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(New) Creating a Dashboard

Updated on 2025-03-05 GMT+08:00

With a dashboard, different graphs are displayed on the same screen, so you can view metrics or logs comprehensively.


The graph configurations of new dashboards are different from those of old dashboards.
  • Old dashboards are incompatible with the graph configurations of new dashboards.
  • However, new dashboards are compatible with the graph configurations of old dashboards.


  1. Log in to the AOM 2.0 console.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Dashboard. Click New Version in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. Click next to Dashboard to create a dashboard group.
  4. Click Add Dashboard in the upper left corner of the list.
  5. In the displayed dialog box, set parameters.

    Table 1 Parameters for creating a dashboard



    Dashboard Name

    Name of a dashboard. Enter a maximum of 255 characters. The following special characters are not allowed: "$# %&'+;<=>?\

    Enterprise Project

    Enterprise project.

    • If you have selected All for Enterprise Project on the global settings page, select one from the drop-down list here.
    • If you have already selected an enterprise project on the global settings page, this option will be dimmed and cannot be changed.

    Bind to Application

    Select an application created in CMDB to bind.

    This configuration item is available only when the Application Insights function is enabled. To enable this function, see Configuring AOM Menus.

    Group Type

    Options: Existing and New.

    • Existing: Select an existing dashboard group from the drop-down list.
    • New: Enter a dashboard group name to create one. Enter a maximum of 255 characters. The following special characters are not allowed: "$# %&'+;<=>?\

  6. Click OK.

Adding a Graph to a Dashboard

After a dashboard is created, you can add graphs to the dashboard:

  1. In the dashboard list, locate the target dashboard.
  2. Go to the dashboard page, and select the Prometheus instance for which you want to add a graph from the drop-down list.
  3. Go to the dashboard page. Click Add Graph or in the upper right corner to add a graph to the dashboard. For details about the graphs that can be added to the dashboard, see (New) Graphs. The data can be metric or log data. Select a graph type as required.

    • Adding a metric graph: Set parameters by referring to Table 3 and click Save.
      Table 2 Adding a metric graph



      Graph Name

      Name of a graph to distinguish it from other graphs. For graph names, variables can be added to dynamically filter graph information. Duplicate names are supported.

      Enter a maximum of 255 characters. The following special characters are not allowed: "$# %&'+;<=>?\

      Data Source

      The default value is Metric Sources.

      Graph Type

      Options: line, digit, top N, table, bar, and digital line.

      How to Add

      Add metrics as required. You can select metrics from All metrics or using Prometheus statements.

      All metrics

      Select target metrics from the metric drop-down list.

      • Calculation method:
        • Multiple Metrics: Performs calculation for metrics and their conditions separately, and displays the results on the graph.
        • Combined Operations: Performs calculation on multiple metrics and their conditions based on expressions, and displays the results on the graph.
      • Metric: Select a target metric from the drop-down list. You can also directly enter a metric name in the search box and click Generate. If no metric is reported, configure one.
      • Statistical Period: Interval at which metric data is collected. The statistical periods that are available for you to select vary according to the time range.

        Relationship Between the Time Range and Statistical Period

      • Condition: Metric monitoring scope. Each metric condition is in "key:value" format and can be selected from the drop-down list. You can also enter a dimension name and value, and click Generate to add a metric condition. You can also click and select AND or OR to add more conditions for the metric.
      • Group Condition: Aggregate metric data by the specified field and calculate the aggregation result. Options: Not grouped, avg by, max by, min by, and sum by. For example, avg by clusterName indicates that metrics are grouped by cluster name, and the average value of the grouped metrics is calculated and displayed in the graph.
      • Formatted Legend Name: Use a fixed name or variable as the legend name.
        • Format: {{dimension name}}.
        • If the displayed legend name is {{dimension name}}, there is no dimension. For example, enter {{hostname}} and a host name will be displayed as the legend name.
        • Tables and digit/line graphs do not support Formatted Legend Name.

