Updated on 2025-02-24 GMT+08:00

Paying for Orders

You need to complete the payment before using the products in the order. Unpaid orders are listed on the Unpaid Orders page.

Complete the payment for the order before its expiration time displayed on the page.


  1. Go to the Unpaid Orders page.
  2. You can enter an order No. to search for orders to be paid, or filter these orders by service type, order type, or order status.

  3. Select to pay for a single order or multiple orders.

    • Single payment: Click Pay for a desired order.

    • Combined payment: Select desired orders and click Combine Payments.

      • A maximum of 30 orders can be selected for a combined payment.
      • When making a combined payment, the system checks the order status and will not pay the orders whose status has changed.
      • An order in the Pending approval state can be paid only after being approved. After the order is approved, the system will send a notification to the mobile number and email address bound to the account. After receiving the notification, the customer can continue to pay the order.
      • The orders generated for combined purchase must be paid together. If the orders for the combined purchase need to be reviewed, the payments can be made only after all orders are approved.

  4. Select discounts and a payment method, and click Pay.

    If you place an order in which the product overlaps with that in the standard sales contract, the following message will be displayed before you pay for the order: "Please verify that this order is independent of the contract. Otherwise, you cannot make the payment."

    When you purchase a composite product (for example, ECS + image + EVS), Huawei Cloud charges only the products provided by itself. You need to contact the third-party service provider for the payment details of its products.

    • Savings include discounts and coupons. For details about how to use the discounts and coupons, see How Do I Use Discounts and Coupons When Paying for an Order?.
    • Payment methods include Pay online and Monthly Settlement.
      1. Pay online: Select Pay online and click Go to Online Payment to go to the checkout page. Enter the credit card information, and click PAY NOW.

        Only credit cards of the and types can be used for payment. Debit cards, prepaid cards, virtual cards, and gift cards cannot be used.

      2. Monthly Settlement: If you select this method, the expenditures will be accumulated in the monthly bill. You need to pay for them after the bill is generated.

        • If you are a postpaid customer with monthly settlement enabled, you can select Monthly Settlement when placing an order. After the bill is generated on the third day of the following month, the payment will be automatically made from your credit card balance. For details about monthly settlement, see Monthly Settlement.
        • With the post payment, you can use Huawei Cloud services first and pay for them later. For details about postpayment, see How Do I Obtain the Qualification for Post Payment? and Payment and Repayment.