Help Center/ Bare Metal Server/ User Guide/ Security/ Mission-Critical Operation Protection
Updated on 2024-05-14 GMT+08:00

Mission-Critical Operation Protection


BMS provides protection against mission-critical operations. If you want to perform a mission-critical operation on the management console, you must enter a credential that can prove your identity. You can perform the operation only after passing the identity authentication. For account security, you are advised to enable operation protection. The setting will take effect for both the account and users under the account.

The following operations can be protected: stop, restart, reset passwords, detach disks, and unbind EIPs.

Enabling Operation Protection

By default, operation protection is disabled. You can enable it as a tenant administrator on Username > Security Settings > Critical Operations > Operation Protection.

Currently, Huawei Cloud provides three authentication modes. You can set the authentication mode on the Username > Security Settings > Account Settings page.

  • Email
  • SMS
  • Virtual MFA device

If a user is not bound to any of the preceding authentication modes, operation protection cannot take effect. In this case, the user can perform operations without authentication.

Identity Verification

If operation protection is enabled, the system will verify your identity before you perform mission-critical operations.

  • If an email address is bound, you need to enter the email verification code.
  • If a mobile number is bound, you need to enter the SMS verification code.
  • If a virtual MFA device is bound, you need to enter a 6-digit dynamic verification code of the MFA device.

When you attempt to shut down a BMS, the following dialog box is displayed. Select a verification method.

Figure 1 Identity verification