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Help Center/ Host Security Service/ User Guide/ Checking the Dashboard

Checking the Dashboard

Updated on 2025-01-21 GMT+08:00

On the HSS dashboard, you can check the security score, risks, and protection overview of all your assets in real time, including servers and containers.

Checking the Dashboard

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. In the upper left corner of the page, select a region, click , and choose Security & Compliance > HSS.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Dashboard and check the security overview. For more information, see Table 1.


    If your servers are managed by enterprise projects, you can select the target enterprise project to view or operate the asset and detection information.

    Figure 1 Dashboard
    Table 1 Dashboard components



    Resource Overview

    (Component 1 in Dashboard)

    Check the percentage of unprotected servers or containers, idle quotas, and agents to be upgraded.

    • Click the number of unprotected resources to go to the server or container management page and view the unprotected resource list.
    • Click the number of agents to be upgraded to go to the agent list and upgrade agents.
    • Click the number of idle quotas to go to the protection quota list.

    HSS will be continuously upgraded to provide new features and fix bugs. To enjoy better HSS features, upgrade the agent to the latest version in a timely manner. For details, see Upgrading the agent.

    Secure score

    (Component 2 in Dashboard)

    The security score is in the range 0 to 100. The default score for risk-free assets is 100. Points are deducted based on baseline risks, vulnerability risks, intrusion risks, and asset risks. A low score indicates high security risks in assets. To ensure the security of your assets, you are advised to handle security risks in a timely manner and improve the security score.

    1. In the Security Score area, click View Now.
    2. In the Handle Now dialog box, view the deduction items and click to expand the details.
    3. Click Handle on the right of deduction items to go to the corresponding risk list. You can rectify the fault based on the risk details and handling suggestions.

      For details about the score deduction items and how to increase the score, see Security Scores Criteria and Methods for Improving Scores.

    4. After the risk is fixed, click Rescan to update the score.


    (Component 3 in Dashboard)

    Latest vulnerability information.

    Security risk

    (Component 4 in Dashboard)

    Security risks detected by HSS in your assets.

    • Server Risks
      • Urgent/Total Alarms: Number of alarms that need to be handled immediately and the total number of alarms.

        You can click the number of urgent alarms to go to the Alarms page and handle alarms. For details, see Handling Server Alarms.

      • Critical/Total Vulnerabilities: Number of critical vulnerabilities and the total number of vulnerabilities.

        You can click the number of critical vulnerabilities to go to the Vulnerabilities page and handle vulnerabilities. For details, see Handling Vulnerabilities.

      • Unsafe Settings: Number of baseline risks to be handled.

        You can click the number to go to the Baseline Checks page and fix baseline risks. For details, see Viewing and Processing Baseline Check Results.

      • Suspicious Processes to Be Handled: Total number of suspicious processes to be handled.

        You can click the number of suspicious processes to be handled to go to the Application Process Control page and handle suspicious processes. For details, see Checking and Handling Suspicious Processes.

    • Container Risks

      High-Priority/Total Vulnerabilities: Number of high-risk vulnerabilities and the total number of vulnerabilities.

      You can click the number of high-priority vulnerabilities to go to the Image Vulnerabilities tab and check vulnerability fixing suggestions. For details, see Viewing SWR Image Repository Vulnerabilities.

    • Risk Trend

      Trends of asset risks, intrusion risks, vulnerability risks, and compliance risks in the last seven days.

    Protection overview

    (Component 5 in Dashboard)

    Asset protection overview.

    • Assets: Total number of assets in the current region.

      You can click the total number of assets to go to the Assets page to view asset distribution and protection status.

    • Unprotected/Total Servers: Number of unprotected servers and the total number of servers.

      You can click the number of unprotected servers to go to the Servers & Quota page to view servers and enable protection. For details, see Enabling Protection.

    • Unprotected/Total Containers: Number of unprotected containers and the total number of containers.

      You can click the number of unprotected containers to go to the Containers & Quota page to view containers and enable protection. For details, see Enabling Protection.

    • Vulnerability or virus database update time: The latest update time of the vulnerability or virus database.
    • Security feature status: The number of servers protected by each feature and the number of items detected by each feature.

      You can click View Details to go to corresponding feature page.

    Best Practices

    HSS best practices. Click a title to view details.


    HSS best FAQ. Click a title to view details.

    Related Services

    Security services related to HSS. Click a service name to go to its console.

Security Scores Criteria and Methods for Improving Scores

The security score for risk-free assets is 100. A low score indicates high security risks in assets. HSS calculates your security score based on detected security items (vulnerabilities, compliance, intrusions, assets, and images) and unprotected assets. Scores are deducted every time a risk is detected in a category until all scores in that category are deducted. The full score of each category is as follows:

  • No vulnerabilities detected: 20. For details about the score deduction criteria and improvement methods, see Table 2.
  • No compliance risks detected: 20. For details about the score deduction criteria and improvement methods, see Table 3.
  • No intrusion risks detected: 30. For details about the score deduction criteria and improvement methods, see Table 4.
  • No asset risks detected: 10. For details about the score deduction criteria and improvement methods, see Table 5.
  • No image risks detected: 10. For details about the score deduction criteria and improvement methods, see Table 6.
  • No unprotected assets detected: 10. For details about the score deduction criteria and improvement methods, see Table 7.
Table 2 Vulnerability risks score deduction criteria and improvement methods


Score Deduction Item

Affected HSS Edition

Points Deducted

Multiply Deducted Score by Risk Quantity

Methods for Improving Scores

Unhandled vulnerabilities

Unhandled critical vulnerabilities



Fix vulnerabilities based on the suggestions provided, scan for vulnerabilities again, and update the score.

