- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
New Edition
- Permissions Management
- Settings Management
- Surveys
- Resource Discovery
- Application Management
- Migration Preparations
- Migration Solutions
- Migration Plans
- Migration Clusters
- Migration Workflows
- Big Data Migration (from MaxCompute to DLI)
- Big Data Verification
Old Edition
- Permissions Management
- Settings Management
- Migration Surveys
- Resource Discovery
- Application Management
- Big Data Lineage
- Migration Solutions
- Migration Plans
- Migration Clusters
- Migration Workflows
- Big Data Migration
- Big Data Verification
New Edition
MgC Agent Usage Guide
- MgC Agent Overview
- Downloading and Installing the MgC Agent (Formerly Edge)
- Local Discovery and Collection
- Connecting the MgC Agent to MgC
- Agent-based Discovery
Collector-based Discovery
- Creating a Collection Task
- Managing Collectors
Configuring Collector Parameters
- Kubernetes Static Collector (app-discovery-k8s)
- Kubernetes Conntrack Collector (app-discovery-k8s-conntrack)
- Kubernetes Pod Network Collector (app-discovery-k8s-pod-net)
- Process and Network Collector (app-discovery-process-netstat)
- Windows Process and Network Collector (app-discovery-process-netstat-win)
- RabbitMQ Collector (app-discovery-rabbitmq)
- Kafka Collector (app-discovery-kafka)
- Eureka Collector (app-discovery-eureka)
- Redis Collector (app-discovery-redis)
- MongoDB Collector (app-discovery-mongodb)
- MySQL-General Log Collector (app-discovery-mysql-generallog)
- MySQL-JDBC Collector (app-discovery-mysql-jdbc)
- Nginx Configuration Collector (app-discovery-nginx)
- Cloud VPC Log Collector (app-discovery-cloud-vpc-log)
- Nacos Collector (app-discovery-nacos)
- Application Configuration Collector (app-discovery-application-config)
- Best Practices
- What Are the Requirements for the Server for Installing the MgC Agent (Formerly Edge)?
- How Do I Run the MgC Agent in Compatibility Mode?
- What Can I Do If the MgC Agent (Formerly Edge) Is Offline?
- Why Can't the MgC Agent (Formerly Edge) Start After Being Installed?
- How Do I Upgrade the MgC Agent (Formerly Edge) to the Latest Version?
- How Do I Uninstall the MgC Agent (Formerly Edge)?
- How Do I Restart the MgC Agent (Formerly Edge)?
- How Do I Check the Current MgC Agent Version (Formerly Edge)?
- How Do I Obtain Run Logs of the MgC Agent (Formerly Edge) on Linux?
- How Do I Fix the Error "The collector is not installed" When a Discovery Task Fails?
- How Do I Obtain the Hive Metastore Credential Files?
- What Can I Do If the Port Required by the MgC Agent Is Occupied and the Installation Fails?
- What Can I Do If AK/SK Verification Fails?
- How Do I Configure WinRM and Troubleshoot WinRM Connection Problems?
- What Do I Do If the Credential List Is Empty When I Create a Data Connection for Big Data Verification?
