Configuring and Viewing Object Metadata
Object metadata is a set of name-value pairs that describe an object and is used for object management. OBS has two types of metadata: system-defined object metadata and user-defined object metadata.
You can configure metadata for an object when uploading it or after the object is uploaded.
Metadata Introduction
System-defined Object Metadata
There are two types of system-defined metadata: system-controlled and user-controlled.
- System-controlled metadata: Metadata like Last-Modified is system controlled and cannot be modified.
- User-controlled metadata: Metadata like ContentLanguage (configured for an object) is user controlled. You can make an API call to modify such metadata. Table 1 lists the metadata items that you can control.
OBS uses KMS keys to encrypt objects. The checksum, together with the specified algorithm, are stored as part of the object's metadata. If server-side encryption is requested for the object, the checksum is stored in encrypted form. For more information about server-side encryption, see Server-Side Encryption.
Name |
Description |
ContentDisposition |
Provides a default file name for the requested object. When the object is being downloaded or accessed, the object named after the default file name is opened in the browser or the object download window is displayed. Suppose that you configure the ContentDisposition metadata with the value of attachment;filename="testfile.xls" for an object. When you access this object by using a link, a download window is displayed and the object name is changed to testfile.xls. For details, see the definition about ContentDisposition in HTTP. |
ContentLanguage |
States the language or languages intended for the audience. For details, see the definition about ContentLanguage in HTTP. |
WebsiteRedirectLocation |
Redirects an object to another object or an external URL. The redirection is implemented using static website hosting. For example, you can redirect an object by doing as follows:
ContentEncoding |
Specifies the content encoding format when an object is downloaded. The options are as follows:
CacheControl |
Specifies the caching behavior for a web page when an object is downloaded.
Expires |
Specifies the cache expiration time (GMT). |
ContentType |
Specifies the object type. For details, see Content-Type. |
User-defined Object Metadata
You can add user-defined metadata whose name starts with x-obs-meta- for easy object management. When you retrieve or query an object's metadata, its user-defined metadata will be returned in the response. User-defined metadata is limited to 8 KB in size. The size of user-defined metadata is the sum of the number of bytes in the UTF-8 encoding of each key and value.
User-defined metadata keys are case insensitive, but OBS stores them in lowercase. The user-defined metadata values are case sensitive.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 |
PUT /key HTTP/1.1 Host: x-obs-meta-Test1: Test Meta1 HEAD /Key HTTP/1.1 Host: x-obs-meta-test1: Test Meta1 |
Both user-defined metadata keys and their values must conform to US-ASCII. If non-ASCII or unrecognizable characters are necessary, they must be encoded or decoded in URL or Base64 on the client side. The server side does not perform any decoding.
- In a versioning-enabled bucket, you can only configure metadata for the current version of an object, but not for noncurrent versions.
- Metadata cannot be configured for Archive or Deep Archive objects.
- The user-defined metadata is limited to 8 KB in size.
Configuring Object Metadata
You can use OBS Console, APIs, SDKs, or obsutil to configure object metadata.
Using OBS Console
- In the navigation pane of OBS Console, choose Object Storage.
- In the bucket list, click the bucket you want to operate. The Objects page is displayed.
- Click the object to be operated, and then click the Metadata tab.
- Click Add. Then, configure metadata.
Figure 1 Adding metadata
- Click OK.
