Help Center> Migration Center> FAQs> Known Errors and Solutions
Updated on 2024-05-20 GMT+08:00

Known Errors and Solutions

Error Code




Parameter * is empty.

Check whether any recommended server parameters (image and disk) are missing, or contact MgC technical support to check whether parameter *** is empty in the workflow database.


Parameter *** contains special characters.

Contact MgC technical support to check whether parameter *** contains special characters in the workflow database.


PowerShell version must be 4.0 or later.

Upgrade the PowerShell version on the Edge server to 4.0 or later by referring to Windows Management Framework. Then restart the server.


Available memory on Windows source servers must at least be 256 MB.

Run the systeminfo command to check available memory, release sufficient memory, and try again.


Linux source servers failed the migration feasibility check.

Find the solution based on the error code inSMS documentation or contact SMS technical support.


A migration program is running on a source server.

The SMS migration process is running on the source server. If you want to migrate data again, stop the migration process by running the script in the /rda/SMS-Agent directory on Linux or by stopping the SMSAgentDeploy process in the Task Manager on Windows. Delete the migration task on the SMS console, return to the workflow, and try the step again.


Create VM failed.

Common causes include insufficient quotas and recommended images or flavors that do not meet requirements. Locate the fault based on the error message or ECS error code.


The target VM is abnormal.

Check whether the associated target ECS is, for example, locked or frozen.


Disks not found on target VM.

Check whether the target VM has disks attached. If no, attach disks and try again.


System disk not found on target VM.

Check whether the target VM has a system disk attached. If no, attach one and try again.


Obtain IP address of target VM failed.

If you are migrating over a public network, check whether there is an EIP bound to the target VM. If there is no EIP bound, bind one and try again.


Target server does not have the same number of disks as source server.

The target server has fewer disks than the source server. Attach disks as large as the source ones to the target server. Then try again.


Target server has disks smaller than source server.

The xth disk (* GB) of the target server is smaller than the paired one (* GB) of the source server. Adjust the disk size of the target disk and try again.


Download SMS-Agent installation package to source server failed.

Download SMS-Agent from the SMS console, and view the error message displayed during the download. The possible causes usually are network disconnection and failed execution of the download command.


Decompress SMS-Agent installation package failed on the source server.

One possible cause is that the tar command fails to be executed. Go to the /rda/ directory on the source server and run the tar -zxvf SMS-Agent.tar.gz command to view the error details.


Install SMS-Agent on Windows failed.

Check whether the SMSAgentDeploy.exe file is in the C:\SMS-Agent-Py2\ directory on the source server. If it is not there, delete the SMS-Agent-Py2 folder and double-click the installation package with the same name in drive C.


Start SMS-Agent failed.

View logs on the source server.

  • Linux: /rda/SMS-Agent/agent/Logs
  • Windows: C:\SMS-Agent-Py2\Logs

If the fault cannot be located, contact SMS on-call engineers.


Obtain cloud-region.json failed.

View logs on the source server.

  • Linux: /rda/SMS-Agent/agent/Logs
  • Windows: C:\SMS-Agent-Py2\Logs

If the fault cannot be located, contact SMS on-call engineers.


Could not find the migration task on the SMS console.

Log in to the SMS console and check whether the migration task is deleted.


The source server is disconnected from the SMS server.

Log in to the SMS console and check whether the migration task is in the Disconnected status.

If the source server runs Linux, go to the /rda/SMS-Agent/ directory and run the command to restore the connection. If the source server runs Windows, perform the migration again.


Migration task failed. SMS.xxxx

Go to the SMS console to view the error message and solution.


The migration task is paused or being paused.

Retry this step to continue the migration.


Obtain source server information failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Obtain migration task information failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Issue migration command failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


The current migration task is empty.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Query migration progress failed.

Try again.


Input parameters are not in the standard JSON format.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket to check whether the input parameters in this step are correct.


Workflow step *** not found.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Workflow lacks parameter ***.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Workflow parameter *** contains special characters.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Network error ***. Please try again.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


The Region parameter is empty.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Pre-migration verification failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


An unknown error occurs during the migration.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Unknown error.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Clearing resources failed

Go to the CBR and IMS console to manually clear temporary resources (whose names start with AZM_Create_Temp__xxx), and try again.


Request *** failed. Failure cause: ***. Try again.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Query *** progress failed. Failure cause: ***

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Step *** is an instant action

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Source server *** not found.

Check whether the server ID is the source server ID and whether the source server can be found.


Source server *** is not ready for migration.

Check whether the source server is normal. If it is abnormal, contact ECS technical support.


AZ *** does not exist.

Delete the migration workflow, create a cross-AZ migration application, and select an available AZ.


AZ *** is unavailable.

Delete the migration workflow, create a cross-AZ migration application, and select another AZ.


Insufficient quotas.

Increase quotas and try again.


Insufficient ECS quota.

Increase the ECS quota and try again.


