Help Center/ Cost Center/ User Guide/ Cost Analysis/ Viewing Cost Analyses (New Edition)
Updated on 2024-08-15 GMT+08:00

Viewing Cost Analyses (New Edition)

On the Cost Analysis page, you can view the analyses of original costs and amortized costs. You can also specify a time range and view cost analyses at daily-, monthly-, or hourly-granularity if enabled on the Preferences page. In addition, you can select different dimensions or filters to dig deeper into cost data. For the scope of cost data you can analyze, see Data Scope.

Preconfigured Reports

Cost Center comes preconfigured with some reports for typical cost analysis scenarios. You can also create custom reports to meet your own requirements. You can add the frequently used reports to your favorites for faster cost analysis.

Preconfigured reports cannot be deleted, but you can copy or add them to your favorites.

Table 1 Preconfigured reports

Report Name


Multi-Dimensional MTD Costs

Shows your MTD original costs grouped in various different ways, helping you learn about your cost breakdowns and flows. For details, see Viewing Multi-Dimensional Cost Breakdowns.

Monthly Costs by Service Type

Shows the monthly costs by service type. You can learn which types of services have had the highest original costs over the last six months.

Monthly Amortized Costs

Shows the monthly costs amortized over the last six months.

Daily Costs

Shows the daily original costs over the last three months and in the following one month.

Monthly Costs by Linked Account

Shows the monthly costs by linked account. You can learn the linked accounts with highest original costs over the last six months.

Monthly Costs by Enterprise Project

Shows the monthly original costs for each enterprise project over the last six months.

Monthly Costs by Region

Shows the monthly original costs for each region over the last six months.

Pay-Per-Use ECS Monthly Costs and Usage

Shows the monthly original costs and usage of pay-per-use ECSs over the last six months.

Cost Analysis View

You can set the cost type, time, and filters to view your cost data. If needed, you can also modify advanced settings to meet your specific requirements. In addition, you can export the desired cost and usage details for downloading and viewing.

Display Dimensions

By default, Cost Center provides you with the analysis of original costs (amount due).

Cost Type

  • Original costs (amount due): the costs of cloud services purchased at the list price with available discounts applied. Before the billing date, this is an estimated amount.
  • Net original costs (actual payments): the original costs after cash coupons are applied. Before the billing date, this is the estimated amount without any cash coupons applied.
  • Amortized costs (amortized amount due): the effective costs after the original costs are amortized on a daily basis. For details about how to calculate amortized costs, see Cost Amortization Rules. Before the billing date, this is an estimated amount.
  • Net amortized costs (amortized actual payments): amortized costs after cash coupons are applied. Before the billing date, this is the estimated amount without any cash coupons applied.


You can use different dimensions to identify the resource types, regions, or linked accounts that have incurred highest costs.

You can use the dimensions listed below for cost analysis.



Service Type

Type of a cloud service.

Example: Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)

Resource Type

The type of the resources of a cloud service.

Example: Cloud servers

Linked Account

The Huawei Cloud account that the cloud resources belong to.

If you are using a master account, you can select your associated member accounts to view their cost data.

PayerAccount Name

The account used to pay for Huawei Cloud resources.

  • Generally, resources are used by this account.
  • For member accounts that are associated with a master account for unified accounting, PayerAccount Name is the enterprise master account. The master account can change the value of PayerAccount Name to view the cost data of the member accounts that are not associated for unified accounting.


A cloud service region that provides public cloud service resources independently and serves a large geographical area.


A physically isolated zone where resources have their own independent power supply and internal networks. One region can have multiple AZs, and if one AZ becomes faulty, the other AZs in the same region can still provide services. AZs in the same region can access each other as they are on the same intranet.

Enterprise Project

The enterprise project selected when you purchased cloud resources.

If you have not organized your resources by enterprise project, the following may occur:

  • A default enterprise project named default is assigned to cloud services, and the costs of these services are categorized as part of the default enterprise project by default.
  • Cloud services do not support cost allocation by enterprise project, and the costs of those services will be displayed as Not categorized.

An enterprise master account can select enterprise projects by linked account, except the default enterprise project and those not categorized.


