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Configuring Parameters

Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00


  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Configuration Center > System Management > Tenant Parameter.

    Figure 1 Configuring parameters
    Table 1 Tenant parameters



    Unified Public Configuration


    Whether to enable page watermarking

    Whether to enable the page watermark function.

    Subscriber Number Anonymization Rule

    User number anonymization rule. The options are Anonymize middle four digits and Retain only last four digits.

    Page Watermark Character

    Page watermark string.

    Whether to enable file watermarking

    Whether to enable the file watermark function.

    If this function is enabled, watermarks are displayed in the following exported files:

    • Exported outbound call result file and call record file
    • Exported contact record file
    • Exported recording inspection file

    File Watermark Character

    File watermark string.

    Specifies whether to set the password of the compressed file for exporting data.

    The options are Yes and No. The default value is Yes.

    Number of agents that can be queried for call transfer

    Number of agents that can be queried in each skill queue during call transfer.

    The value ranges from 1 to 500.

    The default value is 150.

    Connection Management

    Call Control

    Number Display for Agent Phone

    Number display policy for agent phones. The options are Display system calling number and Display customer number.

    Answer Inbound Call as Inspector

    Whether an inspector answers an inbound call. The options are No and Yes.

    Integrate OpenEye in Web System

    Whether to integrate the OpenEye softphone in the web system. The options are No and Yes.

    To implement this function, a tenant needs to install the OpenEye locally.

    Agent Answering Mode

    Agent answering mode. The options are Custom, Automatic, and Manual.

    Call Processing After Agent Rejection

    Call processing after an agent manually rejects a call. The options are Return call to original queue and set agent to busy and Release call and set agent to idle.

    Web-integrated OpenEye Video Display

    Video display of the OpenEye integrated with the web system. This parameter is valid only when Integrate OpenEye in Web System is enabled. For example, in the value 0,0,800,380,PiP,Fit, 0,0 indicates the X and Y coordinates of the video position (the upper left corner of the screen is the coordinate origin), 800,380 indicates the width and height of the window, PiP indicates the layout of the video image (PiP indicates picture-in-picture, and SbS indicates side-by-side), and Fit indicates the display mode of the video image (Fit indicates that the video is adapted according to its original proportions, and Cut indicates that the video is displayed at full size according to its original proportions and cropped if necessary).

    Video Recording Mode

    Video recording mode. The options are Same-size image for three parties, Maximized customer image, Maximized agent image, and Maximized third-party image.

    Agent Status

    After-Call Agent State

    State that an agent automatically enters after a call ends. The options are Idle and Wrap-up.

    Signed-in Agent State

    State that an agent automatically enters after sign-in. The options are Idle, Wrap-up, and Busy.

    Forcibly End Agent Rest After Timeout

    Whether to forcibly end an agent's rest when the rest times out. The options are No and Yes.

    Internal Message Template for Notifying Supervisor of Agent Rest Timeout

    Template for sending an internal message to the supervisor when an agent's rest times out. Set this parameter to the internal message notification template ID. If this parameter is not set, no internal message is sent to the supervisor when an agent's rest times out.

    Mode in Which an Agent Signs In to a Skill Queue

    Mode in which an agent signs in to a skill queue. The parameter modification takes effect after the page is refreshed.

    • If this tenant parameter is set to Agent-defined, the value of the agent parameter Mode in Which an Agent Signs In to a Skill Queue is used.
    • If this tenant parameter is set to Automatic or Specified, the value of this parameter is used.

    Log Tracing

    Agent ID Requiring Log Generation

    Agent ID for generating logs. Use commas to separate multiple IDs, for example, 101,102,103.

    Agent Output Log Level

    Level of generated agent connection operation logs.

    Contact Record

    Time Span for Contact Record Query

    Time span for searching for contact records, in days. The default value is 7.

    Number of days in advance for querying contact records

    Number of days in advance for searching for contact records, in days. The default value is 7.

    Indicates whether to store callData in contact records.

    Whether to store call-associated data in contact records. If this parameter is set to Yes, the connected contact records integrated by the Dynamics can carry the call-associated data of the last call for callback. The options are No and Yes. The default value is No.

    Validity days of call reason configuration

    Number of days that the call reason can be supplemented or modified for historical contact records. The value must be an integer. The default value is 0. The value 0 indicates that the period is not limited. The call reason can be supplemented or modified for historical contact records generated in any period.


