCs Communicate over an Intranet?
- Will My ECSs Be Deployed in the Same Subnet?
- How Do I Configure Port Mapping?
- How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
- How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
- Why Is the NIC Not Working?
- Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
- How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
- What Should I Do If NIC Flapping Occurs After My ECS Specifications Are Modified?
- Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
- How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- How Can I Add a Static Route to a CentOS 6.5 OS?
Password and Key Pair
- How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS in the OS
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Windows ECS
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS
- What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
- Disabling SELinux
- How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
- How Can I Use a Key Pair?
- What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
- Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
- Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
- What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
- What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
- Application Deployment and Software Installation
File Upload/Data Transfer
- How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
- Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Failure
- How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
- How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
- Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
- How Do I Change an ECS SID?
- Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
- Why Is the Memory of an ECS Obtained by Running the free Command Inconsistent with the Actual Memory?
- Why Is the Hostname of My ECS Restored to the Original Name After the ECS Is Restarted?
- Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
- Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
- How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
- Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
- Slow ECS Response
Specification Modification
- How Do I Upgrade or Downgrade the Specifications of an ECS and Do I Need to Stop the ECS?
- What Should I Do If Executing a Driver Installation Script Failed on an ECS Running CentOS 5?
- What Should I Do If Executing a Driver Installation Script Failed When I Attempted to Modify the Specifications of a Linux ECS?
- Why Do the Disks of a Windows ECS Go Offline After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
- Why Does the Disk Attachment of a Linux ECS Fail After I Modify the ECS Specifications?
OS Change
- Does OS Change Incur Fees?
- Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
- Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
- Will I Lose My Disk Data If I Reinstall ECS OS, Change the OS, or Change the ECS Specifications?
- Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
- Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
- How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
- ECS Security Check
- Resource Management and Tag
- Internet Inaccessible
- Website or Application Inaccessible
API Reference (Paris Regions)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Selecting an API Type or Version
- Calling APIs
- APIs (Recommended)
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
- API Version Query
- Lifecycle Management
Status Management
- Starting an ECS
- Restarting an ECS
- Disabling an ECS
- Locking an ECS
- Unlocking an ECS
- Rebuilding an ECS
- Creating an Image Using an ECS
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
- Confirming the Specifications Modification of an ECS
- Rolling Back ECS Specifications Modification
- Adding an ECS to the Monitoring List
- Network Management
- Security Group Management
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Key and Password Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Operation Management
- ECS Console Management
- Tag Management
- Historical Versions
- Application Examples
- Data Structure
Permissions and Supported Actions
- Introduction
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
- Lifecycle Management
- ECS Status Management
- Batch Operations
- Network Management
- Image Management
- Security Group Management
- Specifications Query
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- SSH Key Management
- Password Management
- Floating IP Address Management
- ECS Group Management
- Tag Management
- Common Parameters
Out-of-Date APIs
- Status Management
- Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
- Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
- Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Appendix
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
Getting Started
- Creating an ECS
- Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
- Scenarios and Disk Partitions
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
- Using IAM to Grant Access to ECS
- Instances
- Images
- Disks
- NICs
- EIPs
- Security
- Backup Using CBR
- Passwords and Key Pairs
- Resources and Tags
- Monitoring Using Cloud Eye
- Audit Using CTS
- Common FAQ
- Product Consulting
ECS Creation
- What Should I Do If the ECS Resources to Be Purchased Are Sold Out?
- How Can I Set Sequential ECS Names When Creating Multiple ECSs?
- What Is the Creation Time and Launch Time of an ECS?
- Why Does the Failures Area Show an ECS Creation Failure But the ECS List Displays the Created ECS?
- When Does an ECS Become Provisioned?
- Why Cannot I View the ECSs Being Created Immediately After I Pay for Them?
- Why Does It Take Longer to Create ECSs When I Use a Full-ECS Image?
- What Do I Do If I Selected an Incorrect Image for My ECS?
- Should I Choose Windows OS or Linux OS for My ECS?
- How Quickly Can I Obtain an ECS?
- How Can I Manage ECSs by Group?
- Why Did I Fail to Configure an Anti-Affinity ECS Group?