Insufficient vCPU quota.

Increase the vCPU quota and try again.


Insufficient memory quota.

Increase the memory quota and try again.


Flavor *** is unavailable.

Delete the migration workflow, modify the recommended target specifications, and create a migration workflow again.


Disk type *** is not available in AZ ***.

Delete the migration workflow, modify the recommended target specifications, and create a migration workflow again.


Disk type *** is sold out in AZ ***.

Delete the migration workflow, modify the recommended target specifications, and create a migration workflow again.


The source server has *** NICs. Flavor *** supports a maximum of *** NICs. Select another flavor.

Delete the migration workflow, modify the recommended target specifications, and create a migration workflow again.


Parse disk information failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


The disk_infos parameter is empty.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Create backups failed. Failure cause: ***

Rectify the fault based on the error message. Go to the CBR console to check whether backups are created.


Unable to associate source server *** with vault ***.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Vault *** is unavailable.

Delete the vault and try again.


Failed to shut down servers in the *** status. Manually shut down the server and try again.

Go to the ECS console, manually stop the server, and retry the workflow.


Stopping server timed out. Try again or manually stop the server and try again.

Go to the ECS console, manually stop the server, and retry the workflow.


Create incremental backups failed. Failure cause: ***

Rectify the fault based on the error message, contact technical support, or submit a service ticket.


Create full-ECS image failed. Failure cause: ***

Rectify the fault based on the error message, contact technical support, or submit a service ticket.


Create target server failed. Failure cause: ***

Rectify the fault based on the error message, contact technical support, or submit a service ticket.


Servers with system disks larger than 1 TB cannot be migrated.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Invalid size of disk ***.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Source server *** not found in VPC ***.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Image *** is not found or unavailable.

Go to the IMS console to check the image status and contact IMS support to confirm whether the image can be restored automatically. If it cannot, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Servers in the *** status cannot be stopped. Manually shut down servers and try again.

Go to the ECS console, manually stop the server, and retry the workflow.


Stopping server timed out. Try again or manually stop the server and try again.

Go to the ECS console, manually stop the server, and retry the workflow.


Delete full-ECS images failed. Failure cause: ***

Go to the IMS console to manually delete these images (whose names start with AZM_Create_Temp__xxx), and try again.


Delete backups failed. Failure cause: ***

Go to the CBR console to manually delete these backups (whose names start with AZM_Create_Temp__xxx), and try again.


Delete vault *** failed. Failure cause: ***

Go to the CBR console to manually delete the vault (whose name starts with AZM_Create_Temp__xxx), and try again.


The server_id parameter is empty.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Create system disk images failed. IMS error code: ***, error message: ***

Retry the task again or contact the IMS support.


Target server has an EIP bound. Unbound the EIP and try again.

Check whether the target server has an EIP bound and whether the EIP is one bound to the source server. If it is not, unbind the EIP from the target server.


Source server *** is not stopped. Manually stop it and try again.

Check whether the source server is stopped. If it is not, stop it and try again.


Target server *** is not stopped. Manually stop it and try again.

Check whether the target server is stopped. If it is not, stop it and try again.


Change the IP address of server *** failed. Failure cause: ***

Rectify the fault based on the error message, contact technical support, or submit a service ticket.


Workflow step *** not found.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Workflow lacks parameter ***.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Workflow parameter *** contains special characters.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Network error ***. Please try again.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


The Region parameter is empty.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Pre-migration verification failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


An unknown error occurs during the migration.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Unknown error.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Clearing resources failed

Go to the CBR and IMS consoles to manually delete temporary resources (whose names start with AZM_Create_Temp__xxx), and try again.


Request *** failed. Failure cause: ***. Try again.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Query *** progress failed. Failure cause: ***

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Step *** is an instant action

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Verify template version failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Storage workflow was abnormal.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


System exception

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Invalid parameters.

Rectify the fault based on the error message.


Cluster not found.

Check whether the cluster is in the cluster list.


Node not found.

Check whether the node exists in the corresponding cluster.


Task not found.

Check whether the task exists in the task list.


Create cluster failed.

Rectify the fault based on the error message. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Start cluster failed.

Rectify the fault based on the error message. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Delete cluster failed.

Rectify the fault based on the error message. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Task failed.

Rectify the fault based on the error message. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Task exception.

Rectify the fault based on the error message. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Unknown error.

There are many possible causes for this error, for example, the network could be abnormal. Try this workflow step again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Task name already exists.

Enter another task name.


Create collection task failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Involved collection task not found.

Associate the collection item with another collection task.


Collection item already exists.

Check whether the collection item has already been associated with the collection task, or contact technical support.


Add collection item failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Add data source failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Delete collection task failed.

Refresh the task list to check whether the collection task has been deleted, or contact technical support.


Delete collection item failed.

Refresh the collection item list to check whether the collection item has been deleted, or contact technical support.


Collection task not found.

