Updated on 2023-03-23 GMT+08:00

Building the Windows Demo

This section describes how to quickly compile and run the Windows MFC demo of the client SDK.

Environment Requirements

Ensure that the following environment requirements are met during the compilation and running of the Windows MFC demo.

Table 1 Environment requirements

Environment and Tool



Operating system (OS)

Windows 10 Professional

Hardware requirements

  • CPU: i5-2400 quad-core, 3.1 GHz or above
  • Memory: 4 GB or above

Microsoft Visual Studio

Visual Studio 2017


Applying for test resources and app IDs


For details, see Preparations.


  1. Download the SDK and demo source code.

    1. Download the ZIP package of the SDK by following the instructions provided in Table 1.
    2. Decompress the ZIP package to obtain the following files and directories:
      Figure 1 Directory structure of the SDK package

  2. Copy dependency files.

    1. Run batch processing scripts in the bat directory. For example, to compile a 32-bit Release version, run the copy_dependency_win32_release.bat script. The script automatically performs the following steps:

    • Copy the header files and LIB files of the SDK to the SDK directory.
    • Copy the .dll files and resource files of the SDK to the out directory.

  3. Request an app ID and change the app ID in the demo to the requested one.

    For details about how to request an app ID, see Introduction to App ID Authentication.

    Replace the app ID in SDK\demo\demo\code\demoInitDlg.cpp with the obtained app ID.

    Figure 2 Replacing the app ID

  4. Compile and run the project.

    1. Double-click the demo.sln file in the demo directory.

    2. Select the 32-bit Release version in the Visual Studio.

      Figure 3 Selecting the 32-bit Release version
    3. Compile and run the demo project.
      Figure 4 Windows demo screen before login

  5. Use the demo.

    It is assumed that no proxy is deployed on the network, and the PC can directly access the public network. The following describes how to create an instant meeting:

    1. Click Init.

    2. Click Login and enter your Huawei Cloud Meeting account and password.

      Figure 5 Windows demo screen after login
    3. Click Create Conf to create a meeting.
      Figure 6 In-meeting screen of the Windows demo