Using APIs
Using the CLI Tool - obsutil
Command Line Structure
- In Windows
- Setting properties of a single object
obsutil chattri obs://bucket/key [-meta=aaa:bbb#ccc:ddd] [-sc=xxx] [-acl=xxx] [-aclXml=xxx] [-versionId=xxx] [-fr] [-o=xxx] [-config=xxx] [-e=xxx] [-i=xxx] [-k=xxx] [-t=xxx]
- Setting properties of objects in batches
obsutil chattri obs://bucket[/key] -r [-f] [-v] [-meta=aaa:bbb#ccc:ddd] [-sc=xxx] [-acl=xxx] [-aclXml=xxx] [-o=xxx] [-j=1] [-config=xxx] [-e=xxx] [-i=xxx] [-k=xxx] [-t=xxx]
- Setting properties of a single object
- In Linux or macOS
- Setting properties of a single object
./obsutil chattri obs://bucket/key [-meta=aaa:bbb#ccc:ddd] [-sc=xxx] [-acl=xxx] [-aclXml=xxx] [-versionId=xxx] [-fr] [-o=xxx] [-config=xxx] [-e=xxx] [-i=xxx] [-k=xxx] [-t=xxx]
- Setting properties of objects in batches
./obsutil chattri obs://bucket[/key] -r [-f] [-v] [-meta=aaa:bbb#ccc:ddd] [-sc=xxx] [-acl=xxx] [-aclXml=xxx] [-o=xxx] [-j=1] [-config=xxx] [-e=xxx] [-i=xxx] [-k=xxx] [-t=xxx]
- Setting properties of a single object
- Take the Windows OS as an example, run the obsutil chattri obs://bucket-test/key -acl=public-read command to set the access permission to an object to public read.
obsutil chattri obs://bucket-test/key -acl=public-read Start at 2024-09-30 08:17:15.5572914 +0000 UTC Set the acl of object [key] in the bucket [bucket-test] to [public-read] successfully, request id [04050000016836DDFA73B2B5320E2651]
- Take the Windows OS as an example, run the obsutil chattri obs://bucket-test -r -f -acl=public-read command to set the access permission to all objects in the bucket to public read.
obsutil chattri obs://bucket-test -r -f -acl=public-read Start at 2024-09-30 08:18:03.105373 +0000 UTC [------------------------------------------------] 100.00% tps:155.15 5/5 233ms Succeed count: 5 Failed count: 0 Metrics [max cost:177 ms, min cost:53 ms, average cost:102.40 ms, average tps:20.41] Task id: 9d7f73ff-f747-4fdd-9b2a-815ba2dc3b07
Parameter Description
Parameter |
Optional or Mandatory |
Description |
bucket |
Mandatory |
Bucket name |
key |
Mandatory when setting properties of an object. Optional when setting properties of objects in batches. |
Indicates the name of the object whose properties are to be set, or the name prefix of objects whose properties are to be set in batches.
If this parameter is left blank during batch operation, properties of all objects in the bucket are set. |
meta |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Standard or custom metadata that can be specified for destination objects in object replication. This parameter should be configured in the following format: key1:value1#key2:value2#key3:value3.
direct |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Metadata operation indicator. The value can be REPLACE_NEW or REPLACE. REPLACE_NEW: The existing metadata value is replaced with a new one, the metadata lacking a value is assigned one, and the metadata not specified keeps unchanged. REPLACE: The metadata is replaced with the header included in the current request and the metadata not specified is deleted.
This parameter takes effect only when it is used together with meta. |
sc |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Storage classes of objects. Possible values are:
For an object whose storage class is cold, restore the object first and then specify its storage class. To restore an object, see Restoring Objects from the Archive Storage. |
acl |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Access control policies that can be specified for objects. Possible values are:
The preceding four values indicate private read and write, public read, public read and write, and bucket owner full control. |
aclXml |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Access control policy of the bucket, in XML format. <AccessControlPolicy> <Owner> <ID>ownerid</ID> </Owner> <AccessControlList> <Grant> <Grantee> <ID>userid</ID> </Grantee> <Permission>[WRITE|WRITE_ACP|READ|READ_ACP|FULL_CONTROL]</Permission> </Grant> <Grant> <Grantee> <Canned>Everyone</Canned> </Grantee> <Permission>[WRITE|WRITE_ACP|READ|READ_ACP|FULL_CONTROL]</Permission> </Grant> </AccessControlList> </AccessControlPolicy>
Because angle brackets (<) and (>) are unavoidably included in the parameter value, you must use quotation marks to enclose them for escaping when running the command. Use single quotation marks for Linux or macOS and quotation marks for Windows. |
fs |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies whether the method of listing parallel file systems is applied. If you are listing parallel file systems, you are recommended to add this parameter.