Best Practices
- Configuring Permissions Required for Server Migration
Server Migration
- Network Requirements for Server Migration
- Migrating On-premises Servers to Huawei Cloud
- Migrating Servers from Alibaba Cloud to Huawei Cloud
- One-stop Cross-AZ ECS Migration
- Migrating Servers Across AZs on Huawei Cloud
- Migrating Servers to FlexusX Instances (Original HECS X Instances)
- Keeping Private IP Addresses of Servers Unchanged After the Migration
- Batch Modifying and Restoring the Host Configurations for Linux Source Servers
- Batch Modifying and Restoring the Host Configurations for Windows Source Servers
Storage Migration
- Migrating Data from Other Cloud Platforms to Huawei Cloud
- Migrating Data from Multiple Source Buckets by Prefix
- Migrating Archive (Cold) Data
- Migrating Data from SFS 1.0 to SFS 3.0
- Performing a NAS-to-NAS Migration and Service Cutover
- Migrating File Systems in Batches
- Migrating Data from MinIO to Huawei Cloud OBS over HTTP
- Migrating Data from Ceph to Huawei Cloud OBS over HTTP
- Reducing Disk Capacity for Target Servers
- Resizing Disks and Partitions for Target Servers
- Collecting Details of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Resources
- Collecting Details of Google Cloud GKE Resources
- Collecting Details of AWS Container Resources
- Collecting Details of Self-built Oracle Databases
Verifying Big Data Consistency After Migration
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated from MaxCompute to DLI
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated Between MRS ClickHouse Clusters
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated from Alibaba Cloud EMR ClickHouse to Huawei Cloud MRS ClickHouse
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated from Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for ClickHouse to Huawei Cloud MRS ClickHouse
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated from Alibaba Cloud ApsaraDB for ClickHouse to Huawei Cloud CloudTable ClickHouse
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated Between MRS Doris Clusters
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated Between MRS Doris Clusters or from CDH or EMR to MRS Doris
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated from Alibaba Cloud MaxCompute to Huawei Cloud DLI
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated Between MRS HBase Clusters
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated from Delta Lake (with Metadata) to MRS Delta Lake
- Verifying the Consistency of Data Migrated from Delta Lake (without Metadata) to MRS Delta Lake
- Migrating Big Data Without Using the Internet
- BigData Migration Cockpit
Product Consultation
- How Do I Assign the Permissions Required for Using MgC to IAM Users?
- Where Is MgC Available?
- How Do I Prepare for Using MgC?
- How Do I Fix the Error "Failed to access IAM. Check the current user's IAM permissions"?
- Why Can't I Sign the Privacy Statement and Use MgC?
- How Does MgC Ensure Data Security?
- Does Data Collection Affect My Source Services?
Network Settings
- What Can I Do If a Source Server Fails the Migration Readiness Check Because Its IP address or Port Is Unreachable?
- What Can I Do If a Source Server Fails the Migration Readiness Check Because the Username or Password Is Incorrect?
- How Do I Fix the Error "Deliver Command to Edge Failed" When a Source Server Fails the Migration Readiness Check?
- What Can I Do If a Source Server Fails the Migration Readiness Check Due to an Unreachable Port, Incorrect Firewall Settings, or Insufficient Access Permissions?
- What Can I Do If Deep Collection Fails on a Source Server Due to Disabled WinRM or an Unreachable IP Address or Port?
Server Migration
- How Do I View the Migration Progress When the Migration Workflow Is in the Running State?
- Why the Workflow Status Is Always "Running"?
- How Do I Fix the Error "Edge is not accessible" When a Step in the Migration Workflow Fails?
- How Do I Fix the Error "Server Require to Bind Credential First..." When the Migration Workflow Fails on a Source Server?
- How Do I Handle Resource Exceptions during a Batch Server Migration?
- What Are the Known Errors Related to Server Migration Workflows and How Can I Fix Them?
- What Can I Do If an Error Occurs During the Migration of a VMware Server?
- What Are the Information Mappings Between MgC and SMS?
- Why Is the Migration Progress Inconsistent Between MgC and SMS?
- What Do I Do If I Use a sudo User to Migrate a Source Server and the Server Fails the Source Environment Check?
- What Can I Do If the StartUpAgent Step Fails and the Error Message "System.OutOfMemoryException" Is Displayed?
- How Do I Fix the Error "SMS-Workflow.0503: SMS migration task failed. SMS.xxxx?"
- What Do I Do If Some Disks Are Not Attached to the Target Server After the Migration Is Complete?
Storage Migration
- What Are the Restrictions on Using MgC for Storage Migration?
- What Are the Requirements for the Source and Target Environments?
- How Do I Choose the Right Specifications for a Migration Cluster?
