Updated on 2023-04-10 GMT+08:00

Migrating the Objects

Migrate the objects based on the created migration task.


  1. On the Object Migration page, locate the project that you want to migrate and click Migrate in the Operation column.

    On the Conversion Plan page, the collection objects and types for the project are displayed on the left. For details about the object information, see Viewing Evaluation Project Details.
    Figure 1 Conversion plan
    • User password:
      • If you want to convert the object type USER, you must set a password to complete the conversion. The same password will be used for all USER object creation on the target database. After the migration, the individual user passwords must be changed manually. If you do not want to convert the object type USER, select the desired USER objects and click Skip Conversion. Then, the Conversion Status of the objects becomes Skip. To continue the conversion, select the desired objects and click Convert.
      • SSL connection must be selected. If Non-SSL connection is selected, the password will be transmitted as plain text as part of the database connection and any SQL statements involving a password will be insecure.
      • After the password is configured, it cannot be changed again until after the migration is complete.
      • The password can consist of 8 to 32 characters and contain at least three types of the following characters: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and special characters ( ~!@#$%^&*()-_=+\|[{}];:,<.>/?). Spaces are not allowed. The password can contain up to three consecutive characters.
    • If Object Status of objects is Abnormal, their Conversion Status is Skip. It means that abnormal objects cannot be converted. If Object Status of objects is Duplicate, these objects are not migrated by default.

  2. Click Next to view and edit the configuration information.

    • Configure Category and click Apply.
    • When Category is set to Default or Maximum compatible, the current configuration cannot be modified.
    • When Category is set to Customize template, you can select an existing template or create a new template. The template name can contain 5 to 50 characters and can only include letters, numbers, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). It must start with a letter and end with a letter or number.
    • After you select a template, locate a feature and click Edit Configuration in the Operation column to modify the current configuration of the feature. If the target database version and deployment mode in different migration projects are the same, you can apply or modify a template you created in previous projects.

  3. Click Next.
  4. Click Start to start the migration. The following information is displayed: object type, the number of total objects, the number of objects converted successfully, the number of objects that failed to be converted, conversion start time, and conversion end time.

    Figure 2 Syntax conversion
    • Click Download Reports, locate the required report, and click Download to download the report to the local PC for analysis.
      • Conversion Error Report: This report contains details about objects that could not be converted to equivalent syntax in the target database.
      • Anonymized Conversion Error Report: This report contains the details about objects, in anonymized form, that could not be converted to equivalent syntax in the target database.
      • Conversion Risk Report: This report contains the details about objects that were converted with risks based on selected configuration options.
      • Anonymized Conversion Risk Report: This report contains details about objects, in anonymized form, that were converted with risks based on the selected configuration options. This report contains the details about objects that were converted with risks based on selected configuration options.
      • Converted Script Parse Failures Report: This report contains the details about objects that could not be parsed using the conversion script for the target database syntax. However, there are function differences after the conversion.
      • Anonymized Converted Script Parse Failures Report: This report contains details about objects, in anonymized form, that could not be parsed using the conversion script for the target database syntax.
    • Locate an object type that failed to be converted, and click Details in the Operation column to go to the Object Correction page to view details about the object type.

  5. Click Next to go to the Object Correction page.

    Figure 3 Object correction
    • Select object types or objects you want to rerun conversion for and click Rerun Conversion. The SQL modification of other objects is not overwritten

      On the Rerun Conversion page, select the objects you want to rerun conversion, and click Rerun Conversion to perform 4.

    • Batch update: You can click Batch Statement Update to search for and modify objects with the similar issues in batches. For details, see Updating Statements in Batches.
    • Bulk Update Status: Change the statuses of all failed objects to Manual or Ignore.
      • Manual: If an object fails to be converted or migrated but migration verification is required for the object, you can select this option to convert its migration status to Manual.
      • Ignore: If an object fails to be converted or migrated but migration verification is not required for the object, you can select this option to convert its migration status to Ignore. If you click Undo Skip, the Conversion Status will change to Manual.
    • Select an object and click Modify to modify the selected objects.
      • Select a schema and click View Details to view the object details and object correction information. You can also copy the code as needed.
      • Single modification: You can manually modify objects one by one. For details, see Modifying Objects.
    • If you select a schema to be ignored and click Skip Migration, the Conversion Status or Migration Status changes to Ignore. You can also click Undo Skip to change the status back.
    • If you click Ignore, the migration status of the object changes to Ignore. If you click Undo Skip, the migration status changes to Manual.
    • If there are features commented out in the migration, functions may be affected. You can click Modify to see the details.

  6. Click Next.

    Correct all failed conversion items in the Object Correction page before starting migration verification.

  7. Click Start to start the verification. The migration progress is displayed in a progress bar and as a percentage. When the migration progress reaches 100%, the migration is complete.

    Figure 4 Verification
    • If a message is displayed, indicating that there were errors or risks during the migration, the system will automatically stop the verification process.
    • View Empty Stored Procedure: You can view objects that fail to be created and failure occurrences.
    • Click Download Reports, locate the required report, and click Download to download the report to the local PC for analysis.
      • Migrate and Verify Report: This report includes a summary of object statuses during migration and verification.
      • Migrate and Verify Error Report: This report includes failure details, such as statuses, migrated statements, and error details for each object.
      • Migrate and Verify Anonymized Error Report: This report consists of failure details, such as statuses, migrated statements, and error details for each object, but the original statement and migrated statements will be anonymized.
    • Locate an object type that failed to be migrated, click Details to return to the object correction page and view details about the object type.

  8. After the migration verification is complete, if any item fails the verification, return to the object correction page. You can modify the items one by one or click Bulk Statement Update to modify them in batches.

    If no items fail the verification, the Batch Statement Update and Modify buttons on the Object Correction page are unavailable.

Follow-up Operations

  • You can view the conversion success rates and SQL statements. For details, see Viewing Syntax Conversion History and Viewing Migration Verification History Details.
  • After the migration is complete, you can delete the corresponding database evaluation and object migration project. When the projects are deleted, the database connection information and source database schema information are also deleted. Deleted projects cannot be recovered. Exercise caution when performing this operation.