versionId |
Optional when setting properties of an object (additional parameter) |
Version ID of the object whose properties are to be set |
fr |
Optional when setting properties of an object (additional parameter) |
Generates an operation result list when setting properties of an object. |
f |
Optional when setting properties of objects in batches (additional parameter) |
Runs in force mode. |
r |
Mandatory when setting properties of objects in batches (additional parameter) |
Sets properties of objects in batches based on a specified object name prefix. |
v |
Optional when setting properties of objects in batches (additional parameter) |
Sets properties of versions of objects in batches based on a specified object name prefix. |
o |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Indicates the folder where operation result lists reside. After the command is executed, result lists (including success and failure files) are generated in the folder. The default value is .obsutil_output, the subfolder in the home directory of the user who executes obsutil commands.
j |
Optional when setting properties of objects in batches (additional parameter) |
Indicates the maximum number of concurrent tasks for setting object properties in batches. The default value is the value of defaultJobs in the configuration file.
The value is ensured to be greater than or equal to 1. |
config |
Optional (additional parameter) |
User-defined configuration file for executing the current command. To learn the parameters that can be configured in this file, see Configuration Parameters. |
e |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the endpoint. |
i |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the user's AK. |
k |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the user's SK. |
t |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the user's security token. |
Only one from acl, sc, or aclXml can be set for each command.
Field |
Description |
Parallel |
Parameter -p in the request |
Jobs |
Parameter -j in the request |
Threshold |
Parameter -threshold in the request |
PartSize |
Parameter -ps in the request |
Exclude |
Parameter -exclude in the request |
Include |
Parameter -include in the request |
TimeRange |
Parameter -timeRange in the request |
VerifyLength |
Parameter -vlength in the request |
VerifyMd5 |
Parameter -vmd5 in the request |
CheckpointDir |
Parameter -cpd in the request |
OutputDir |
Parameter -o in the request |
ArcDir |
Parameter -arcDir in the request |
Succeed count |
Number of successful tasks |
Failed count |
Number of failed tasks |
Skip count |
Number of tasks that are skipped during incremental upload, download, or copy, and synchronous upload, download, or copy.
Skipped tasks are recorded into successful tasks. |
Warning count |
Number of tasks that are executed successfully but contain warnings.
Succeed bytes |
Number of bytes that are successfully uploaded or downloaded. |
max cost |
Maximum duration of all tasks, in ms |
min cost |
Minimum duration of all tasks, in ms |
average cost |
Average duration of all tasks, in ms |
average tps |
The average number of tasks completed per second |
Task id |
Unique ID of an operation, which is used to search for the result list generated in a batch task |
Viewing Object Metadata
You can use OBS Console, APIs, SDKs, or obsutil to view object metadata.
Using OBS Console
- In the navigation pane of OBS Console, choose Object Storage.
- In the bucket list, click the bucket you want to operate. The Objects page is displayed.
- Click the object of which you want to view the metadata. On the displayed details page, view the object metadata on the Metadata tab page.
Using APIs
Using the CLI Tool - obsutil
Command Line Structure
- In Windows
obsutil stat obs://bucket/key [-acl][-bf=xxx] [-config=xxx] [-e=xxx] [-i=xxx] [-k=xxx] [-t=xxx]
- In Linux or macOS
./obsutil stat obs://bucket/key [-acl][-bf=xxx] [-config=xxx] [-e=xxx] [-i=xxx] [-k=xxx] [-t=xxx]
- Take the Windows OS as an example. Run the obsutil stat obs://bucket-test/key command to query the basic properties of an object.
