Help Center/ MetaStudio/ User Guide/ Video Production/ Operations of Video Materials
Updated on 2024-12-23 GMT+08:00

Operations of Video Materials

On the Video Production page, you can add video materials such as roles, backgrounds, PowerPoints, stickers, videos, music, and text. This section describes the operation procedure of each material type.


Figure 1 shows the Roles area.

Figure 1 Roles

Table 1 describes the Roles area.

Table 1 GUI elements

GUI Element


Customizing virtual avatars

Click Customize Virtual Avatar. The image creation page is displayed. See Creating a Virtual Avatar Customization Task.

By default, two columns of virtual avatars are displayed in the Roles area. After you click , only one column is displayed. You can click to display two columns.

Keyword search box. You can enter a virtual avatar name for precise search.

Example: yun lan

Icon of refreshing. If there are keywords, the virtual avatar display is refreshed based on the keywords. If no, the default settings will be used.

Filter criteria

You can filter and display virtual avatars by role, gender, posture, field, region, resolution, and action.

List of virtual avatars

By default, all virtual avatars are displayed. Click a virtual avatar image. The image will be automatically applied to all scenes in the video draft.

In the video preview area, if there are multiple types of video materials, you can manage the virtual avatar layer by layer, for example, moving up (), moving down (), pinning to top (), pinning to bottom (), applying globally (), and deleting (). You can also set the size and drag these materials to change their positions.


Figure 2 shows the Backgrounds area.

Figure 2 Backgrounds

Table 2 describes the Backgrounds area.

Table 2 GUI elements

GUI Element


Importing locally

Click Import Locally to upload a PNG, JPG, JPEG, or BMP image.

You can also drag an image from the PC to the image list area for upload.

By default, two columns of images are displayed in the Backgrounds area. After you click , only one column is displayed. You can click to display two columns.

Keyword search box. You can enter an image name for precise search.

Example: Technology

Solid color background

  • You can set a transparent background using the first image. In this case, you cannot add video materials, and all added materials will be cleared.
  • You can set a solid color background using either the preset colors or your own colors.

Filter criteria

Images can be filtered and displayed by background and type.

Image list

By default, all images are displayed. Select a scene and click an image to replace the background of the scene.

If you move the pointer over an image, will be displayed in the upper right corner of the image. Click the icon to use the image as the background of all scenes.


Figure 3 shows the PowerPoints area.

Figure 3 PowerPoints

Table 3 describes the PowerPoints area.

Table 3 GUI elements

GUI Element


Importing locally

Click Import Locally to upload a PPTX, PPT, or PDF file from the PC.

You can also drag a file from the PC to the file list area for upload.


By default, two columns of files are displayed in the PowerPoints area. After you click , only one column is displayed. You can click to display two columns.

Keyword search box. You can enter a file name for precise search.

Example: sales guide

File list

By default, all files are displayed.

Viewing files

If you move the pointer over a file, will be displayed in the upper right corner of the file. Click the icon to preview all content of the PowerPoint file on the page displayed.

Inserting a file

If you move the pointer over a file, will be displayed in the upper right corner of the file. Click the icon to go to the page shown in Figure 4. Select slides in the file to complete insertion.

In the video preview area, if there are multiple types of video materials, you can manage the file layer by layer, for example, moving up (), moving down (), pinning to top (), pinning to bottom (), copying (), applying globally (), and deleting (). You can also set the size and drag these materials to change their positions.

Deleting a file

Click in the lower right corner of the file to:

  • Select Delete from the drop-down list box to delete the file.
  • Select Batch Delete from the drop-down list box and select all files to be deleted. Click Delete in the lower right corner to delete all the selected files.

After the file is uploaded, perform the following operations:

  1. In the file list of the PowerPoints area, click the uploaded file. The dialog box shown in Figure 4 is displayed.

    Figure 4 Inserting a slide

  2. Select the slide to be inserted or select all slides, and click Copy Current Scene or Add Scene to add scenes to the video draft.

    Each new video draft will have one scene. You can customize the scene or retain it. A scene will be generated for each slide.


    • Copy Current Scene: The inserted slide copies and pastes the first scene to generate a new scene. That is, the new scene contains the background and virtual avatar of the first scene, as well as the selected slide.