    The value of this parameter depends on the time range of data obtained for call reason analysis statistics.

    Whether encryption or decryption is required to download recordings.

    The value Yes indicates that the recording file of a contact record or an outbound call result can be downloaded only after a decompression password is entered. The value No indicates that a recording file can be downloaded directly.

    Indicates whether to set the call reason for customer contact.

    Whether the call reason needs to be set for a customer contact.

    • If this parameter is set to Yes, the Call Reason dialog box is automatically displayed when no call reason is not set after a common customer session ends. Contact records for which no call reason is set are displayed on the Unfinished Contact page.

      When the agent sign-out response is successful, the system checks whether the agent has unfinished contact at 00:00:00 on the current day in the time zone where the agent is located. A dialog box is displayed if the agent has unfinished contact on the current day which needs to be handled in a timely manner. Click Go for processing to open the Contact record page.

    • If this parameter is set to No, the Call Reason dialog box is not automatically displayed after a common customer session ends and the Unfinished Contact tab page is not displayed.

    The options are as follows:

    • Yes
    • No

    The default value is No.

    Agent Workbench

    Whether to send internal messages when the WebRTC network is abnormal

    Whether to send an internal message to notify the OU manager if the network quality is poor when an agent uses the WebRTC to make a call. Only one internal message can be sent within 60 minutes.

    The options are as follows:

    • Yes
    • No

    The default value is No.

    WebRTC Network Anomaly Detection Threshold

    The format is Number 1;Number 2. Both Number 1 and Number 2 range from 1 to 120, in seconds.

    • Number 1 indicates the threshold for the duration in which the WebRTC network status is abnormal, in seconds. If the duration exceeds the threshold, an exception is reported.
    • Number 2 indicates the threshold for the duration in which the WebRTC network status is normal, in seconds. If the duration reaches the threshold, the network is considered to be recovered.

    The default value is 6;3.

    Display Associated Data

    Whether to display call-associated data. The options are No and Yes.

    Conference Link SMS Template

    SMS template used for sending conference links. The template must contain the Meeting_URL variable.

    Display Unified Customer Contact Information

    Whether to display unified contact customer information. The options are No and Yes.

    Local listening port of the agent VRC.

    Local listening port of the agent VRC. This port is used by inspectors to initiate screen inspection connections.

    The value ranges from 1 to 65535.

    The default value is 6600.

    VRC WebSocket Port

    WebSocket connection port of the VRC. When the OpenEye is used, set this parameter to the port configured on the VRC.

    The value ranges from 1 to 65535.

    The default value is 7684.

    The duration of SmartCare abnormal time backtracking (s)

    If the abnormal time passed to SmartCare is the current time, the value of the parameter configuration is used to make logical judgments based on the time period before the current time, such as on whether the user is affected by the fault during this period.

    The value ranges from 60 to 86400.

    The default value is 3600.

    The time (h) pushed forward from the current time as start time when SmartCare delimits creation

    If the end time passed to SmartCare is the current time, the value of the parameter configuration means that a time period before the current time is used as the start time, for example, of fault demarcation for the user during this period.

    The value ranges from 1 to 168.

    The default value is 24.

    Service Channels


    Indicates whether to enable the system default greeting (except the email channel).

    Whether to enable the default system greeting (except the email channel).

    Multimedia Sessions Concurrently Processed by Agent

    Number of multimedia sessions that can be handled by an agent concurrently.

    The value ranges from 1 to 60.

    Default value: 5


    In the text chat scenario, if the CTI specification is 8U32G and 60 text chats are initiated to an agent within 6 seconds (the number of multimedia sessions that an agent can concurrently process is set to 60), a maximum of 10 sessions can be connected.

    Third-party interface invoking failure rate statistical period

    Statistical period of the third-party interface invocation failure rate, in minutes. The value ranges from 1 to 30. The default value is 5.

    Third-Party Interface Invoking Failure Rate Alarm Threshold

    Alarm threshold of the third-party interface invocation failure rate, in %. The value ranges from 1 to 100. The default value is 20.

    Validity duration of the URL used by a customer to access a resource

    The validity duration of the URL used by a customer to access a resource. The value is in minutes and ranges from 5 to 10080 (at most seven days). The default value is 1440 (equals one day).

    Indicates whether to enable the new special list for multimedia.

    Whether to use the new special list function for multimedia channels. The options are No and Yes.

    Social Media Approver Account

    Default value: none

    Social media approver account. If this parameter is left blank, post approval is not performed.


