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Help Center/ Migration Center/ FAQs/ Known Issues and Solutions

Known Issues and Solutions

Updated on 2025-02-17 GMT+08:00

Known Issues and Solutions About Server Migration Workflows

Error Code




Parameter * is empty.

Check whether any recommended server parameters (image and disk) are missing, or contact MgC technical support to check whether parameter *** is empty in the workflow database.


Parameter *** contains special characters.

Contact MgC technical support to check whether parameter *** contains special characters in the workflow database.


PowerShell version must be 3.0 or later.

Open PowerShell on the server where the MgC Agent (formerly Edge) is installed and run the $host command to check the PowerShell version. If the current version is earlier than 3.0, you are advised to reinstall the MgC Agent on a server running Windows Server 2012 or later. Generally, Windows Server 2012 and later versions provide PowerShell 3.0 or later.


Available memory on Windows source servers must at least be 256 MB.

Run the systeminfo command to check available memory, release sufficient memory, and try again.


Linux source servers failed the migration feasibility check.

Find the solution based on the error code in SMS documentation or contact SMS technical support.


A migration program is running on a source server.

The SMS migration process is running on the source server. If you want to migrate data again, stop the migration process by running the script in the /root/Edge/SMS-Agent directory on Linux or by stopping the SMSAgentDeploy process in the Task Manager on Windows. Delete the migration task on the SMS console, return to the workflow, and try the step again.


Create VM failed.

Common causes include insufficient quotas and recommended images or flavors that do not meet requirements. Locate the fault based on the error message or ECS error code.


The target VM is abnormal.

Check whether the associated target ECS is, for example, locked or frozen.


Disks not found on target VM.

Check whether the target VM has disks attached. If no, attach disks and try again.


System disk not found on target VM.

Check whether the target VM has a system disk attached. If no, attach one and try again.


Obtain IP address of target VM failed.

If you are migrating over a public network, check whether there is an EIP bound to the target VM. If there is no EIP bound, bind one and try again.


Target server does not have the same number of disks as source server.

The target server has fewer disks than the source server. Attach disks as large as the source ones to the target server. Then try again.


Target server has disks smaller than source server.

The xth disk (* GB) of the target server is smaller than the paired one (* GB) of the source server. Adjust the disk size of the target disk and try again.


Insufficient ECS quota. Requested: x; and Available: y

Release unnecessary ECSs or submit a service ticket to increase the quota.


Insufficient CPU quota. Requested: x; Available: y

Release unnecessary resources or submit a service ticket to increase the quota.


Insufficient memory quota. Requested: x; Available: y

Release unnecessary resources or submit a service ticket to increase the quota.


The disk type of the target server is missing. Check the disk type recommended on the "Migration Solutions" page.

Check whether the recommended target disk type is empty. If it is, assess the source server again and retry the workflow.


The disk size of the target server is missing. Check the disk size recommended on the "Migration Solutions" page.

Check whether the recommended target disk size is empty. If it is, assess the source server again and retry the workflow.


Invalid source disk IDs used for generating target recommendations. Assess the source server again.

Assess the source server and try the workflow step again. This is because if a source server is collected twice, the system generates different disk IDs for the server.


Firmware inconsistency between source and target servers.

The firmware type of the target server must be the same as that of the source server. Reconfigure the firmware type of the target server and try again.


target image ID.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Download SMS-Agent installation package to source server failed.

Download SMS-Agent from the SMS console, and view the error message displayed during the download. The possible causes usually are network disconnection and failed execution of the download command.


Decompress SMS-Agent installation package failed on the source server.

One possible cause is that the tar command fails to be executed. Go to the /rda/ directory on the source server and run the tar -zxvf SMS-Agent.tar.gz command to view the error details.


Install SMS-Agent on Windows failed.

Check whether the SMSAgentDeploy.exe file is in the C:\SMS-Agent-Py2\ directory on the source server. If it is not there, delete the SMS-Agent-Py2 folder and double-click the installation package with the same name in drive C.


Start SMS-Agent failed.

  • If the reported the error message is "SMS-Agent startup failed. For details, view the SMS migration logs on the source server," go to the following directory on the source server to view SMS run logs:
    • Linux: /rda/SMS-Agent/agent/Logs
    • Windows: C:\SMS-Agent-Py2\Logs

If the fault persists, contact SMS technical support to view the migration logs.


Obtain cloud-region.json failed.

