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Using kubectl to Create an ELB Ingress
This section uses an Nginx workload as an example to describe how to create an ELB ingress using kubectl.
- If no load balancer is available in the same VPC, CCE can automatically create a load balancer when creating an ingress. For details, see Creating an Ingress - Automatically Creating a Load Balancer.
- If a load balancer is available in the same VPC, perform the operation by referring to Creating an Ingress - Interconnecting with an Existing Load Balancer.
- An ingress provides network access for backend workloads. Ensure that a workload is available in a cluster. If no workload is available, deploy a sample Nginx workload by referring to Creating a Deployment, Creating a StatefulSet, or Creating a DaemonSet.
- A NodePort Service has been configured for the workload. For details about how to configure the Service, see NodePort.
networking.k8s.io/v1 Ingress
In CCE clusters of v1.23 or later, ingresses are switched to networking.k8s.io/v1.
Compared with v1beta1, v1 has the following differences in parameters:
- The ingress type is changed from kubernetes.io/ingress.class in annotations to spec.ingressClassName.
- The format of backend is changed.
- The pathType parameter must be specified for each path. The options are as follows:
- ImplementationSpecific: The matching method depends on Ingress Controller. The matching method defined by ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode is used in CCE, which is the same as v1beta1.
- Exact: exact matching of the URL, which is case-sensitive.
- Prefix: matching based on the URL prefix separated by a slash (/). The match is case-sensitive, and elements in the path are matched one by one. A path element refers to a list of labels in the path separated by a slash (/).
Creating an Ingress - Automatically Creating a Load Balancer
The following describes how to run the kubectl command to automatically create a load balancer when creating an ingress.
- Use kubectl to connect to the cluster. For details, see Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl.
- Create a YAML file named ingress-test.yaml. The file name can be customized.
vi ingress-test.yaml
Starting from cluster v1.23, ingresses are switched from networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 to networking.k8s.io/v1. For details about the differences between v1 and v1beta1, see networking.k8s.io/v1 Ingress.
You can create a load balancer as required. The YAML files are as follows:
Example of a dedicated load balancer (public network access) for clusters of v1.21 or earlier:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-test namespace: default annotations: kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance kubernetes.io/ingress.class: cce kubernetes.io/elb.port: '80' kubernetes.io/elb.autocreate: '{ "type": "public", "bandwidth_name": "cce-bandwidth-******", "bandwidth_chargemode": "traffic", "bandwidth_size": 5, "bandwidth_sharetype": "PER", "eip_type": "5_bgp", "available_zone": [ "eu-west-101a" ], "l7_flavor_name": "L7_flavor.elb.s1.small" }' spec: rules: - host: '' http: paths: - path: '/' backend: serviceName: <your_service_name> # Replace it with the name of your target Service. servicePort: 80 property: ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
Table 1 Key parameters Parameter
Select a proper load balancer type.
The value can be:
- performance: dedicated load balancer..
(only for clusters of v1.21 or earlier)
cce: The self-developed ELB ingress is used.
This parameter is mandatory when an ingress is created by calling the API.
(only for clusters of v1.23 or later)
cce: The self-developed ELB ingress is used.
Mandatory when an ingress is created by calling the API.
This parameter indicates the external port registered with the address of the LoadBalancer Service.
Supported range: 1 to 65535
ID of the subnet where the cluster is located. The value can contain 1 to 100 characters.
- Mandatory when a cluster of v1.11.7-r0 or earlier is to be automatically created.
- Optional for clusters later than v1.11.7-r0. It is left blank by default.
Kubernetes clusters of v1.15 and later versions support this field. In Kubernetes clusters earlier than v1.15, load balancers are created in the default project by default.
ID of the enterprise project in which the load balancer will be created.
The value contains 1 to 100 characters.
How to obtain:
Log in to the management console and choose Enterprise > Project Management on the top menu bar. In the list displayed, click the name of the target enterprise project, and copy the ID on the enterprise project details page.
elb.autocreate object
Whether to automatically create a load balancer associated with an ingress. For details about the field description, see Table 2.
- If a public network load balancer will be automatically created, set this parameter to the following value:
- If a private network load balancer will be automatically created, set this parameter to the following value:
Domain name for accessing the Service. By default, this parameter is left blank, and the domain name needs to be fully matched.
User-defined route path. All external access requests must match host and path.
Name of the target Service bound to the ingress.
Access port of the target Service.
Route matching policy.
Default: STARTS_WITH (prefix match)
- EQUAL_TO: exact match
- STARTS_WITH: prefix match
- REGEX: regular expression match
Path type. This field is supported only by clusters of v1.23 or later.
- ImplementationSpecific: The matching method depends on Ingress Controller. The matching method defined by ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode is used in CCE.
- Exact: exact matching of the URL, which is case-sensitive.
- Prefix: matching based on the URL prefix separated by a slash (/). The match is case-sensitive, and elements in the path are matched one by one. A path element refers to a list of labels in the path separated by a slash (/).