    The value can only be an employee account with the Enterprise account operation menu permission under the current tenant.

    Social Media Video Upload Size Limit

    Maximum size of an uploaded social media video, in MB. The default value is 200, and the maximum value is 500.

    Maximum size of uploaded social media images

    Maximum size of uploaded social media images, in MB. The default value is 1, and the maximum value is 4.

    Message allocation threshold for operators

    Threshold for not assigning messages to an operator. If the number of messages unhandled by an operator exceeds the threshold, messages are not assigned to the operator. The default value is 5, and the maximum value is 20.

    Number of SMs allocated by the operator

    Number of messages that can be assigned to an operator at a time. The default value is 10, and the maximum value is 20.

    Number of offline users allocated each time

    Number of offline customers assigned each time. The value ranges from 1 to 10. The default value is 5.

    Interval for querying the allocated offline user list

    Interval for querying assigned offline customers. The value ranges from 0 to 60, in minutes. The default value is 5.


    The value 0 indicates that offline customers are not queried.

    Number of offline message for warning alarm

    When the number of offline messages exceeds the value of this parameter, a warning alarm is generated. The value ranges from 1 to 100000. The default value is 5000.

    Number of offline message for minor alarm

    When the number of offline messages exceeds the value of this parameter, a minor alarm is generated. The value ranges from 1 to 100000. The default value is 8000.

    Number of offline message for major alarm

    When the number of offline messages exceeds the value of this parameter, a major alarm is generated. The value ranges from 1 to 100000. The default value is 10000.

    Offline message days for minor alarm

    When the number of days for which an offline message is not handled exceeds the value of this parameter, a minor alarm is generated. The value ranges from 1 to 15. The default value is 3.

    Offline message days for major alarm

    When the number of days for which an offline message is not handled exceeds the value of this parameter, a major alarm is generated. The value ranges from 1 to 15. The default value is 5.

    DY contact record reply message switch

    Whether the messages of contact records in the Dynamics can be replied to. The options are No and Yes. The default value is No.


    Map Type Used by Location Message Received Through Web Channel

    Type of the map used to display location messages received from the web channel on the web client and agent workbench.


    Max. Bytes in Email Body

    Maximum number of bytes in the email body, in MB. The value ranges from 1 to 10. The default value is 2.

    Max. Email Cc Recipients

    Number of Cc recipients when a maximum of 4096 characters are allowed. The value ranges from 0 to 50. The default value is 20.

    Max. Email Bcc Recipients

    Number of Bcc recipients when a maximum of 4096 characters are allowed. The value ranges from 0 to 50. The default value is 20.

    Max. Email Forwarding Recipients

    Number of email forwarding recipients when a maximum of 4096 characters are allowed. The value ranges from 1 to 50. The default value is 20.

    Max. Email Drafts Added by Agent

    Maximum number of email drafts added by an agent. The value ranges from 1 to 50. The default value is 20.

    Max. Size of Images in Email

    Maximum size of images in a reply email edited by an email agent. The value ranges from 0 to 1024, in KB. The default value is 300.

    Max. Images in Email

    Maximum number of images in a reply email edited by an email agent. The value ranges from 0 to 20. The default value is 10.

    Auto Zoom Email Channel Images

    Whether to enable email channel image auto scaling. The options are Yes and No. The default value is No. The value Yes indicates that images whose size exceed the limit are automatically zoomed in or out, and the value No indicates that images are not zoomed in or out.


    Map Type Used by Location Message Received Through WhatsApp Channel

    Type of the map used to display location messages received from the WhatsApp channel on the agent workbench.

    WhatsApp Webhook Password Authentication Validity Period

    Validity period of the Webhook password used for authenticating received requests when the WhatsApp channel is connected to the Infobip. The value ranges from 7 to 365. The default value is 90.


    Map Type Used by Location Message Received Through LINE Channel

    Type of the map used to display location messages received from the LINE channel on the LINE client and agent workbench.

    Validity Period of Access Token for Accessing LINE

    Validity period of an access token for accessing the LINE, in days. The value ranges from 1 to 30. The default value is 30.


    Map Type Used by Location Message Received Through WeChat Channel

    Type of the map used to display location messages received from the WeChat channel on the WeChat client and agent workbench.

    5G RCS

    Map Type Used by Location Message Received Through 5G RCS Channel

    Type of the map used to display location messages received from the 5G RCS channel on the agent workbench.

