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Configuring Business Scenarios

Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00


A business scenario is a set of multiple inspection rules. A condition can be set for a business scenario. Calls that meet the condition will be inspected. An inspection rule can belong to multiple business scenarios. For example, a call of a business department belongs to business scenario A. After the business scenario is modified, inspected calls will not be inspected again. Only new calls belong to this modified business scenario will be inspected.

Only business scenarios in Enabled state can be used for AI inspections. You can manually switch the business scenario states.

You can maintain business scenarios by adding them on the GUI or by importing them offline.

In the offline scenario, you can fill in an Excel template offline and import elements such as business scenarios, semantics, keywords, sensitive words, sentences, and rules for specified AI inspection tasks.


Data that is not associated with businesses can be imported individually. For example, to import a sensitive word associated with a sentence, you need to configure the corresponding sentence data. If the sensitive word is not associated with a sentence, you can directly import it.

In the Excel template scenario, pay attention to the following:

  • One sheet corresponds to the configuration item of one element. When a template is imported, only the configuration items corresponding to the sheet with content are updated.

    The following lists the sheets in a template and the corresponding content to be entered:

    • business-scenario: Enter business scenarios.
    • intent-category: Enter sentences.
    • intent-corpus: Enter the semantics content.
    • intent-rule-corpus: Enter keywords.
    • sensitive-group-word: Enter sensitive words.
    • dialog-rule: Enter the basic content of dialog rules.
    • dialog-flow: Enter the logic content of dialog rules.
    • dialog-sentence-group: Enter sentences of dialog rules.
    • silence-rule: Enter the content of silence rules.
    • speed-rule: Enter the content of speed rules.
    • interruption-rule: Enter the content of interruption rules.
  • The business scenarios in each sheet are identified by name. If the name of a business scenario is different from that of the element of the same type in the system, the configuration item can be added. If they are the same, the configuration item cannot be added.

    If the name of a business scenario already exists in the system, update the name of the existing business scenario.

  • The column names in the Excel file can be modified based on site requirements, but they cannot be deleted. In addition, the sequence of each column must be fixed. Otherwise, errors may occur during the import.
  • Pay attention to special characters in the Excel file, such as < (less-than sign) and > (greater-than sign), which indicates hypertext tags. Otherwise, the import may fail.


Scenario 1: Adding a business scenario online

  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Configuration Center > Quality Management > Business Scenario.
  2. Click Add to add a business scenario.
  3. On the Add Business Scenario page, set Name, Description, Call Start Time, and Call End Time, set Inspection Type to Voice Type or Text Type, select inspection rules, and click Save.
  4. In the dialog box that is displayed, click OK.

Scenario 2: Importing business data offline

  1. Download the import template from the GUI.
  2. Fill in the sheets of the import template by referring to the following table.


    The content on each sheet is imported to the corresponding configuration page in the system. If data with the same name exists on the configuration page, the import fails.

    Table 1 business-scenario sheet



    Value Example

    Scenario Name

    Business scenario name. This column is mandatory.


    Scenario Description

    Business scenario description.


    Ignore Sensitive Words

    Whether to ignore sensitive words. This parameter is mandatory.

    • 0: no
    • 1: yes


    Scenario Status

    Whether a business scenario is enabled. This parameter is mandatory.

    • 0: no
    • 1: yes


    Call Start Time

    Call start time.

    Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS


    Call End Time

    Call end time.

    Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS


    Dialog Rule

    Dialog rule, which must be configured in the dialog-rule sheet.


    Silence Rule

    Silence rule, which must be configured in the silence-rule sheet.


    Speed Rule

    Speed rule, which must be configured in the speed-rule sheet.


    Interruption Rule

    Interruption rule, which must be configured in the interruption-rule sheet.


    Interaction Type

    Interaction type of a business scenario. If this parameter is not set, the voice type is used by default.

    • 0: voice type
    • 2: text type


    Table 2 intent-category sheet



    Value Example

    Sentence Category Name

    Sentence category name. This column is mandatory.


    Sentence Name

    Sentence name. This column is mandatory.


    Sentence Category Usage

    Sentence category usage.

