Updated on 2024-10-12 GMT+08:00

Configuring Multimedia Marketing Tasks

Multimedia marketing tasks support SMS marketing and email marketing. Tenant administrators can configure multimedia marketing tasks as required.


  • The intelligent outbound call, SMS marketing, email marketing, and WhatsApp marketing features have been enabled for the tenant space.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Outbound Call > mMarketing.
  2. View the created multimedia marketing tasks in the list.

    Figure 1 mMarketing

  3. Click New. On the Create Multimedia Marketing Task page, configure marketing task information.

    Figure 2 Basic Information
    Figure 3 Marketing Policy

    The supported media types of multimedia tasks are as follows:

    • SMS: Marketing activities are carried out by SMS message. The notification template can be a Huawei Cloud SMS message template or SMS gateway message template.
      • For details about how to configure a marketing notification template, see Configuring Notification Templates as an Administrator.
      • To use an SMS gateway message template, you need to configure a gateway. For details about how to configure a gateway, see Configuring SMS Gateways.
      • By default, the country codes of China and Brazil are available. To add a country code, configure the dictionary value.

        The configuration method is as follows:

        DELETE FROM SYS_DATADICT_ITEM WHERE rel_id = '88001202102081808';
        INSERT INTO SYS_DATADICT_ITEM (rel_id, dict_code, item_code, item_name, be_code, order_no, description, oper_id, oper_time, oper_org_id, ext1, ext2, ext3, ext4, ext5, be_id) VALUES ('88001202102081808', 'CCN.COUNTRY_CODE', '+55', 'Brazil', '101', '2', null, '101', null, '101', null, null, null, null, null, null)
        DELETE FROM SYS_DATADICT_ITEM_LANG WHERE rel_id = '8800120210208180801';
        INSERT INTO SYS_DATADICT_ITEM_LANG (rel_id, item_rel_id, locale, item_name, be_id) VALUES ('8800120210208180801', '88001202102081808', 'en_US', 'Brazil', null);
        DELETE FROM SYS_DATADICT_ITEM_LANG WHERE rel_id = '8800120210208180802';
        INSERT INTO SYS_DATADICT_ITEM_LANG (rel_id, item_rel_id, locale, item_name, be_id) VALUES ('8800120210208180802', '88001202102081808', 'en_US', 'Brazil', null);

        In the preceding information, 88001202102081808 is the customized dictionary value ID. 8800120210208180801 and 8800120210208180801 are the customized dictionary internationalization IDs. Brazil, +55, and 2 are the customized country name, country code, and sequence number, respectively.

        After the configuration, restart the SUMApp for the configuration to take effect.

    • Email: Marketing activities are carried out by email.
    • WhatsApp

  4. Click Save. The multimedia marketing task is created successfully.
  5. Return to the mMarketing tab page and click Import Data to import data.
  6. Return to the Multimedia Marketing Management tab page and click Publish to publish a marketing task.

Follow-up Procedure

To modify a multimedia marketing task, click Suspend to suspend it.

After the task is suspended, you can perform the following operations:

  • Click Edit to modify the multimedia marketing task.
  • Click Delete to delete the multimedia marketing task.
  • Click Import Data to import data.
  • Click View Marketing Result to view the execution result of the multimedia marketing task.