Updated on 2024-09-30 GMT+08:00

Modifying Node Pool Configurations

Notes and Constraints

The default node pool does not support the following management operations.

Configuration Management

CCE allows you to highly customize Kubernetes parameter settings on core components in a cluster. For more information, see kubelet.

This function is supported only in clusters of v1.15 or later. It is not displayed for versions earlier than v1.15.

  1. Log in to the CCE console.
  2. Click the cluster name to access the cluster console. Choose Nodes in the navigation pane. In the right pane, click the Node Pools tab.
  3. Click Manage in the Operation column of the target node pool
  4. On the Manage Component page, change the values of Kubernetes parameters.

    Table 1 kubelet






    CPU management policy


    CPU management policy configuration. For details, see CPU Scheduling.

    • none: disables pods from exclusively occupying CPUs. Select this value if you want a large pool of shareable CPU cores.
    • static: enables pods to exclusively occupy CPUs. Select this value if your workload is sensitive to latency in CPU cache and scheduling.
    • enhanced-static: allows burstable pods to preferentially use CPU cores. Select this value if your workload has huge peak-trough difference and is in the trough state most of the time.

    Default: none


    QPS for requests to kube-apiserver


    Number of queries per second for communication with the API server.

    Default: 100


    Burst for requests to kube-apiserver


    Maximum number of burst requests sent to the API server per second.

    Default: 100


    Limit on the pods managed by kubelet


    Maximum number of pods that can run on a node.


    Limited number of processes in a pod


    Maximum number of PIDs that can be used in each pod.

    Default: -1, which indicates that the number of PIDs is not limited


    Whether to use a local IP address as a node's ClusterDNS


    The default ENI IP address of the node will be automatically added to the node's kubelet configuration as the preferred DNS address.

    Default: false


    QPS limit on creating events


    Number of events that can be generated per second.

    Default: 5


    Upper Limit for Burst Events


    Upper limit for burst event creation. The number of burst events can be temporarily increased to the specified value.

    Default: 10


    Allowed unsafe sysctls


    Insecure system configuration allowed.

    Starting from v1.17.17, CCE enables pod security policies for kube-apiserver. Add corresponding configurations to allowedUnsafeSysctls of a pod security policy to make the policy take effect. (This configuration is not required for clusters earlier than v1.17.17.) For details, see Example of Enabling Unsafe Sysctls in Pod Security Policy.

    Default: []


    Node oversubscription


    Whether to enable node oversubscription.

    If this parameter is set to true, node oversubscription is enabled on nodes. For details, see Dynamic Resource Oversubscription.

    • For clusters of versions earlier than v1.23.9-r0 or v1.25.4-r0: enabled (true) by default
    • Disabled by default if the cluster version is v1.23.9-r0, v1.25.4-r0, v1.27-r0, v1.28.1-r0, or later


    Hybrid deployment


    Whether to enable hybrid deployment on nodes.

    If this parameter is set to true, hybrid deployment is enabled on nodes. For details, see Dynamic Resource Oversubscription.

    • For clusters of versions earlier than v1.23.9-r0 or v1.25.4-r0: enabled (true) by default
    • Disabled by default if the cluster version is v1.23.9-r0, v1.25.4-r0, v1.27-r0, v1.28.1-r0, or later


    Topology management policy


    Set the topology management policy.

    Valid values are as follows:

    • restricted: kubelet accepts only pods that achieve optimal NUMA alignment on the requested resources.
    • best-effort: kubelet preferentially selects pods that implement NUMA alignment on CPU and device resources.
    • none (default): The topology management policy is disabled.
    • single-numa-node: kubelet allows only pods that are aligned to the same NUMA node in terms of CPU and device resources.

    Default: none


    Modifying topology-manager-policy and topology-manager-scope will restart kubelet, and the resource allocation of pods will be recalculated based on the modified policy. In this case, running pods may restart or even fail to receive any resources.