Log in to the source server and view the error information in the SMS run logs located in:

  • Linux: /rda/SMS-Agent/agent/Logs
  • Windows: C:\SMS-Agent-Py2\Logs

If the fault cannot be located, contact SMS technical support to view the migration logs.


Could not find the migration task on the SMS console.

Go to the SMS console and check whether the migration task has been deleted. If the migration task has been deleted by mistake, create a migration workflow again on the MgC console.


The source server is disconnected from the SMS server.

Log in to the SMS console and check whether the migration task is in the Disconnected status.

If the source server runs Linux, go to the /rda/SMS-Agent/ directory and run the command to restore the connection. If the source server runs Windows, perform the migration again.


Migration task failed. SMS.xxxx

Go to the SMS console to view the error message and solution.


The migration task is paused or being paused.

Retry this step to continue the migration.


Obtain source server information failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Obtain migration task information failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Issue migration command failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


The current migration task is empty.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Delete SMS migration task failed.

Go to the SMS console and manually delete the task. After the deletion is complete, return to the MgC console and try again.


Only tasks in the paused, completed, or error state can be deleted.


Query migration progress failed.

Try again.


Input parameters are not in the standard JSON format.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket to check whether the input parameters in this step are correct.


Stopping server timed out. Try again or manually stop the server and try again.

Go to the ECS console, manually stop the server, and retry the workflow. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Failed to shut down servers in the *** status. Manually shut down the server and try again.

Go to the ECS console, manually stop the server, and retry the workflow.


Change the IP address of server *** failed. Failure cause: ***

  • Failure cause: The IP address has been used.

    Unbind and release the private IP address and try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.

  • Failure cause: The IP address is not in the subnet.

    Use a VPC and subnet that match the private IP address of the source server to create a migration workflow again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.

  • Failure cause: Success to change ip, but failed to the same private IP address as the source host

    Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.

  • Failure cause: Failed to switch the VPC.

    Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Workflow step *** not found.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Workflow lacks parameter ***.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Workflow parameter *** contains special characters.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Network error ***. Please try again.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


The Region parameter is empty.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Pre-migration verification failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


An unknown error occurs during the migration.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Unknown error.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Clearing resources failed

Go to the CBR and IMS consoles to manually delete temporary resources (whose names start with AZM_Create_Temp__xxx), and try again.


Request *** failed. Failure cause: ***. Try again.

Try again or find a solution here. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Query *** progress failed. Failure cause: ***

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Step *** is an instant action

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Verify template version failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.

Known Issues and Solutions About Cross-AZ Migration Workflows

Error Code




Workflow step *** not found.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Workflow lacks parameter ***.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Workflow parameter *** contains special characters.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Network error ***. Please try again.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


The Region parameter is empty.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Pre-migration verification failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


An unknown error occurs during the migration.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Unknown error.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Clearing resources failed

Go to the CBR and IMS console to manually clear temporary resources (whose names start with AZM_Create_Temp__xxx), and try again.


Request *** failed. Failure cause: ***. Try again.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Query *** progress failed. Failure cause: ***

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Step *** is an instant action

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Source server *** not found.

Check whether the server ID is the source server ID and whether the source server can be found.


Source server *** is not ready for migration.

Check whether the source server is normal. If it is abnormal, contact ECS technical support.


AZ *** does not exist.

Delete the migration workflow, create a cross-AZ migration application, and select an available AZ.


AZ *** is unavailable.

Delete the migration workflow, create a cross-AZ migration application, and select another AZ.


Insufficient quotas.

Increase quotas and try again.


Insufficient ECS quota.

Increase the ECS quota and try again.


Insufficient vCPU quota.

Increase the vCPU quota and try again.


Insufficient memory quota.

Increase the memory quota and try again.


Flavor *** is unavailable.

Delete the migration workflow, modify the recommended target specifications, and create a migration workflow again.


Disk type *** is not available in AZ ***.

Delete the migration workflow, modify the recommended target specifications, and create a migration workflow again.


Disk type *** is sold out in AZ ***.

Delete the migration workflow, modify the recommended target specifications, and create a migration workflow again.


The source server has *** NICs. Flavor *** supports a maximum of *** NICs. Select another flavor.

Delete the migration workflow, modify the recommended target specifications, and create a migration workflow again.


Parse disk information failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


The disk_infos parameter is empty.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Create backups failed. Failure cause: ***

Rectify the fault based on the error message. Go to the CBR console to check whether backups are created.


Unable to associate source server *** with vault ***.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Vault *** is unavailable.