Unhandled high-risk vulnerabilities



Unhandled medium-risk vulnerabilities



Unhandled low-risk vulnerabilities



No vulnerability scan

No vulnerability scans were performed in the past month.




  • The basic edition HSS does not provide vulnerability scan. To use this feature, upgrade HSS to the enterprise or premium edition. For details, see Upgrading Protection Quotas.
  • In HSS professional, enterprise, premium, and WTP editions, you are advised to perform vulnerability scans. For details, see Scanning Vulnerabilities.
Table 3 Compliance risks score deduction criteria and improvement methods


Score Deduction Item

Affected HSS Edition

Points Deducted

Multiply Deducted Score by Risk Quantity

Methods for Improving Scores

Unhandled non-compliance items

Unhandled high-risk non-compliance items



Rectify non-compliance items, perform a baseline check again, and update the score.

Unhandled medium-risk non-compliance items



Unhandled low-risk non-compliance items



Weak passwords

Weak passwords



Use strong passwords. For details, see How Do I Set a Secure Password?

Weak password check not enabled

Weak password check policy not enabled




Enable the Weak Password Detection policy to check for weak passwords on servers. For details, see Policy Management Overview.

Baseline check not performed

No baseline checks were performed in the past month.




  • The HSS basic and professional editions do not provide baseline check. To use this feature, you are advised to upgrade HSS to the enterprise or premium edition. For details, see Upgrading Protection Quotas.
  • In HSS professional, enterprise, premium, and WTP editions, you are advised to perform baseline checks. For details, see Viewing and Editing a Policy.
Table 4 Intrusion risks score deduction criteria and improvement methods


Score Deduction Item

Affected HSS Edition

Points Deducted

Multiply Deducted Score by Risk Quantity

Methods for Improving Scores

Unhandled alarms

Critical alarms not fixed



Handle alarms based on the suggestions provided. After alarms are handled, HSS will automatically update the score. For details, see Handling Server Alarms and Handling Container Alarms.

Unhandled high-risk alarms



Unhandled medium-risk alarms



Unhandled low-risk alarms



Protection not enabled

No security policies enabled




In the HSS professional, enterprise, premium, WTP, and container editions, you need to enable protection policies. For details, see Policy Management Overview.

The intrusion detection policies that need to be enabled for each edition are as follows:

  • Professional/Enterprise edition
    • Linux: web shell detection, file protection, HIPS detection, login security check, malicious file detection, abnormal process behaviors, root privilege escalation, real-time process, and rootkit detection
    • Windows: AV detection, web shell detection, HIPS detection, login security check, and real-time process
  • Premium/WTP edition
    • Linux: cluster intrusion detection, web shell detection, file protection, HIPS detection, login security check, malicious file detection, port scan detection, abnormal process behaviors, root privilege escalation, real-time process, and rootkit detection
    • Windows: AV detection, web shell detection, HIPS detection, login security check, and real-time process
  • Container edition

    Cluster intrusion detection, container escape detection, web shell detection, container file monitoring, container process whitelist, and suspicious image behaviors

Login security policy not enabled




In HSS professional, enterprise, premium, WTP, and container editions, you need to enable the Login Security Check policy for servers. For details, see Policy Management Overview.

Ransomware prevention policy not enabled

Premium edition



The HSS premium, WTP, and container editions support ransomware prevention. In these editions, you need to enable the ransomware prevention policy and the backup policy. (10 points will be deducted if backup is not enabled.) For details, see Enabling Ransomware Prevention.

WTP policy is not enabled

WTP edition



In the HSS WTP edition, you need to enable WTP policy for servers. For details, see Enabling Protection.

Container runtime detection policy not enabled

Container edition



In the HSS container edition, you need to enable container escape, container process whitelist, container file monitoring, and container information collection policies and apply them to servers. For details, see Overview.

Table 5 Asset risks score deduction criteria and improvement methods


Score Deduction Item

Affected HSS Edition

Points Deducted

Multiply Deducted Score by Risk Quantity

Methods for Improving Scores

Open ports

Open TCP/UDP high-risk ports



You are advised to disable unnecessary ports. To enable a port, choose Asset Management > Server Fingerprints, click Open Ports, and ignore the port.

Asset discovery not enabled

Asset discovery policy not enabled




  • The HSS basic, professional, and enterprise editions do not provide asset discovery. To use this feature, upgrade HSS to the premium edition. For details, see Upgrading Protection Quotas.
  • In the HSS premium and WTP editions, you are advised to enable the Asset Discovery policy. For details, see Policy Management Overview.
Table 6 Image risks score deduction criteria and improvement methods


Score Deduction Item

Affected HSS Edition

Points Deducted

Multiply Deducted Score by Risk Quantity

Methods for Improving Scores

Unsafe images

High-risk images

Container edition


Re-create an image, scan the image, and update the score.

Medium-risk images

Container edition


Medium-risk images

Container edition


Image security scan not performed

No image security scans were performed in the past month.

Container edition



In the HSS container edition, you are advised to perform image security scans. For details, see:

Table 7 Unprotected assets risks score deduction criteria and improvement methods


Score Deduction Item

Affected HSS Edition

Points Deducted

Multiply Deducted Score by Risk Quantity

Methods for Improving Scores

Server protection not enabled

Unprotected servers



The points deducted for an unprotected server vary depending on its asset importance:

  • Important asset: 1
  • General asset: 0.5
  • Test asset: 0.1

You are advised to enable protection for your server as soon as possible. For details, see Enabling Protection.

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