Updated on 2022-06-29 GMT+08:00

Process Overview

To enable on-premises data centers to communicate with VPCs in different regions, connect each data center to a VPC using Direct Connect. Then create a cloud connection and load all the VPCs and virtual gateways used by Direct Connect to the cloud connection. If you require VPCs of another user, ask this other user to grant the permissions to load their VPCs to your cloud connection. Finally, purchase bandwidth packages and assign bandwidth between VPCs in different regions so that they can communicate with each other. If a VPC or on-premises data center is outside the Chinese mainland and other VPCs or on-premises data centers are inside the Chinese mainland, you need to apply for a cross-border permit before you purchase bandwidth packages.

Figure 1 Network communications between on-premises data centers and VPCs in different regions

Figure 2 illustrates how you can enable network communications between data centers and VPCs across regions.

Figure 2 Process for enabling network communications