หน้านี้ยังไม่พร้อมใช้งานในภาษาท้องถิ่นของคุณ เรากำลังพยายามอย่างหนักเพื่อเพิ่มเวอร์ชันภาษาอื่น ๆ เพิ่มเติม ขอบคุณสำหรับการสนับสนุนเสมอมา
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Before You Start
- Logging In to Huawei Cloud
- IAM Users
- User Groups and Authorization
- Permissions Management
- Projects
- Agencies
- Security Settings
- Identity Providers
- Custom Identity Broker
- MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device
- Viewing IAM Operation Records
- Quotas
- Best Practices
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Token Management
Access Key Management
- Obtaining Temporary Access Keys and Security Tokens of an Agency
- Obtaining Temporary Access Keys and Security Tokens of an IAM User
- Obtaining Temporary Access Keys and Security Tokens of a Federated User
- Creating a Permanent Access Key
- Querying Permanent Access Keys
- Querying a Permanent Access Key
- Modifying a Permanent Access Key
- Deleting a Permanent Access Key
- Region Management
- Project Management
- Account Management
IAM User Management
- Listing IAM Users
- Querying IAM User Details (Recommended)
- Querying IAM User Details
- Querying the User Groups Which an IAM User Belongs to
- Querying the IAM Users in a Group
- Creating an IAM User (Recommended)
- Creating an IAM User
- Changing the Login Password
- Modifying IAM User Information (By an IAM User) (Recommended)
- Modifying IAM User Information (By the Administrator) (Recommended)
- Modifying IAM User Information (By the Administrator)
- Deleting an IAM User
- User Group Management
Permissions Management
- Listing Permissions
- Querying Permission Details
- Querying Permissions Assignment Records
- Querying Permissions of a User Group for a Global Service Project
- Querying Permissions of a User Group for a Region-specific Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Group for a Global Service Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Group for a Region-specific Project
- Checking Whether a User Group Has Specified Permissions for a Global Service Project
- Checking Whether a User Group Has Specified Permissions for a Region-specific Project
- Querying All Permissions of a User Group
- Checking Whether a User Group Has Specified Permissions for All Projects
- Removing Specified Permissions of a User Group in All Projects
- Removing Permissions of a User Group for a Global Service Project
- Removing the Permissions of a User Group for a Region-specific Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Group for All Projects
- Custom Policy Management
Agency Management
- Listing Agencies
- Querying Agency Details
- Creating an Agency
- Modifying an Agency
- Deleting an Agency
- Querying Permissions of an Agency for a Global Service Project
- Querying Permissions of an Agency for a Region-specific Project
- Granting Permissions to an Agency for a Global Service Project
- Granting Permissions to an Agency for a Region-specific Project
- Checking Whether an Agency Has Specified Permissions for a Global Service Project
- Checking Whether an Agency Has Specified Permissions for a Region-specific Project
- Removing Permissions of an Agency for a Global Service Project
- Removing Permissions of an Agency for a Region-specific Project
- Querying All Permissions of an Agency
- Granting Specified Permissions to an Agency for All Projects
- Checking Whether an Agency Has Specified Permissions
- Removing Specified Permissions of an Agency in All Projects
Enterprise Project Management
- Querying User Groups Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Querying the Permissions of a User Group Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Group Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Removing Permissions of a User Group Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Querying the Enterprise Projects Associated with a User Group
- Querying the Enterprise Projects Directly Associated with an IAM User
- Querying Users Directly Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Querying Permissions of a User Directly Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Removing Permissions of a User Directly Associated with an Enterprise Project
- Granting Permissions to Agencies Associated with Specified Enterprise Projects
- Removing Permissions of Agencies Associated with Specified Enterprise Projects
Security Settings
- Modifying the Operation Protection Policy
- Querying the Operation Protection Policy
- Modifying the Password Policy
- Querying the Password Policy of an Account
- Modifying the Login Authentication Policy
- Querying the Login Authentication Policy
- Modifying the ACL for Console Access
- Querying the ACL for Console Access
- Modifying the ACL for API Access
- Querying the ACL for API Access
- Listing MFA Device Information of IAM Users
- Querying the MFA Device Information of an IAM User
- Listing Login Protection Configurations of IAM Users
- Querying the Login Protection Configuration of an IAM User
- Modifying the Login Protection Configuration of an IAM User
- Binding a Virtual MFA Device
- Unbinding a Virtual MFA Device
- Creating a Virtual MFA Device
- Deleting a Virtual MFA Device
Federated Identity Authentication Management
- Obtaining a Token Through Federated Identity Authentication
Identity Providers
- Listing Identity Providers
- Querying Identity Provider Details
- Creating an Identity Provider
- Modifying a SAML Identity Provider
- Deleting a SAML Identity Provider
- Creating an OpenID Connect Identity Provider Configuration
- Modifying an OpenID Connect Identity Provider
- Querying an OpenID Connect Identity Provider
- Mappings
- Protocols
- Metadata
- Token
- Listing Accounts Accessible to Federated Users
- Listing Projects Accessible to Federated Users
- Custom Identity Brokers
- Version Information Management
- Services and Endpoints
- Out-of-Date APIs
- Permissions and Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
- SDK Reference
User Groups and Permissions Management
- Why Can't I Find Permissions for a Cloud Service?