- What Affects the Migration Speed of Large Objects?
- What Affects the Migration Speed of Small Objects?
- How Do I View Key Metrics that Affect the Migration Speed?
- Why Is My Storage Migration Workflow Stalled for a Long Time?
- When I Migrate HTTP/HTTPS Data to Huawei Cloud OBS, How Are the Objects with the Same Name but Different URLs Processed?
- When I Migrate Data from OBS to NAS on Huawei Cloud, How Are Objects with the Same Name but Different Capitalization Processed?
- What Are the Constraints on the Length of Object Paths for Migrations Between OBS, NAS, and SMB Storage Systems on Huawei Cloud?
- How Do I Resolve the Problem that a Migration Cluster Fails to Be Created?
- How Do I Obtain Credentials for Accessing Microsoft Azure?
- What Do I Do If the Storage Migration Workflow Fails and "COMPARISON_ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SAME" Is Displayed?
- How Do I Choose Storage Classes?
- What Do I Do If a Migration Task Fails?
- Cross-AZ Migration
- Migration Surveys
Resource Discovery
- Known Resource Discovery Problems and Solutions
- Where Can I Find the Collection Failure Cause?
- What Can I Do If an Internet Discovery Task Fails and the Error Message "Network connection timed out" or "Other exception" Is Displayed?
- How Do I Collect Data from a Data Source Again If the Previous Collection Fails?
- How Do I Obtain the Cloud Platform Credentials (AK/SK Pairs)?
- How Do I Obtain the Information for Adding Azure Credentials to MgC?
- How Do I Obtain the Required Credentials Before Using MgC to Perform a Deep Collection for My Azure Object Storage Resources?
- How Do I Configure the Permissions Required for Collecting Details of Azure Containers?
- How Do I Convert the Encoding Format of a CSV File to UTF-8?
- What Can I Do If the Collected Disk Information Is Empty or Incorrect After a Deep Collection Is Performed for a Windows Source Server?
- What Can I Do If the Collected OS Information Is Incorrect After a Deep Collection Is Performed for a Windows Source Server?
- What Can I Do If an RVTools Import Fails?
- What Do I Do If the Deep Collection Succeeds on a Source Server but Some Specifications Information Is Not Collected?
Target Recommendations
- Where Can I Find the Assessment Failure Cause?
- Why Can't I Manually Select Target Server Specifications and Disk Types?
- What Can I Do If a Server Assessment Fails and the System Displays a Message Indicating No Proper Specifications Are Matched?
- What Can I Do If a Server Assessment Fails Because the Target Server Specifications Do Not Support Windows Images?
- What Types of Databases Can I Assess Using MgC?
- How Does MgC Generate Target Recommendations?
- Big Data Migration
Big Data Verification
- What Do I Do If the Credential List Is Empty When I Create a Data Connection for Big Data Verification?
- Why Are 0 or -1 Displayed in the Hive Verification Results?
- Why Does a Field in Hive Fail the Sum Verification?
- Why Do a Large Number of Tables Fail to Be Verified in a DLI Verification Task?
- How Do I Optimize the Verification Task When the Delta Lake Data Volume Is Large?
- How Do I Replace Packages Before I Create a Connection to a Secured HBase Cluster on the Target Cloud?
- How Do I Replace Packages When I Create a Verification Task for an MRS 3.1.0 Cluster Using Yarn?
- Known Issues and Solutions
Product Consultation
- General Reference
What Do I Do If a Migration Task Fails?
To rectify the fault if the workflow status is Failed after the migration is complete, use the following methods:
Method 1: Querying the Failure Cause Using LTS
If log collection is enabled for the migration cluster used by the workflow, you can utilize this method to identify the failure cause from the error logs. Additionally, you can provide these logs to Huawei Cloud technical support for analysis, and they will offer handling suggestions.
- Search for LTS on the Huawei Cloud console.
