Updated on 2024-04-17 GMT+08:00

Quick Start

If you want to use Cloud Live with your own domain names, see Figure 1.

Figure 1 Getting started with Cloud Live

Table 1 describes how to get started with Cloud Live.

Table 1 Getting started with Cloud Live





Adding Domain Names

Add an ingest domain name and a streaming domain name to Live. You can register a level-1 domain name (for example, example.com) and use two level-2 domain names (for example, live-play.example.com and live-push.example.com) as the ingest domain name and streaming domain name.


Associating Domain Names

Associate the ingest domain name with the streaming domain name. Otherwise, the playback will fail.


Configuring CNAME Records

Live assigns a CNAME record to the ingest domain name and streaming domain name. Add the CNAME records to your domains' DNS records to enable live streaming acceleration.


Enabling HTTPS Secure Acceleration

You can enable HTTPS secure acceleration for LLL to ensure that your live content is encrypted during transmission.

This operation is required only for LLL.


Configure recording, transcoding, snapshot capturing, and authentication before streaming.


Pushing Streams

You can use a third-party streaming tool such as Open Broadcaster Software (OBS) to push streams.


Streaming Content