obsutil stat obs://bucket-test/key Start at 2024-09-25 04:48:10.1147483 +0000 UTC Key: obs://bucket-test/key LastModified: 2018-11-16T02:15:49Z Size: 7 StorageClass: standard ETag: 43d93b553855b0e1fc67e31c28c07b65 ContentType: text/plain Type: file Metadata: key=value
Parameter Description
Parameter |
Optional or Mandatory |
Description |
bucket |
Mandatory |
Bucket name |
key |
Mandatory |
Object name |
acl |
Optional |
Queries the access control policies of the object at the same time. |
bf |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Display format of the object size (in bytes). Possible values are:
If this parameter is not configured, the display format of the object size (in bytes) is determined by the humanReadableFormat parameter in the configuration file. |
config |
Optional (additional parameter) |
User-defined configuration file for executing the current command. To learn the parameters that can be configured in this file, see Configuration Parameters. |
e |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the endpoint. |
i |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the user's AK. |
k |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the user's SK. |
t |
Optional (additional parameter) |
Specifies the user's security token. |
Field |
Description |
Key |
Object name |
LastModified |
Latest modification time of the object |
Size |
Object size, in bytes |
StorageClass |
Storage class of the object |
MD5 |
Real MD5 of the object
You can query this value only after running the cp command and configuring the -vmd5 parameter. |
ETag |
ETag value of an object calculated on the server |
ContentType |
Content-Type of the object |
Type |
Object type |
Metadata |
Customized metadata of the object
The value of this field can be queried only after the object has customized metadata. |
Object Metadata Content-Type
When you access an object through a web browser, the system specifies an application to open the object according to the value of Content-Type. You can modify the Content-Type of an object based on its file name extension.
If you upload an object by calling an API, specify the value of Content-Type.
File Name Extension |
Content-Type |
File Name Extension |
Content-Type |
.* (binary stream, unknown file type) |
application/octet-stream |
.7z |
application/x-7z-compressed |
.001 |
application/x-001 |
.301 |
application/x-301 |
.323 |
text/h323 |
.906 |
application/x-906 |
.907 |
drawing/907 |
.a11 |
application/x-a11 |
.acp |
audio/x-mei-aac |
.ai |
application/postscript |
.aif |
audio/aiff |
.aifc |
audio/aiff |
.aiff |
audio/aiff |
.anv |
application/x-anv |
.asa |
text/asa |
.asf |
video/x-ms-asf |
.asp |
text/asp |
.asx |
video/x-ms-asf |
.au |
audio/basic |
.avi |
video/avi |
.awf |
application/vnd.adobe.workflow |
.biz |
text/xml |
.bmp |
application/x-bmp |
.bot |
application/x-bot |
.c4t |
application/x-c4t |
.c90 |
application/x-c90 |
.cal |
application/x-cals |
.cat |
application/ |
.cdf |
application/x-netcdf |
.cdr |
application/x-cdr |
.cel |
application/x-cel |
.cer |
application/x-x509-ca-cert |
.cg4 |
application/x-g4 |
.cgm |
application/x-cgm |
.cit |
application/x-cit |
.class |
java/* |
.cml |
text/xml |
.cmp |
application/x-cmp |
.cmx |
application/x-cmx |
.cot |
application/x-cot |
.crl |
application/pkix-crl |
.crt |
application/x-x509-ca-cert |
.csi |
application/x-csi |
.css |
text/css |
.cut |
application/x-cut |
.dbf |
application/x-dbf |
.dbm |