- ECS Deletion and Unsubscription
Remote Login
- Login Preparations
Remote Logins
- Why Can't I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Log In to My Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Use MSTSC to Log In to an ECS Running the Windows Server 2012 OS?
- How Can I Change a Remote Login Port?
- Why Cannot I Use a Non-Default SSH Port to Log In to My Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Obtain the Password for Logging In to My Windows ECS Authenticated Using a Key Pair?
- What Browser Version Is Required to Remotely Log In to an ECS?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating that the Password for Logging In to an ECS Cannot Be Obtained?
- How Can I Change the Resolution of a Windows ECS?
VNC Login
- Why Are Garbled Characters Displayed When I Log In to My ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If the Page Does not Respond After I Log In to an ECS Using VNC and Do Not Perform Any Operation for a Long Period of Time?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot View Data After Logging In to an ECS Using VNC?
- Why Does a Blank Screen Appear After I Attempted to Log In to an ECS Using VNC?
- What Should I Do If Error Code 1006 or 1000 Is Displayed When I Log In to an ECS Through the Management Console?
- Why No Audio File Can Be Properly Played on My Windows ECS Logged In Using VNC?
Remote Login Errors on Windows
- Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
- Why Does the System Display a Message Indicating Invalid Credentials When I Attempt to Access a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an Internal Error Occur When I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Do ECSs Support GUI?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 6?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running CentOS 7?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Ubuntu?
- How Can I Install a GUI on an ECS Running Debian?
- Why Does the OS Fail to Respond When kdump Occurs on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Upgrade the Kernel of a Linux ECS?
- Why Cannot My ECS OS Start Properly?
- How Can I Enable SELinux on an ECS Running CentOS?
- How Do I View the GPU Usage of a GPU-accelerated ECS?
Disk Partition, Attachment, and Expansion
- Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
- How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
- Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
- What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
- Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
- What Should I Do If Attaching a Disk to a Windows ECS Failed But There Are Still Available Device Names?
- Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
- How Can I Check Whether the ECSs Attached with the Same Shared SCSI Disk Are in the Same ECS Group?
- Can All Users Use the Encryption Feature?
- How Can I Add ECSs Using Local Disks to an ECS Group?
- Will My EVS Disk Be Deleted When I Delete Its Server?
- Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
- Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
- How Can I Rectify the Fault That May Occur on a Linux ECS with an NVMe SSD Disk Attached?
- Why Is the Device Name of My C6 ECS in the sd* Format?
- Why Are Disk Error Logs Printed After a Disk Attached to an ECS Is Formatted with the ext4 File System?
- Data Backup and Restoration
Network Configuration
- How Can I Configure the NTP and DNS Servers for an ECS?
- Can the ECSs of Different Accounts in Different VPCs Communicate over an Intranet?
- Will My ECSs Be Deployed in the Same Subnet?
- How Do I Change the CIDR Block of an ECS Subnet?
- How Do I Configure Port Mapping?
- How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
- How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
- How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
- What Should I Do If NIC Flapping Occurs After My ECS Specifications Are Modified?
- Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
- How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- How Can I Add a Static Route to a CentOS 6.5 OS?
Password and Key Pair
- How Can I Change the Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- What Is the Default Password for Logging In to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
- Resetting the Password for Logging In to an ECS in the OS
- What Should I Do If the System Displays a Message Indicating that the Password Is Incorrect When I Remotely Log In to My ECS?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Log In to My ECS Using the Initial Password After I Use It for a Period of Time?
- Disabling SELinux
- How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
- How Can I Use a Key Pair?
- What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
- Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
- What Should I Do If I Cannot Download a Key Pair?
- Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
- What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
- What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
- Application Deployment and Software Installation
File Upload/Data Transfer
- How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Data Between a Local Computer and a Windows ECS?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- Why Does Internet Access to an ECS Deployed with FTP Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
- Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Failure
- How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
- How Can I Recover a Windows ECS with an Abnormal Virtualization Driver?
- Why Is My Windows ECS Muted?
- How Do I Change an ECS SID?
- Why Does a Pay-per-Use ECS Fail to Be Started?
- Why Is the Memory of an ECS Obtained by Running the free Command Inconsistent with the Actual Memory?
