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Creating a Spark Job

Updated on 2025-03-04 GMT+08:00

DLI provides fully-managed Spark computing services by allowing you to execute Spark jobs.

On the Overview page, click Create Job in the upper right corner of the Spark Jobs tab or click Create Job in the upper right corner of the Spark Jobs page. The Spark job editing page is displayed.

On the Spark job editing page, a message is displayed, indicating that a temporary DLI data bucket will be created. The created bucket is used to store temporary data generated by DLI, such as job logs and job results. You cannot view job logs if you choose not to create the bucket. You can configure a lifecycle rule to periodically delete objects in a bucket or transit objects between different storage classes.The bucket will be created and the default bucket name is used.

If you do not need to create a DLI temporary data bucket and do not want to receive this message, select Do not show again and click Cancel.



  1. In the left navigation pane of the DLI management console, choose Job Management > Spark Jobs. The Spark Jobs page is displayed.

    Click Create Job in the upper right corner. In the job editing window, you can set parameters in Fill Form mode or Write API mode.

    The following uses the Fill Form as an example. In Write API mode, refer to the Data Lake Insight API Reference for parameter settings.

  1. Select a queue.

    Select the queue you want to use from the drop-down list box.

  2. Select a Spark version. Select a supported Spark version from the drop-down list. The latest version is recommended.

    You are advised not to use Spark/Flink engines of different versions for a long time.

    • Doing so can lead to code incompatibility, which can negatively impact job execution efficiency.
    • Doing so may result in job execution failures due to conflicts in dependencies. Jobs rely on specific versions of libraries or components.
  3. Configure the job.

    Configure job parameters by referring to Table 1.

    Figure 1 Spark job configuration
    Table 1 Job configuration parameters



    Job Name (--name)

    Set a job name.


    Select the package to be executed. The value can be .jar or .py.

    There are the following ways to manage JAR files:

    • Upload packages to OBS: Upload Jar packages to an OBS bucket in advance and select the corresponding OBS path.
    • Upload packages to DLI: Upload JAR files to an OBS bucket in advance and create a package on the Data Management > Package Management page of the DLI management console. For details, see Creating a DLI Package.

    For Spark 3.3.x or later, you can only select packages in OBS paths.

    Main Class (--class)

    Enter the name of the main class. When the application type is .jar, the main class name cannot be empty.

    Application Parameters

    User-defined parameters. Separate multiple parameters by Enter.

    These parameters can be replaced with global variables. For example, if you create a global variable batch_num on the Global Configuration > Global Variables page, you can use {{batch_num}} to replace a parameter with this variable after the job is submitted.

    Spark Arguments (--conf)

    Enter a parameter in the format of key=value. Press Enter to separate multiple key-value pairs.

    These parameters can be replaced with global variables. For example, if you create a global variable custom_class on the Global Configuration > Global Variables page, you can use "spark.sql.catalog"={{custom_class}} to replace a parameter with this variable after the job is submitted.

    • The JVM garbage collection algorithm cannot be customized for Spark jobs.
    • If the Spark version is 3.1.1, configure Spark parameters (--conf) to select a dependent module. For details about the example configuration, see Table 2.

    Job Type

    Set this parameter when you select a CCE queue. Type of the Spark image used by a job. The options are as follows:

    • Basic: Base images provided by DLI. Select this option for non-AI jobs.
    • Image: Custom Spark images. Select an existing image name and version on SWR.

    JAR Package Dependencies (--jars)

    JAR file on which the Spark job depends. You can enter the JAR file name or the OBS path of the JAR file in the format of obs://Bucket name/Folder path/JAR file name.

    Python File Dependencies (--py-files)

    py-files on which the Spark job depends. You can enter the Python file name or the corresponding OBS path of the Python file. The format is as follows: obs://Bucket name/Folder name/File name.

    Other Dependencies (--files)

    Other files on which the Spark job depends. You can enter the name of the dependency file or the corresponding OBS path of the dependency file. The format is as follows: obs://Bucket name/Folder name/File name.

    Group Name

    If you select a group when creating a package, you can select all the packages and files in the group. For how to create a package, see Creating a DLI Package.

    Access Metadata

    Whether to access metadata through Spark jobs. For details, see Data Lake Insight Developer Guide.

    Retry upon Failure

    Indicates whether to retry a failed job.

    If you select Yes, you need to set the following parameters:

    Maximum Retries: Maximum number of retry times. The maximum value is 100.

    Advanced Settings

    • Skip
    • Configure
      • Select Dependency Resources: For details about the parameters, see Table 3.
      • Configure Resources: For details about the parameters, see Table 4.
    Table 2 Spark Parameter (--conf) configuration


    Example Value






















    Figure 2 Creating a Spark job - advanced settings
  4. Set the following parameters in advanced settings:
    • Select Dependency Resources: For details about the parameters, see Table 3.
    • Configure Resources: For details about the parameters, see Table 4.

      The parallelism degree of Spark resources is jointly determined by the number of Executors and the number of Executor CPU cores.

      Maximum number of tasks that can be concurrently executed = Number of Executors x Number of Executor CPU cores

      You can properly plan compute resource specifications based on the compute CUs of the queue you have purchased.

      Note that Spark tasks need to be jointly executed by multiple roles, such as driver and executor. So, the number of executors multiplied by the number of executor CPU cores must be less than the number of compute CUs of the queue to prevent other roles from failing to start Spark tasks. For more information about roles for Spark tasks, see Apache Spark.

