Recuperación de metadatos
Los metadatos de BMS incluyen la información básica de BMS en la plataforma en la nube, tal como el ID de BMS, el nombre de host y la información de red. Los metadatos de BMS se pueden recuperar utilizando las API compatibles de OpenStack y EC2 que aparecen en Tabla 1.
Tipo de metadatos |
Elemento de metadatos |
Descripción |
Tipo de OpenStack |
/meta_data.json |
Esta interfaz se utiliza para consultar metadatos de BMS. Para ver los campos de clave de los metadatos de BMS, consulte Tabla 2. |
/password |
Esta interfaz se utiliza para consultar la contraseña del BMS. Si se selecciona un par de claves durante la creación de un BMS de Windows, Cloudbase-Init se utiliza para guardar la contraseña de texto cifrado cuando se inicializa el BMS. |
/user_data |
Esta interfaz se utiliza para consultar datos de usuario de BMS. Estos metadatos le permiten especificar secuencias de comandos y archivos de configuración para inicializar los BMS. Para obtener más información, véase Inyección de datos de usuario. Para los BMS de Linux autenticados con contraseña, guarde el script de inyección de contraseña. |
/network_data.json |
Esta interfaz se utiliza para consultar información de red de un BMS. |
/securitykey |
Esta interfaz se utiliza para obtener credenciales de seguridad temporales: ID de clave de acceso (AK) y clave de acceso secreta (SK). Antes de obtener la AK/SK temporal en un BMS, debe crear una delegación para BMS en IAM y asignar los permisos de recursos necesarios a BMS. |
Tipo de EC2 |
/meta-data/hostname |
This interface is used to query the host name of a BMS. To remove the suffix .novalocal from a BMS, see: |
/meta-data/instance-type |
This interface is used to query the flavor name of a BMS. |
/meta-data/local-ipv4 |
This interface is used to query the fixed IP address of a BMS. If there are multiple NICs, only the IP address of the primary NIC is displayed. |
/meta-data/placement/availability-zone |
This interface is used to query AZ information about a BMS. |
/meta-data/public-ipv4 |
This interface is used to query the EIP of a BMS. If there are multiple NICs, only the EIP of the primary NIC is displayed. |
/meta-data/public-keys/0/openssh-key |
This interface is used to query the public key of a BMS. |
/user-data |
This interface is used to query BMS user data. |
/meta-data/security-groups |
This interface is used to query the name of the security group of the BMS. |
Parameter |
Type |
Description |
uuid |
String |
Specifies the BMS ID. |
availability_zone |
String |
Specifies the AZ where the BMS is located. |
meta |
Dict |
Specifies the metadata information, including the image name, image ID, and VPC ID. |
hostname |
String |
Specifies the hostname of the BMS. To remove the suffix .novalocal from a BMS, see: |
vpc_id |
String |
Specifies the ID of the VPC where the BMS is located. |
The following describes the URI and methods of using the supported BMS metadata.
- You have logged in to the BMS.
- Security group rules in the outbound direction meet the following requirements:
- Protocol: TCP
- Port Range: 80
- Remote End:
If you use the default security group rules in the outbound direction, the preceding requirements are met, and the metadata can be accessed. The default outbound security group rule is as follows:
- Protocol: Any
- Port Range: Any
- Remote End:
Metadata (OpenStack Metadata API)
This interface is used to query BMS metadata.
- Method
- Example
The following describes how to use the cURL tool to query the BMS metadata:
{ "random_seed": "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", "uuid": "ca9e8b7c-f2be-4b6d-a639-f10b4d994d04", "availability_zone": "lt-test-1c", "hostname": "bms-ddd4-l00349281.novalocal", "launch_index": 0, "meta": { "metering.image_id": "3a64bd37-955e-40cd-ab9e-129db56bc05d", "metering.imagetype": "gold", "metering.resourcespeccode": "physical.s3.small", "metering.cloudServiceType": "service.type.ec2", "image_name": "CentOS 7.6 64bit", "os_bit": "64", "vpc_id": "3b6c201f-aeb3-4bce-b841-64756e66cb49", "metering.resourcetype": "1", "cascaded.instance_extrainfo": "pcibridge:2", "os_type": "Linux", "charging_mode": "0" }, "project_id": "6e8b0c94265645f39c5abbe63c4113c6", "name": "ecs-ddd4-l00349281" }
User Data (OpenStack Metadata API)
This interface is used to query BMS user data. The value is configured when you create a BMS. It cannot be changed after the configuration.
- Method
- Example
If user data is not injected during BMS creation, the query result is 404.Figura 1 404 Not Found
Network Data (OpenStack Metadata API)
This interface is used to query network information of a BMS.
- Method
- Example
{ "services": [{ "type": "dns", "address": "" }, { "type": "dns", "address": "" }], "networks": [{ "network_id": "67dc10ce-441f-4592-9a80-cc709f6436e7", "type": "ipv4_dhcp", "link": "tap68a9272d-71", "id": "network0" }], "links": [{ "type": "cascading", "vif_id": "68a9272d-7152-4ae7-a138-3ef53af669e7", "ethernet_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:f7:c1:47", "id": "tap68a9272d-71", "mtu": null }] }
Security Key (OpenStack Metadata API)
This interface is used to obtain temporary security credentials: Access Key ID (AK) and Secret Access Key (SK).
- To obtain temporary AK/SK on a BMS, you need to create an agency for BMS on IAM and assign required resource permissions to BMS. For details, see Identity and Access Management User Guide.
- The temporary AK/SK pair expires an hour later but is updated 10 minutes ahead of the expiration time. During the 10 minutes, both the new and old temporary AK/SK pairs can be used.
- When using temporary AK/SK, add 'X-Security-Token':securitytoken in the message header. securitytoken is the value returned when a call is made to the API.
User Data (EC2 Compatible API)
This interface is used to query BMS user data. The value is configured when you create a BMS. It cannot be changed after the configuration.
- Method
- Example
Hostname (EC2 Compatible API)
This interface is used to query the name of the host accommodating a BMS. The .novalocal suffix will be added later.
Instance Type (EC2 Compatible API)
This interface is used to query the flavor name of a BMS.
Local IPv4 (EC2 Compatible API)
This interface is used to query the fixed IP address of a BMS. If there are multiple NICs, only the IP address of the primary NIC is displayed.
Availability Zone (EC2 Compatible API)
This interface is used to query AZ information about a BMS.
Public IPv4 (EC2 Compatible API)
This interface is used to query the EIP of a BMS. If there are multiple NICs, only the EIP of the primary NIC is displayed.
Public Keys (EC2 Compatible API)
This interface is used to query the public key of a BMS.
- Method
- Example
ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDI5Fw5k8Fgzajn1zJwLoV3+wMP+6CyvsSiIc/hioggSnYu/AD0Yqm8vVO0kWlun1rFbdO+QUZKyVr/OPUjQSw4SRh4qsTKf/+eFoWTjplFvd1WCBZzS/WRenxIwR00KkczHSJro763+wYcwKieb4eKRxaQoQvoFgVjLBULXAjH4eKoKTVNtMXAvPP9aMy2SLgsJNtMb9ArfziAiblQynq7UIfLnN3VclzPeiWrqtzjyOp6CPUXnL0lVPTvbLe8sUteBsJZwlL6K4i+Y0lf3ryqnmQgC21yW4Dzu+kwk8FVT2MgWkCwiZd8gQ/+uJzrJFyMfUOBIklOBfuUENIJUhAB Generated-by-Nova