    Topology management scope


    Configure the resource alignment granularity of the topology management policy. Valid values are as follows:

    • container (default)
    • pod

    Default: container

    Specified DNS configuration file


    DNS resolution configuration file specified by the container

    Default: null


    Timeout for all runtime requests except long-running requests


    Timeout interval of all runtime requests except long-running requests (pull, logs, exec, and attach).

    Default: 2m0s

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.21.10-r0, v1.23.8-r0, v1.25.3-r0, or later versions.

    Whether to allow kubelet to pull only one image at a time


    Pull an image in serial mode.

    • false: recommended configuration so that an image can be pulled in parallel mode to improve pod startup.
    • true: allows images to be pulled in serial mode.
    • Enabled by default if the cluster version is earlier than v1.21.12-r0, v1.23.11-r0, v1.27.3-r0, v1.28.1-r0 or v1.25.6-r0
    • Disabled by default if the cluster version is v1.21.12-r0, v1.23.11-r0, v1.25.6-r0, v1.27.3-r0, v1.28.1-r0, or later

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.21.10-r0, v1.23.8-r0, v1.25.3-r0, or later versions.

    Image repository pull limit per second


    QPS upper limit of an image repository.

    Default: 5

    The value ranges from 1 to 50.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.21.10-r0, v1.23.8-r0, v1.25.3-r0, or later versions.

    Upper limit of burst image pull


    Maximum number of burst image pulls.

    Default: 10

    The value ranges from 1 to 100 and must be greater than or equal to the value of registry-pull-qps.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.21.10-r0, v1.23.8-r0, v1.25.3-r0, or later versions.

    Maximum Number of Container Log Files


    Maximum number of container log files. When the number of existing log files exceeds this value, the earliest log file will be deleted to release space for new log files.

    Default: 10

    Value range: 2 to 100

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.14-r0, v1.25.9-r0, v1.27.6-r0, v1.28.4-r0, or later versions.

    Maximum Container Log File Size


    Maximum size of a single container log file. When the size of a log file reaches this value, the current log file will be closed and a new log file will be created to continue logging.

    Default: 50

    Value range: 1 to 4096

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.14-r0, v1.25.9-r0, v1.27.6-r0, v1.28.4-r0, or later versions.

    Upper Limit for Image Garbage Collection


    When the kubelet disk usage reaches this value, kubelet starts to collect image garbage.

    Default: 80

    Value range: 1 to 100

    To disable image garbage collection, set this parameter to 100.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.14-r0, v1.25.9-r0, v1.27.6-r0, v1.28.4-r0, or later versions.

    Lower Limit for Image Garbage Collection


    When the disk usage reduces to this value, image garbage collection stops.

    Default: 70

    Value range: 1 to 100

    The value of this parameter cannot be greater than the upper limit for image garbage collection.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.14-r0, v1.25.9-r0, v1.27.6-r0, v1.28.4-r0, or later versions.

    Node memory reservation


    System memory reservation reserves memory resources for OS system daemons such as sshd and udev.

    Default value: automatically calculated, which varies depending on node flavors. For details, see Node Resource Reservation Policy.

    The sum of kube-reserved-mem and system-reserved-mem must be less than 50% of the minimum memory of nodes in the node pool.


    Kubernetes memory reservation reserves memory resources for Kubernetes daemons such kubelet and container runtime.

    Table 2 kube-proxy






    Maximum number of connection tracking entries


    Maximum number of connection tracking entries

    To obtain the value, run the following command:

    sysctl -w net.nf_conntrack_max

    Default: 131072


    Wait time of a closed TCP connection


    Wait time of a closed TCP connection

    To obtain the value, run the following command:

    sysctl -w net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_tcp_timeout_close_wait

    Default: 1h0m0s


    Table 3 Networking components (available only for CCE Turbo clusters)






    Node pool ENI pre-binding


    Whether to enable ENI pre-binding in a node pool.

    Default: false

    After network component configuration is disabled in a node pool, the dynamic container ENI pre-binding parameter settings of the node pool are the same as those of cluster-level parameter settings.