- Why Is the Hostname of My ECS Restored to the Original Name After the ECS Is Restarted?
- Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
- Why Does a Forcibly-Stopped Linux ECS Fail to Be Restarted?
- How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
- Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
- Slow ECS Response
- Specification Modification
OS Change
- Does OS Change Incur Fees?
- Can I Install or Upgrade the OS of an ECS?
- Can I Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Long Does It Take to Change an ECS OS?
- Will I Lose My Disk Data If I Reinstall ECS OS, Change the OS, or Change the ECS Specifications?
- Does OS Reinstallation Incur Fees?
- Can I Select Another OS During ECS OS Reinstallation?
- How Long Does It Take to Reinstall an ECS OS?
- ECS Security Check
- Resource Management and Tag
- Internet Inaccessible
- Website or Application Inaccessible
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
APIs (Recommended)
- Lifecycle Management
Status Management
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Cold Migrating an ECS
- Obtaining the VNC Login Address
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS (V1.1)
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
- Batch Operations
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Task Status Management
- Password Management
- ECS Group Management
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
- API Version Query
- Lifecycle Management
- Status Management
- Network Management
- Security Group Management
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Key and Password Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Operation Management
- ECS Console Management
- AZ
- Tag Management
- Historical Versions
- Application Examples
- Data Structure
Permissions and Supported Actions
- Introduction
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
- Lifecycle Management
- ECS Status Management
- Batch Operations
- Network Management
- Image Management
- Security Group Management
- Specifications Query
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- SSH Key Management
- Password Management
- Floating IP Address Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Management Through Console
- AZ Management
- Tag Management
- Common Parameters
Out-of-Date APIs
- Status Management
- Flavor Management
- Disk Management
- Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
- Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
- Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Appendix
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Service Overview
Getting Started
- Creating an ECS
- Logging In to an ECS
Initializing EVS Data Disks
- Scenarios and Disk Partitions
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk (Windows Server 2019)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (fdisk)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk (parted)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2008)
- Initializing a Windows Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (Windows Server 2012)
- Initializing a Linux Data Disk Larger Than 2 TiB (parted)
- Using IAM to Grant Access to ECS
- Instances
- Images
- Disks
- Elastic Network Interfaces
- EIPs
- Security
- Backup Using CBR
- Passwords and Key Pairs
- Resources
- Monitoring Using Cloud Eye
- Product Consulting FAQ
- ECS Creation FAQ
- ECS Deletion and Unsubscription FAQ
Remote Login FAQ
- Login Preparations
- Remote Logins
- VNC Login
Remote Login Errors on Windows
- Why Does an Authentication Failure Occurs After I Attempt to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Can't I Use the Local Computer to Connect to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Permission to Remotely Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display No Remote Desktop License Servers Available to Provide a License When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x112f When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 0x1104 When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Error Code 122.112... When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does the System Display Invalid Certificate or Associated Chain When I Log In to a Windows ECS from a Mac?
- Why Is My Remote Session Interrupted by a Protocol Error?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says Identity of Remote Computer Cannot be Verified When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing An Error Message That Says The Two Computers Couldn't Be Connected in the Amount of Time Allotted When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing an Error Message That Says User Account is not Authorized for Remote Login When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does My Remote Desktop Session End Because Another User Logs In When I Log In to a Windows ECS?
- Why Does an ECS Fail to Be Remotely Connected Using RDP and Internal Error Code 4 Is Displayed?
Remote Login Errors on Linux
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Module is unknown" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Permission denied" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "read: Connection reset by peer" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- Why Am I Seeing the Error Message "Access denied" When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If Error Message "Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available" Is Displayed When I Remotely Log In to a Linux ECS?
Disk Partition, Attachment, and Expansion FAQ
- Why Can't I Find My Newly Purchased Data Disk After I Log In to My Windows ECS?
- How Can I Adjust System Disk Partitions?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Obtain the Mapping Between Disk Partitions and Disk Devices on a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Enable Virtual Memory on a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the End Root Partition Online?
- How Can I Add the Empty Partition of an Expanded System Disk to the Non-end Root Partition Online?
- Can I Attach Multiple Disks to an ECS?
- What Are the Requirements for Attaching an EVS Disk to an ECS?