application/x-dbm |
.dbx |
application/x-dbx |
.dcd |
text/xml |
.dcx |
application/x-dcx |
.der |
application/x-x509-ca-cert |
.dgn |
application/x-dgn |
.dib |
application/x-dib |
.dll |
application/x-msdownload |
.doc |
application/msword |
.dot |
application/msword |
.drw |
application/x-drw |
.dtd |
text/xml |
.dwf |
Model/vnd.dwf |
.dwf |
application/x-dwf |
.dwg |
application/x-dwg |
.dxb |
application/x-dxb |
.dxf |
application/x-dxf |
.edn |
application/vnd.adobe.edn |
.emf |
application/x-emf |
.eml |
message/rfc822 |
.ent |
text/xml |
.epi |
application/x-epi |
.eps |
application/x-ps |
.eps |
application/postscript |
.etd |
application/x-ebx |
.exe |
application/x-msdownload |
.fax |
image/fax |
.fdf |
application/vnd.fdf |
.fif |
application/fractals |
.fo |
text/xml |
.frm |
application/x-frm |
.g4 |
application/x-g4 |
.gbr |
application/x-gbr |
. |
application/x- |
.gif |
image/gif |
.gl2 |
application/x-gl2 |
.gp4 |
application/x-gp4 |
.hgl |
application/x-hgl |
.hmr |
application/x-hmr |
.hpg |
application/x-hpgl |
.hpl |
application/x-hpl |
.hqx |
application/mac-binhex40 |
.hrf |
application/x-hrf |
.hta |
application/hta |
.htc |
text/x-component |
.htm |
text/html |
.html |
text/html |
.htt |
text/webviewhtml |
.htx |
text/html |
.icb |
application/x-icb |
.ico |
image/x-icon |
.ico |
application/x-ico |
.iff |
application/x-iff |
.ig4 |
application/x-g4 |
.igs |
application/x-igs |
.iii |
application/x-iphone |
.img |
application/x-img |
.ins |
application/x-internet-signup |
.isp |
application/x-internet-signup |
.IVF |
video/x-ivf |
.java |
java/* |
.jfif |
image/jpeg |
.jpe |
image/jpeg |
.jpe |
application/x-jpe |
.jpeg |
image/jpeg |
.jpg |
image/jpeg |
.jpg |
application/x-jpg |
.js |
application/x-javascript |
.jsp |
text/html |
.la1 |
audio/x-liquid-file |
.lar |
application/x-laplayer-reg |
.latex |
application/x-latex |
.lavs |
audio/x-liquid-secure |
.lbm |
application/x-lbm |
.lmsff |
audio/x-la-lms |
.ls |
application/x-javascript |
.ltr |
application/x-ltr |
.m1v |
video/x-mpeg |
.m2v |
video/x-mpeg |
.m3u |
audio/mpegurl |
.m4e |
video/mpeg4 |
.mac |
application/x-mac |
.man |
application/x-troff-man |
.math |
text/xml |
.mdb |
application/msaccess |
.mdb |
application/x-mdb |
.mfp |
application/x-shockwave-flash |
.mht |
message/rfc822 |
.mhtml |
message/rfc822 |
.mi |
application/x-mi |
.mid |
audio/mid |
.midi |
audio/mid |
.mil |
application/x-mil |
.mml |
text/xml |
.mnd |
audio/x-musicnet-download |
.mns |
audio/x-musicnet-stream |
.mocha |
application/x-javascript |
.movie |
video/x-sgi-movie |
.mp1 |
audio/mp1 |
.mp2 |
audio/mp2 |
.mp2v |
video/mpeg |
.mp3 |
audio/mp3 |
.mp4 |
video/mp4 |
.mpa |
video/x-mpg |
.mpd |
application/ |
.mpe |
video/x-mpeg |
.mpeg |
video/mpg |
.mpg |
video/mpg |
.mpga |
audio/rn-mpeg |
.mpp |
application/ |
.mps |
video/x-mpeg |
.mpt |
application/ |
.mpv |
video/mpg |
.mpv2 |
video/mpeg |
.mpw |
application/ |
.mpx |
application/ |
.mtx |
text/xml |
.mxp |
application/x-mmxp |
.net |
image/pnetvue |
.nrf |
application/x-nrf |
.nws |
message/rfc822 |
.odc |
text/x-ms-odc |
.out |
application/x-out |
.p10 |
application/pkcs10 |
.p12 |
application/x-pkcs12 |
.p7b |
application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
.p7c |
application/pkcs7-mime |
.p7m |
application/pkcs7-mime |
.p7r |
application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp |
.p7s |
application/pkcs7-signature |
.pc5 |
application/x-pc5 |
.pci |