Specifications of cloud services.

Billing Mode

Billing modes include yearly/monthly, pay-per-use, and reserved instance.

Usage Type

The way a pay-per-use cloud service is billed.

Bill Type

The type of a billing item.

Example: expenditure-purchase and expenditure-hourly billing

Business Entity

The business entity that a cloud service belongs to.

Example: Huawei Cloud

Cost Tags

Used to track costs of resources associated with each other in an enterprise. For more information, see Activating Cost Tags.

If you are using a member account associated for unified accounting, you can only use the cost tags activated by the master account.

Resource Name/ID

The name or unique ID of a cloud service resource.

Specifying a Time Range

You can view your cost data at a specific granularity within a given time range.


  • Daily: View cost data by the day.
  • Monthly: View cost data by the month.

    On the Preferences page, if you toggle on the Monthly Multi-Year Cost Analysis option, Cost Center will present monthly analysis of cost data going back as far as the last 38 months.

  • Hourly: View cost data by the hour.

    On the Preferences page, if you toggle on the Hourly Cost Analysis option, Cost Center will present original costs by the hour from the last 14 days.

Time Range

  • 7D: the cost data for the last 7 days (excluding the current day)
  • 14D: the cost data for the last 14 days (excluding the current day)
  • 30D: the cost data for the last 30 days (excluding the current day)
  • MTD: the month-to-date cost data
  • 3M: the cost data for the last 3 months (excluding the current month)
  • 6M: the cost data for the last 6 months (excluding the current month)
  • 12M: the cost data for the last 12 months (excluding the current month)
  • YTD: the year-to-date cost data
  • Current Month: If there is sufficient historical cost data, the cost data generated in the past days of the month and the forecasted cost data in the coming days of the month will be displayed.
  • +1M: If there is sufficient historical data, the forecasted cost data of the next month will be displayed.
  • +3M: If there is sufficient historical data, the forecasted cost data of the next 3 months will be displayed.
  • +6M: If there is sufficient historical data, the forecasted cost data of the next 6 months will be displayed.
  • +12M: If there is sufficient historical data, the forecasted cost data of the next 12 months will be displayed.
  • Custom: You can select a specific time range for data query.

Setting Filters

You can select any combination of filters to control which datasets are displayed.

If you select multiple filters, only results meeting all filtering criteria will be displayed. However, if you select multiple items for any given filter, results meeting any of the items selected will be displayed.

Example 1

Example 2

When you filter data based on the filter criteria below, the cost data meeting all these requirements will be displayed.

  1. The service type is Elastic Cloud Server (ECS).
  2. The value of the tag key Env is master or gamma.
  3. The value of the tag key Group is blueBob.

When you filter data based on the filter criteria below, the cost data meeting all these requirements will be displayed.

  1. The service type is Elastic Cloud Server (ECS).
  2. The value of the tag key Env is master or gamma.
  3. The tag key Group has any value except for blueBob.

You can select up to 50 items for each filter. Under the Cost Category or Cost Tag filter, you can select up to 20 items for a level-1 option and up to 50 items for a level-2 option at a time.

As shown in the following figure, the option marked with the red box is considered a level-1 option, and the options marked with the blue box are considered level-2 options.

You can use the filters listed below for cost analysis.



Service Type

Type of a cloud service.

Example: Elastic Cloud Server (ECS)

Resource Type

The type of the resources of a cloud service.

Example: Cloud servers

Linked Account

The Huawei Cloud account that the cloud resources belong to.

If you are using a master account, you can select your associated member accounts to view their cost data.


A cloud service region that provides public cloud service resources independently and serves a large geographical area.

PayerAccount Name

The account used to pay for Huawei Cloud resources.

  • Generally, resources are used by this account.
  • For member accounts that are associated with a master account for unified accounting, PayerAccount Name is the enterprise master account. The master account can change the value of PayerAccount Name to view the cost data of the member accounts that are not associated for unified accounting.


A physically isolated zone where resources have their own independent power supply and internal networks. One region can have multiple AZs, and if one AZ becomes faulty, the other AZs in the same region can still provide services. AZs in the same region can access each other as they are on the same intranet.

