Help Center> Application Performance Management> Getting Started> Subscribing to APM and Buying a Package
Updated on 2023-07-20 GMT+08:00

Subscribing to APM and Buying a Package

If you use Application Performance Management (APM) for the first time, subscribe to it first. The basic edition is used by default. It provides limited functions and applies to trial scenarios. You can switch editions and purchase packages as required. Professional, enterprise, and platinum editions of probe products, and professional edition of mesh products are available. For more information, see APM Pricing Details.

Subscription and Purchase Process

Subscribing to APM

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Choose Service List > Management & Deployment > Application Performance Management.

  3. Click Free opening.

Switching Editions

If an APM edition cannot meet your requirements, switch to a more advanced edition. You can also switch from an advanced version to an earlier version only once a month.

  1. On the Dashboard page of the APM console, click Switch Edition.
  2. On the page that is displayed, select the product type and specifications.

  3. After learning the functions supported by the desired edition, click Change Now.

    • If you purchase a package and switch to a new edition, the number of probes in the purchased package is automatically converted to that under the new edition.
    • If you do not purchase any package and switch to a new edition, you will be billed on a pay-per-use basis.

Buying a Package

If you need to use APM for a long period, purchase a package so that you can use more functions and save more.

  1. On the Dashboard page of the APM console, click Buy Package.

  2. On the displayed page, specify Region, Product Type, Package Type, Specifications, and Required Duration.

    • Product Type: Mesh products are applicable to applications deployed in clusters of Istio mesh. Probe products are applicable to common applications, such as those deployed on VMs.
    • Package Type: The functions supported by each package are different. For details, see Package Details.
    • Specifications: indicates the number of probe instances in a package. An application process requires a probe. You can select specifications based on the total number of service processes. After a resource package expires, you will be billed on a pay-per-use basis for the resources used. If your account is in arrears, probes will no longer report data, affecting APM functions. For more information, see Renewal Details.

  3. Click Pay Now to buy the package.

    After buying the package, connect your applications to APM for monitoring according to Monitoring Java Applications.