- Which ECSs Can Be Attached with SCSI EVS Disks?
- How Do I Obtain My Disk Device Name in the ECS OS Using the Device Identifier Provided on the Console?
- Why Does a Linux ECS with a SCSI Disk Attached Fails to Be Restarted?
- Why Does a Disk Attached to a Windows ECS Go Offline?
- Why Does the Disk Drive Letter Change After the ECS Is Restarted?
- How Can I Obtain Data Disk Information If Tools Are Uninstalled?
Network Configuration FAQ
- Can the ECSs of Different Accounts Communicate over an Intranet?
- Will ECSs That I Purchased Deployed in the Same Subnet?
- How Do I Configure Port Mapping?
- How Can I Obtain the MAC Address of My ECS?
- How Can I View and Modify Kernel Parameters of a Linux ECS?
- Why Can't I Use DHCP to Obtain a Private IP Address?
- How Can I Test the Network Performance of Linux ECSs?
- Will NICs Added to an ECS Start Automatically?
- How Can I Check Whether the Network Communication Is Normal Between Two ECSs Equipped with an InfiniBand NIC Driver?
- How Can I Manually Configure an IP Address for an InfiniBand NIC?
- How Can I Handle the Issue that a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
Password and Key Pair FAQ
- How Can I Set the Validity Period of the Image Password?
- Why Does Login to My ECS Using the Reset Password Fail?
- Why Am I Seeing the Message Indicating That the Port Is Used by a One-Click Password Reset Plug-in?
- Why Does the One-Click Password Reset Plug-in Use Too Much VIRT and SHR?
- How Can I Obtain the Key Pair Used by My ECS?
- What Should I Do If a Key Pair Cannot Be Imported?
- Why Does the Login to My Linux ECS Using a Key File Fail?
- Why Does a Key Pair Created Using puttygen.exe Fail to Be Imported on the Management Console?
- What Is the Cloudbase-Init Account in Windows ECSs Used for?
- What Should I Do If Cloud-Init Does Not Work After Python Is Upgraded?
- Application Deployment and Software Installation FAQ
File Upload/Data Transfer FAQ
- How Do I Upload Files to My ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use WinSCP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Transfer Files from a Local Mac to a Windows ECS?
- How Can I Use SCP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use SFTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files from a Local Windows Computer to a Windows or Linux ECS?
- How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
- What Should I Do If the Connection Between the Client and the Server Times Out When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- What Should I Do If Writing Data Failed When I Upload a File Using FTP?
- Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
- Why Do I Fail to Connect to a Linux ECS Using WinSCP?
ECS Failure FAQ
- How Do I Handle Error Messages Displayed on the Management Console?
- Why Does the System Display a Question Mark When I Attempt to Obtain Console Logs?
- Why Is the Memory of an ECS Obtained by Running the free Command Inconsistent with the Actual Memory?
- Is an ECS Hostname with Suffix .novalocal Normal?
- How Can a Changed Static Hostname Take Effect Permanently?
- Why Can't My Linux ECS Obtain Metadata?
- Slow ECS Response FAQ
- Specification Modification FAQ
- OS Change FAQ
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
APIs (Recommended)
- Lifecycle Management
Status Management
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image with Cloud-Init Installed)
- Reinstalling an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Changing an ECS OS (Using an Image Without Cloud-Init Installed)
- Modifying the Specifications of an ECS
- Batch Operations
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Task Status Management
- Tag Management
- Password Management
Native OpenStack Nova APIs
- API Version Query
- Lifecycle Management
- Status Management
- Network Management
- Security Group Management
- Flavor Management
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- Key and Password Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Operation Management
- ECS Console Management
- AZ
- Tag Management
- Historical Versions
- Application Examples
- Data Structure
Permissions and Supported Actions
- Introduction
Actions Supported by Policy-based Authorization
- Lifecycle Management
- ECS Status Management
- Batch Operations
- Network Management
- Image Management
- Security Group Management
- Specifications Query
- NIC Management
- Disk Management
- Metadata Management
- Tenant Quota Management
- SSH Key Management
- Password Management
- Floating IP Address Management
- ECS Group Management
- ECS Management Through Console
- AZ Management
- Tag Management
- Common Parameters
Out-of-Date APIs
- Status Management
- Tag Management
- Image Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Security Group Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Disk Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
Floating IP Address Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Binding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Unbinding a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Assigning a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Addresses (Discarded)
- Querying Details About a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Releasing a Floating IP Address (Discarded)
- Querying Floating IP Address Pools (Discarded)
- Snapshot Management (OpenStack Nova APIs)
- Appendix
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Manually Setting Up a Magento E-Commerce Website (Linux)
The section guides you through the manual setup of a Magento e-commerce website on a Linux ECS. Magento is an open source e-commerce system that features flexible design, modular architecture, and rich functions. It is suitable for building medium- and large-sized sites. Magento is written in PHP and employs the MySQL database management system for data storage.
