Help Center/ Cognitive Engagement Center/ User Guide/ Tenant Administrator Guide/ Configuring Intelligent IVR/ FAQs/ How Do I Configure the Number of Voice Recognition Errors in a Flow?

How Do I Configure the Number of Voice Recognition Errors in a Flow?


During the semantic identification, the dialog flow provides the default maximum number of errors. The processing mechanism is as follows:

  1. If the IVR identification times out, the system records a timeout error.
  2. If the IVR identification is incorrect or the intention template rejects the identification, the system records a nomatch error.
  3. The OIAP accumulates the total number of timeout errors and rejection errors. When the accumulation reaches three, the OIAP records an error3 condition by default.

The accumulation is performed on the same IVR identification diagram element.

The preceding fixed rules apply only to the same identification scenario. The stop condition is that the total number of timeout errors and rejection errors reaches three.

However, the preceding rule does not apply to the scenarios where the number of timeout errors and the number of rejection errors are counted separately, where the number of errors in more than one identification is counted together, where the errors are accumulated in other error scenarios, or where the number of error times is greater than three.


If the default rule does not meet requirements, use the business number counting rule as follows:

Use the business interface invoking diagram element to customize counting variables. The levels GLOBAL and FLOW can be selected in different counting scenarios. Different branches can be set for the recognition timeout and rejection scenarios, and the corresponding times accumulation diagram elements can be connected.

The system determines the branch to select based on the error times variable, for example, the branch for playing an error voice or the branch for directly returning and replaying the prompt voice again.