    • dialog_rule: dialog rule
    • speaker_identify_rule: rule for distinguishing speaker roles


    Table 3 intent-corpus sheet



    Value Example

    Sentence Name

    Sentence name. This column is mandatory.



    Semantic name. This column is mandatory.



    Semantic internationalization. This column is mandatory.

    • zh_CN: Chinese
    • en_US: English


    Negative Sample

    Whether the corpus is an antonym corpus. This column is mandatory.

    • false: synonym corpus.
    • true: antonym corpus.


    Full Match

    Whether the semantic content needs to be fully matched. This column is mandatory.

    • false: partial match.
    • true: full match.


    Table 4 intent-rule-corpus sheet



    Value Example

    Sentence Name

    Sentence name. This column is mandatory.



    Keyword. This column is mandatory.



    Keyword internationalization. This column is mandatory.

    • zh_CN: Chinese
    • en_US: English


    Negative Sample

    Whether the corpus is an antonym corpus. This column is mandatory.

    • false: positive sample.
    • true: negative sample.


    Full Match

    Whether full match is required for the keyword content. This column is mandatory.

    • false: partial match.
    • true: full match.


    Table 5 sensitive-group-word sheet



    Value Example

    Sensitive Word Category Name

    Sensitive word category name. This column is mandatory.


    Sensitive Word

    Sensitive word. This column is mandatory.



    Rule score, which indicates that points are deducted for violation. This column is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from –100 to 0. If this parameter is left empty, the value 0 is automatically assigned. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Agent Exception

    Sentence name.

    Multiple sentences can be separated by vertical bars (|).

    Sentence name 1|Sentence name 2

    Customer Exception

    Sentence name.

    Multiple sentences can be separated by vertical bars (|).

    Sentence name 2

    Table 6 rule-dialogue sheet



    Value Example

    Rule Name

    Dialog rule name. This column is mandatory.


    Rule Description

    Description of a dialog rule.



    Rule score. This column is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from –100 to +100. If this parameter is left empty, the value 0 is automatically assigned. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.

    • If the rule is used for point deduction, points deducted for violation are displayed.
    • If the rule is used for point adding, points added for compliance are displayed.
    • If the rule score is 0, the score is not calculated.


    Rule Type

    Rule type. This column is mandatory.

    • normal: general rule.
    • critical: important rule.


    Rule Mode

    Rule mode. This column is mandatory.

    • positive: positive rule. This rule is mandatory for compliance.
    • negative: negative rule. This rule is mandatory for violation.


    Number of Dialog Logics for Compliance

    Number of dialog logics for compliance. This column is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 100. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Trigger Start Time

    Call start time.

    Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS


    Trigger End Time

    Call end time.

    Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS


    Table 7 dialog-flow sheet



    Value Example

    Dialog Logic Name

    Dialog logic name. This column is mandatory.


    Dialog Rule

    Dialog rule name. This column is mandatory.


    Sentence Group Name

    Name of the sentence group. This column is mandatory.

    Multiple sentence groups can be separated by vertical bars (|).

    Sentence group name 1|Sentence group name 2


    Expression of a sentence group.

    • must: must say
    • must|then: must say|goes on saying
    • must|and: must say|also says
    • must|and|then: must say|also says|goes on saying
    • if|after: Before the previous sentence|must say
    • if|after|and: Before the previous sentence|must say|also says
    • if|after|then: Before the previous sentence|must say|goes on saying
    • if|iand: If says|must say (Either)
    • if|iand|and: If says|must say (Either)|also says
    • if|iand|then: If says|must say (Either)|goes on saying
    • if|then not: cannot say
    • if|then: After the previous sentence|must say
    • if|then|and: After the previous sentence|must say|also says
    • if|then|then: After the previous sentence|must say|goes on saying

    if|then not

    Minimum Number of Repetitions

    Number of times the dialog logic is repeated.

    The value is an integer ranging from 2 to 127. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Table 8 dialog-sentence-group sheet



    Value Example

    Sentence Group Name

    Sentence group name. This column is mandatory.


    Dialog Rule Name

    Dialog rule name. This column is mandatory.


    Dialog Logic Name

    Dialog logic name. This column is mandatory.


    Dialog Type

    Dialog rule type. This column is mandatory.