      You can click Add Metric to add more metrics. A maximum of 100 can be added.

      Prometheus statement

      Add metric data by entering a Prometheus statement related to the metric.

      • Prometheus Statement: See Prometheus Statements.
      • Formatted Legend Name: Use a fixed name or variable as the legend name. If the displayed legend name is {{dimension name}}, there is no dimension. Format: {{dimension name}}. For example, enter {{hostname}} and a host name will be displayed as the legend name.

      To add more metrics, click Add Prometheus Statement. You can add 100 metrics in total.

      Graph Settings

      On the right of the page, click the down arrow, select a desired graph type from the drop-down list, and set graph parameters (such as the X axis title, Y axis title, and displayed value). For details about the parameters, see Metric Data Graphs.


      Method used to measure metrics. Options: Avg, Min, Max, Sum, and Samples.

      Time Range

      Time range in which metric data is collected. Options: Last 30 minutes, Last hour, Last 6 hours, Last day, Last week, and Custom.

      Refresh Frequency

      Interval at which the metric data is refreshed. Options: Refresh manually, 30 seconds auto refresh, 1 minute auto refresh, and 5 minutes auto refresh.

    • Adding a log graph: Set parameters by referring to Table 3 and click Save.
      Table 3 Adding a log graph



      Graph Name

      Name of a graph to distinguish it from other graphs.

      Enter a maximum of 255 characters. The following special characters are not allowed: "$# %&'+;<=>?\

      Data Source

      Click Log Sources.

      Log Group

      Select a desired log group from the drop-down list box.

      If there is no log group you want to select, click Add Log Group to create one. For details, see Table 5.

      Log Stream

      Select a desired log stream from the drop-down list.

      If there is no log stream you want to select, click Add Log Stream to create one. For details, see Table 5.

      Go to Old Version

      Click Back to Old Version to add a log graph of the old version. For details, see Adding a Log Graph.

      Time Range

      Options: From now, From last, and Specified.

      • From now: queries data generated in a time range that ends with the current time, such as the previous 1, 5, or 15 minutes. For example, if the current time is 19:20:31 and 1 hour is selected as the relative time from now, the graphs on the dashboard display the data that is generated from 18:20:31 to 19:20:31.
      • From last: queries data generated in a time range (on the hour) that ends with the current time, such as the previous 1 or 15 minutes. For example, if the current time is 19:20:31 and 1 hour is selected as the relative time from last, the graphs on the dashboard display the data that is generated from 18:00:00 to 19:00:00.
      • Specified: queries data that is generated in a specified time range.

      Refresh Frequency

      Interval at which the data is refreshed. Options: Refresh now, Refresh every 30 seconds, Refresh every 1 minute, and Refresh every 5 minutes.

      Graph Type

      Options: line, digit, table, bar, digital line, pie, and map graphs.

      Graph settings

      On the right of the page, click the down arrow, select a desired graph type from the drop-down list, and set graph parameters (such as the X axis title, Y axis title, and displayed value). For details about the parameters, see Log Data Graphs.

      Interactive mode


      Use a statistics function on a selected field to calculate your desired metric. You can select an option from the drop-down list. Options: Log count, Aggregation statistics, and Estimation function.

      • Log count: count(*), Logs with non-null field values, Logs with non-zero field values, and Logs with different field values
      • Aggregation statistics: max(), min(), avg(), sum(), earliest(), and latest().
      • Estimation function: Median and Percentile


      Alias of a metric. After setting an alias, it takes precedence.


      Conditions for filtering metric data. A condition comprises a field and a value. The field can be selected directly from the drop-down list. Multiple conditions can be set using AND or OR.


      Group the values by selected field (group by), collect metric statistics by group, and sort the results by order (order by).


      Copy to Syntax Mode

      After setting parameters such as Metrics and Conditions in interactive mode, you can preview the search statement. By clicking Copy to Syntax Mode, you can switch to the syntax mode.