    ENI threshold


    Low threshold of the number of bound ENIs: High threshold of the number of bound ENIs

    Default: 0:0


    This parameter is being discarded. Use the dynamic pre-binding parameters of the other four ENIs.

    Minimum number of ENIs bound to a node in a node pool


    Minimum number of container ENIs bound to a node.

    The parameter value must be a positive integer. The value 10 indicates that at least 10 container ENIs must be bound to a node. If the number you specified exceeds the container ENI quota of the node, the ENI quota will be used.

    Default: 10

    Configure these parameters based on the number of pods typically running on most nodes.

    Maximum number of ENIs pre-bound to a node in a node pool


    After the number of ENIs bound to a node exceeds the nic-maximum-target value, CCE will not proactively pre-bind ENIs.

    Checking the upper limit of pre-bound container ENIs is enabled only when the value of this parameter is greater than or equal to the minimum number of container ENIs (nic-minimum-target) bound to a node.

    The parameter value must be a positive integer. The value 0 indicates that checking the upper limit of pre-bound container ENIs is disabled. If the number you specified exceeds the container ENI quota of the node, the ENI quota will be used.

    Default: 0

    Configure these parameters based on the maximum number of pods running on most nodes.

    Number of ENIs dynamically pre-bound to a node in a node pool


    Extra ENIs will be pre-bound after the nic-minimum-target is used up in a pod. The value can only be a number.

    When the sum of the nic-warm-target value and the number of ENIs bound to the node is greater than the nic-maximum-target value, CCE will pre-bind the number of ENIs specified by the difference between the nic-maximum-target value and the current number of ENIs bound to the node.

    Default: 2

    Set the parameter value to the number of pods that can be scaled out instantaneously within 10 seconds on most nodes.

    Threshold for reclaiming the ENIs pre-bound to a node in a node pool


    Only when the difference between the number of idle ENIs on a node and the nic-warm-target value is greater than the threshold, the pre-bound ENIs will be unbound and reclaimed. The value can only be a number.

    • A large value will accelerate pod startup but slow down the unbinding of idle container ENIs and decrease the IP address usage. Exercise caution when performing this operation.
    • A small value will speed up the unbinding of idle container ENIs and increase the IP address usage but will slow down pod startup, especially when a large number of pods increase instantaneously.

    Default: 2

    Set the parameter value to the difference between the number of pods that are frequently scaled on most nodes within minutes and the number of pods that are instantly scaled out on most nodes within 10 seconds.

    Table 4 Pod security group in a node pool (available only for CCE Turbo clusters)






    Default security group used by pods in a node pool


    You can enter the security group ID. If this parameter is not configured, the default security group of the cluster container network will be used, and a maximum of five security group IDs that are separated by semicolons (;) can be specified at a time.

    The priority of the security group is lower than that of the security group configured for SecurityGroups.



    Table 5 Docker (available only for node pools that use Docker)






    Container umask


    The default value normal indicates that the umask value of the started container is 0022.

    Default: normal

    The parameter value cannot be changed.

    Available data space for a single container


    Maximum data space that can be used by each container.

    Default: 0

    The parameter value cannot be changed.

    Insecure image source address


    Whether an insecure image source address can be used.


    The parameter value cannot be changed.

    Maximum size of a container core file


    Maximum size of a core file in a container. The unit is byte.

    If not specified, the value is infinity.

    Default: 5368709120


    Limit on the number of handles in a container


    Maximum number of handles that can be used in a container.

    Default: {soft}:{hard}

    The value cannot exceed the value of the kernel parameter nr_open and cannot be a negative number.

    You can run the following command to obtain the kernel parameter nr_open:

    sysctl -a | grep nr_open

    Image pull timeout


    If the image fails to be pulled before time outs, the image pull will be canceled.

    Default: 1m0s

    This parameter is supported in v1.25.3-r0 and later.

    Maximum Number of Concurrent Requests for Downloading an Image at a Time


    This parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent requests for downloading an image at a time.