- How Do I Grant Cloud Service Permissions in the EU-Dublin Region to IAM Users?
- Why Have Permissions Granted to a User Not Been Applied?
- What Should I Do If an IAM User Does Not Have the Required Permissions to Access the IAM Console?
- How Can I Grant an IAM User Permissions to Place Orders But Disallow Order Payment?
- IAM User Management
Security Settings
- How Do I Enable Login Verification?
- How Do I Disable Login Verification?
- How Do I Change the Verification Method for Performing Critical Operations?
- How Do I Disable Operation Protection?
- How Do I Bind a Virtual MFA Device?
- How Do I Obtain a Virtual MFA Verification Code?
- How Do I Unbind or Remove a Virtual MFA Device?
- Why Does MFA Authentication Fail?
- Why Am I Not Getting the Verification Code?
- Why Is My Account Locked?
- Why Doesn't My API Access Control Policy Take Effect?
- Why Do I Still Need to Perform MFA During Login After Unbinding the Virtual MFA Device?
Passwords and Credentials
- What Should I Do If I Forgot My Password?
- How Do I Change My Password?
- How Do I Obtain an Access Key (AK/SK)?
- What Should I Do If I Have Forgotten My Access Key (AK/SK)?
- What Are Temporary Security Credentials (AK/SK and Security Token)?
- How Do I Obtain a Token with Security Administrator Permissions?
- How Do I Obtain Access Keys (AK/SK Pairs) for the EU-Dublin Region?
- Project Management
- Agency Management
- Account Management
- Others
User Groups and Permissions Management
- Videos
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Before You Start
- IAM Users
- User Groups and Authorization
- Permissions
- Projects
- Agencies
- Account Security Settings
- Identity Providers
- MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device
- Viewing IAM Operation Records
- Quotas
- User Groups and Permissions Management
- IAM User Management
Security Settings
- How Do I Enable Login Authentication?
- How Do I Disable Login Authentication?
- How Do I Change the Verification Method for Performing Critical Operations?
- How Do I Disable Operation Protection?
- How Do I Bind a Virtual MFA Device?
- How Do I Obtain a Virtual MFA Verification Code?
- How Do I Unbind or Remove a Virtual MFA Device?
- Why Does MFA Authentication Fail?
- Why Am I Not Getting the Verification Code?
Passwords and Credentials
- How Do I Reset My Password?
- How Do I Change My Password?
- What Should I Do If I Have Forgotten My Access Key (AK/SK)?
- What Are Temporary Security Credentials (AK/SK and SecurityToken)?
- How Do I Obtain a Token with Security Administrator Permissions?
- How Do I Obtain an Access Key (AK/SK) in the ME-Abu Dhabi-OP5 Region?
- Project Management
- Agency Management
- Others
- Change History
- API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
User Guide (Paris Regions)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- IAM Users
- User Groups and Authorization
- Permissions
- Account Settings
- Projects
- Agencies
- Identity Providers
- MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device
- Auditing
- How Do I Enable Login Authentication?
- How Do I Bind a Virtual MFA Device?
- How Do I Obtain MFA Verification Codes?
- How Do I Unbind a Virtual MFA Device?
- Why Does IAM User Login Fail?
- How Do I Control IAM User Access to the Console?
- Differences Between IAM and Enterprise Management
- What Are the Differences Between IAM Projects and Enterprise Projects?
- How Can I Obtain Permissions to Create an Agency?
- What Can I Do If Text Box Prompt Information Does Not Disappear?