      Format SQL

      Click to set the formatting SQL statement and reverse formatting SQL statement to optimize the search statement and improve the search efficiency.

      Syntax Mode

      Enter a statement in the search box to query logs. The search analysis syntax consists of the search statement and SQL analysis statement. The two statements are associated by using the pipe character (|).

  4. Click Save. The graph is successfully added to the dashboard.

More Operations

After a dashboard is created, you can also perform the operations listed in Table 4.

Table 4 Related operations



Setting column display

Click in the upper right corner of the dashboard list. In the displayed dialog box, customize column display.

  • Basic Settings
    • Table Text Wrapping: If you enable this function, excess text will move down to the next line; otherwise, the text will be truncated.
    • Operation Column: If you enable this function, the Operation column is always fixed at the rightmost position of the table.
  • Custom Columns: Select or deselect the columns to display.

Adding dashboards to favorites

In the dashboard list, locate a dashboard and click Add to Favorites in the Operation column.

Moving dashboards to another group

  • Move a dashboard group.
    • In the dashboard list, locate a dashboard and click Move in the Operation column.
    • Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper left corner, locate the target dashboard, and choose > Move.
  • To move multiple dashboards, select them and click Move above the list.

Deleting a dashboard

  • In the dashboard list, locate a dashboard and click Delete in the Operation column.
  • Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper left corner, locate the target dashboard, and choose > Delete.
  • Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper right corner, click . In the displayed dialog box, click OK.

Changing a dashboard group name

  1. Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page.
  2. In the upper left corner, locate the target dashboard.
  3. Choose > Modify to change the group name.

Deleting a dashboard group

You can delete a dashboard using either of the following methods:

Method 1:

  1. Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page.
  2. In the upper left corner, locate the target dashboard.
  3. Choose > Delete.
  4. In the displayed dialog box, click OK.

Method 2: In the dashboard group list, locate the target dashboard group and choose > Delete. In the displayed dialog box, click Yes to delete the dashboard group.

Deleting a graph from a dashboard

  1. Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper right corner, click .
  2. Move the pointer to the upper right corner of a graph and choose > Delete.
  3. Click to delete the graph.

Relocating a graph on a dashboard

  1. Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper right corner, click .
  2. Move the cursor into the target graph and move it to any position in the dashboard.
  3. Click to adjust the current graph layout.

Full-screen display

Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper right corner, click .

Exiting the full-screen mode

Move the cursor to the upper part of the screen and click or , or press Esc on the keyboard.

Manual refresh

Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper right corner, click .

Auto refresh

Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper right corner, click the arrow next to and select a refresh mode or frequency. Options: Refresh now, Refresh every 5 seconds, Refresh every 10 seconds, Refresh every 30 seconds, and Refresh every 1 minute.

Manually refreshing a graph

Click the target dashboard, move the cursor to the upper right corner of a graph, and choose > Refresh.

Modifying a graph

  1. Click the target dashboard, move the cursor to the upper right corner of a graph, and choose > Edit to modify the graph. For details, see Adding a Graph to a Dashboard.
  2. Click Save.
  3. Click in the upper right corner of the dashboard page to save the setting.

Adding alarm rules

  • Adding an alarm rule when adding a graph
    1. Click Add Graph on the page or click in the upper right corner of the page.
    2. After selecting a metric, click in the upper right corner of the metric list to add an alarm rule for the metric. For details, see Creating an AOM Metric Alarm Rule.
  • Adding an alarm rule when modifying a graph
    1. Locate a target dashboard, move the cursor to the upper right corner of a graph, and choose > Modify.
    2. After selecting a metric, click in the upper right corner of the metric list to add an alarm rule for the metric. For details, see Creating an AOM Metric Alarm Rule.

Rotating dashboards

Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper right corner, click . Set full-screen display by referring to Setting Full-Screen Online Duration for an AOM Dashboard.

Setting a dashboard

Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper right corner, click . For details, see Adding AOM Dashboard Filters.