- You have purchased an ECS and bound an EIP to it.
- The rules listed in the following table have been added to the security group which the target ECS belongs to. For details, see Adding a Security Group Rule.
Table 1 Security group rules Direction
Protocol & Port
Source Address
TCP: 22
IP address of the client that is allowed to remotely connect to Linux ECSs using SSH. If the source IP is set to, access from all IP addresses is allowed. For security purposes, is not recommended.
TCP: 80
IP address of the client that is allowed to access Magento. If the source IP is set to, access from all IP addresses is allowed.
TCP : 3306
IP address of the client that is allowed to remotely access MySQL databases. If the source IP is set to, access from all IP addresses is allowed. For security purposes, is not recommended.
Resource Planning
Table 2 lists the resource configuration and software versions used in this practice. The commands and parameters may vary according to the hardware specifications or software versions you would use.
Resource |
Type |
Specification/Version |
ECS configuration |
Flavor |
c6s.large.2 |
vCPUs |
2 vCPUs |
Memory |
4 GiB |
OS |
CentOS 7.2 |
Software resources |
Apache |
2.4.6 |
5.7 Download URL: http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el7-8.noarch.rpm |
7.0.33 Download URL: |
Composer |
1.10.19 Download URL: |
Magento |
2.1.0 Download URL: |
To make sure that the website works properly, use an ECS whose memory is 2 GiB or higher.
Step 1: Install and Configure Apache
- Remotely log in to the ECS by referring to Logging In to a Linux ECS.
- The image source has been updated to a Huawei Cloud image source. For details, see How Can I Use an Automated Tool to Configure a Huawei Cloud Image Source (x86_64 and Arm)? This facilitates obtaining and updating the system and software.
- Run the following commands as user root to update the software package and install Apache:
yum -y update yum -y install httpd
If an error message is displayed, indicating that the domain name cannot be resolved, add a DNS server to the /etc/resolv.conf file.
- Open the Apache configuration file.
vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
If vim is not installed, run the yum install -y vim* command to install it.
- Press i to enter insert mode and modify the file as follows:
- Change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride all.
- Add the following parameters to the end of the configuration file:
LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
- Change AllowOverride None to AllowOverride all.
- Press Esc to exit insert mode. Then, enter :wq to save the settings and exit.
- Run the following commands in sequence to start Apache and enable it to start automatically upon ECS startup:
systemctl start httpd systemctl enable httpd
Step 2: Install and Configure MySQL
- Run the following command as the root user to add a yum repository:
rpm -Uvh http://dev.mysql.com/get/mysql57-community-release-el7-8.noarch.rpm
- Run the following command to Install MySQL:
yum -y install mysql-community-server --nogpgcheck
- Run the following commands in sequence to start MySQL and enable it to start automatically upon ECS startup:
systemctl start mysqld systemctl enable mysqld
- Run the following command to obtain the root user's password that is automatically set during MySQL installation:
grep 'temporary password' /var/log/mysqld.log
Information similar to the following is displayed, in which (n?K7jP#cirM is the temporary password.2019-05-09T11:29:42.365419Z 1 [Note] A temporary password is generated for root@localhost: (n?K7jP#cirM
- Run the following command to harden MySQL:
Perform operations as prompted.