- How Do I Disable Password Association and Saving on Google Chrome?
- How Do I Grant Cloud Service Permissions in the EU-Paris Region to IAM Users?
- How Do I Obtain an Access Key (AK/SK) in the EU-Paris Region?
- Change History
- API Reference (Paris Regions)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Before You Start
- IAM Users
- User Groups and Authorization
- Permissions Management
- Projects
- Agencies
- Security Settings
- Identity Providers
- MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device
- Viewing IAM Operation Records
- Quotas
- User Groups and Permissions Management
- IAM User Management
Security Settings
- How Do I Enable Login Verification?
- How Do I Disable Login Verification?
- How Do I Change the Verification Method for Performing Critical Operations?
- How Do I Disable Operation Protection?
- How Do I Bind a Virtual MFA Device?
- How Do I Obtain a Virtual MFA Verification Code?
- How Do I Unbind or Remove a Virtual MFA Device?
- Why Does MFA Authentication Fail?
- Why Am I Not Getting the Verification Code?
- Why Is My Account Locked?
- Why Do I Still Need to Perform MFA During Login After Unbinding the Virtual MFA Device?
Passwords and Credentials
- What Should I Do If I Forgot My Password?
- How Do I Change My Password?
- What Should I Do If I Have Forgotten My Access Key (AK/SK)?
- What Are Temporary Security Credentials (AK/SK and Security Token)?
- How Do I Obtain a Token with Security Administrator Permissions?
- How Do I Obtain an Access Key (AK/SK) in the AP-Kuala Lumpur-OP6 Region?
- Project Management
- Agency Management
- Others
- Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Token Management
- Access Key Management
- Region Management
Project Management
- Querying Project Information Based on the Specified Criteria
- Querying a User Project List
- Querying the List of Projects Accessible to Users
- Creating a Project
- Modifying Project Data
- Querying Information About a Specified Project
- Setting the Status of a Specified Project
- Querying Information and Status of a Specified Project
- Querying the Quotas of a Project
- Tenant Management
User Management
- Querying a User List
- Querying User Details
- Querying User Details (Recommended)
- Querying the User Group to Which a User Belongs
- Querying Users in a User Group
- Creating a User
- Changing a Password
- Modifying User Information
- Modifying User Information (Including Email Address and Mobile Number)
- Modifying User Information (Including Email Address and Mobile Number)
- Deleting a User
- Deleting a User from a User Group
- Querying MFA Device Information of Users
- Querying the MFA Device Information of a User
- Querying Login Protection Configurations of Users
- Querying the Login Protection Configuration of a User
- Creating a Virtual MFA Device
- Deleting a Virtual MFA Device
- Binding a Virtual MFA Device
- Unbinding a Virtual MFA Device
- Modifying the Login Protection Configuration of a User
- User Group Management
Permission Management
- Querying a Role List
- Querying Role Details
- Querying Permissions of a User Group Under a Domain
- Querying Permissions of a User Group Corresponding to a Project
- Granting Permissions to a User Group of a Domain
- Granting Permissions to a User Group Corresponding to a Project
- Deleting Permissions of a User Group Corresponding to a Project
- Deleting Permissions of a User Group of a Domain
- Querying Whether a User Group Under a Domain Has Specific Permissions
- Querying Whether a User Group Corresponding to a Project Has Specific Permissions
- Granting Permissions to a User Group for All Projects
- Removing Specified Permissions of a User Group in All Projects
- Checking Whether a User Group Has Specified Permissions for All Projects
- Querying All Permissions of a User Group
- Custom Policy Management
Agency Management
- Creating an Agency
- Querying an Agency List Based on the Specified Conditions
- Obtaining Details of a Specified Agency
- Modifying an Agency
- Deleting an Agency
- Granting Permissions to an Agency for a Project
- Checking Whether an Agency Has the Specified Permissions on a Project
- Querying the List of Permissions of an Agency on a Project
- Deleting Permissions of an Agency on a Project
- Granting Permissions to an Agency on a Domain
- Checking Whether an Agency Has the Specified Permissions on a Domain
- Querying the List of Permissions of an Agency on a Domain
- Deleting Permissions of an Agency on a Domain
- Querying All Permissions of an Agency
- Granting Specified Permissions to an Agency for All Projects
- Checking Whether an Agency Has Specified Permissions
- Removing Specified Permissions of an Agency in All Projects
Security Settings
- Querying the Operation Protection Policy
- Modifying the Operation Protection Policy
- Querying the Password Policy
- Modifying the Password Policy
- Querying the Login Authentication Policy
- Modifying the Login Authentication Policy
- Querying the ACL for Console Access
- Modifying the ACL for Console Access
- Querying the ACL for API Access
- Modifying the ACL for API Access
- Federated Identity Authentication Management
- Version Information Management
- Services and Endpoints
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Before You Start
- IAM Users
- User Groups and Authorization
- Permissions Management
- Projects
- Agencies
- Security Settings
- Identity Providers
- MFA Authentication and Virtual MFA Device
- Quotas
- IAM User Management
Security Settings
- How Do I Enable Login Verification?