Delete the vault and try again.


Failed to shut down servers in the *** status. Manually shut down the server and try again.

Go to the ECS console, manually stop the server, and retry the workflow.


Stopping server timed out. Try again or manually stop the server and try again.

Go to the ECS console, manually stop the server, and retry the workflow.


Create incremental backups failed. Failure cause: ***

Rectify the fault based on the error message, contact technical support, or submit a service ticket.


Create full-ECS image failed. Failure cause: ***

Rectify the fault based on the error message, contact technical support, or submit a service ticket.


Create target server failed. Failure cause: ***

Rectify the fault based on the error message, contact technical support, or submit a service ticket.


Servers with system disks larger than 1 TB cannot be migrated.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Invalid size of disk ***.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Source server *** not found in VPC ***.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Image *** is not found or unavailable.

Go to the IMS console to check the image status and contact IMS support to confirm whether the image can be restored automatically. If it cannot, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Servers in the *** status cannot be stopped. Manually shut down servers and try again.

Go to the ECS console, manually stop the server, and retry the workflow.


Stopping server timed out. Try again or manually stop the server and try again.

Go to the ECS console, manually stop the server, and retry the workflow.


Delete full-ECS images failed. Failure cause: ***

Go to the IMS console to manually delete these images (whose names start with AZM_Create_Temp__xxx), and try again.


Delete backups failed. Failure cause: ***

Go to the CBR console to manually delete these backups (whose names start with AZM_Create_Temp__xxx), and try again.


Delete vault *** failed. Failure cause: ***

Go to the CBR console to manually delete the vault (whose name starts with AZM_Create_Temp__xxx), and try again.


The server_id parameter is empty.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Create system disk images failed. IMS error code: ***, error message: ***

Retry the task again or contact the IMS support.


Target server has an EIP bound. Unbound the EIP and try again.

Check whether the target server has an EIP bound and whether the EIP is one bound to the source server. If it is not, unbind the EIP from the target server.


Source server *** is not stopped. Manually stop it and try again.

Check whether the source server is stopped. If it is not, stop it and try again.


Target server *** is not stopped. Manually stop it and try again.

Check whether the target server is stopped. If it is not, stop it and try again.


Change the IP address of server *** failed. Failure cause: ***

Rectify the fault based on the error message, contact technical support, or submit a service ticket.

Known Issues and Solutions About Object Storage Migration Workflows

Error Code




Unknown OMS error.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


System error.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Invalid request parameters.

Rectify the fault based on the error message. For example:

If the error message is "The maxSubtaskNum more than node * 10," add migration nodes to the migration cluster and try again.


The project ID is different from that in the token.

Check whether the right project ID or token is used.


The region in the token is different from the region where the migration cluster is located.

Use the token of the region where the migrated cluster is located.


Abnormal node.

Check whether the ports allowed by the security group rules of the cluster node meet the requirements. For details about the requirements, see:

Migration Cluster Resources and Settings


Cluster not found.

Check whether the cluster is in the cluster list.


Node not found.

Check whether the node exists in the corresponding cluster.


Task not found.

Check whether the task exists in the task list.


Create cluster failed.

Rectify the fault based on the keywords in ErrorReason. Generally, the fault is caused by insufficient resources or permission issues.

ECS Error Codes, VPC Error Codes, NAT Gateway Error Codes, VPCEP Error Codes, and LTS Error Codes


Workflow creation failed.

Rectify the fault based on the keywords in ErrorReason. Generally, the fault is caused by insufficient resources or permission issues.

ECS Error Codes, VPC Error Codes, NAT Gateway Error Codes, VPCEP Error Codes, and LTS Error Codes


Cluster deletion failed.

Rectify the fault based on the keywords in ErrorReason. Generally, the fault is caused by the failure to clear some resources due to permission issues.

ECS Error Codes, VPC Error Codes, NAT Gateway Error Codes, VPCEP Error Codes, and LTS Error Codes


Execute migration task failed. Some objects might fail to be migrated.

If the error message is "Migration failed. Failure files exist," rectify the fault by referring to Error Codes.


Migration task execution failed.

Rectify the fault based on the exception cause. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Delete task failed.

Rectify the fault based on the cause. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Local data write failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


An exception occurred when local data uploaded to external storage device.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Migration source or target unavailable.

Check the connection settings for source and target.


Object list file too large.

Make sure that the list file does not exceed 300 MB.


Metadata of object list file not found.

Check the metadata of the list file.


URL decoding failed.

