Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Viewing Business Result Reports

  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Outbound Call > Service Result Report.

    • Outbound Call Task: Select an outbound call task.
    • Report Type: Select Daily report, Weekly report, or Monthly report.
    • Report time: Set the time range for report data query.
      • Daily report: The time range cannot exceed 31 days.
      • Weekly report: Select the start date and end date. (The time selector converts a date into the corresponding week.)
      • Monthly report: Set the start year and month as well as the end ones.

  2. Select a report type and click Search.

    • Daily report: Set the start date and end date. The end date cannot be earlier than the start date. The time range cannot exceed 31 days. The end date must be earlier than the current date.
    • Weekly report: The start year and end year can be the current year or the previous year. The time range cannot exceed 12 weeks. The maximum end week is the week of the current date.
    • Monthly report: The start year and end year can be the current year or the previous year. The time range cannot exceed six months. The maximum end month is the month of the current date.

  3. Select some business results from the Select drop-down list and a date, week, or month to view the corresponding bar chart.
  4. Select some business results from the Select drop-down list to view the corresponding trend line chart.
  5. View sub-business result report data.

    • Click the bar of a business result in the bar chart to drill down to the sub-business result report of the business result.
    • Click the line of a business result in the line chart to drill down to the sub-business result trend chart of the business result.