application/x-pci |
.pcl |
application/x-pcl |
.pcx |
application/x-pcx |
application/pdf |
application/pdf |
.pdx |
application/vnd.adobe.pdx |
.pfx |
application/x-pkcs12 |
.pgl |
application/x-pgl |
.pic |
application/x-pic |
.pko |
application/ |
.pl |
application/x-perl |
.plg |
text/html |
.pls |
audio/scpls |
.plt |
application/x-plt |
.png |
image/png |
.png |
application/x-png |
.pot |
application/ |
.ppa |
application/ |
.ppm |
application/x-ppm |
.pps |
application/ |
.ppt |
application/ |
.ppt |
application/x-ppt |
.pr |
application/x-pr |
.prf |
application/pics-rules |
.prn |
application/x-prn |
.prt |
application/x-prt |
.ps |
application/x-ps |
.ps |
application/postscript |
.ptn |
application/x-ptn |
.pwz |
application/ |
.r3t |
text/vnd.rn-realtext3d |
.ra |
audio/vnd.rn-realaudio |
.ram |
audio/x-pn-realaudio |
.ras |
application/x-ras |
.rat |
application/rat-file |
.rdf |
text/xml |
.rec |
application/vnd.rn-recording |
.red |
application/x-red |
.rgb |
application/x-rgb |
.rjs |
application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjs |
.rjt |
application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rjt |
.rlc |
application/x-rlc |
.rle |
application/x-rle |
.rm |
application/vnd.rn-realmedia |
.rmf |
application/vnd.adobe.rmf |
.rmi |
audio/mid |
.rmj |
application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmj |
.rmm |
audio/x-pn-realaudio |
.rmp |
application/vnd.rn-rn_music_package |
.rms |
application/vnd.rn-realmedia-secure |
.rmvb |
application/vnd.rn-realmedia-vbr |
.rmx |
application/vnd.rn-realsystem-rmx |
.rnx |
application/vnd.rn-realplayer |
.rp |
image/vnd.rn-realpix |
.rpm |
audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin |
.rsml |
application/vnd.rn-rsml |
.rt |
text/vnd.rn-realtext |
.rtf |
application/msword |
.rtf |
application/x-rtf |
.rv |
video/vnd.rn-realvideo |
.sam |
application/x-sam |
.sat |
application/x-sat |
.sdp |
application/sdp |
.sdw |
application/x-sdw |
.sit |
application/x-stuffit |
.slb |
application/x-slb |
.sld |
application/x-sld |
.slk |
drawing/x-slk |
.smi |
application/smil |
.smil |
application/smil |
.smk |
application/x-smk |
.snd |
audio/basic |
.sol |
text/plain |
.sor |
text/plain |
.spc |
application/x-pkcs7-certificates |
.spl |
application/futuresplash |
.spp |
text/xml |
.ssm |
application/streamingmedia |
.sst |
application/ |
.stl |
application/ |
.stm |
text/html |
.sty |
application/x-sty |
.svg |
text/xml |
.swf |
application/x-shockwave-flash |
.tdf |
application/x-tdf |
.tg4 |
application/x-tg4 |
.tga |
application/x-tga |
.tif |
image/tiff |
.tif |
application/x-tif |
.tiff |
image/tiff |
.tld |
text/xml |
.top |
drawing/x-top |
.torrent |
application/x-bittorrent |
.tsd |
text/xml |
.txt |
text/plain |
.uin |
application/x-icq |
.uls |
text/iuls |
.vcf |
text/x-vcard |
.vda |
application/x-vda |
.vdx |
application/vnd.visio |
.vml |
text/xml |
.vpg |
application/x-vpeg005 |
.vsd |
application/vnd.visio |
.vsd |
application/x-vsd |
.vss |
application/vnd.visio |
.vst |
application/vnd.visio |
.vst |
application/x-vst |
.vsw |
application/vnd.visio |
.vsx |
application/vnd.visio |
.vtx |
application/vnd.visio |
.vxml |
text/xml |
.wav |
audio/wav |
.wax |
audio/x-ms-wax |
.wb1 |
application/x-wb1 |
.wb2 |
application/x-wb2 |
.wb3 |
application/x-wb3 |
.wbmp |
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application/x-rar-compressed |
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