Help Center/ DataArts Studio/ User Guide/ DataArts Factory/ O&M and Scheduling/ Baseline O&M/ Properly Configuring the Promised Completion Time and Time Left Before Promise Breakdown
Updated on 2023-06-21 GMT+08:00

Properly Configuring the Promised Completion Time and Time Left Before Promise Breakdown

This section describes how to configure the promised completion time and time left before promise breakdown.

  • Baseline O&M can detect exceptions that cause task completion failures and generate alarms in advance to ensure that important data can be generated within the expected time in complex dependency scenarios.
  • The promised completion time for a baseline indicates the latest time when a task should be successfully executed for data applications. If you want to reserve some time for O&M personnel to handle exceptions, you can set a time left before promise breakdown. The system uses the promised completion time minus the time left before promise breakdown as the warning time for triggering an alarm.
  • For details about how to set the promised completion time and time left before promise breakdown, see Baseline Management.

Properly Configuring the Promised Completion Time and Time Left Before Promise Breakdown

You should set the promised completion time for a baseline based on the latest completion time of baseline tasks in a historical period to ensure that the promised completion time is later than this latest completion time and reserve the time left before promise breakdown. This ensures that you can handle exceptions by the promised completion time after receiving an alarm.

Example Scenarios Where the Promised Completion Time and Time Left Before Promise Breakdown Are Not Properly Configured

If the two values are not properly configured, the baseline promise may be broken. As a result, the baseline warning does not meet the expectation.

  • Scenario 1: The promised completion time for the baseline is the same as the latest task completion time, and no time left before promise breakdown is configured for the baseline.

    When a task encounters an exception, promise breakdown may occur as no time left before promise breakdown is configured. As a result, baseline alarms are frequently reported.

  • Scenario 2: The time left before promise breakdown is not properly configured, that is, the baseline warning time (promised completion time for the baseline – time left before promise breakdown) falls within the latest task completion period.

    When a task encounters an exception, promise breakdown may occur as the time left before promise breakdown is insufficient. As a result, baseline alarms are frequently reported.

  • Scenario 3: The promised completion time for the baseline is not properly configured, that is, the promised completion time is before the latest task completion time for the baseline.

    Tasks cannot be completed by the promised completion time. Baseline alarms will be generated at 00:00 on the current day.