Table 2 Data structure of the elb.autocreate field Parameter
Network type of the load balancer.
- public: public network load balancer
- inner: private network load balancer
The default value is inner.
Yes for public network load balancers
Bandwidth name. The default value is cce-bandwidth-******.
Value range: a string of 1 to 64 characters, including lowercase letters, digits, and underscores (_). The value must start with a lowercase letter and end with a lowercase letter or digit.
Bandwidth billing mode.
- traffic: billed by traffic
Yes for public network load balancers
Bandwidth size. The value ranges from 1 Mbit/s to 2000 Mbit/s by default. The actual range varies depending on the configuration in each region.
- The minimum increment for bandwidth adjustment varies depending on the bandwidth range. The details are as follows:
- The minimum increment is 1 Mbit/s if the allowed bandwidth ranges from 0 Mbit/s to 300 Mbit/s (with 300 Mbit/s included).
- The minimum increment is 50 Mbit/s if the allowed bandwidth ranges from 300 Mbit/s to 1000 Mbit/s.
- The minimum increment is 500 Mbit/s if the allowed bandwidth is greater than 1000 Mbit/s.
Yes for public network load balancers
Bandwidth type.
PER: dedicated bandwidth
Yes for public network load balancers
EIP type
- 5_bgp: dynamic BGP
Name of the automatically created load balancer.
Value range: a string of 1 to 64 characters, including lowercase letters, digits, and underscores (_). The value must start with a lowercase letter and end with a lowercase letter or digit.
Default value: cce-lb+ingress.UID
Array of strings
(Mandatory) AZ where the load balancer is located.
This parameter is available only for dedicated load balancers.
Flavor name of the layer-4 load balancer.
This parameter is available only for dedicated load balancers.
(Mandatory) Flavor name of the layer-7 load balancer.
This parameter is available only for dedicated load balancers.
Array of strings
Subnet where the backend server of the load balancer is located. If this parameter is left blank, the default cluster subnet is used. Load balancers occupy different number of subnet IP addresses based on their specifications. Therefore, you are not advised to use the subnet CIDR blocks of other resources (such as clusters and nodes) as the load balancer CIDR block.
Default value: subnet where the cluster is located
This parameter is available only for dedicated load balancers.
- Create an ingress.
kubectl create -f ingress-test.yaml
If information similar to the following is displayed, the ingress has been created.
ingress/ingress-test created
kubectl get ingress
If information similar to the following is displayed, the ingress has been created successfully and the workload is accessible.
NAME HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE ingress-test * 121.**.**.** 80 10s
- Enter http://121.**.**.**:80 in the address box of the browser to access the workload (for example, Nginx workload).
121.**.**.** indicates the IP address of the unified load balancer.
Creating an Ingress - Interconnecting with an Existing Load Balancer
To interconnect with an existing dedicated load balancer, ensure that HTTP is supported and the network type supports private networks.
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-test annotations: kubernetes.io/elb.id: <your_elb_id> # Replace it with the ID of your existing load balancer. kubernetes.io/elb.ip: <your_elb_ip> # Replace it with your existing load balancer IP. kubernetes.io/elb.port: '80' spec: rules: - host: '' http: paths: - path: '/' backend: service: name: <your_service_name> # Replace it with the name of your target Service. port: number: 8080 # Replace 8080 with the port number of your target Service. property: ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH pathType: ImplementationSpecific ingressClassName: cce
If the cluster version is 1.21 or earlier, the example YAML file is as follows:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-test annotations: kubernetes.io/elb.id: <your_elb_id> # Replace it with the ID of your existing load balancer. kubernetes.io/elb.ip: <your_elb_ip> # Replace it with your existing load balancer IP. kubernetes.io/elb.port: '80' kubernetes.io/ingress.class: cce spec: rules: - host: '' http: paths: - path: '/' backend: serviceName: <your_service_name> # Replace it with the name of your target Service. servicePort: 80 property: ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
Parameter |
Mandatory |
Type |
Description |
kubernetes.io/elb.class |
No |
String |
Select a proper load balancer type. The value can be:
kubernetes.io/elb.id |
Yes |
String |
This parameter indicates the ID of a load balancer. The value can contain 1 to 100 characters. How to obtain: On the management console, click Service List, and choose Networking > Elastic Load Balance. Click the name of the target load balancer. On the Summary tab page, find and copy the ID. |
kubernetes.io/elb.ip |
Yes |
String |
This parameter indicates the service address of a load balancer. The value can be the public IP address of a public network load balancer or the private IP address of a private network load balancer. |
Configuring HTTPS Certificates
Ingress supports TLS certificate configuration and provides security services in HTTPS mode.
- If a Service needs to be exposed using HTTPS, you must configure the TLS certificate in the ingress. For details on how to create a secret, see Creating a Secret.
- If HTTPS is used for the same port of the same load balancer of multiple ingresses, you must select the same certificate.
- Use kubectl to connect to the cluster. For details, see Connecting to a Cluster Using kubectl.
