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Configuring Satisfaction Surveys

Updated on 2025-01-23 GMT+08:00

Business Scenarios

  • Scenario 1: web channel satisfaction survey

    When a customer connected to an agent on the web page clicks the button for closing the chat window, a satisfaction survey page is displayed. The customer selects a satisfaction level, enters comments, and closes the chat window.

  • Scenario 2: SMS satisfaction survey

    When an agent or customer hangs up after the customer service call ends, the system automatically sends a satisfaction survey SMS message to the customer. The customer replies to the SMS message to provide the satisfaction survey result.

  • Scenario 3: IVR voice satisfaction survey

    When an agent hangs up after the customer service call ends, the customer is transferred to the satisfaction survey. The customer presses a key to provide the satisfaction survey result.

  • Scenario 4: Instagram, WeChat, Facebook, X (Twitter), WhatsApp, 5G RCS, Telegram, LINE, and SMS channel satisfaction surveys

    After an agent ends a session, the system automatically sends a satisfaction survey text message to the customer.


  1. Sign in to the AICC as a tenant administrator and choose Configuration Center > Workbench Configuration > Satisfaction.
  2. Set parameters on the Satisfaction Level tab page.

    • Satisfaction Level Configuration: The default satisfaction levels are 1: Very dissatisfied, 2: Dissatisfied, 3: General, 4: Satisfied, and 5: Very satisfied.
      • Click in the last row to add a satisfaction level. The button is displayed only when the number of satisfaction levels does not reach the maximum.
      • Click to delete a satisfaction level.
      • Click or to adjust the sequence of a satisfaction level.
      • Select a satisfaction level from the Description drop-down list.
    • Satisfaction Survey Type: Select a multimedia satisfaction survey type.

      The options are as follows:

      • Satisfaction evaluation
      • Questionnaire
    • Satisfaction Survey Template Content Configuration: Configure the satisfaction survey template content. The content can contain a maximum of 500 characters.

      This parameter is displayed only when Satisfaction Survey Type is set to Satisfaction evaluation.

    • Questionnaire Content: Configure the multimedia satisfaction survey content.

      The options are as follows:

      • Has your issue been resolved?
        • Yes
        • No
      • Please rate my service.
        • Very dissatisfied
        • Dissatisfied
        • General
        • Satisfied
        • Very satisfied
      • How likely are you to recommend us to friends and colleagues?


      This parameter is displayed only when Satisfaction Survey Type is set to Questionnaire.

    Figure 1 Satisfaction Level

    Three to five satisfaction levels must be configured.

    The satisfaction levels used in the satisfaction survey of each channel are the same. The satisfaction surveys include the voice satisfaction survey, SMS satisfaction survey, and web, Instagram, WeChat, Facebook, X (Twitter), WhatsApp, 5G RCS, Telegram, LINE, and SMS channel satisfaction surveys.

    If a satisfaction-related voice flow already exists, perform the following operations after satisfaction levels are updated:

    • If the flow is an intelligent IVR flow, click Cancel Release corresponding to the flow on the Configuration Center > Chatbot Management > Flow Configuration > Flow > Orchestration page and click Edit. After confirming that satisfaction levels have been synchronized, save and publish the flow.
    • If the flow is a common IVR flow, click Cancel Release corresponding to the flow on the Configuration Center > Chatbot Management > Flow Configuration > Common IVR page and click Edit. After confirming that satisfaction levels have been synchronized, save and publish the flow.

    The system uses the default language of the tenant to generate the satisfaction survey template content.

    The satisfaction survey message template is used to send satisfaction survey messages to customers through Instagram, Telegram, WhatsApp, LINE, Web Chat, Facebook, X (Twitter), 5G RCS, and SMS channels.

  3. Click Save.
  4. Set parameters on the Satisfaction Survey tab page.

    • Switch: Click to enable the satisfaction survey function. If this function is enabled, the customer is automatically transferred to a satisfaction survey after an agent releases the call.
    • Satisfaction Survey Flow: Select a published IVR flow and ensure that the flow contains the Satisfaction Configuration diagram element.
      • The procedure for configuring a common IVR flow is as follows:
        1. Choose Configuration Center > Resource Management > Audio and Video, upload the voice or video file used in the Satisfaction Configuration diagram element, and approve the file.
        2. Confirm that a main flow and an exception handling flow have been created and published successfully.
        3. Choose Configuration Center > Chatbot Management > Flow Configuration and add a subflow.