      Calculation formula for Spark job parameters:

      • Number of CUs = Actual number of CUs = Max{(Driver Cores + Executors x Executor Cores), [(Driver Memory + Executors x Executor Memory)/4]}
      • Memory = Driver Memory + (Executors x Executor Memory)
    Table 3 Parameters for selecting dependency resources




    If the Spark version is 3.1.1, you do not need to select a module. Configure Spark parameters (--conf).

    Dependency modules provided by DLI for executing datasource connection jobs. To access different services, you need to select different modules.
    • CloudTable/MRS HBase: sys.datasource.hbase
    • DDS: sys.datasource.mongo
    • CloudTable/MRS OpenTSDB: sys.datasource.opentsdb
    • DWS: sys.datasource.dws
    • RDS MySQL: sys.datasource.rds
    • RDS PostGre: sys.datasource.rds
    • DCS: sys.datasource.redis
    • CSS: sys.datasource.css

    DLI internal modules include:

    • sys.res.dli-v2
    • sys.res.dli
    • sys.datasource.dli-inner-table

    Resource Package

    JAR package on which the Spark job depends.

    Table 4 Resource specification parameters



    Resource Specifications

    Select a resource specification from the drop-down list box. The system provides three resource specification options for you to choose from.

    Resource specifications involve the following parameters:

    • Executor Memory
    • Executor Cores
    • Executors
    • Driver Cores
    • Driver Memory

    If modified, your modified settings of the items are used.

    Executor Memory

    Customize the configuration item based on the selected resource specifications.

    Memory of each Executor. It is recommended that the ratio of Executor CPU cores to Executor memory be 1:4.

    Executor Cores

    Number of CPU cores of each Executor applied for by Spark jobs, which determines the capability of each Executor to execute tasks concurrently.


    Number of Executors applied for by a Spark job

    Driver Cores

    Number of CPU cores of the driver

    Driver Memory

    Driver memory size. It is recommended that the ratio of the number of driver CPU cores to the driver memory be 1:4.

    If you select 3.3.1 for Spark Version, you can configure compute resource specification parameters in Spark Argument(--conf). Note that the configuration priority of Spark Argument(--conf) is higher than that of Resource Specifications(Optional) in Advanced Settings.

    Table 5 describes the parameter mapping.


    When configuring compute resource specification parameters in Spark Argument(--conf), you can use the unit M, G, or K. If the unit is not specified, the default unit is byte.

    Table 5 Mapping between compute resource specification parameters on the console and Spark Argument(--conf)

    Console Parameter

    Spark Argument(--conf)


    Notes and Constraints

    Executor Memory

    Complete executor memory = spark.executor.memory + spark.executor.memoryOverhead


    Executor memory, which is configurable.



    Amount of off-heap memory for each executor in a Spark application. This parameter is not configurable.

    spark.executor.memoryOverhead=spark.executor.memory * spark.executor.memoryOverheadFactor

    The minimum value is 384 MB.

    That is, when the value of spark.executor.memory multiplied by spark.executor.memoryOverheadFactor is less than 384 MB, the system automatically sets the value to 384 MB.


    This parameter determines the ratio of off-heap memory allocation to on-heap memory allocation. The default value is 0.1 for Spark applications run with the JAR file and 0.4 for those run with Python. This parameter is configurable.

    The priority of spark.executor.memoryOverheadFactor is higher than that of spark.kubernetes.memoryOverheadFactor.

    Executor Cores


    Number of executor cores, which is configurable.




    Number of executors, which is configurable.


    Driver Cores


    Number of driver cores, which is configurable.


    Driver Memory

    Complete driver memory = spark.driver.memory + spark.edriver.memoryOverhead


    Driver memory, which is configurable.



    Amount of off-heap memory for each driver in a Spark application.

    This parameter is not configurable.


    spark.driver.memory * spark.driver.memoryOverheadFactor

    The minimum value is 384 MB. That is, when the value of spark.driver.memory multiplied by spark.driver.memoryOverheadFactor is less than 384 MB, the system automatically sets the value to 384 MB.


    This parameter determines the ratio of off-heap memory allocation to on-heap memory allocation. The default value is 0.1 for Spark applications run with the JAR file and 0.4 for those run with Python. This parameter is configurable.

    The priority of spark.driver.memoryOverheadFactor is higher than that of spark.kubernetes.memoryOverheadFactor.



    Amount of memory allocated outside of the memory assigned to Spark executors. The default value is 0.1 for Spark applications run with the JAR file and 0.4 for those run with Python. This parameter is configurable.

    The priority of spark.executor.memoryOverheadFactor and spark.driver.memoryOverheadFactor is higher than that of spark.kubernetes.memoryOverheadFactor.

    Spark 3.3 or later includes notes and constraints on the compute resource specifications for jobs. For details, see Table 6.


    If the compute resource specification is set too high, beyond the resource allocation capacity of the cluster or project, the job may fail to run due to resource request failures.

    Table 6 Value ranges of compute resources specifications


    Elastic Resource Pool of Standard Edition After Modification

    Elastic Resource Pool of Basic Edition

    Executor Memory

    450 MB to 64 GB

    450 MB to 16 GB

    Executor Cores

    0 to 16

    0 to 4




    Driver Cores

    0 to 16

    0 to 4

    Driver Memory

    450 MB to 64 GB

    450 MB to 16 GB

    Job CU Quota



  5. Click Execute in the upper right corner of the Spark job editing page.

    After the message "Batch processing job submitted successfully" is displayed, you can view the status and logs of the submitted job on the Spark Jobs page.

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