Securing the MySQL server deployment. Enter password for user root: #Enter the obtained password of user root. The existing password for the user account root has expired. Please set a new password. New password: #Set a new password for user root. Re-enter new password: #Enter the new password again. The 'validate_password' plugin is installed on the server. The subsequent steps will run with the existing configuration of the plugin. Using existing password for root. Estimated strength of the password: 100 Change the password for root ? ((Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : Y #Press Y to change the password of user root. New password: #Enter a new password that consists of 8 to 30 characters, including letters, digits, and special characters (` ~!@#$%^&*-+=|(){}[]:;'<>,.?/). Re-enter new password: #Enter the new password again. Estimated strength of the password: 100 Do you wish to continue with the password provided?(Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : Y #Press Y. By default, a MySQL installation has an anonymous user, allowing anyone to log into MySQL without having to have a user account created for them. This is intended only for testing, and to make the installation go a bit smoother. You should remove them before moving into a production environment. Remove anonymous users? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : Y #Press Y to remove anonymous users. Success. Normally, root should only be allowed to connect from 'localhost'. This ensures that someone cannot guess at the root password from the network. Disallow root login remotely? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : Y #Press Y to disallow remote logins of user root. Success. By default, MySQL comes with a database named 'test' that anyone can access. This is also intended only for testing, and should be removed before moving into a production environment. Remove test database and access to it? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : Y #Press Y to delete the test database and remove access to it. - Dropping test database... Success. - Removing privileges on test database... Success. Reloading the privilege tables will ensure that all changes made so far will take effect immediately. Reload privilege tables now? (Press y|Y for Yes, any other key for No) : Y #Press Y to reload privilege tables. Success. All done!
- Log in to the MySQL database as the root user.
mysql -u root -p
- Run the following command to create a database named magento.
- Run the following command to create a user for the database and assign full permissions to the user:
GRANT ALL ON magento.* TO magentouser@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'xxxxx';
In this command, magento is the name of the database created in the previous step, magentouser is the name of the database user, and xxxxx is the password of the database user.
- Run the following command to exit the MySQL CLI:
- (Optional) Perform the following operations to check whether the database and account have been created and then exit the MySQL CLI:
- Run the following command to log in to the MySQL CLI as user magentouser:
mysql -u magentouser -p
- Run the following command to view the created database:
In the displayed information, magento is the newly created database.
+--------------------+ | Database | +--------------------+ | information_schema | | magento | +--------------------+ 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
- Run the following command to exit the MySQL CLI:
- Run the following command to log in to the MySQL CLI as user magentouser:
Step 3: Install and Configure PHP
- Run the following command to add the IUS and EPEL repositories:
yum install \ https://repo.ius.io/ius-release-el7.rpm \ https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm
- Run the following command to add a webtatic repository:
rpm -Uvh https://mirror.webtatic.com/yum/el7/webtatic-release.rpm
- Run the following command to install PHP7 and required PHP extensions for Magento:
yum -y install php70w php70w-pdo php70w-mysqlnd php70w-opcache php70w-xml php70w-gd php70w-mcrypt php70w-devel php70w-intl php70w-mbstring php70w-bcmath php70w-json php70w-iconv
- Run the following command to check the version of the installed PHP:
php -v
Information similar to the following is displayed:
PHP 7.0.33 (cli) (built: Dec 6 2018 22:30:44) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.0.33, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies
- Run the following command to open the PHP configuration file php.ini:
vim /etc/php.ini
- Press i to enter insert mode and modify the file as follows:
- Set memory_limit to a proper value.
- Uncomment and set date.timezone.
- Set memory_limit to a proper value.
- Press Esc to exit insert mode. Then, enter :wq to save the settings and exit.
- Run the following command to restart the web service process:
systemctl restart httpd
Step 4: Install Composer
Composer is a package manager for the PHP programming language that provides a standard format for managing dependencies of PHP software and required libraries.
- Install composer 1.x for the dependency of Magento 2.
