Help Center/ ServiceStage/ User Guide/ Component Management/ Creating and Deploying a Component/ Creating and Deploying a Component Based on a VM
Updated on 2024-12-16 GMT+08:00

Creating and Deploying a Component Based on a VM

This section describes how to create a component, save a component draft, and deploy a component based on a VM.

When you create a component but do not complete the parameter settings, you can save the draft to prevent the parameters from being lost due to factors such as page closing. During component creation, you can click Save as Draft to prevent component parameter settings from being lost.


  1. An application has been created because components can only be added to applications. For details, see Creating an Application.
  2. An environment has been created and resources have been managed because components need to be deployed in an environment. For details, see Environment Management.
  3. You have uploaded the software package to the SWR software repository or OBS bucket.
    • Upload the software package to the software repository. For details, see Uploading the Software Package.
    • Upload the software package to the OBS bucket. For details, see Streaming Upload (PUT).
    • Obtain the corresponding software package from the custom file address. You can download the software package from the custom HTTP/HTTPS file address. Upload the software package to the corresponding custom file address in advance.

    If the software package fails to be uploaded, see What If a Software Package Fails to Be Uploaded?

  1. Save a component draft if you want to create a component based on a component draft.

Creating and Deploying a Component Based on a VM

  1. Log in to ServiceStage.
  2. Select a component creation mode.

    • To create a component from scratch, go to 3.
    • To create a component based on a component draft, go to 4.

  3. To create a component from scratch, perform the following operations:

    1. Use any of the following methods to go to the Create Component page:
      • Choose Component Management > Create Component.
      • On the Application Management page, select the application for which you want to create a component, and click Create Component in the Operation column.
      • On the Application Management page, click the application for which you want to create a component. On the displayed Overview page, click Create Component.
    2. Go to 5.

  4. To create a component based on a component draft, perform the following operations:

    1. Use any of the following methods to go to the Create Component page:
      • On the Application Management page, click the application where the component draft is located. The Component Management page is displayed. In the component list, click the target component whose Status is Draft.
      • On the Component Management page, click the target component whose Status is Draft.
    2. Go to 5.

  5. In the Basic Information area, configure the component by referring to the following table. Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.



    *Component Name

    Name of a component, which cannot be changed after the component is created and deployed.

    Enter 2 to 64 characters. Start with a letter and end with a letter or digit. Only use letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-).

    • Components with the same name in different applications can be deployed in the same environment.
    • Components with the same name in the same application can be deployed in different environments.

    *Component Version

    Component version number, which can be automatically generated or customized.

    • Automatically-generated: Click Generate. By default, the version number is the time when you click Generate. The format is yyyy.mmdd.hhmms, where s is the ones place of the second in the timestamp. For example, if the timestamp is 2022.0803.104321, the version number is 2022.0803.10431.
    • Customized: Enter a value in the format of A.B.C or A.B.C.D. A, B, C, and D are natural numbers. For example, 1.0.0 or


    Select VM or VM + Kubernetes.

    For details, see Environment Overview.


    The environment type is VM + Kubernetes if both CCE clusters and VMs are managed in the environment.

    *Deployment Mode

    Select VM.

    This parameter is mandatory when Environment is set to VM + Kubernetes. For details, see Deploying a Component.


    Application to which the component belongs.


    ServiceStage allows you to add labels of the key-value pair type to manage and select components. Each component can have a maximum of 20 labels.

    1. Click Add Label.
    2. In the Add Label dialog box, click Add Label.
    3. Enter a key and value.
      • The key contains 1 to 36 characters, including digits, letters, underscores (_), or hyphens (-).
      • The value contains 2 to 43 characters, including digits, letters, underscores (_), periods (.), or hyphens (-).

        The key cannot be the built-in app, casid, or version.

    4. Click OK.


    Component description.

    1. Click and enter up to 128 characters.
    2. Click to save the component description.
    Figure 1 Setting the basic component information

  6. In the Component Package area, configure the component package by referring to the following table. Parameters marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.