- How Do I Disable Login Verification?
- How Do I Change the Verification Method for Performing Critical Operations?
- How Do I Disable Operation Protection?
- How Do I Bind a Virtual MFA Device?
- How Do I Obtain a Virtual MFA Verification Code?
- How Do I Unbind or Remove a Virtual MFA Device?
- Why Does MFA Authentication Fail?
- Why Am I Not Getting the Verification Code?
- Passwords and Credentials
- Agency Management
- Others
- Change History
- API Reference (Ankara Region)
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Creating a User Group and Assigning Permissions
If you do not want to create an account for every personnel in your enterprise, you can use Identity and Access Management (IAM). Only the enterprise's administrator needs to create an account. The account can be used to create multiple IAM users for different enterprise personnel and assign permissions based on their job responsibilities. For the definitions of an account and IAM user, see Basic Concepts.
The following shows how to use IAM to manage permissions.
Process Flow
Procedure |
Description |
Sign up for Huawei Cloud and complete real-name authentication. |
Create a user group, which is the minimum authorization unit. |
Assign permissions defined by roles or policies to the user group. Users added to this group can inherit the assigned permissions from it. |
If you already have an account, skip this step. If you do not have an account, perform the following operations to create one:
- Visit https://www.huaweicloud.com/intl/en-us/ and click Sign Up.
- Sign up for a HUAWEI ID and enable Huawei Cloud services.
After the HUAWEI ID is created, the system redirects you to your personal information page.
IAM is a free service. There is no charge to use IAM.
Step 1: Create a User Group
- Use your HUAWEI ID to enable Huawei Cloud services, and then log in to Huawei Cloud.
Figure 1 Logging in to Huawei Cloud
- Log in to the management console.
Figure 2 Logging in to the management console
- On the management console, hover the mouse pointer over the username in the upper right corner, and choose Identity and Access Management from the drop-down list.
Figure 3 Accessing the IAM console
- On the IAM console, choose User Groups and click Create User Group.
Figure 4 Creating a user group
- In the displayed dialog box, enter a user group name.
Figure 5 Setting the user group details
- Click OK to create a developer user group.
You will be redirected to the user group list and the created user group is displayed in the list.
Step 2: Assign Permissions to the User Group
Assume that developers in the enterprise need to use ECS, RDS, ELB, VPC, EVS, and OBS, so the administrator needs to perform the following operations to assign the required permissions to the developer group to enable access to these services. For details about the permissions of all cloud services, see System-defined Permissions.
- Determine the permissions required by the users in the user group.
Table 1 lists the required permissions. You can determine which permissions are required by referring to System-defined Permissions. Regions are geographic areas where services are deployed. If a project-level service policy is attached to a user group for a project in a specific region, the policy takes effect only for that project.
- In the user group list, click Authorize in the row containing the developer user group.
Figure 6 Authorizing a user group
- Assign permissions to the user group for region-specific projects.
- All the services in Table 1 except OBS are deployed in specific projects. Select desired permissions for project-level services and click Next.
Figure 7 Selecting required permissions
- Select Region-specific projects for Scope, select CN-Hong Kong, and click OK.
Then users in the developer group only can access resources in CN-Hong Kong.
Figure 8 Specifying the permission scope
- All the services in Table 1 except OBS are deployed in specific projects. Select desired permissions for project-level services and click Next.
- Assign permissions to the user group for the global services.
- Select OBS OperateAccess and click Next.
Figure 9 Selecting OBS OperateAccess
- Select Global services for Scope and click OK.
Figure 10 Specifying the permission scope
- Select OBS OperateAccess and click Next.
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