    Intelligent Outbound Call


    Record outbound interface invoking logs

    Whether to record outbound call interface invocation logs. If yes, invocation records of one month are stored by default. Invocation records of a maximum of three months can be stored.

    Indicates whether to send internal messages when outbound calls are abnormal.

    The default value is No, indicating that no internal message is sent to the manager of an employee when an outbound call is abnormal. If this parameter is set to Yes, an internal message is sent to the manager of an employee when an outbound call is abnormal.

    Threshold for abnormal outbound call duration.

    The unit is second. If the duration of an outbound call is less than the value of this parameter, the system considers the call as an abnormal call. If the value is 0 or empty, the system does not determine whether a call is an abnormal call.

    Only leaf nodes can be selected for service results.

    Only leaf nodes can be selected for business results. The default value is no.

    Task due reminder time

    Number of days before task expiration a reminder is sent. Unit: day. The default value is –1, indicating that no reminder is sent. The value ranges from –1 to 10, that is, a reminder can be sent at most 10 days before task expiration.

    Managing Configurations

    Destination address of outgoing call result push

    Address provided by the third party for receiving outbound call results pushed to the third party.

    Maximum number of scheduled tasks in the outbound call blocklist

    Maximum number of scheduled tasks in the outbound call blocklist. The value ranges from 1 to 24, and the default value is 10.

    Call Configuration

    Manual outgoing call automatic outgoing call switch

    Whether to enable the automatic outbound call capability for manual outbound calls.

    Time limit for manual outgoing calls

    Time during which an agent is in idle state before making an automatic outbound call, in seconds.

    The value ranges from 1 to 120.

    Call Number Prefix Configuration

    Prefix of an outbound number. Use commas (,) to separate multiple prefixes.

    Minimum length of outbound customer number

    Minimum length of a customer number, excluding the international call prefix and international area code.

    Maximum length of outbound customer number

    Maximum length of a customer number, excluding the international call prefix and international area code.

    The begin digits of the customer number

    Start number of a customer number. Use commas (,) to separate multiple numbers.


    Internal Message

    Notify App of Internal Message

    Whether to notify the app of an internal message. The options are Yes and No.

    AK for Invoking App Service for Internal Message Notification

    AK provided by the app for invoking the app service to send an internal message notification.

    Protocol for Invoking App Service for Internal Message Notification

    Protocol type for invoking the app service to send an internal message notification. The options are http and https. Use HTTPS because HTTP is an insecure protocol.

    IP Address and Port for Invoking App Service for Internal Message Notification

    IP address and port number for invoking the app service to send an internal message notification. The format is IP address:Port number.

    URL for Invoking App Service for Internal Message Notification

    URL for invoking the app service to send an internal message notification. A reference configuration is /app/agent/gateway/v1/notice/enterpriseMessage.

    Cyclical Invoking Times of App Interface for Internal Message Notification

    Number of times that the app interface is cyclically invoked for internal message notification. A reference configuration is 3.


    Delete Email Received by Tenant Administrator and Tenant from Email Server

    Whether to delete emails received by tenant administrators and tenants from the email server. The default value is Yes, indicating that the emails are deleted.

    Max. Size of Images in Email

    By default, the maximum size of an image is 100 KB. The value must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1024, in KB.

    Telecom number

    International Crown Code

    International call prefix of the tenant location. The default value is 00.

    International area code

    International area code of the tenant location. The default value is 86.

    Online Chat

    Session Retention Days

    Session retention days. The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 14, and the default value is 7.

    Number of days for storing chat records

    Chat record retention day. The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 93, and the default value is 30.

    The chat record retention days must be greater than or equal to the session retention days.

    Operation Risk Control


    Mobile number area code




    Time when the compliance detail view is automatically updated

    Automatic refresh interval when Auto Refresh on the adherence details page is enabled, in seconds. The value ranges from 10 to 20. The default value is 20.

    Maximum number of rule sets in a scheduling scenario

    Maximum number of rule sets associated with all agents in a schedule scenario. When this value is exceeded, an error message is displayed. The value ranges from 1 to 5. The default value is 5.

  2. Search for the parameter to be modified based on Parameter Name and Description, click Edit in the Operation column, and enter the parameter value in the Parameter Value column.
  3. Click Save to save the parameter configuration.
  4. (Optional) Click Synchronize or reset to synchronize or reset the value in the Parameter Value column.

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