Help Center/ Cloud Backup and Recovery/ Troubleshooting/ Failed to Migrate VMware Backups to the Cloud

Failed to Migrate VMware Backups to the Cloud

Updated on 2022-09-16 GMT+08:00


A migration of VMware backups to the cloud fails.


Possible causes are listed here in order of their probability.

If the fault persists after you have ruled out one cause, move on to the next one.

Figure 1 Troubleshooting
Table 1 Troubleshooting

Possible Cause


The upload speed of eBackup VMs is low (< 50 MB/s), resulting in OBS response timeout when data is uploaded using the default configuration. "Write data to backup storage failed" is displayed.

For detailed handling measures, see Upload Speed of eBackup VMs Is Too Low.

The configured domain name cannot be resolved when eBackup accesses the VM, resulting in snapshot creation failure.

In the host file of eBackup, configure a domain name of the vCenter VM that can be resolved.

Upload Speed of eBackup VMs Is Too Low

  1. Log in to a eBackup VM as the hcp user and switch to the root user.
  2. Run the following command to edit the hcpconf.ini file:

     vim /opt/huawei-data-protection/ebackup/microservice/ebk_vmware/conf/hcpconf.ini

  3. Change the values of ProductStorageMemoryPoolBlockNum and CommonTaskUsingMaxThread4Backup to 2.
  4. Run the :wq! command to save and exit the file.
  5. Run the cd /opt/huawei-data-protection/ebackup/microservice/ebk_vmware/script command to switch to the directory.
  6. Run the sh command. Figure 2 shows the command output.

    Figure 2 Executing the sh command

  7. Run the sh command. Figure 3 shows the command output.

    Figure 3 Executing the sh command

  8. Upload the VMware backups again and check whether the fault has been rectified. If the fault persists, contact technical support.

Submitting a Service Ticket

If the problem persists, submit a service ticket.





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