Check whether the URLs in the list file are correctly encoded.


Invalid resource path.

Check whether the list file path is correct.


List file not found.

Check whether the list file exists.


Read list file failed.

Check the status of the list file and ensure that the file is readable. If the file is normal and readable, try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Maximum rows (100,000) reached for list file.

Modify the list file to ensure that the number of rows is less than 100,000.


Content-Type of list file must be text/plain.

Check whether the list file is in TXT format and whether the Content-Type metadata is text/plain.


Content-Encoding of list file not empty.

Ensure that the Content-Encoding attribute is empty.


Download list failed.

Check the status of the list file and ensure that the file is readable. If the file is normal and readable, try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Read block file failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Listing failed object lists failed.

Check whether the failed object lists can be found. If they can, create a migration workflow again.


List file must be TXT.

Ensure that the list file is a .txt file.


Maximum list files (10,000) exceeded.

Ensure that the number of list files in the specified path is less than 10,000.


Save task information failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


List files failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Start migration failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Execute migration task failed.

Check the list of failed objects to determine the failure cause.


AK/SK verification failed. Ensure AK/SK is valid.

Check whether the AK/SK pairs for accessing the source and the target are correct.


List objects failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


List buckets failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Source CDN verification failed.

Check whether the CDN configuration is correct.


Run mount failed.

Check the connection or network settings.


Write data to stream failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


SMB connection failed.

Check the connection or network settings.


Execute command failed.

Check the connection settings for the NAS server or the network settings.

Known Issues and Solutions About MgC

Error Code




Unknown error.

There are many possible causes for this error, for example, the network could be abnormal. Try this workflow step again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Involved collection task not found.

Associate the collection item with another collection task.


Add data source failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Data source not found.

Refresh the collection item list and check whether the data source exists.


Could not collect information from Alibaba Cloud RM.

Debug API SearchResources by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Could not collect information from Alibaba Cloud RM.

Debug API GetResourceConfiguration by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Credential not found.

Check whether the selected credential can be found on the Credentials page.


Credential expired.

Update the credential on the Credentials page.


Wrong credential type. Select AK/SK credentials.

Select AK/SK credentials.


Incorrect file format.

Upload a file in the correct format.


Could not query domain names in pagination mode.

Debug API DescribeDomains by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Could not query DNS records in pagination mode.

Debug API DescribeDomainRecords by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Could not invoke the Alibaba Cloud WAF SDK.

Debug API DescribeDomains by following the instructions provided in the Alibaba Cloud Resource Management Documentation and locate the fault cause based on the returned error code, or contact Alibaba Cloud technical support.


Create Alibaba Cloud SLB SDK client failed.

Check whether the selected credential and regions are correct.


Uploaded file contains invalid data.

Enter valid values.


Uploaded file failed the verification.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Required fields are missing in uploaded file.

Specify required fields.


Table headers of uploaded file are incorrect.

Enter a correct table header.


Table headers of uploaded file are invalid.

Check whether non-customized table headers in the template have been modified.


Unexpected domain names found in "Domain" sheet.

Ensure that domain names entered in the "Application" and "MQ" sheets have been entered in the "Domain" sheet.


Invalid file content.

Check whether the import template was modified or download the template again.


File upload failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


File download failed.

Contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Uploaded file not found or expired.

Upload a new file, or rename the file and upload it again.


Server assessment failed. Matched target specifications not found in target AZ.

Handle this issue by referring to What Can I Do If a Server Assessment Fails and the System Displays a Message Indicating No Proper Specifications Are Matched?


Daily workflow quota exhausted.

Switch to another project or delete a completed workflow in the current project.


Maximum resources for a workflow reached.

Ensure that no more than 100 resources are included in the workflow.


Call FunctionGraph APIs failed. Try again later.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Deliver command to MgC Agent failed.

Check the MgC Agent (formerly Edge) logs. If the MgC Agent logs record "channel is not opened," the network connection between the MgC Agent and the source server is abnormal. Check and restore the network connection and try again. The MgC Agent log files are located at:

  • Linux: /opt/cloud/Edge/logs/the MgC Agent-server/run.log
  • Windows: C:\Edge\logs\the MgC Agent-server\run.log


Command execution by MgC Agent timed out.

This issue is usually caused by network connection problems. Check whether the network settings of the source server meet the requirements. Alternatively, view the MgC Agent (formerly Edge) logs to locate the fault. The logs are located at:

  • Linux: /opt/cloud/Edge/logs/the MgC Agent-server/run.log
  • Windows: C:\Edge\logs\the MgC Agent-server\run.log

Known Issues and Solutions About Resource Assessment

Error Code




Network connection error.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Invalid token.

