Updated on 2023-07-11 GMT+08:00

Importing and Exporting Rules


ROMA Connect supports rule import and export. You can export rules to a file to the local host or import a local rule file to ROMA Connect to migrate rule information in batches.


  • Before importing a rule, ensure that the integration application to which the rule belongs has been created. Otherwise, create an integration application first.
  • Before importing a rule, ensure that the product to which the rule belongs has been created. Otherwise, create the product in advance.
  • Before importing a rule, ensure that the device to which the rule belongs has been created. Otherwise, Registering a Device in advance.
  • Before importing a rule, check whether a duplicate rule name exists in the instance to which the rule is to be imported. If there are duplicate rule names, the rule will fail to be imported.
  • Ensure that the quota of rules meets the requirements before importing the rules.
  • The files to be imported must be in CSV format and have been encoded using UTF-8 BOM.
  • When you use an exported file to import rules:
    • Create an import file and add the information about the new rules to the file.

      Do not change the name and sequence of table headers in the template. For details about the table header names, see Description of Rule Import Files.

    • Open the import file and check whether any field value starting with Base64: exists. If there is no field value starting with Base64:, the file is exported from the instance of an earlier version.

      In this case, rename the file by adding -none-base64-prefix to the end of the file name. For example, if the original file name is import.csv, change it to import-none-base64-prefix.csv.

  • If you use Excel to edit the file to be imported, perform the following operations to save the file:
    1. Save the file as a CSV file by selecting Comma Delimited files (*.csv).
    2. Use a text editor to open the CSV file saved in 1. Save the file in UTF-8 with BOM.

Importing Rules

  1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console next to a specific instance.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose LINK > Rule Engine. On the Rule Engine page, click Import.
  3. In the dialog box displayed, select a local rule file and import it.
  4. After the import is successful, you can view the imported rules in the rule list.

Exporting Rules

  1. Log in to the ROMA Connect console. On the Instances page, click View Console next to a specific instance.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose LINK > Rule Engine.
  3. Export rules.
    • Exporting specified rules: Select the rules to be exported and click Export to export the rule file to the local PC.
    • Export all rules: Click Export All. The system will export all the rules to the local PC.

Description of Rule Import Files

Table 1 describes the requirements of a rule import file.
Table 1 Rule import file requirements





Rule name.

Mandatory. The complexity requirements are the same as those for rule creation on the console.


Rule description.




Mandatory. The options are 0 (enabled) and 1 (disabled).


Data parsing status.

Mandatory. The options are 0 (enabled) and 1 (disabled).


Query field.

Optional. You are advised to create query fields on the console.


Query condition.

Optional. You are advised to create query conditions on the console.


Application name.

Mandatory. The application name should already exist.


Data source configuration.

Optional. You are advised to create data sources on the console.


Data destination configuration.

Optional. You are advised to create data destinations on the console.