    1. Select a component technology stack type based on the component deployment mode. For details, see Table 1.

      Only enabled technology stacks in the Enabling state can be selected. For details, see Enabling a Technology Stack.

    2. Select a technology stack version from the Name drop-down list.

      Only enabled technology stack versions in the Enabling state can be selected. For details, see Enabling a Technology Stack Version.

    3. Set JVM to configure the memory parameter size during Java code running. This parameter is available when a Java or Tomcat technology stack is selected.

      Click Stack Settings and set JVM, for example, -Xms256m -Xmx1024m. Multiple parameters are separated by spaces.

    4. Set Tomcat to configure the parameters such as Tomcat request path and port number. This parameter is available when a Tomcat technology stack is selected.
      1. Click Stack Settings and select Tomcat. The Tomcat dialog box is displayed.
      2. Click Use Sample Code and edit the template file based on service requirements.

        In Tomcat configuration, the default server.xml configuration is used. The context path is /, and no application path is specified.

        If you need to customize an application path, customize the Tomcat context path by referring to How Do I Customize a Tomcat Context Path?

      3. Click OK.

    *Source Code/Software Package

    Select a software package (JAR, WAR, or compressed package).

    The software package type supported by the component source is determined by the selected technology stack type. For details, see Table 1.

    *Upload Method

    If the component source is software package, select an uploaded software package. For details about the upload method, see Component Source.

    If you select Custom file address, perform the following operations:

    1. Enter the custom HTTP/HTTPS file download address of the software package.
    2. Determine whether to enable authentication.
      • If authentication is disabled, any user can download the software package in the custom file address by default.
      • Click to enable authentication. Only authenticated users can download the software package in the custom file address. Authentication mode can be User name and password authentication or User-defined Header Authentication. The authentication mode and the corresponding authentication parameters are determined by the authentication mode supported by the server where the custom file directory is located.

  7. Perform the following operations based on whether to continue setting component parameters:

    • If yes, click Next and go to 5.
    • If no, click Save as Draft.

      The component is saved as a draft in the component list of the application selected in 5. When you create a component but do not complete the parameter settings, you can save the draft to prevent the parameters from being lost due to factors such as page closing. You can use the saved component draft to continue creating a component.

  8. In the Resources area, set the resources required by the component.

    • If ECS is selected for Resource Type, select the ECS that has been managed in the component deployment environment.
    • If AS is selected for Resource Type, select the AS group to be used from Resources and then select the ECS in the AS group.

    The selected ECS must have the VM agent installed and be running properly.

  9. In the Access Mode area, enable Public Network Access.

    After public network access is enabled for a component, you can use a public network domain name to access the component through an ELB bound with an EIP to use services provided by the component.
    • After a component with public network access enabled is created and deployed, you can change the configured component access domain name by referring to Changing the Component Access Domain Name.
    • By default, public network access is disabled for a component. After a component is created and deployed, you can also configure the component access mode. For details, see Configuring the Component Access Mode.
    Click to enable public access and set the following parameters:
    1. Set Public Network Load Balancer.
      • Select a load balancer that has been bound to an EIP in the selected environment.
      • If no load balancer exists, click Add One. On the Edit Environment page that is displayed, click Add Optional Resource to add created load balancers to the environment.
      • To create ELB resources:
        • An EIP has been bound to the load balancer and must be in the same VPC and subnet as the compute resources managed in the current component deployment environment.
        • Components must be bound with different load balancers in different deployment environments to avoid route errors.
    2. Set Client Protocol.
      • HTTP has security risks. You are advised to select HTTPS.
      • If HTTPS is selected, click Use existing to select an existing certificate.

        If no certificate exists, click Create new to create a server certificate. For details, see Adding a Certificate.

    3. Set Domain Name.
      • If Automatically generated is selected, the automatically generated domain name is valid only for seven days.
      • If Bound is selected, enter a domain name.

  10. Set Advanced Settings.

    For details, see Managing VM-Deployed Component Configurations.

  11. Click Create and Deploy.

    On the Deployment Records page, view the deployment logs and wait until the component deployment is complete.

    Figure 2 Viewing component deployment logs