Help Center/ Workspace/ User Guide (Administrators)/ Tasks/ Scheduled Tasks/ Scheduled Remote Script Execution
Updated on 2024-07-19 GMT+08:00

Scheduled Remote Script Execution


This section describes how to remotely run commands based on the created scripts to perform operations on cloud desktops. For details about the script to be executed, see Script Management.


  1. Log in to the Workspace console.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Tasks > Scheduled Tasks.

    The Scheduled Tasks page is displayed.

  3. Click Create Scheduled Task in the upper right corner of the page.

    The Create Scheduled Task window is displayed.

  4. Configure a scheduled task.

    • Task Type: Select Remote script.
    • Task Name: This parameter is user-defined.
    • Execution Interval: You can select one of the following intervals:
      • Specified time: The time is accurate to seconds.
      • By day: You can specify Time, Executed Once Per, and Expires At.
      • By week: You can specify Weekday, Time, and Expires At.
      • By month: You can specify Month, Day, Time, and Expires At.
    • Add Script: Click Add Script. In the window displayed, select the desired scripts and click OK.

  5. Specify Timeout. The value ranges from 1 to 600, in minute.
  6. Set Notification to determine whether to notify users.

    • Enable: Perform 7 to 11.
    • Disable: Perform 9 to 11.

  7. Specify Earlier Than Scheduled Task. The value ranges from 1 to 10,080 minutes.
  8. Enter content in Notification Message. The content must be text in 1 to 1,024 characters.
  9. Select I've checked. No problem. and click Next: Select Object.

    The Select Target Object page is displayed.

  10. In the Available Objects area, search for the target desktop or desktop pool name in the search box and select it.
  11. Click Create Now.