Refresh the collection task list and check whether the collection task exists.


Collection item not found.

Refresh the collection item list and check whether the collection item exists.


Add data source failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Data source not found.

Refresh the collection item list and check whether the data source exists.


Re-collect data source failed.

Refresh the collection item list and check whether the data source exists, or contact technical support.


Delete data source failed.

Refresh the collection item list and check whether the data source has been deleted, or contact technical support.


Edit data source name failed.

Refresh the collection item list and check whether the data source exists, or contact technical support.


Re-collection failed.

Refresh the collection item list and check whether the collection item exists, or contact technical support.


Incorrect data source settings.

Check whether the data source settings are correct.


Re-collect data source failed.

Check whether the collection uses APIs and the status is completed.


Delete data source failed.

Only data sources in the collection failed or completed status can be deleted.


Delete collection item failed.

Only collection items in the waiting status can be deleted.


Delete collection task failed. There are running collection items.

Refresh the collection item list and check whether there are running collection items. If there are running collection items, the collection task cannot be deleted.


The file to import is too large.

The maximum file size allowed is 10 MB.


Invalid file name.

Enter a valid file name.


Invalid file format.

Import a file in the correct format.


Add data source failed. Uploaded file not found.

Check whether the file has been successfully imported or import the file again.


Could not collect information from Alibaba Cloud RM.

Debug API SearchResources by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Could not collect information from Alibaba Cloud RM.

Debug API GetResourceConfiguration by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.

MgC. 000040003

Credential not found.

Check whether the selected credential can be found on the Credentials page.


Credential expired.

Update the credential on the Credentials page.


Wrong credential type. Select AK/SK credentials.

Select AK/SK credentials.


Invalid MSE configuration file.

Check whether the selected credential and regions are correct.


Incorrect file format.

Upload a file in the correct format.


Could not obtain Nacos accessToken.

Check whether the username and password entered in the configuration information are correct.


Could not parse Nacos authentication information.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Could not query domain names in pagination mode.

Debug API DescribeDomains by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Could not query DNS records in pagination mode.

Debug API DescribeDomainRecords by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Could not invoke the Alibaba Cloud WAF SDK.

Debug API DescribeDomains by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Invalid AK/SK.

Check whether the AK/SK pair recorded in the selected credential is correct.


Could not invoke the Alibaba Cloud Kafka SDK.

Check whether the selected credential and regions are correct, or check whether the Alibaba Cloud Kafka service is enabled for the account that the credential belongs to.


Could not invoke the Alibaba Cloud Topic SDK.

Debug API GetInstanceList by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Could not invoke the Alibaba Cloud RDS SDK.

Check whether the selected credential and regions are correct, or check whether the Alibaba Cloud RDS service is enabled for the account that the credential belongs to.


Could not invoke the Alibaba Cloud RDS schema SDK.

Debug API DescribeDatabases by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Create Alibaba Cloud SLB SDK client failed.

Check whether the selected credential and regions are correct.


Uploaded file contains invalid data.

Enter valid values.


Uploaded file failed the verification.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Required fields are missing in uploaded file.

Specify required fields.


Table headers of uploaded file are incorrect.

Enter a correct table header.


Table headers of uploaded file are invalid.

Check whether non-customized table headers in the template are modified.


Unexpected domain names found in "Domain" sheet.

Ensure that domain names entered in the "Application"and "MQ" sheets have been entered in the "Domain" sheet.


Invalid file content.

Check whether the import template was modified or download the template again.


Maximum tags reached.

Delete unnecessary tags and try again.


Add tag failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Tag not found.

Check whether the tag is available.


The tag has been associated with resources.

Select another tag or dissociate from resources.


Update tag failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


The parameter for querying the tag set is empty.

Set the tag query parameters.


Associate tag with resources failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


The tag was not associated with the resources

Check whether related resources and the tag have been associated, or contact technical support.


ID not found.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Modify data failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Data import failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Name already exists.

Enter another name.


File upload failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


File download failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Uploaded file not found or expired.

Upload a new file, or rename the file and upload it again.


Producer and consumer in a raw in sheet "MQ" are in different environments.

Check whether the producer and consumer environments in the MQ sheet of the imported file are consistent.


Producers or consumers specified in sheet "MQ" are not found in sheet "Application".

Ensure that the producer and consumer services or microservices in the MQ sheet have been supplemented in the Application sheet of the imported file.


Column "MICROSERVICE" in sheet "Application" is required.

Add microservices in the Application sheet to the imported file.


Columns "PRODUCER" and "CONSUMER" in sheet "MQ" are required.

Add the producer and consumer services or microservices to the MQ sheet of the imported file.


Daily workflow quota exhausted.

Switch to another project or delete a completed workflow in the current project.


Maximum resources for a workflow reached.

Ensure that no more than 100 resources are included in the workflow.


Too many resources being migrated.

Switch to another project or wait until in-progress workflows to complete.