    • must: must say
    • if: if says
    • must_say: must say
    • must_not_say: cannot say
    • then: goes on saying
    • and: also says



    Reserved field. This parameter is mandatory.

    • true: optional
    • false: mandatory


    Dialog Role

    Matching role, which specifies whether a customer or an agent speaks in a dialog rule. This column is mandatory.

    • any: not specified.
    • staff: agent.
    • customer: customer


    Call Phase

    Call phase.

    • any: not specified.
    • top: beginning of a call.
    • bottom: end of a call.
    • set: sets the interval.



    Call interval. The value ranges from 1 to 9999. The value must be an integer. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.

    This column is mandatory only when Call Phase is set to top, bottom, or set.



    Sentence name.

    Multiple sentences can be separated by vertical bars (|).


    Table 9 silence-rule sheet



    Value Example

    Rule Name

    Name of a silence rule. This column is mandatory.



    Rule score. This column is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from –100 to 0. If this parameter is left empty, the value 0 is automatically assigned. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Consecutive Silence Seconds for Violation

    Consecutive silence seconds for violation. This column is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 2147483647. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Number of Silence Times for Violation

    Number of silence times for violation. This column is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 2147483647. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Trigger Start Time

    Call start time.

    Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS


    Trigger End Time

    Call end time.

    Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS


    Exception Settings for an Agent Before Silence

    Exception settings for an agent before silence. Enter the sentence name. Multiple sentences can be separated by vertical bars (|).

    Sentence name 1|Sentence name 2

    Exception Settings for a Customer Before Silence

    Exception settings for a customer before silence. Enter the sentence name. Multiple sentences can be separated by vertical bars (|).

    Sentence name 1|Sentence name 2

    Exception Settings for an Agent After Silence

    Exception settings for an agent after silence. Enter the sentence name. Multiple sentences can be separated by vertical bars (|).

    Sentence name 1|Sentence name 2

    Table 10 speed-rule sheet



    Value Example

    Rule Name

    Name of a speed rule. This column is mandatory.



    Rule score. This column is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from –100 to 0. If this parameter is left empty, the value 0 is automatically assigned. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Minimum Number of Words/min

    If the value is less than the value of this parameter, the speaking speed is too low and a violation is met. This parameter is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 220. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Maximum Number of Words/min

    If the value is greater than the value of this parameter, the speaking speed is too high and a violation is met. This parameter is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 2147483647. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Trigger Start Time

    Call start time.

    Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS


    Trigger End Time

    Call end time.

    Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS


    Customer Statement When the Speed Is Higher Than the Maximum

    Customer statement when the speed is higher than the maximum. Enter the sentence name. Multiple sentences can be separated by vertical bars (|).

    Sentence name 1|Sentence name 2

    Customer Statement When the Speed Is Lower Than the Minimum

    Customer statement when the speed is lower than the minimum. Enter the sentence name. Multiple sentences can be separated by vertical bars (|).

    Sentence name 1|Sentence name 2

    Table 11 interruption-rule sheet



    Value Example

    Rule Name

    Name of the interruption rule. This column is mandatory.



    Rule score. This column is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from –100 to 0. If this parameter is left empty, the value 0 is automatically assigned. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Crosstalk Duration (s)

    Crosstalk seconds. This column is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 10000. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Number of Crosstalks

    Number of crosstalk times. This column is mandatory.

    The value is an integer ranging from 1 to 10000. If a decimal point exists, round down the value.


    Trigger Start Time

    Call start time.

    Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS


    Trigger End Time

    Call end time.

    Format: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM:SS


  3. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Configuration Center > Quality Management > Business Scenario.
  4. Click Import to import the business scenario file.

    If the import fails, the system displays the message "Failed to import the file. Check the data." In the dialog box that is displayed, click OK to reselect the business scenario file.

  5. Click OK. The task is successfully imported.
  6. (Optional) Select a business scenario and click Export. A message is displayed, asking you whether to download the business scenario. After you click OK, the business scenario is exported successfully.

    The dialog rules associated with the selected business scenario cannot contain sentences or sensitive words in the Uncategorized category. Otherwise, the exported Excel file cannot be imported.
    Figure 1 Uncategorized page

    A maximum of 100 records can be exported.

    Figure 2 Confirmation dialog box

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