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Help Center/ CodeArts Req/ User Guide/ Scrum Projects/ Creating a Work Item (Epic/Feature/Story/Task or Bug)

Creating a Work Item (Epic/Feature/Story/Task or Bug)

Updated on 2023-11-28 GMT+08:00

After a project is planned, you need to create work items, including requirements, tasks, bugs, and so on. The work item type varies according to the project type.

In a Scrum project, work items are organized in the descending hierarchy: epics > features > stories > tasks/bugs. Create work items in either of the following ways:

  • Choose Work > Plans > Mind Maps, click into a mind map, and create required work items along the descending hierarchy.
  • On the Work > Work Items page, click Create Work Item to create them.

This section describes how to create a work item on the Work > Work Items page.


  1. Go to the project details page and click Work > Work Items.
  2. Click Create Work Item and select a work item type. For example, Story.
  3. Set the fields of the work item.

    Work item fields can be customized. For details, see Customizing Work Items. Table 1 describes some default fields.

    Table 1 Work item field description




    Select a work item type based on project requirements.


    Name of a work item.


    Enter a description based on the template.


    Status of a work item. Status options can be customized. The default statuses are as follows:

    • New
    • Developing
    • Resolved
    • Testing
    • Rejected
    • Closed

    Assigned To

    Handler of a work item. Set this parameter to the project creator or a member. If a handler has a name remark, the name remark is displayed.


    Module that a work item belongs to.


    Only project administrators can configure modules. For details, see Setting Modules.


    Sprint of a work item. Set this parameter to an existing sprint.


    You can choose whether to use the start and end dates of the selected sprint for this work item.

    Start Date

    Estimated start date of a work item. Select a date from the time control.

    Due Date

    Estimated due date of a work item. Select a date from the time control.


    Priority of a work item. The options are as follows:

    • Low
    • Middle
    • High


    Severity of a work item. The options are as follows:

    • Critical
    • Major
    • Minor
    • Trivial


    Specify people who will receive messages about this work item.


    Work item that the new work item is subordinated to.

    • The parent work item of a bug or task is a story.
    • The parent work item of a story is a feature.
    • The parent work item of a feature is an epic.
    • No parent work item can be set for an epic.


    Domain that a work item belongs to.


    Only project administrators can configure domains. For details, see Setting Domains.

    Release Version

    Version of a release.


    Person responsible for developing the work item. Each work item should be assigned to a fixed developer.

    The handler of a work item changes as the work item develops. These two fields can be used together.


    Estimated person-hours or person-days required to complete a work item.


    Actual person-hours or person-days required to complete a work item.


    Actual person-hours are displayed only on the work item details page.

    Find Release Version

    Product version where a bug is found.


    This parameter is available only for work items of the bug type.

    Done Ratio

    Progress of the work item. The value ranges from 0% to 100%.

    The Done Ratio of a parent work item is updated automatically based on the completion rate of its child work items.

    Story Point

    Estimated workload of the story.


    Upload required files for the work item.

    Click to associate with the files from the project cloud documents or upload local files.


    The maximum size of attachments for a single work item is 50 MB.

  4. After setting the fields, click Save.

    The created work item is displayed in the work item list.





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