Help Center/ Cloud Connect/ Service Overview/ Interaction with Other Services
Updated on 2024-09-23 GMT+08:00

Interaction with Other Services

Figure 1 How Cloud Connect interacts with other services
Table 1 Interaction between Cloud Connect and other services




Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)

VPCs in different regions can be connected through Cloud Connect for communications over a private network.

Creating a VPC

Enterprise Router

Two or more enterprise routers can be added to a central network for cross-region communications on the cloud.


Direct Connect

Cloud Connect can work with Direct Connect to connect on-premises data centers to VPCs in different regions.

Enabling Communications Between Data Centers and VPCs in Different Regions

Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Cloud Connect can work with VPN to connect on-premises data centers to VPCs in different regions.


NAT Gateway

NAT Gateway enables servers in on-premises data centers or VPCs connected by Cloud Connect to access the Internet or provide Internet-accessible services.

Working with SNAT to Access the Internet Outside China from a Private Network

Cloud Eye

Cloud Eye monitors Cloud Connect resources and allows you to view graphs of metrics.

Viewing Metrics

Identity and Access Management (IAM)

IAM allows you to control access to Cloud Connect resources.

Identity and Access Management