- Run the following command to create a YAML file named ingress-test-secret.yaml (the file name can be customized):
vi ingress-test-secret.yaml
The YAML file is configured as follows:apiVersion: v1 data: tls.crt: LS0******tLS0tCg== tls.key: LS0tL******0tLS0K kind: Secret metadata: annotations: description: test for ingressTLS secrets name: ingress-test-secret namespace: default type: IngressTLS
In the preceding information, tls.crt and tls.key are only examples. Replace them with the actual files. The values of tls.crt and tls.key are the content encrypted using Base64.
- Create a secret.
kubectl create -f ingress-test-secret.yaml
If information similar to the following is displayed, the secret is being created:
secret/ingress-test-secret created
View the created secrets.
kubectl get secrets
If information similar to the following is displayed, the secret has been created successfully:
NAME TYPE DATA AGE ingress-test-secret IngressTLS 2 13s
- Create a YAML file named ingress-test.yaml. The file name can be customized.
vi ingress-test.yaml
Security policy (kubernetes.io/elb.tls-ciphers-policy) is supported only in clusters of v1.17.11 or later.
Example YAML file to associate an existing load balancer:
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-test annotations: kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance # Load balancer type kubernetes.io/elb.id: <your_elb_id> # Replace it with the ID of your existing load balancer. kubernetes.io/elb.ip: <your_elb_ip> # Replace it with the IP of your existing load balancer. kubernetes.io/ingress.class: cce kubernetes.io/elb.port: '443' kubernetes.io/elb.tls-ciphers-policy: tls-1-2 spec: tls: - secretName: ingress-test-secret rules: - host: '' http: paths: - path: '/' backend: serviceName: <your_service_name> # Replace it with the name of your target Service. servicePort: 80 property: ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
Table 4 Key parameters Parameter
The default value is tls-1-2, which is the security policy used by the listener and takes effect only when the HTTPS protocol is used.
- tls-1-0
- tls-1-1
- tls-1-2
- tls-1-2-strict
For details of cipher suites for each security policy, see Table 5.
Array of strings
This parameter is mandatory if HTTPS is used. Multiple independent domain names and certificates can be added to this parameter. For details, see Configuring the Server Name Indication (SNI).
This parameter is mandatory if HTTPS is used. Set this parameter to the name of the created secret.
Table 5 tls_ciphers_policy parameter description Security Policy
TLS Version
Cipher Suite
TLS 1.2
TLS 1.1
TLS 1.0
TLS 1.2
TLS 1.1
TLS 1.2
TLS 1.2
- Create an ingress.
kubectl create -f ingress-test.yaml
If information similar to the following is displayed, the ingress has been created.
ingress/ingress-test created
View the created ingress.
kubectl get ingress
If information similar to the following is displayed, the ingress has been created successfully and the workload is accessible.
NAME HOSTS ADDRESS PORTS AGE ingress-test * 121.**.**.** 80 10s
- Enter https://121.**.**.**:443 in the address box of the browser to access the workload (for example, Nginx workload).
121.**.**.** indicates the IP address of the unified load balancer.
Configuring the Server Name Indication (SNI)
- Only one domain name can be specified for each SNI certificate. Wildcard-domain certificates are supported.
- Security policy (kubernetes.io/elb.tls-ciphers-policy) is supported only in clusters of v1.17.11 or later.
apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1beta1 kind: Ingress metadata: name: ingress-test annotations: kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance # Load balancer type kubernetes.io/elb.id: <your_elb_id> # Replace it with the ID of your existing load balancer. kubernetes.io/elb.ip: <your_elb_ip> # Replace it with the IP of your existing load balancer. kubernetes.io/ingress.class: cce kubernetes.io/elb.port: '443' kubernetes.io/elb.tls-ciphers-policy: tls-1-2 spec: tls: - secretName: ingress-test-secret - hosts: - example.top # Domain name specified when a certificate is issued secretName: sni-test-secret-1 - hosts: - example.com # Domain name specified when a certificate is issued secretName: sni-test-secret-2 rules: - host: '' http: paths: - path: '/' backend: serviceName: <your_service_name> # Replace it with the name of your target Service. servicePort: 80 property: ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
Accessing Multiple Services
Ingresses can route requests to multiple backend Services based on different matching policies. The spec field in the YAML file is set as below. You can access www.example.com/foo, www.example.com/bar, and foo.example.com/ to route to three different backend Services.
The URL registered in an ingress forwarding policy must be the same as the URL exposed by the backend Service. Otherwise, a 404 error will be returned.
spec: rules: - host: 'www.example.com' http: paths: - path: '/foo' backend: serviceName: <your_service_name> # Replace it with the name of your target Service. servicePort: 80 property: ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH - path: '/bar' backend: serviceName: <your_service_name> # Replace it with the name of your target Service. servicePort: 80 property: ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH - host: 'foo.example.com' http: paths: - path: '/' backend: serviceName: <your_service_name> # Replace it with the name of your target Service. servicePort: 80 property: ingress.beta.kubernetes.io/url-match-mode: STARTS_WITH
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