      If there are multiple scenes before the file is inserted, you need to select the scene to be copied and insert slides.

    • Add Scene: The virtual avatar and background of the first scene are copied and pasted to the inserted file, but other video materials are not copied. The copied content and the selected slides are combined to generate a new scene.

      If there are multiple scenes before the file is inserted, you need to select the scene with the desired virtual avatar and background and insert slides.

  3. After all slides are inserted, customize the scene by referring to Video Production.


Figure 5 shows the Stickers area.

Figure 5 Stickers

Table 4 describes the Stickers area.

Table 4 GUI elements

GUI Element


Importing locally

Click Import Locally to upload a PNG, JPG, JPEG, or BMP image.

You can also drag an image from the PC to the image list area for upload.

By default, two columns of images are displayed in the Stickers area. After you click , only one column is displayed. You can click to display two columns.

Keyword search box. You can enter an image name for precise search.

Example: tips

Filter criteria

Images can be filtered and displayed by material.

Image list

By default, all images are displayed.

Viewing stickers

If you move the pointer over an image, will be displayed in the upper right corner of the image. Click the icon to zoom in.

Inserting a sticker

If you move the pointer over an image, will be displayed in the upper right corner of the image. Click the icon to add the image to the current scene.

In the video preview area, if there are multiple types of video materials, you can manage the sticker layer by layer, for example, moving up (), moving down (), pinning to top (), pinning to bottom (), copying (), applying globally (), and deleting (). You can also set the size and drag these materials to change their positions.


Figure 6 shows the Videos area.

Figure 6 Videos

Table 5 describes the Videos area.

Table 5 GUI elements

GUI Element


Importing locally

Click Import Locally to upload an MOV, MP4, M4V, MKV, FLV, 3GP, WMV, AVI, or WebM video file from the PC.

You can also drag a video from the PC to the video list area for upload.

By default, two columns of videos are displayed in the Videos area. After you click , only one column is displayed. You can click to display two columns.

Keyword search box. You can enter a video name for precise search.

Example: marketing video

Filter criteria

Videos can be filtered and displayed by material.

Video list

By default, all videos are displayed.

Watching a video

If you move the pointer over a video, will be displayed in the upper right corner of the video. Click the icon to watch the video.

Inserting a video

If you move the pointer over a video, will be displayed in the upper right corner of the video. Click the icon to add the video to the current scene.

An inserted video is played mutedly.

In the video preview area, if there are multiple types of video materials, you can manage the video layer by layer, for example, repeating once (), infinite loop (), moving up (), moving down (), pinning to top (), pinning to bottom (), copying (), applying globally (), and deleting (). You can also set the size and drag these materials to change their positions.


Figure 7 shows the Music area.

Figure 7 Music

Table 6 describes the Music area.

Table 6 GUI elements

GUI Element


Importing locally

Click Import Locally to upload a WAV or MP3 music file from the PC.

You can also drag a music file from the PC to the music file list area for upload.

Clicking zooms out the Music area. You can click to expand the area size.

Music list

By default, all music files are displayed.

Listening to music

If you move the pointer over a music file, will be displayed on the left of the file name. Click the icon to listen to music.

Inserting music

If you move the pointer over a music file, will be displayed in the upper right corner of the file. Click the icon to add the music file to all scenes of the video draft, as the background music of the video.

Not using the music file as the background music

If you want to remove a music file as the background music of the video, you can click Do Not Apply in the upper right corner of the music file.


Figure 8 shows the Text area.

Figure 8 Text

Table 7 describes the Text area.

Table 7 GUI elements

GUI Element


By default, two columns of text are displayed in the Text area. After you click , only one column is displayed. You can click to display two columns.

Text list

Supported text fonts: HarmonyOS normal, HarmonyOS bold, HarmonyOS light, and HarmonyOS medium black.

Inserting text

If you move the pointer over a piece of text, will be displayed in the upper right corner of the text. Click the icon to add the text to the current scene.

In the Text Settings area, set Content and Font, as shown in Figure 9.

In the video preview area, if there are multiple types of video materials, you can manage the video layer by layer, for example, moving up (), moving down (), pinning to top (), pinning to bottom (), copying (), applying globally (), and deleting (). You can also set the size and drag these materials to change their positions.

Figure 9 Text settings