    Default: 3

    Value range: 1 to 20

    If this parameter is set to a large value, the network performance of other services on the node may be affected or the disk I/O and CPU usage may increase.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.14-r0, v1.25.9-r0, v1.27.6-r0, v1.28.4-r0, or later versions.

    Maximum Container Log File Size


    Maximum size of a container log file to be dumped. When the size of a log file reaches this value, the current log file will be closed and a new log file will be created to continue logging.

    Default: 50

    Value range: 1 to 4096

    If this parameter is set to a small value, important logs may be lost. If this parameter is set to a large value, too much disk space may be occupied.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.14-r0, v1.25.9-r0, v1.27.6-r0, v1.28.4-r0, or later versions.

    Maximum Number of Container Log Files


    Maximum number of log files that can be retained in a container. When the number of existing log files exceeds this value, the earliest log file will be deleted to release space for new log files.

    Default: 20

    Value range: 2 to 100

    If this parameter is set to a small value, important logs may be lost. If this parameter is set to a large value, too much disk space may be occupied.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.14-r0, v1.25.9-r0, v1.27.6-r0, v1.28.4-r0, or later versions.

    Table 6 containerd (available only for node pools that use containerd)






    Maximum size of a container core file


    Maximum size of a core file in a container. The unit is byte.

    If not specified, the value is infinity.

    Default: 5368709120


    Limit on the number of handles in a container


    Maximum number of handles that can be used in a container.

    Default: 1048576

    The value cannot exceed the value of the kernel parameter nr_open and cannot be a negative number.

    You can run the following command to obtain the kernel parameter nr_open:

    sysctl -a | grep nr_open

    Image pull timeout


    If the image fails to be pulled before time outs, the image pull will be canceled.

    Default: 1m0s

    This parameter is supported in v1.25.3-r0 and later.

    Verification on insure skips


    Whether to skip repository certificate verification.

    Default: false

    The parameter value cannot be changed.

    Maximum Number of Concurrent Requests for Downloading an Image at a Time


    This parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent requests for downloading an image at a time.

    Default: 3

    Value range: 1 to 20

    If this parameter is set to a large value, the network performance of other services on the node may be affected or the disk I/O and CPU usage may increase.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.14-r0, v1.25.9-r0, v1.27.6-r0, v1.28.4-r0, or later versions.

    Maximum Container Log Line Size


    Maximum log line size of a container, in the unit of bytes. The log lines exceeding the limit will be split into multiple lines.

    Default: 16384

    Value range: 1 to 2097152

    A larger value will lead to more containerd memory consumption.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.14-r0, v1.25.9-r0, v1.27.6-r0, v1.28.4-r0, or later versions.

    Modify Image Repository Configuration


    You can configure one or multiple alternative image repositories to be selected when obtaining images from the container runtime.

    If you do not specify this parameter, the docker.io image repository will be used by default, and the SWR image repository will be used as a substitute.

    An image repository must be an IP address or domain name. A substitute image repository must be an IP address or domain name starting with http:// or https://.

    • Add local image repositories for faster image pulling.
    • Configure multiple image repositories for higher fault tolerance and availability.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.17-r0, v1.25.12-r0, v1.27.9-r0, v1.28.7-r0, v1.29.3-r0, or later versions.


    If the image repository or its substitute is configured incorrectly, containers may not be able to pull the necessary image.

    Certificate Authentication Skipped Image Repository


    When you specify image repositories, you can bypass security certificate-based authentication. This is typically done to connect to an insecure or self-signed image repository.

    This parameter is left blank by default.

    Enter an IP address or domain name.

    • Use this function only in development or test environments, not in production environments.
    • Enable this option only when using a self-signed certificate or when attempting to access a private image repository that cannot obtain an authorized certificate.

    This parameter is available only in clusters of v1.23.17-r0, v1.25.12-r0, v1.27.9-r0, v1.28.7-r0, v1.29.3-r0, or later versions.

  5. Click OK.