Obtain a valid token.


Invalid HTTP request method or URL.

Verify that the HTTP request method and URL are correct.


Invalid parameter value.

Check the parameters and try again.


Server assessment failed. Obtain ECS flavors failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Server assessment failed. Source server ID not found.

The source server ID is missing. Perform a deep collection for the server and try again.


Server assessment failed. Query IMS images failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Query EVS disk types failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


No EVS disk types match source server.

Modify the assessment policy and try again.


Query IMS images failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Disk type matching source server sold out in target region.

Modify the assessment policy and try again.


Query EVS AZ availability failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Source server runs Windows. Matched target specifications do not support Windows.

Modify the assessment policy and try again.


Source server runs Linux. Matched target specifications do not support Linux.

Modify the assessment policy and try again.


No images match source server specifications.

Query IMS images failed. Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Server assessment failed. Source disk information is missing.

The source server disk information is missing. Perform a deep collection for the server and try again.


Server assessment failed. Invalid source disk IDs.

The disk IDs of the source server are invalid. Perform a deep collection for the server and try again.


Source server being assessed. You cannot assess it again now.

The assessment is in progress. Try again after the current assessment is complete.


Server assessment results not found.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Modify server assessment results failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Modify server assessment results failed. Specifications not found.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Modify server assessment results failed. No images match.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Modify server assessment results failed. Disk size too large.

Downsize disks and try again.


Failed to create an assessment for cross-AZ migration. Target AZ is missing.

Select a target AZ and try again.


Source server is already in target AZ.

Select another AZ and try again.


Selected OS is different from source OS.

Select another OS and try again.


Image not available.

Selected image has been taken offline. Select another one and try again.


Modify server assessment results failed. Specified disk size cannot be smaller than source disk size.

Modify the disk size.


Server assessment failed. Source server specifications information is missing.

The source server specifications information is missing. Perform a deep collection for the server and try again.


Server assessment failed. No proper target specifications.

Modify the assessment policy and try again.


Server assessment failed. No target specifications meet assessment policy.

Modify the assessment policy and try again.


Server assessment failed. No proper target specifications meet your preferences.

Modify the assessment policy and try again.


Server assessment failed. No target specifications meet business scenario.

Modify the assessment policy and try again.


Source performance data is missing. Perform a performance collection for source server.

Source server performance data is missing. Perform a deep collection for the server and try again.


Source server performance data is missing. Perform a performance collection for source server.

The source server's performance data is missing. Perform a deep collection for the server and try again.


Incorrect CSV file of server performance data.

Launch a performance collection for the server and try again.


Your preferences could not be met.

Selected disk type not available in current region. Modify the assessment policy and try again.


Server assessment failed. Matched target specifications not found in target AZ.

Select a target AZ and try again. or manually modify the target specifications.


Source server specifications are not supported. Manually associate an existing target server.

Associate an existing target server.


Server assessment failed.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Flavor abandoned.

Change the specifications and try again.


The flavor does not support the disk type.

Change the flavor or disk type and try again.


Server purchase failed.

Rectify the fault based on the returned error information. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Network connection error.

Try again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.

Known Issues and Solutions About Resource Discovery

Error Code

Error Cause



Network connection error.

Check the network connection and try again.


Parameters do not match.

Check parameter settings and try again.


Decrypt data failed.

Try again later. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Send message to device failed.

Ensure that the device is online.


Access Huawei Cloud APIs failed. Check the network.

Check whether the network connection is normal and try again.


Incorrect IAM authentication information. Check the AK/SK pair.

Check if the AK/SK pair is correct and up-to-date.


Create client on Huawei Cloud failed.

Ensure that all settings are correct and try again.


Access key not found or disabled.

Check whether the access key is correct and enabled.


Request failed. Temporary server error.

Wait until the server recovers and try again.


Request signature does not meet Alibaba Cloud requirements.

Ensure that your request signature meets Alibaba Cloud requirements and try again.


Specified signature does not match calculated result.

Check your signature and try again.


Other exceptions.

Wait until the server recovers and try again.


Other exceptions.

Wait until the server recovers and try again.


File parsing failed.

Ensure that the file format and content are correct and try again.


Request to Alibaba Cloud APIs denied due to flow control.

Try again later.


