Help Center/ Meeting/ Developer Guide/ Development Process
Updated on 2024-04-23 GMT+08:00

Development Process

Figure 1 Development process


  1. Register a HUAWEI ID and enable Huawei Cloud services.

    Visit the Huawei Cloud website, click Register, and register an account as prompted. After the registration is successful, complete enterprise real-name authentication as soon as possible. For details, see Enterprise Real-Name Authentication.

  2. Create a Huawei Cloud Meeting enterprise administrator account.
    • Official commercial use

    Subscribe to the Huawei Cloud Meeting service. For details about subscription, see Subscription Process.

    • Free trial
    1. Log in to Huawei Cloud using the account registered in step 1, go to Huawei Cloud Meeting website, and click Console.
      Figure 2 Accessing the console
    2. Click Enable Service.
      Figure 3 Enabling the Huawei Cloud Meeting service
    3. Choose POC Requests in the navigation pane, click Create POC Request, and enter the enterprise name, contact information, and application scenario.
      Figure 4 Requesting POC resources
      Figure 5 Waiting for approval
      • To request secondary development resources, contact Huawei sales personnel.
      Figure 6 Request approved
  3. (Optional) Add other accounts.

    Click Access Management Platform to access the Huawei Cloud Meeting Management Platform.

    Figure 7 Accessing the Management Platform
    Figure 8 Huawei Cloud Meeting Management Platform

    In the navigation pane, choose Administrator > Enterprise Management > Users to add meeting users.

    Figure 9 Adding meeting users

    To set a common meeting user as an enterprise administrator, choose Administrator > Enterprise Management > Administrators and click Add.

    Figure 10 Adding an administrator
  4. Request an app ID.

    For details about app ID authentication and how to request an app ID, see Introduction to App ID Authentication.

Integrating Server REST APIs

  1. Download the server integration development tool and secondary development documents.

    When integrating server APIs, see Developer Guide as well as Server API Reference for more details.

  2. Prepare the development environment.

    Subscribe to the Huawei Cloud Meeting service and call the server APIs using a service account. The access address is

  3. Integrate the login authentication.

    Before integrating Huawei Cloud Meeting capabilities, the third-party system needs to call the authentication API to authenticate the third-party application account on the Huawei Cloud Meeting server. For details, see section Login Authentication in Server API Reference.

    Figure 11 Server authentication integration
  4. Call REST APIs for integration development.

    After the authentication, you can integrate the APIs of the Huawei Cloud Meeting server into the third-party application system.

    For details about the development method, see Server API Reference.

  5. Debug functions.

    After the development, you can access the Huawei Cloud Meeting debugging environment ( to debug functions.

    Each server REST API provided by the Huawei Cloud Meeting service can be debugged on API Explorer of Huawei Cloud.

Integrating the Client UI SDK

  1. Download the client SDK development package and secondary development documents.

    When integrating the client SDK, see Developer Guide as well as Client SDK Reference for more details.

    Obtain the SDK development package by referring to Downloading SDKs in Client SDK Reference. The demo source code is in the SDK package.

  2. Try the demo.

    Huawei Cloud Meeting provides a demo installation package for each platform SDK. You can download the demo to quickly run and debug functions.

    For details, see Downloading Demo Installation Packages of each platform SDK in Client SDK Reference.

  3. Prepare environments.
    • Development environment
      • Prepare development tools and environments for your platform. For details, see section "Getting Started" of the corresponding platform SDK in the Client SDK Reference.
    • Debugging environment

      After subscribing to the Huawei Cloud Meeting service or requesting a free trial account, call the client SDK.

  4. Call the SDK for integration development.

    You can integrate the SDK APIs of the corresponding platform to your platform.

    For details about the development method, see Client SDK Reference.

  5. Debug functions.

    After the development, you can access the Huawei Cloud Meeting debugging environment to debug functions.

Commercial Release

After developing and debugging applications, you can release the applications to end users.