Updated on 2023-04-14 GMT+08:00

DCC and DeC

After the DeC service is provisioned for you and you have obtained physical device resources, you can use the following services in the resource area of your DeC:
  • Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)
  • Bare Metal Server (BMS)
  • Image Management Service (IMS)
  • Auto Scaling (AS)
  • Elastic Volume Service (EVS)
  • Volume Backup Service (VBS)
  • Object Storage Service (OBS)
  • Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Elastic Load Balance (ELB)
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM)
  • Cloud Eye
  • Scalable File Service (SFS)
  • Cloud Server Backup Service (CSBS)

DCC is the core service in the DeC solution. DCC provides computing capabilities for the DeC solution. DeCs are isolated from each other. You can apply for physical servers that are dedicated for you to use the DCC service only after you enable your DeC. The DCC service provides computing resources for all services in the corresponding DeC.

In your DeC, you use the computing resources on the physical servers you have bought. So, you will not be charged for additional fees for using computing resources in your DeC. If the computing resources are insufficient to create new ECSs, you need to expand the capacity of your DCC.