- Find the log group for the region where the migration cluster is located. Its name is in the format of oms_lts_log_group_<migration-cluster-ID>.
- Click the log group, adjust the time range to when the fault occurred, and search for logs.
To search for error logs of a list node, enter hostName:oms_cluster_ecs_LIST_* AND ERROR in the search box.
To search for error logs of a migration node, enter hostName:oms_cluster_ecs_MIGRATION_* AND ERROR in the search box.
You can use the obtain error logs to analyze the failure cause or submit the logs to Huawei Cloud technical support for analysis and rectification suggestions.
Method 2: Viewing the List of Failed Objects
If the OMS task status in the workflow is failed, find the path of the failed object list in the workflow. Generally, the path is in the oms/<oms2.0-task-ID>/fail directory at the target.
You can also see Failed Object List in the File Statistics area on the workflow details page.
The list of failed objects is in JSON format. Each record indicates an object. The content_handle_result field records the failure cause.
Error Codes Returned for Failed Objects (content_handle_result) |
Description |
Solution |
Reading attributes during listing failed. |
Check whether the file attributes are normal and whether the file contains abnormal characters. |
After the migration, the attributes of the source and target objects were inconsistent. The possible cause was that the source object changed after the listing. |
Keep the source object unchanged and use the Never overwriting policy. Retry the workflow. |
Writing data to the target stream failed. The possible cause was that the write stream was preempted. |
The file type was not supported. |
Unsupported file types, such as pipe files, cannot be migrated. |
Writing attributes at the target failed. |
Check whether you have the permissions to modify metadata or attributes for the target storage system. |
Read metadata or attributes of the source object failed. |
Check whether you have the permissions to obtain the metadata of the source object. |
The source object was archived. |
Archived source object must be manually restored before they can be migrated. |
The source object was not found when it was migrated. |
No solutions are available. It is impossible to migrate the source objects that were not found. |
When the object was verified for consistency after it was migrated to the target, the system found that the source object was last modified more recently than the paired target object. Generally, the cause was that the source object was modified after being migrated. |
Keep the source object unchanged and retry the migration workflow. |
When the object was verified for consistency after it was migrated to the target, the system found that the source object had a different encryption attribute from the paired target object. This was caused by the encryption setting of the migration workflow. For example, if the source object was encrypted but the encryption option was not enabled for the migration workflow, the source object will not be encrypted after being migrated to the target. |
An error was reported during multipart upload initialization. |
Retry the failed object. This error is usually caused by network problems. |
OBS does not support source symbolic links. |
No solutions are available for this OBS compatibility issue. |
Creating the symbolic link file failed. |
Check whether this link file is required. If it is, contact Huawei Cloud technical support. |
Combining file parts failed. |
Check whether the account that owns the used AK/SK pair has the permissions to list file parts. If it does not, assign the following permissions to it and try the workflow or task again: obs:bucket:ListBucketMultipartUploads For details, see How Do I Obtain Required Permissions for the Source and Destination Platform Accounts? |
Fragment processing failed due to network exceptions or insufficient permissions to read streams. |
Retry the workflow or task. If the fault persists, contact Huawei Cloud technical support. |
Symbolic link files in SMB storage systems cannot be migrated. |
No solutions are available for this compatibility issue. |
An unknown exception occurred. |
Contact Huawei technical support. |
The metadata of the source object failed to be read for post-migration consistency verification. This was usually caused by flow control at the source. |
Retry the workflow or task. If the fault persists, check the metadata of the source object. |
The metadata of the target object failed to be read for post-migration consistency verification. This was usually caused by flow control at the target. |
Retry the workflow or task. If the fault persists, check the metadata of the target object. |
The maximum number of file parts (10,000) exceeded. |
The maximum size of each file part is 1 GB. Objects larger than 1 TB cannot be migrated. |
The file path exceeded the 1,024-character limit allowed by OBS. |
The maximum length of a file path in OBS is 1,024 characters. If this limit is exceeded, the file fails to be migrated. |
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