Check proxy settings.

Ensure that the proxy server is configured correctly.


Create client on Huawei Cloud failed.

Ensure that all settings are correct and try again.


Request to Huawei Cloud APIs denied due to flow control.

Try again later.


Insufficient permissions.

Ensure that you have the required permissions.


Collector server error.

Try again later. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Execute analysis task failed.

Try again later. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Task execution timed out.

Try again later. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Request redirected by source. Try again.

Try again later. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Credential not found.

Upload the right credential.


Credential expired.

Upload a valid credential.


Resource collection failed. Credential not found.

Upload the right credential.


Credential expired.

Upload a valid credential.


The MgC Agent does not support collection using cloud credentials.

Use a valid credential.


Resource collection failed. IP address does not match network range specified for credential.

Upload a credential that matches the IP address range.


Incorrect username or password, or mismatch between IP address and username/password pair.

Check whether the username and password are correct and whether they match the IP address. Ensure that the IP address is correct and try again.


Collector not installed.

Install the MgC Agent (formerly Edge) collector.


The collector is offline.

Check whether the MgC Agent (formerly Edge) collector is online.


Invalid IP address or WinRM not running.

Check whether WinRM is started using winrm quickconfig on the source server.


Incorrect username or password, or mismatch between IP address and username/password pair.

Ensure the username and password are correct and they match the IP address.


Collect required information failed. Check whether .Net Framework, WMI, and COM on the source server are damaged.

Check whether necessary WMI classes are missing in the Windows system. If the WMI classes are missing, rectify the fault or reconfigure the WMI classes. After the fault is rectified, perform a deep collection again.

The necessary WMI classes include:

  • Win32_Processor
  • Win32_Computersystem
  • Win32_DiskPartition
  • Win32_Volume
  • Win32_DiskDrive
  • Win32_networkadapterconfiguration
  • Win32_OperatingSystem
  • Win32_Service
  • Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfDisk_PhysicalDisk
  • Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfOS_Processor


SSH connection failed. Incorrect username or password, or unreachable IP address.

Ensure that the username, password, and IP address are correct.


Incorrect username or password.

Check whether your username and password are correct.


Access vCenter failed. Check whether the IP address and credential are correct.

Check whether the vCenter IP address and credential are correct and whether the network connection is normal.

Known Issues and Solutions About the MgC Agent (Formerly Edge) for Windows

Error Code




Unknown error.

There are many possible causes for this error, for example, the network could be abnormal. Try this workflow step again. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Source IP address unreachable.

Check whether the access IP address is correct.


Source WinRM unreachable.

Check whether WinRM is started or whether the port is being listened on. You can check that using the following PowerShell command on the source server:
winrm fastconfig


Invalid source credential.

Check whether the credential provided to the MgC Agent (formerly Edge) is correct.


Insufficient credential permissions.

Check whether the account is in the administrator user group.


Access source WinRM failed.

Check whether the firewall on the source server is disabled.


Necessary components not found at source.

Check whether .NET Framework, WMI, and COM on the source server are damaged.


Edge does not trust source server.

Run the following command on the server where the MgC Agent (formerly Edge) is installed to trust the source server:
set-item wsman:localhost\\client\\trustedhosts -value *

Known Issues and Solutions About the MgC Agent (Formerly Edge) for Linux

Error Code




Source IP address unreachable.

Check whether the access IP address is correct.


Source port unreachable.

Check whether the source port can be reached using telnet.


SSH connection to source server failed.

Rectify the fault based on the error message. If the fault persists, contact technical support or submit a service ticket.


Invalid source credential.

Check whether the credential provided to the MgC Agent (formerly Edge) is correct.


Source SFTP unavailable.

Check whether the MgC Agent (formerly Edge) server can access SFTP on the source server.


Source account directory not found.

Check whether the source account directory exists.


tty for running sudo is not disabled.

Comment out the following default values in the source configuration file:

requiretty in the user!/etc/ssh/sshd_config file or Defaults requiretty in the /etc/sudoers file

Issues About Other Cloud Services

Error Code




Insufficient resources for this ECS flavor.

Go to the Migration Solutions or Migration Plans page, modify the target server specifications or use an existing server as the target server. Then try the workflow again.


Target server flavor not found or unavailable.

Go to the Migration Solutions or Migration Plans page, modify the target server specifications or use an existing server as the target server. Then try the workflow again.


Invalid parameters.

Check whether the parameter values are valid based on the returned error message. For more information, see:

VPC Error Codes

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