Help Center/ Dedicated Computing Cluster/ Progressive Knowledge
Elastic Cloud Server | Progressive Knowledge - HuaweiCloud

Dedicated Computing Cluster

Dedicated Computing Cluster (DCC) provides dedicated, physically isolated computing resource pools on HUAWEI CLOUD to ensure secure service operation. DCCs are applicable to scenarios with high security requirements, such as financial systems, data warehouses, and high-performance computing.

Progressive Knowledge

DCC knowledge for users from beginner level to expert level


DCC functions and application scenarios and the relationship between DCC and Dedicated Cloud (DeC) are provided to help you quickly select your desired type to match services. This speeds up your application for dedicated computing resources on HUAWEI CLOUD.

Service Overview

Be a Power User

You can query the DeC you have enabled. If the DCC resources you have obtained cannot meet your demands, you can expand DCC resources.

Common Operations


ECSs support the deployment of websites and applications to meet your service requirements.
Web Deployment

Web Deployment


Several ECS APIs and calling examples help you manage ECSs, disks, images, snapshots, network, and security groups.

API Reference


Quick options are available for you to apply for a desired DCC.

Quick Options

Be a Power User