Updated on 2024-08-13 GMT+08:00

Setting Monthly Budgets for Customers

A distributor can authorize the budget setting permission for its associated resellers, and the resellers can set monthly budgets for their customers. The budget will automatically restore in the next month.


  1. Use your account to log in to Huawei Cloud.
  2. In the drop-down list of your account name, click Partner Center to go to the Partner Center.
  3. In the top navigation, select Sales > Customers > Customer Management.
  4. On the customer list, select the target customer, and click Set Budget in the Operation column.

    • Automatic account freezing

    • Manual account freezing

    • You can select multiple customers and click Set Budget above the customer list to achieve batch budget setting. The new budget setting will replace the earlier setting.
    • When setting monthly budgets for your customers, you can decide whether to manually or automatically freeze their accounts then they use up their budgets. Automatic indicates that the system automatically freezes an account upon budget exhaustion. For details about how to manually freeze an account, see Freezing Customer Accounts and Resources.
    • If a customer account is frozen, the customer cannot purchase resources. If you want to unfreeze the account, select Unfreeze Now and click OK.
    • To view the monthly budget adjustment record, click Adjustment Record on the displayed Set Monthly Budget page.

  5. Enter a value and click OK.

    • When a customer is associated with a partner in the reseller model, the customer account is frozen by default. When the account is frozen, the customer cannot purchase, renew the subscription to, change, or properly use the resources. The partner can select Unfreeze Account when setting the monthly budget for the customer to unfreeze the account.
    • The budget set by you for your customers cannot exceed the budget quota configured by your distributor. You can view the monthly budget granted by your distributor in Partner Center > Partner Information > Basic Information > Budget Quota.

    A message is displayed indicating that the monthly budget has been set successfully.

    If partners have enabled the verification code function, a verification code is required.

  6. Click OK.