Run the following commands to install the Composer of the specified version and set the installation path to /usr/bin/ for global use:
php -r "copy('https://getcomposer.org/installer', 'composer-setup.php');" php composer-setup.php --install-dir=/usr/bin/ --filename=composer --version=1.10.19
The command output is as follows:
All settings correct for using Composer Downloading... Composer (version 1.10.19) successfully installed to: /usr/bin/composer Use it: php /usr/bin/composer
- Run the following command to check whether the Composer is successfully installed:
composer -v
The command output is as follows:
______ / ____/___ ____ ___ ____ ____ ________ _____ / / / __ \/ __ `__ \/ __ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \/ ___/ / /___/ /_/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_/ (__ ) __/ / \____/\____/_/ /_/ /_/ .___/\____/____/\___/_/ /_/ Composer version 1.10.19 2020-12-04 09:14:16 ...
Step 5: Install Magento
When installing Magento, you can determine whether to install sample data. If Magento is only used for testing, it is optional for you to install sample data. If Magento is used in production environments, you are advised to perform initial configuration instead of installing sample data.
- Run the following command to install git:
yum -y install git
- Run the following commands to go to the default root directory /var/www/html/ of the web server and use git to download Magento:
cd /var/www/html/ git clone https://github.com/magento/magento2.git
- Switch Magento to a stable version.
By default, Magento of the latest version is installed. In the production environment, you are advised to switch to a stable version.
cd magento2 && git checkout tags/2.1.0 -b 2.1.0
The command output is as follows:
Switched to a new branch '2.1.0'
- Run the following command to move the installation file to the root directory /var/www/html/ of the web server. /var/www/html/magento2/ is the directory where Magento is installed.
shopt -s dotglob nullglob && mv /var/www/html/magento2/* /var/www/html/ && cd ..
Then, you can access the Magento site from http://magento server IP address. If you do not move the installation file to the root directory, you can access the Magento site only from http://magento server IP address/magento2.
- Run the following commands to set file permissions for Magento:
chown -R apache:apache /var/www/html find /var/www/html -type f -print0 | xargs -r0 chmod 640 find /var/www/html -type d -print0 | xargs -r0 chmod 750 chmod -R g+w /var/www/html/{pub,var} chmod -R g+w /var/www/html/{app/etc,vendor} chmod 750 /var/www/html/bin/magento
- Run the following command to install unzip and zip.
yum install -y unzip zip
- Run the following commands to go to the default root directory /var/www/html/ of the web server and use Composer to install Magento:
cd /var/www/html/ composer install
- After the installation is complete, enter http://magento server IP address in the address bar of a browser to visit Magento. If the following page is displayed, Magento is installed successfully.
Step 6: Configure Magento
- Visit http://magento server IP address and click Agree and Setup Magento to start the configuration.
- Click Start Readiness Check to check the environment. After the check is passed, click Next.
- Enter the MySQL database user magentouser, the password of the database user, and the database magento created in Step 2: Install and Configure MySQL, and click Next.
- Set the website access address and background management address, and click Next.
The background management address can be customized.
- Set the time zone and language, and click Next.
- Set the admin account and click Next.
- Click Install Now and wait until the installation is complete.
If the following information is displayed, the installation is successful.
- Log in to the Magento server and set up cron jobs.
crontab -u apache -e
- Press i to enter insert mode and add the following content:
*/10 * * * * php -c /etc /var/www/html/bin/magento cron:run */10 * * * * php -c /etc /var/www/html/update/cron.php */10 * * * * php -c /etc /var/www/html/bin/magento setup:cron:run
Press Esc to exit insert mode. Then, enter :wq to save the settings and exit.
For more information about running Magento cron jobs, see Magento Documentation.
- Enter http://magento server IP address in the address bar of a browser. The following page is displayed by default.
- Enter http://magento background management address in the address bar of a browser and use the admin account to log in. After the login is successful, the following page is displayed.
If the message "One or more indexers are invalid. Make sure your Magento cron job is running" is displayed, run the php bin/magento indexer:reindex command in Magento root directory /var/www/html.
For more information about Magento configuration, see Magento Documentation.
Step 7: Other Operations
- Purchase a domain name.
Configure a unique domain name for website access. You need to obtain an authorized domain name from the domain name registrar first.
- Configure DNS records.
Your website can be visited using the registered domain name only after DNS records are configured. For details, see Routing Internet Traffic to a Website.
For example, if the domain name is www.example.com, enter http://www.example.com in the address bar of the browser to access the website.
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