Setting the query time

Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper right corner, click to set a time range to query. Options: From now, From last, and Specified.

  • From now: queries data generated in a time range that ends with the current time, such as the previous 1, 5, or 15 minutes. For example, if the current time is 19:20:31 and 1 hour is selected as the relative time from now, the graphs on the dashboard display the data that is generated from 18:20:31 to 19:20:31.
  • From last: queries data generated in a time range (on the hour) that ends with the current time, such as the previous 1 or 15 minutes. For example, if the current time is 19:20:31 and 1 hour is selected as the relative time from last, the graphs on the dashboard display the data that is generated from 18:00:00 to 19:00:00.
  • Specified: queries data that is generated in a specified time range.

Exporting a dashboard

Click a dashboard in the dashboard list to access the dashboard page. In the upper right corner, click and click Export Dashboard to export the metric graph data in JSON format and save the data to the local PC for further analysis.

Importing a dashboard

Import the dashboard data in JSON format from a local PC to AOM for analysis. You can import a dashboard using either of the following methods:

Method 1: On the Dashboard page, click Import Dashboard.

Method 2: In the dashboard group list, locate a target dashboard group and choose > Import Dashboard.


  1. Select the JSON dashboard file to be imported, upload it or drag it to the upload area in the Import Dashboard dialog box, and then click OK.
  2. In the dialog box that is displayed, set information such as the dashboard name by referring to 5.
  3. Click OK.

Exporting a monitoring report

Click a dashboard to go to its details page. Then click in the upper right corner, and choose Export Line Graph Report to export a CSV file to your local PC.

Copying a dashboard

  1. Click a target system built-in dashboard or custom dashboard and then click in the upper right corner of the dashboard details page.
  2. In the dialog box that is displayed, set information such as the dashboard name by referring to 5.
  3. After the settings are complete, click OK.

Setting a dashboard group

  1. Click a target dashboard and click in the upper right corner of the dashboard details page to create a group.
  2. Click next to the created group to set a group name.
  3. Select a graph and then drag it into the corresponding group. When dragging a graph, left-click the graph and then drag it as required.

    If only one group is created, all graphs are in that group by default. If there are multiple groups, drag graphs into the desired group as needed.

  4. Click in the upper right corner of the dashboard page to save.
Table 5 Operations related to log graphs



Creating a log group

  1. Enter a log group name. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.) are allowed. Do not start with a period or underscore, or end with a period.
  2. Set the log retention duration. The default duration is 7 days. You can set it to 1–30 days. The logs that exceed the retention period will be deleted automatically. You can dump logs to OBS buckets for long-term storage.
  3. Click OK.

Creating a log stream

  1. Enter a log stream name. Only letters, digits, underscores (_), hyphens (-), and periods (.) are allowed. Do not start with a period or underscore, or end with a period.
  2. Click OK.

Relationship between time ranges and statistical periods (for new dashboards)

In AOM, a maximum of 1,440 data points can be returned for a single metric query. The relationship between the time range and statistical period is as follows:

Maximum time range = Statistical period x 1,440

If you select a time range shorter than or equal to the maximum time range, all the statistical periods that meet the preceding formula can be selected. For example, if you want to query metrics in the last hour, the available statistical periods are 1 minute, and 5 minutes.

For a dashboard, the relationship between the time range and statistical period is shown in the following table.

Table 6 (New) Relationship between the time range and statistical period


Time Range

Statistical Period

From now

1 minute

1 minute or 5 minutes

5 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

1 hour

4 hours

1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 1 hour

1 day


1 week

1 hour

This week

30 days

This month


1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 1 hour

From last

1 minute

1 minute or 5 minutes

15 minutes

30 minutes

1 hour

4 hours

1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 1 hour

1 day

1 week

1 hour

30 days


1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 1 hour


Two days ago

This week

1 hour

Last week

This month

Last month


1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 1 hour



1 minute, 5 minutes, 15 minutes, or 1 hour

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