Enterprise Project

The enterprise project selected when you purchased cloud resources.

If you have not organized your resources by enterprise project, the following may occur:

  • A default enterprise project named default is assigned to cloud services, and the costs of these services are categorized as part of the default enterprise project by default.
  • Cloud services do not support cost allocation by enterprise project, and the costs of those services will be displayed as Not categorized.

An enterprise master account can select enterprise projects by linked account, except the default enterprise project and those not categorized.


Specifications of cloud services.

Billing Mode

Billing modes include yearly/monthly, pay-per-use, and reserved instance.

Usage Type

The way a pay-per-use cloud service is billed.

Bill Type

The type of a billing item.

Example: expenditure-purchase and expenditure-hourly billing

Business Entity

The business entity that a cloud service belongs to.

Example: Huawei Cloud

PayerAccount Name

The account used to pay for Huawei Cloud resources.

  • Generally, resources are used by this account.
  • For a member account that is associated with a master account for unified accounting management, PayerAccount Name is the enterprise master account. The master account can switch the value of PayerAccount Name to view the cost data of the member accounts that are not associated for unified accounting management.

Cost Tags

Used to track costs of resources associated with each other in an enterprise. For more information, see Activating Cost Tags.

If you are using a member account associated for unified accounting, you can only use the cost tags activated by the master account.

Resource Name/ID

The name or unique ID of a cloud service resource.

Advanced Settings


When Cost Type is set to Original costs (amount due), you can select or deselect Include discount. If you select this option, discounts will be included, and the cost is equal to the list price.

Show MoM growth

  • PoP cost = Total cost of the current period – Total cost of the last period
  • The PoP growth for total cost is calculated using the following formula:

You can select Show MoM growth to see the details.

Show list price

The list price is the price of a product without any discounts applied. If you select this option, the list price will be displayed only for analysis of original costs in stacked charts.

Cost and Usage Summary

Total cost: total cost in each day or month. If the time range you select includes a point in time in the future, the total cost includes the forecasted cost. If the time range does not include any point in time in the future, the total cost does not include the forecasted cost.

Average monthly cost: the average cost within the selected time range at a certain time granularity.

In Cost Center, you can also view cost data in stacked charts, bar charts, and line charts.

A maximum of 11 data records can be displayed in a chart. If you select 11 or more data records, the top 10 data records and Other are displayed by default. Other indicates the total number of the remaining data records.

  • Stacked chart
    Figure 1 Stacked chart
  • Bar chart
    Figure 2 Bar chart
  • Line chart
    Figure 3 Line chart
  • Donut chart
    Figure 4 Donut chart

Creating a Custom Report

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Insights > Cost Analysis.
  3. Click Create Custom Report under All Reports.
  4. Configure filters in the displayed page.

    For details about the filters, see Setting Filters.

  5. Click Save on the upper right corner.
  6. Specify a name for the report, and click Save.

Viewing Cost Analyses

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Insights > Cost Analysis.
  3. Select a recommended report or a custom report.

    Huawei Cloud provides recommended reports for quick cost analysis.

    You can save your cost analyses as custom reports if needed.

  4. Set search criteria to view desired cost data.

    • If you set Cost Type to Original costs (amount due) or Net original costs (actual payments), the data displayed on the page is nearly real-time.
    • If you set Cost Type to Amortized costs (amortized amount due) or Net amortized costs (amortized actual payments), it may take 24 to 48 hours before the most recent data is displayed.
    • You can click Export to access the Export History page and download the Cost Analysis - Overview file.

  5. Click Save in the right upper corner of the page to save the analyses as reports so that you can easily view cost analyses with the same filters. When you view a saved report later, Cost Center displays the same type of report, but updated with the most recent data.

Viewing Usage Analyses

  1. Log in to Cost Center.
  2. Choose Cost Insights > Cost Analysis.
  3. Select a recommended report or a custom report.

    Huawei Cloud provides recommended reports for quick cost analysis.

    You can save your cost analyses as custom reports if needed.

  4. Under Filters, select an item for Usage Type. The usage data within the selected time range will be displayed in the specified dimension.

    You can only set a single usage type to analyze usage.