          Set Is Referenced to Yes.

        4. Select the Satisfaction Survey diagram element on the flow editing canvas, configure related information, and save the flow configuration.
        5. Select the new flow and click Release. After the flow is published, it can be used.

        For details, see Operator: Configuring a Common IVR.

      • The procedure for configuring an intelligent IVR flow is as follows:
        1. Choose Configuration Center > Resource Management > Audio and Video, upload the voice or video file used in the Satisfaction Configuration diagram element, and approve the file.
        2. Choose Configuration Center > Chatbot Management > Flow Configuration > Flow > Orchestration and create an IVR flow.
        3. Select the Satisfaction Survey diagram element on the flow editing canvas, configure related information, and save the flow configuration.
        4. Select the new flow and click Release. After the flow is released, it can be used.
        5. Choose Configuration Center > Chatbot Management > Flow Configuration > Intelligent Chatbot and create a chatbot.

          Set Flow Name to the flow created in 2.

        For details, see Configuring an Intelligent Robot.

    • SMS Sending Channel
      • Huawei Cloud SMS
      • SMS Gateway
    • SMS Template: Select an SMS template whose Notification Type is External Notification configured on the Notification Template page. For details, see Configuring Notification Templates as an Administrator.
    • Valid Reply Period (min): Validity period for replying to a satisfaction survey. The value ranges from 1 to 1440, in minutes.
    Figure 2 Satisfaction Survey page

  5. Click Save.
  6. Set parameters on the Satisfaction Survey Policy tab page.

    • Policy Group Name: Name of a satisfaction survey strategy group. The value can contain a maximum of 20 characters.
    • Available Policies and Selected Policies: Under Available Policies, click to select policies.
    • Handling Time
      • Start Time: Start time of the time range in a day in which calls need to be transferred to the satisfaction survey.
      • End Time: End time of the time range in a day in which calls need to be transferred to the satisfaction survey.
    • Handling Date
      • Start date: Start date of the time range in which calls need to be transferred to the satisfaction survey.
      • End date: End date of the time range in which calls need to be transferred to the satisfaction survey.
    • Call Duration
      • Minimum Call Duration (s): Minimum call duration of calls transferred to the satisfaction survey. The value is a number of 1 to 12 digits.
      • Maximum Call Duration (s): Maximum call duration of calls transferred to the satisfaction survey. The value is a number of 1 to 12 digits.
    • Skill Queue: Skill queue to which calls transferred to the satisfaction survey belong.
    • Call Type: Type of calls transferred to the satisfaction survey.
      • Inbound call
      • Outbound call

  7. Click Save.
  8. Set parameters on the Channel Satisfaction Survey Policy tab page.

    • Channel Type: Channel type to which a satisfaction survey policy applies.
      • Voice or video channel
      • Multimedia channels-WEB
      • Multimedia channels-WECHAT
      • Multimedia channels-FACEBOOK
      • Multimedia channels-X(TWITTER)
      • Multimedia channels-WHATSAPP
      • Multimedia channels-5G RCS
      • Multimedia channels-TELEGRAM
      • Multimedia channels-LINE
      • Multimedia channels-SMS
      • Multimedia channels-INSTAGRAM
    • Channel: Select a multimedia channel configured on the Configuration Center > Access Configuration > Channel Configuration page. For details, see Configuring Multimedia Channels.

      This parameter is displayed only when Channel Type is set to a value other than Voice or video channel.

    • Priority: Priority of a channel satisfaction survey policy. The value ranges from 1 to 100. A smaller value indicates a higher priority. The policy with a higher priority is preferentially matched to conduct the survey.
    • Survey Type: Type of the channel satisfaction survey.
      • When Channel Type is set to Voice or video channel, the options are as follows:
        • IVR voice
        • SMS
        • No survey
      • When Channel Type is set to Multimedia channels-WEB, the options are as follows:
        • Web
        • No survey
      • When Channel Type is set to other multimedia channels, the options are as follows:
        • Text Message
        • No survey
    • Survey Policy: Select a policy group configured on the Satisfaction Survey Policy page.

  9. Click Save.

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